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[WIP][1.0.5]* RSS Visual Enhancements (RVE)


Realistically what would you prefer in RVE? -- choose one from each letter  

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  1. 1. Realistically what would you prefer in RVE? -- choose one from each letter

    • A) 1 main cloud layer, 1 cirrus layer (Medium/Compromise)
    • A) Low, Medium, High cloud layers (Heavy/Realistic)
    • B) Detail bias towards Land/Atmosphere visuals
    • B) Detail bias towards Orbit/Space visuals
    • C) Realism
    • C) Detail
    • C) CPU accessibility

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4 hours ago, sDaZe said:

Hey Pete im having some problems getting your mod to work ( hopefully im not stupid )

Here are the mods i have


Scatterer works fine


Edit - Am I retarded? 

that happened to me in the past, I fixed it by changing the version of rbray's Environmental Visual Enhancements, however as I cannot make the latest 1.0.5 RVE version to work I'd wait for an official response from pingopete

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@sDaZe Make sure you're downloading the linux64 or windows branch (windows version hasnt been updated my bad) of RVE and not the master branch, also make sure you're getting this eve release https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/blob/master/x86-EVE-Release.zip

Edited by pingopete
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2 hours ago, pingopete said:

@sDaZe Make sure you're downloading the linux64 or windows branch (windows version hasnt been updated my bad) of RVE and not the master branch, also make sure you're getting this eve release https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/blob/master/x86-EVE-Release.zip

I was using the wrong eve :P Thanks, I can now make my video 

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4 minutes ago, Motokid600 said:

Do you intend on touching up other planets as well? Theoretically speaking you only ( "only" ) need Mars, Venus and Titan. 

Yeah at some point, did a little bit to Venus, the problem is I work on my Linux partition but all my editing software is on Windows which gets really tedious having to restart every time I wanna make any change to any texture, really waiting on Windows 64 bit. And how so? 

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15 minutes ago, pingopete said:

. And how so? 

Well I imagine the atmospheric bodies are MUCH more complicated. And I'm under the impression that the non-atmospheric bodies already come with high res textures ( if you chose to use them ) when you install RSS. Not that's there's no room for improvement.

Oh and then there's gas giants, but as far as priorities go you'd have a much better idea then I. I don't see myself diving a probe into Jupiter anytime soon. Maybe one day...

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8 minutes ago, sDaZe said:

Bruh.. pete this is Amazing Here are some screens from my video. 100+ frames on windows 



Sadly cant download Camera tools :( 

Nice, you mean FPS? yeah in Scaled space its great just not in PQS :/ You know the fix for flickering issues when viewed at a great distance right, looks like it from the above :)

I could probably give you my camera tools if you really need it :) Also you can make the terminators look better by changing the first 3 cloud colour values to 600-700 but it makes them a bit washed out on the bright side of the planet.

@Motokid600 RSS provides a global texture for all bodies, I was was hoping to provide at least two detail texture levels for each as part of RVE (currently Earth has one orbital texture) using EVE. Atmospheric bodies will need some extra work getting scatterer looking right but I've already started on that :) 

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24 minutes ago, pingopete said:

Nice, you mean FPS? yeah in Scaled space its great just not in PQS :/ You know the fix for flickering issues when viewed at a great distance right, looks like it from the above :)

I could probably give you my camera tools if you really need it :) Also you can make the terminators look better by changing the first 3 cloud colour values to 600-700 but it makes them a bit washed out on the bright side of the planet.

@Motokid600 RSS provides a global texture for all bodies, I was was hoping to provide at least two detail texture levels for each as part of RVE (currently Earth has one orbital texture) using EVE. Atmospheric bodies will need some extra work getting scatterer looking right but I've already started on that :) 

I wanted to get some far shots of earth but yeah there is some flickering, so no i dont know the fix. :( im rendering out a early version of the video, ill send it to you when its on youtube. Also is their a way to make scatterer not disappear? because i cant get any shots from the moon sadly also that'd be great if you can loan me your camera tools :D 

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32 minutes ago, sDaZe said:

I wanted to get some far shots of earth but yeah there is some flickering, so no i dont know the fix. :( im rendering out a early version of the video, ill send it to you when its on youtube. Also is their a way to make scatterer not disappear? because i cant get any shots from the moon sadly also that'd be great if you can loan me your camera tools :D 

Clipping issue fix: Alt+G change ScaledSpace camera far clip from E07 to 08 or 09 and near clipping range for that to 10.

You can change the unload value in the config: https://github.com/Pingopete/RVE-KSP-1.0.4/blob/Linux64/scatterer/config/PlanetsList.cfg 

@NathanKell so you were able to replicate? At least it's not just me :P And thanks for looking into it :)

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@pingopete I've been looking at scatterer profiles for Mars and Venus. Just reusing the Duna (far too hazy/thick) and Eve (... purple) ones don't seem good to me. Yours appear just grey to me, am I missing something there? I am using 0.0220, I haven't had a chance to try the most recent scatterer yet, spacedock.info suggests it was just uploaded today.

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2 hours ago, stratochief66 said:

@pingopete I've been looking at scatterer profiles for Mars and Venus. Just reusing the Duna (far too hazy/thick) and Eve (... purple) ones don't seem good to me. Yours appear just grey to me, am I missing something there? I am using 0.0220, I haven't had a chance to try the most recent scatterer yet, spacedock.info suggests it was just uploaded today.

Sorry no mars is actually just the defualt proland shaders that came with scatterer, not done yet

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3 hours ago, NathanKell said:

Do you see a release link in the OP? I don't. So please stop asking for install help for something that isn't even released. If you can't get it working, that means it's not ready for you yet.

3 hours ago, jooly kerman said:

Its so very beautiful    how to install scatterer in RSS    



1 minute ago, blackrack said:

It's like some people are completely oblivious.


I may or may not have audibly laughed in my office cubicle... Hehehe

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3 hours ago, jooly kerman said:

I have problem with install RVE atmosphere help to install :D


3 hours ago, jooly kerman said:

Its so very beautiful    how to install scatterer in RSS    



Not you again; you were trolling the thread last month, and were told then by several people to quit being such an antagonist. Now you're back, and are still up to your old ways.

On another note, apparently he has been trolling in other people's threads, as well. At least he doesn't discriminate.

Edited by fallout2077
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