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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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2 hours ago, DMagic said:

Which version of SCANsat and KSP is this happening in? Some errors in contracts were fixed in the latest version, 18.5, but that only works in KSP 1.4.x.

Data doesn't carry over from one save to another, it loads the scanning data directly from the save file every time you load a save or change scene.

Thanks for the info. It is the latest version supported on KSP 1.3.1.

I figured I would see if anyone else has ever had the isssue before diving too deep into it. When I get a chance I’ll dig around my existing save file and see what I can find, and I’ll also give her a try in 1.4.1 and see if I can reproduce the issue reliably. 

EDIT: Turns out it was the  minCoverage issue. I manually fixed the files as mentioned in the link above, and everything is fine. Sorry for wasting your time! :(

Edited by MechBFP
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anybody else having problems with the overlays just being grey? 

started a new game with no other graphics mods and did an instant m700 scan and both the stock overlay and this seem to be borked. 

uninstalled scansat and overlay seems to work fine. 


okay took everything apart and put it back together dont know where it was going wrong but the overlay seems to be working now except the coverage transparency that should control the cutoff percentage right? the overlay  and the cutoff seem to work fine from the instrument rt click gui but not from the resource settings. Is that controlled there or some place else. also all the overlay textures seem to be stretched and smeared i admit i havent used this in along time but doesnt look like I remember. 

Edited by COL.R.Neville
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Hi @DMagic, first off, thank you for all the work you put in for your mods, it is much appreciated.

I have enjoyed SCANsat for a few years now and I can't imagine playing KSP without it.

With that said though I am facing a pretty frustrating issue whereby it seems that the mod is not being loaded into the game. The parts aren't there, the button on the main gameplay menu, nothing.

I usually use the Twitch app to update and manage my addons, and I confirm it is indeed the latest version, I have even tried to manually delete the mod files and reinstalled them via the .zip but still no luck.

Not sure if anyone else are facing similar issues or not, but haven't found any post about it.

Also facing issues with DMagic Orbital Science as it doesn't seem like I'm receiving any contracts from it, perhaps it is suffering from the same thing?

Thank you once again and look forward to any feedback you may have.

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@Neosferatu, welcome to the forums.  Please read this:

How To Get Support (READ FIRST) - Technical Support (PC, modded installs) - Kerbal Space Program Forums

Posting a link to your output_log.txt file might help shed light on the problem with your install.  Which version of KSP and the mod are you using?  How did you install the mod?

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two ways i know of there is a check button in the resource settings window that says instant scanning enabled or something like that. 

or you can set the scanning percentage down to 1 or 2 percent  and it will do one if you have stock scanning disabled or pretty sure thats how it works hehe. 


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@Oracle255 There is a line in the settings file that you can change from False to True to enable map filling: CheatMapFIll, or something like that.

That opens a section of the Data page in the Settings Window that allows you to fill in all scans or selected scans for a certain planet or all planets.

The resource settings window options have to do with how the stock resource scan and the SCANsat resource scan work together.

@Neosferatu After checking that the they are installed in the right place (they should be if the parts show up correctly), you might want to check if you have any anti-virus software flagging those plugins as false positives. There have been a lot of those going around recently, including the main KSP files. DMOS contracts all have some type of requirements that must be met before they are offered (unlock certain parts, reach certain progress milestones, etc...), so that isn't necessarily a problem.

Edited by DMagic
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The biome overlay shows up in the flight screen if you zoom out as much as possible. Is it possible to project it into the terrain without the need to zoom out, so the player can see the biomes borders while driving a rover or doing biome hopping.

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19 minutes ago, ArmchairPhysicist said:

Where might I find a download for the older 1.3.1 scansat version? I’m stuck on 1.3.1 due to mass mod incompatiblities.


You can find older versions on the Github Download Site.

But you have to click on "Tags" next to "Releases" on the top left side.

Then choose the version you need.

Hope I could help


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@theonegalen Not really. The RPM maps default to color mode, so if you leave out a color toggle button then it will just always be in color mode. As for tinting, the only thing I can think of would be to see if RPM has some way of putting a transparent green layer on top of a window.

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2 hours ago, DMagic said:

@theonegalen Not really. The RPM maps default to color mode, so if you leave out a color toggle button then it will just always be in color mode. As for tinting, the only thing I can think of would be to see if RPM has some way of putting a transparent green layer on top of a window.

There is a monochrome shader that can be applied to the camera handler, but I doubt it's included in the JSISCANsatRPM background handler included in the SCANsat dll. Thanks anyway!

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@DMagic I'm having an issue with the Undersized Signals Intel Satellite not having any science to return.

I started a new career for 1.4.2, and the Automated Science Sampler detects that no science has been collected, but it reports 0 science when the window pops up.  My logs are here https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Y6vXT-JoUSetCqrJJan7gwAEa0rFjHYW



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Hmm, I've got an M700 "FuzzyResources" contract, and it doesn't seem to be registering my scanning, am I missing something?

EDIT: Ah, never mind; once I returned to the Space Center, it got marked as complete. Shame it doesn't follow the same behaviour as the other scanning contracts!


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@Critter79606 This is the wrong thread for that. Have you collected any science using that part before? Are there any records in the R&D Center science archives?

@Rohaq The contract is asking for a SCANsat scan using the M700. If you want that scan to follow the same behavior as the other SCANsat scan types you need to disable stock resource scanning in the settings window.

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12 hours ago, DMagic said:

@Critter79606 This is the wrong thread for that. Have you collected any science using that part before? Are there any records in the R&D Center science archives?

@DMagic I went and created a fresh 1.4.2 and just installed your mods and the supporting mods, built a ship that would get to orbit and it worked just fine.   I then copied the save game to the one with all my mods and it worked just fine there too.  Still can't get it to work in my existing career but it may have been me adding and removing mods over time messed something up.  I guess I'll just start a new career again.

Thanks for the great mods!

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  • 2 weeks later...

SCANsat version 18.6 is out; get it on Space Dock.

This version contains performance improvements for the background scanning algorithm, which are particularly noticeable when a large number of scanning vessels are active and time warp is at maximum.

It also reduces garbage allocation for several of the windows, including a bug fix which was causing a lot of allocation when the waypoint overlay icons were activated on the big and zoom maps.

There are also some localization fixes, included updated German language tags and a typo in some of the science result localization tags.

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1 minute ago, DMagic said:

SCANsat version 18.6 is out; get it on Space Dock.

This version contains performance improvements for the background scanning algorithm, which are particularly noticeable when a large number of scanning vessels are active and time warp is at maximum.

It also reduces garbage allocation for several of the windows, including a bug fix which was causing a lot of allocation when the waypoint overlay icons were activated on the big and zoom maps.

There are also some localization fixes, included updated German language tags and a typo in some of the science result localization tags.

My god... I love this! Performance improvements. Reductions in garbage! go DMagic! Thanks... Downloading right now.

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