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0.25 Discussion thread


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Is there seriously a plus point to landing on them?

The devs said it would not happen to good pilots, but it is hilarious, right? Landing leg on Mun rock, lander tips over, hilarity ensues. Mk1 1 pod gets caught in tree, hilarity ensues. Just spitballing. :)

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duh, to refuel stuff
And why would you want to refuel stuff at the KSC? Either you launch a new ship, which is already fully fueled or you've just landed and you might as well recover the ship and launch again.
What if it's Jeb's Junkyard and Rocket Parts? It could be like a store where you sell parts to get funds, which a good player would never see because they'd be able to gather the funds from missions?
That's the recover button
Wonder if they could make the scattered terrain features within a few meters of you solid. That would penalize people landing on rocks...

They'll need to change rovers wheels to grip to the terrain and to allow them to turn without the risk of flipping over so often. Imagine trying to do one of FinePrint rover contracts on a low gravity body. You land at, let's say, 10 km from the target area. Not only you have an 8 minutes drive (at 20 m/s, which is kind of dangerous for rovers), possibly across craters and slopes, you also have to avoid terrain scatter all the way.

I know some super-awesome players will shrug and say "pff... I can do it with my eyes closed", but for us common mortals, it adds a serious amount of difficulty - unless rovers are improved.

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The devs said it would not happen to good pilots, but it is hilarious, right? Landing leg on Mun rock, lander tips over, hilarity ensues. Mk1 1 pod gets caught in tree, hilarity ensues. Just spitballing. :)

Happens to me all the time and i've been playing the game for two and a half years, and that's without rocks!

EDIT: Wow, even longer than that - i wish i hadn't thought of it now, makes me sound old :'(

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It was me.

The Secret Feature is confirmed to be even more randomization in the text generator for contracts. So instead of "As a result of that apparently horrible chain of events, as you can imagine, we now need your help" etc, descriptions will be like "awe painstaking eagerness pumpkin wafted allied rungs ineffectiveness legion obligates unrolling cynic".

I, for one, welcome our new random 'unrolling cynics' overlords.

(Squad was actually mistaken in believing that nobody had made a mod to make the descriptions LESS sensible.. My Even Less Comprehensible Mission Text Generator has over 400 million downloads!)

So therefore, in conclusion, returnees latecomer habituate calculable objectively, probabilities garlanded stinks coveted erupting indemnifies explore pummel sloughing gentrified.

EDIT: That was a joke, wasn't it? Yeah, it was a joke. :blush:

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Happens to me all the time and i've been playing the game for two and a half years, and that's without rocks!

EDIT: Wow, even longer than that - i wish i hadn't thought of it now, makes me sound old :'(

When I was born, Elvis was alive, the Vietnam war was still going and Nixon was US President. I spent the first five years of my life thinking that Superman (as portrayed by George Reeves) was a kind of purplish-gray, because that's how he looked on our black and white TV.

You've got a way to go yet.

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in 0.26(0.25 is already decided) i would like to see GP2. i haven't explored moho, vall, tylo, bop, and pol, but i'm to excited for fonso.

Do not start talking about 0.26 now. 0.25 isn't even in experimentals yet, so if you go around talking about what you want to see in 0.26, expect the mods to be right onto the thread. So people, try not to talk about 0.26 otherwise the thread will be locked. In other words, don't go off topic. The topic is "What you would like to see in 0.25" not "What you would like to see in 0.26". The latter has already tried to happen, but got locked straight away.

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When I was born, Elvis was alive, the Vietnam war was still going and Nixon was US President. I spent the first five years of my life thinking that Superman (as portrayed by George Reeves) was a kind of purplish-gray, because that's how he looked on our black and white TV.

You've got a way to go yet.

Arrrr you've got me by about 8 years, I'm still young!

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Can anyone explain , I think it's fuel for the space plane

As revealed by Maxmaps on Squadcast, these parts have now connected to 0.25.

They're new parts to build spaceplanes with. They're engine connectors.

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Doesn't fit one other thing that was said about it, that Harvester spent a day just having fun with said "secret feature." I don't see where this would fit that.

Why not?

I mean - right now it takes some time to force yourself into bankruptcy, so combine that with taking loans and you got 8 hours of "fun" easily...

...ok, ok, you win.

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Oh thanks , but I wish the team give information about the update every week

If you go into the addon section of the forums and look for spaceplanes+, you'll be able to see more of the parts being added to the games.

On Wednesdays, if you look in the daily kerbal section you'll see the weekly 'devnotes' written by the developers with how the development of the next update is going.

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So for he guy above that doesn't know why a refueling station would be useful consider this. If they make the recovery return no more that 75% of the cost of the ship but had a refueling station players would park their most common planes and refuel them when they had a mission. It would help the ecn

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So for he guy above that doesn't know why a refueling station would be useful consider this. If they make the recovery return no more that 75% of the cost of the ship but had a refueling station players would park their most common planes and refuel them when they had a mission. It would help the ecn

What would be the point in that apart from more hassle that would be boring by the second refuel.

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What would be the point in that apart from more hassle that would be boring by the second refuel.

Then you wouldn't have to make use of it now would you?

On the other hand instead of simply recovering all of our planes many people would instead opt to park them and refuel them as needed to save the extra funds that would otherwise be lost with recovery and launching. Personally I don't think it would be any greater hassle than constantly recovering and launching aircraft as it isn't overly difficult to land on the landing strip and park in an area for 10 seconds then move to a parking area plus you would get the benefit of having a bunch of aircraft parked in a line for use which would add to the appeal for many players.

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However given the hints that skilled players won't use it my thought is that the building is a memorial for lost Kerbals. It will probably have a feature to play the last 20 seconds of a Kerbals life before he goes poof.

They also said it was funny. As black as my sense of humor is, memorials are not terribly hilarious.

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I have question

will the Iva will be like this



Now SQUAD should work with Eve mod makers to make the atmosphere incredible

I don't think that's going to happen too soon, it does require some decent GPU horsepower.

If it was toggle-able, it'd be amazing. I can't play the game without it, it looks so sad.

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