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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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22 hours ago, drtedastro said:

If i remember correctly, and boy that is a stretch.  I had problems with some of the planet packs showing until the major planet of that group was scanned.  I don't know if that will help, but it was a work around for me earlier.  so for your example, scan Kerbin and i 'think' bop will then be in the list.

for what it is worth...

Good luck

Thanks for the tip!

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On ‎7‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 8:07 AM, DMagic said:

@OhioBob :confused: I see the problem now. It won't register any moon for the selection menu unless you have also started scanning the parent body. That should be a simple fix; it doesn't have anything to do with Kopernicus, or GPP.

So what's the story with this?  Has it been fixed?  I see you're still at version 18.0, so I assume it still doesn't work.

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@Geschosskopf There is a bug where the big map celestial body list only looks for primary planets (the ones that orbit the sun) that have been scanned by something with SCANsat, any amount of scanning should do, it just has to be enough to register it in the save file. It's possible the Kopernicus planets that add other stars, or do something funny to the sun will have problems beyond simply scanning the parent planet.

The bug has been fixed for a long time, but I've been doing lots of other things and now I'm waiting for 1.3.1 (or really I'm waiting to see if a new power supply fixes my dead PC, since it decided to stop doing anything at all yesterday :mad:). 

@drtedastro Any type of in-game editor for color palettes is unlikely, as that is more work than I'm willing to do for such a niche feature. But importing color palettes is simple. I've converted the old hard-coded system to read all of the palettes from a file in the SCANsat/Resources folder (if the file is missing it will generate a new one with all of the current palettes). You can just add in a new palette definition and it will show up in-game. For some reason I didn't commit the actual config file to the GitHub repo, but the rest of the code is all there (this also gave me a chance to root out the extremely messy and confusing old system of handing palettes in the code).


Basically it just reads a list of RGB color values stored as a long entry in the config file. You can make simple, fixed color palettes (the config format is similar to this, but without the C# stuff) like the default SCANsat colors (used on Kerbin), or you can make variable length palette groups, where the same group has options for palettes of different lengths (like these).

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1 hour ago, DMagic said:

@Geschosskopf There is a bug where the big map celestial body list only looks for primary planets (the ones that orbit the sun) that have been scanned by something with SCANsat, any amount of scanning should do, it just has to be enough to register it in the save file. It's possible the Kopernicus planets that add other stars, or do something funny to the sun will have problems beyond simply scanning the parent planet.

The bug has been fixed for a long time, but I've been doing lots of other things and now I'm waiting for 1.3.1 (or really I'm waiting to see if a new power supply fixes my dead PC, since it decided to stop doing anything at all yesterday :mad:). 

Thanks for the info.  Good luck getting your computer fixed.

I'll see what I can do about this (HyperEditing something to the sun and to Jool probably).  In the Alternis Kerbol system, Kerbin is a moon of Jool and Bop is a moon of Kerbin.  Scanned Bop, nothing.  Scanned Kerbin, still nothing, so I suppose I've got to do the big ones.

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For reference, this is what the color palette configs look like (the fourth value in each group is the alpha channel and isn't strictly necessary to be added):

			PaletteType = Fixed
					PaletteName = blackForest
							Colors = 176,243,190,255|224,251,178,255|184,222,118,255|39,165,42,255|52,136,60,255|156,164,41,255|248,176,4,255|192,74,2,255|135,8,0,255|116,24,5,255|108,42,10,255|125,74,43,255|156,129,112,255|181,181,181,255|218,216,218,255
			PaletteType = Sequential
					PaletteName = OrRd
							Colors = 255,247,236,255|254,232,200,255|253,212,158,255|253,187,132,255|252,141,89,255|239,101,72,255|215,48,31,255|179,0,0,255|127,0,0,255
							Colors = 255,247,236,255|254,232,200,255|253,212,158,255|253,187,132,255|252,141,89,255|239,101,72,255|215,48,31,255|153,0,0,255
							Colors = 254,240,217,255|253,212,158,255|253,187,132,255|252,141,89,255|239,101,72,255|215,48,31,255|153,0,0,255

If you want to add a palette with a fixed number of colors you just add another Item{} node under the Fixed type group. For palettes with variable number of colors you add it under one of the other groups. Module Manager patches can be used to manage this as well using the right syntax (I could probably change the syntax so that it uses the standard name = ... instead of PaletteType or PaletteName to make MM patches simpler).

Edited by DMagic
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@DMagic, I still can't use the Big Map in Alternis Kerbol.  The only celestial bodies listed on the Big Map screen are The Sun and Jool.  I did a little scanning of both of these bodies but that did not cause all the other bodies to appear on the list.  It had no noticeable effect at all.

Are there any other things I can try?

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Thx for your work with Scansat! Really love that mod. :)
Do you maybe have an idea / searching direction regarding this issue? (The screens are fully drawn. Notice 3 different ore overlay heights)
(The scansat rpm ore overlay is not properly aligned on different (aset) screens)
I alread asked MOARdv on his opinion here and looked over the code but I can not spot the error.


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I'm confused about how to use the new waypoint selector - it looks like the old green cross was deprecated from the new build. I've figured out how to place a waypoint, but once placed I can't figure out how to delete it or edit it. Once I've put one on the map and hit the "set" button I can't seem to affect it again.

Are instructions somewhere online or could you provide some help?


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@Tyko Once the waypoint is placed it's just a standard stock waypoint. Right-click on it (the actual waypoint, not the icon on the SCANsat map) and select delete.

You can do this with any custom stock waypoint, like ones created in the KerbNet maps, or using the debug console (type /waypoint to create one at your current location, I think there are other commands for specifying location and for the KSC).

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1 hour ago, DMagic said:

@Tyko Once the waypoint is placed it's just a standard stock waypoint. Right-click on it (the actual waypoint, not the icon on the SCANsat map) and select delete.

You can do this with any custom stock waypoint, like ones created in the KerbNet maps, or using the debug console (type /waypoint to create one at your current location, I think there are other commands for specifying location and for the KSC).

Thanks! One other thing I noted was that when I place a waypoint the point appears centered over where I click the mouse rather than having the point of the inverted teardrop located where I clicked my mouse. So, if I click my mouse to place a waypoint on the equator, the waypoint "teardrop" shape will point to a spot below the equator.

Hope this makes sense. If not I'll make some screen shots.

Appreciate your quick reply.  :D

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@Tyko I see the waypoints being offset just a little, maybe 15-20% of the height of the waypoint icon, I think the actual mouse location just doesn't correspond exactly to where to the tip of the mouse pointer is. I can try to offset it a little to compensate.

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8 minutes ago, DMagic said:

@Tyko I see the waypoints being offset just a little, maybe 15-20% of the height of the waypoint icon, I think the actual mouse location just doesn't correspond exactly to where to the tip of the mouse pointer is. I can try to offset it a little to compensate.


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3 hours ago, Zdenko Fitz said:

Will be this mod adapted to 1.3.1 version?

Eventually, I would assume.  There's always a bit of a delay between when a new KSP version comes out, and mods are updated to work with the new version.  Sometimes, it's just a few hours.  Sometimes, it's a few days or weeks.  Occasionally, it'll be months.

Just be patient.

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Version 18.1 is out; get it on Space Dock.

It has been updated for KSP 1.3.1, but should work on 1.3.0 (and v18 should work in 1.3.1).

A few bugs have been fixed: the list of celestial bodies from the big map should work properly and show all scanned bodies, the narrow band scanner requirement should work correctly when more than one resource is loaded, and the BTDT should show some info about anomalies even if they haven't been scanned from orbit (also some potential platform-related issues with the BTDT display should be fixed).

Terrain color palettes are now loaded from the GameData/SCANsat/Resource/SCANpalettes.cfg file. If for some reason the file is deleted or moved a new copy with all of the standard palettes will be generated. MM can be used to patch in new color palette definitions. The selection of color palettes from in-game works the same as before.

@Jebs_SY I removed the MM patches for the ASET MFD panels because all of the relevant data seems to have been added to the ASET configs. But both before and after doing that all of the ASET MFD's worked fine for me. Maybe some other MM patch is causing problems, it doesn't seem likely, but I can't think of any reason why the panels would be affected in that way.

@Tyko I didn't modify the waypoint selection system. I noticed that on the zoom map the waypoints seem to match up almost perfectly with the mouse icon tip, but on the big map they were off by about 10-20%. So I'm hesitant to add any offset since I think there might be some map size, map type, or maybe even screen resolution dependence on how much of a mismatch there is.

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Hi, got a little problem with contract actually. (KSP 1.3.1)

I got "Low Resolution Scan" contract for Mun and Minmus, but they keep appearing and disapearing in the blink of an eye, so impossible to decline or accept them.

Do you have any idea ?

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1 hour ago, Aramid said:

Hi, got a little problem with contract actually. (KSP 1.3.1)

I got "Low Resolution Scan" contract for Mun and Minmus, but they keep appearing and disapearing in the blink of an eye, so impossible to decline or accept them.

Do you have any idea ?

Are you using research bodies or another mod that intercepts contracts?

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4 hours ago, wile1411 said:

Are you using research bodies or another mod that intercepts contracts?

Except Contract Configurator, I don't have any mods interacting with contract except by adding some. (Like Station Science Continued)

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Hey, I'm using 1.3.1 and the mod is refusing to load into the game. I have it in the game data folder, and the https://www.dropbox.com/s/jnnbr7ke45djiyq/output_log.txt?dl=0 output log I have linked appears to show it loading. I have tried it with clean and modded 1.3.1 games. 

I'm most likely doing something stupid, but after reinstalling for the third time, I figured I'd ask you.


Just to clarify, the parts and interface is missing.The SCANsat flags are visible however.


Edited by vanishingeagle
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I'm wondering if anyone can give these new contracts a try: https://github.com/DMagic1/SCANsat/tree/release/SCANassets/Resources/Contracts

They are a complete rewrite of all the SCANsat contracts, so old or current contracts won't work and will be removed.

To use them you'll have to download all four files from the GitHub link, delete all of the existing files in the SCANsat/Resources/Contracts folder, and replace them with the new files. Obviously Contract Configurator is required.

There will be a lot of contracts listed using the new definitions; each planet will have its own dedicated contract, and several for the one-star contracts. They will still work fine with planet packs as they use CC's internal mechanisms for expanding a single contract to cover all bodies.

  • One-star contracts: Only offered for the home system bodies and only for one scan at a time
  • Two-star contracts: Offered for any orbited body outside of the home system and ask for the three earlier scans (lo res alt., biome, M700)
  • Three-star contracts: Offered for any reached body outside of the home system, or the next 2 bodies on the list (KSP has an internal ordering for which body comes next) and ask for the high resolution scans (hi res alt., Narrow Band)

They all have requirements that should be clearly stated in the Mission Control scene (unlock the part/s, target body must comply with the requirements detailed above, must not have completed all of the scans asked for). And if you aren't using SCANsat resource scanning the resource contracts should still work simply by doing the stock M700 resource scan.

I'm looking to see if the contracts are all offered when they should be, and not when the shouldn't, and whether or not they do something weird, like offer duplicates. There are currently no limits on the amount of these contracts that can be active at one time, if you want you can uncomment the "//maxSimultaneous = 10" line in the ContractPackScanSatOfficial.cfg file to set whatever limits you want.

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