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One sentence you could say to annoy an entire fan base?


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If you're an Elon Musk fan, cover your eyes.

Elon Musk is an annoying techbro perpetuating unrealistic technolgies (Starship Earth to Earth or Hyperloop, for instance) and people should stop buying into his silly promises. Musk is an insult to all that have contributed to spaceflight and technology as a whole, and people should start crediting the engineers and scientists working for Tesla and SpaceX instead of Musk. Elon Musk is well and truly a hinderance to hard working scientists around the world who deserve the exposure Elon gets...     Not to mention how much money he has that could go to funding public transport, instead of creating underground traffic jams in an attempt to create the rich man's alternative to getting a bus. Yes, Musk has a negative net impact on every day life too. It's a shame he gets all the money of his companies instead of people who could use it for good. Considering that, Musk is only a reason to hold a disbelief for capitalism too. But that's a topic for another post. Don't want people to send hate to me because they're insistent that people being poor in society is a good thing.

If you read this anyway and are feeling hurt by this, feel free to direct your cheap attempts at defending Musk and his stupid ideas of a futuristic world to the bin next to me.

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Why isn't my rocket getting to orbit in RO!  I have 6000 delta-v, which is more then needed!    RP-0 is so hard!!!!                 (Yes, I meant 0.  Not 1)



Also, why can't I land on the sun!  I have all the hacks turned on.   I even gave my craft wheels to land on the sun to drive around!  Cant wait to take a surface sample once I figure out how to do this, guess I'm just bad!   







Also, Also,   Who is the Niel Aimstrong person who got put in the game on the Moon?   How can I be put in the game!



(I physically suffered typing this.)

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5 hours ago, Tundra said:

Also, why can't I land on the sun!  I have all the hacks turned on.   I even gave my craft wheels to land on the sun to drive around!  Cant wait to take a surface sample once I figure out how to do this, guess I'm just bad! 

A classic noob mistake.

Experinced playes land on the night Sun, when it's dark and cold.

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7 hours ago, Kerb24 said:

The Space Shuttle was an unsafe, stupidly designed, devolution from the Saturn rockets.

It was a way to use Saturn at least for something after they failed the Moon and made Kubrick film everything in Holy Wood.

Edited by kerbiloid
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14 hours ago, Kerb24 said:

The Space Shuttle was an unsafe, stupidly designed, devolution from the Saturn rockets

Ok, sure. Maybe it was. Maybe it was much more expensive than it was meant to be. Maybe it was even impractical and stupid. Maybe it was unsafe. Maybe it was all of those bad things you think about I think it was cool, even though I was born too late to actually see any launches. I just like it. Also, why was it's only real replacement Soyuz? I don't care at all about politics or anything happening now, I just think we should have had something of our own to replace the shuttle.

Simply, I like the Space Shuttle. So there! Nyah, nyah, nyah!



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