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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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  On 8/1/2020 at 3:26 PM, MashAndBangers said:

actually, there's a question:  If you make the fairings compatible with 1.10.x, would they be backwards compatible with 1.9.1 and so on?  Hmm..  Though I don't know what needs to change for 1.10.x


Unfortunately that's precicesly the problem, the parts are in limbo between 1.9 and 1.10, broken in both versions right now - effectively.

cheap little gridfin


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  On 8/2/2020 at 2:42 AM, MashAndBangers said:

Could you show us which fairings you're using?  There's new fairings with the latest github, and the old fairings are now just plates.


Forgot to update that.

Though, the Block G fairing isn't showing up. What part do I use?

Also the description localizations for the new N1 parts are bugged.

Edited by davidy12
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  On 8/1/2020 at 11:02 AM, Beale said:

Конечно есть :)


Обтекатели TantaresLV теперь доступны в белом, зеленом, красном и оранжевом цветах (вероятно, будет также черный).


К сожалению, эти детали не возможны - с фондовыми обтекателями. Если я сделаю обтекатели SAF, это может быть возможно.


 And if you just draw them? Just to make a drawing and a normal map for it, or not at all?

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So, I tried out the latest built off github (downloaded 8/2/2020 about mid-day). TantaresLV only.

Current version of KSP
Only other mods are kspengineer-redux and modulemanager

Some feedback :

A few parts show up as untextured solid black, for example the fregat and blok-d tanks.

The fairings seem to be working. Woot! I haven't tried nested layers of fairings or anything more advanced yet, just did a quick check to see if it let me build them.

I dont know if you are using any new SFX, but the engine sounds on the NK engines of the N1 are amazing with the big clusters going off.

The N-1 stack needs ... significant .. additional struts inside the inster-stage fairings, and outside of them as well. Just doing auto-strut results in either a quick collapse or VERY severe wobble. This screenshot shows the type of collapse I'm talking about, all parts are autostrut'ed to root-part. The 4th pane shows the extra internal struts I had to do to fix the problem (engines removed for visibility)


My advice to all : Struts, more struts, then even MORE struts. :)

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  On 8/2/2020 at 8:14 PM, tjsnh said:

A few parts show up as untextured solid black, for example the fregat and blok-d tanks.


Those are the old ones.  New ones haven't been named yet but are in game.

  On 8/2/2020 at 8:14 PM, tjsnh said:

Just doing auto-strut results in either a quick collapse or VERY severe wobble.


Try Autostrut to heaviest part.  That seems to work for me.

Edited by MashAndBangers
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  On 8/1/2020 at 10:49 PM, MashAndBangers said:




Ah yes...

It's been a long time... my friend.


  On 8/1/2020 at 10:58 PM, tjsnh said:

Dumb question, I haven't tried out the github beta : Are fairings working again?

  On 8/2/2020 at 12:28 AM, davidy12 said:

Is this still compatible with 1.8.1? Because the fairings aren't working.


Unfortunately due to breaking changes in 1.10, newest versions will only be compatible with 1.10.

I'm not happy about that either but my hands are tied - raise it to the developers.

  On 8/2/2020 at 9:39 AM, prinjrius said:

 And if you just draw them? Just to make a drawing and a normal map for it, or not at all?


Unfortunately no, does not have that kind of control on fairing textures for placement of things.

  On 8/2/2020 at 5:01 PM, Cdodders said:

Is an Angara a possibility?


Not in the pipeline, find me in KSP2 and ask again :)

  On 8/2/2020 at 8:14 PM, tjsnh said:

So, I tried out the latest built off github (downloaded 8/2/2020 about mid-day). TantaresLV only.

Current version of KSP
Only other mods are kspengineer-redux and modulemanager

Some feedback :

A few parts show up as untextured solid black, for example the fregat and blok-d tanks.

The fairings seem to be working. Woot! I haven't tried nested layers of fairings or anything more advanced yet, just did a quick check to see if it let me build them.

I dont know if you are using any new SFX, but the engine sounds on the NK engines of the N1 are amazing with the big clusters going off.

The N-1 stack needs ... significant .. additional struts inside the inster-stage fairings, and outside of them as well. Just doing auto-strut results in either a quick collapse or VERY severe wobble. This screenshot shows the type of collapse I'm talking about, all parts are autostrut'ed to root-part. The 4th pane shows the extra internal struts I had to do to fix the problem (engines removed for visibility)


My advice to all : Struts, more struts, then even MORE struts. :)

  On 8/3/2020 at 4:55 AM, prinjrius said:

 Yes, the rocket is not stable and after takeoff it tries to bend and collapse. It would be necessary to fix it somehow


Guys guy guys... :huh:

Autostrut, autostrut, autostrut!

Enable in settings, then for every N1 part set to "Heaviest".
I use Heaviest and can easily launch N1 on 4X physics warp with zero wobble. And zero "real" struts.

This is not just for Tantares, this will improve your general KSP gameplay experience drastically.



@tjsnh Thanks for the other issues - continuing to pick those up. The solid black parts you are seeing are the deprecated parts - still to be hidden.

  On 8/3/2020 at 5:49 AM, Zarbon44 said:

Oops! All N1! 





I would love to try an N III eventually.


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Additional Question Time

A while ago - all engines were switched to Monopropellant, this was to:

  • Unify the fuel supply in craft, closer to IRL and more importantly easier to balance well.
  • Prevent scenarios where craft don't have the manouvering fuel but main engine fuel (too much LFO, not enough monoprop for example).

But, this might not have worked so well.
Personally, I don't have too much time to play KSP, but when I do, I can get a bit frustrated by the change - especially being unable to not use Restock engines / fuel tanks / mix and match.

So might it be better instead to unify all the fuel to LFO, and also switch the RCS thrusters to use LFO?

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  On 8/3/2020 at 6:33 AM, Beale said:

Additional Question Time

A while ago - all engines were switched to Monopropellant, this was to:

  • Unify the fuel supply in craft, closer to IRL and more importantly easier to balance well.
  • Prevent scenarios where craft don't have the manouvering fuel but main engine fuel (too much LFO, not enough monoprop for example).

But, this might not have worked so well.
Personally, I don't have too much time to play KSP, but when I do, I can get a bit frustrated by the change - especially being unable to not use Restock engines / fuel tanks / mix and match.

So might it be better instead to unify all the fuel to LFO, and also switch the RCS thrusters to use LFO?


I would make the engines what they're supposed to be. If they LFO IRL, make then LFO. If they're RCS, make them mono. People can always strap on more mono tanks or more LFO tanks. Does this make the craft heavier? Yes. But there is a solution to this. 


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  On 8/3/2020 at 1:48 PM, wallum61 said:

Will you be releasing an absolute last version for <1.10 (featuring the revamped N1 parts)?


Unfortunately not on the cards. The changes to fairings were breaking - so if they don't work in older versions (don't have solid confirmation on this), there's not much I can do.

  On 8/3/2020 at 9:11 AM, GoldForest said:

I would make the engines what they're supposed to be. If they LFO IRL, make then LFO. If they're RCS, make them mono. People can always strap on more mono tanks or more LFO tanks. Does this make the craft heavier? Yes. But there is a solution to this.


IRL they are unified typically to UDMH and NTO - for both the main propulsion and orientation (generalising a bit here, but it often is like that). I think the closest thing to do then will be LFO for everything.




Super secret test footage (197X):


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  On 8/3/2020 at 2:37 PM, Beale said:

Unfortunately not on the cards. The changes to fairings were breaking - so if they don't work in older versions (don't have solid confirmation on this), there's not much I can do.


No worries :) 

Unfortunately, is that related to a current problem I'm having? I had a recent build (from just before the Blok D revamp, and when I get the most recent master build, no fuel tanks/engines show up? 

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  On 8/3/2020 at 4:52 PM, wallum61 said:

No worries :) 

Unfortunately, is that related to a current problem I'm having? I had a recent build (from just before the Blok D revamp, and when I get the most recent master build, no fuel tanks/engines show up? 


That sounds like something else actually - if you can screenshot the interior of the TantaresLV folder that might give a clue, clean re-install if not might be the best idea.

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  On 8/3/2020 at 6:09 AM, Beale said:

Unfortunately due to breaking changes in 1.10, newest versions will only be compatible with 1.10.

I'm not happy about that either but my hands are tied - raise it to the developers.

I would love to try an N III eventually.



Well, I guess I'll stick to my 1.8.1 compatible build. REALLY can't wait for JNSQ to be compatible with 1.10.X

The what? Was that a thing?

Edited by davidy12
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An interim launch plate I made for the Tantares Energia, coming in v2.1 of Modular Launch Pads (available now on the AlphaDev branch of the Modular Launch Pads GitHub):


The Zenit openings are big enough to accomodate both realistic placement (offset on the X-axis) and non-realistic symmetrical about both the X and Z axes (since that was how I thought they were...until I looked more closely at the craft file I was using :D ).

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  On 8/4/2020 at 2:24 AM, AlphaMensae said:

An interim launch plate I made for the Tantares Energia, coming in v2.1 of Modular Launch Pads (available now on the AlphaDev branch of the Modular Launch Pads GitHub):


The Zenit openings are big enough to accomodate both realistic placement (offset on the X-axis) and non-realistic symmetrical about both the X and Z axes (since that was how I thought they were...until I looked more closely at the craft file I was using :D ).


These are really high quality and add so much to the launch than the plain old vanilla pad. Looks amazing! :)


Tantares Version 23.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.10.X

Please note TantaresLV is still broken for KSP 1.10.X, working on it now.
This Update:
    - Revamp of VA.
    - Various cleanups.
    - New Orlan space suit.
    - New Sokol space suit - Provided generously by @benjee10, check out some of his stuff below.

Many thanks for those who have provided feedback and testing during this development.
Thanks also for the patience in updating to KSP 1.10, it's been a painful update.

MvIrgL3.png  cVnNfkx.png

Old VA parts have been deprecated, they will still load in craft files, but the texture will be black. 734747564469125150.png?v=1




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TantaresLV Version 13.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.10.X


Unlucky 13 for the unlucky rocket.
This Update:

  •     - Fixes for KSP 1.10.X
  •     - New decouplers
  •     - New fairings
  •     - N1 revamp
  •     - Blok D revamp
  •     - Fregat revamp

Thanks for the assistance and reference material, everyone who helped.

If you find bugs let me know.

 tOfwPqZ.png & kTa33GP.png


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