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Waiter, theres a _____________ in my soup!


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*Takes table in the same manner as pulling a tablecloth*

*Your bowl of soup fell to the floor*

Got rid of your table. Enjoy your meal.


Waiter, there's a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 in my soup!


I might get a Note 9 hype soon, but little chances of getting an actual Note 9 even my mum has one.


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Because our chef wanna give the soup a smooth taste just like when you spray WD-40 onto a rusty wrench.

Waiter, there's a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in my soup! Gotta run for mah life!!!


@kerbiloid reminded me about the Note7 incident in his post.


Edited by FahmiRBLXian
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5 hours ago, FahmiRBLXian said:

there's a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in my soup

Yes, that's how we are keeping your soup hot.

4 hours ago, GRS said:

i got a forum game in my soup...

It just fell from the ceiling.


Waiter! I've just entered the forum, and have a soup of notifications.

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28 minutes ago, RealKerbal3x said:

Waiter, there's a Raptor engine in my soup!

Stop watching Jurassic Park every night. It's just a chicken.

17 minutes ago, GRS said:

Well...i got some badges in my soup.

Your badger soup is delicious but probably pretty smelly.


Waiter! Your cuisine is horrific. I've ordered a vegan soup made with distilled water. And it's full of bacteria corpses. You boiled them alive!

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*Calls @RealKerbal3x to throw it away*

Waiter...i order TRIMENTRI soups !!!! (Trimentri = Immense Googolism that far Eclipsed The Universe, a Trimentri Planck Lengths will effortlessly Transcend the size of The Universe)

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10 hours ago, The_Arcitect said:

Sorry but that soup is to hard for our cook to make.  Try our WD-40 soup.

Waiter!! I ordered Habitat not Lebensraum!

  Hide contents

Lebensraum is habitat in german


I'm sorry, but I must inform you: that of which your person is currently demanding is of the same definition as what it has previously ordered in the past, therefore begging the question I shall propose you, has this request been made for comical purposes? A joke, perhaps, with the intention of elevating your social status amongst your peers being of high probability? It is not wise to think otherwise, as your immoral attempt is truly visible for even the most humble in education in such a way that a wall of the most resilient bricks would be of less opacity. It is sad to live in times such as these, where the requesting of the Waiter is taken as mundane by not only your person, but by most of today's society to the point where you request for the calling of the waiter with no real, necessary intentions in mind, but to partake in a menial, and, frankly, dehumanizing practice such as this. I hope it has become clear for you that the mistake you have just commited has had serious impacts in not only my journey throughout being of active metabolism in the planet we call our home, but in your compatriots' as well. Your person, by performing this spiteful act, has demoralized all of us, living beings, in this closed environment, and will remind us for the rest of our lives together with our darkest nightmares, with the only difference between these undesirable nightly hallucinations and the insulting act your person has performed being that the latter has happened in the true, vivid world. It is shameful that this act is of no real consequence in your thought processes, and, being truthful, it makes me fear for worse scenarios. It could be true of which, perhaps, in your mental world, ending a fellow sentient being's metabolistic activities would be also of no consequence, be it moral or physical? What little standards, if any, are still present and still respected by your person? Clearly, it is logical for all of us to recognize that the possibility of that of which none of these are considered by you as valid is of a value much too high to be disregarded as non-fitting with a model containing the absolute truths of the universe we partake our existence in. This very fact makes my being wishful to any entities of existence containing a greater complexity and power over the elements than ours that, one day, your being realizes the wrongdoings it has performed against others, especially when the people it has interacted with during these despisable acts have done nothing of unethical morality against you, and successfully recognizes these as acts of which it would have been better to not have done in the irreversible arrow of time of which we know, creating a feeling of which we all know as regret. Shame on you, whoms't'd've recently just demonstrated a frighteningly deep lack of empathy towards these whoms't'd've have desired no evil to happen upon you.


Waiter there's letters in my soup






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On 2/11/2019 at 8:29 PM, GRS said:

Sbiis Saibian dropped his Saladgahlah here.

Waiter, i got KSP 1.6 in my soup.

Welp, better preserve it before it's 1.7...


On 2/11/2019 at 11:33 PM, Triop said:



Wait, how did a customer get into the soup? still,

Waiter, there's a dissolving flag in my soup!

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