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[1.x+] Community Resource Pack


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11 hours ago, Nertea said:

@RoverDude, what are your plans on releasing the changes we merged in September? I'd like the 1.5.x era releases of my mods to take advantage of the changes, so I will hold the appropriate ones until you're ready.

Now that 1.5 is out, I'll be doing a release this weekend of everything (including CRP).  

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26 minutes ago, ToastyOats said:

Is there no download for the 0.11.0 build for 1.4.4 compatibility? Or is it safe to use the 1.5.X build for 1.4.5

For one,  if you are playing KSP, you shouldn't be or need to download this directly.  Any mod that uses CRP will have it bundled.  Second, the 1.4.x version is compatible with all flavors of 1.4.x

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Just now, goldenpsp said:

For one,  if you are playing KSP, you shouldn't be or need to download this directly.  Any mod that uses CRP will have it bundled.  Second, the 1.4.x version is compatible with all flavors of 1.4.x

As I understood it, it's a great habit to go out of your way to update specific Dependencies that're typically bundled with mods for overall stability.

I recently installed BlueDog Bureau  and have an issue with Microstuttering. Figured I'd run through the dependencies.

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3 minutes ago, ToastyOats said:

As I understood it, it's a great habit to go out of your way to update specific Dependencies that're typically bundled with mods for overall stability.

I recently installed BlueDog Bureau  and have an issue with Microstuttering. Figured I'd run through the dependencies.

In this case CRP is literally just a bunch of config files that define commonly used resources shared by various mods.  It doesn't actually "do" anything if you get what I mean.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I've encountered an issue recently with my 1.4.3 install : the surface scanner doesn't show the resources present on an asteroid. I have done some researches on the forum and I've found a similar case without any response so I assumed it was somehow fixed in a recent release. However the issue still appear on a fresh 1.5.1 install with the latest Constellation bundle. So does someone know what causes this issue and if I am the only affected.

On ‎5‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 5:00 PM, MrFancyPL said:

Hello, I have a problem with resources in MKS. When I want to scan Asteroid with Surface Scan Module none count of resource shows as it should (?) on this picture.



[My Game]


What is going on ?

Edit : I've skimmed through the log file and I didn't find anything suspicious.


Edited by El Tardos
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While looking through a planet's resources in the KerbNet window on the stock narrow-band scanner, I've noticed that when it gets to what should be Regolith, the game logs an exception:

[EXC 02:35:33.259] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: startIndex + length > this.length
Parameter name: length
        System.String.Substring (Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
        PartResourceDefinition.GetShortName (Int32 length)
        KerbNet.KerbNetModeResource.GetModeCaption ()
        KSP.UI.Dialogs.KerbNetDialog.ActivateDisplayMode (KerbNet.KerbNetMode mode)
        KSP.UI.Dialogs.KerbNetDialog.OnModeChanged (KSP.UI.UIStateButton button)
        UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall`1[KSP.UI.UIStateButton].Invoke (KSP.UI.UIStateButton args0)
        UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`1[KSP.UI.UIStateButton].Invoke (KSP.UI.UIStateButton arg0)
        KSP.UI.UIStateButton.SetState (Int32 index, Boolean invokeChange)
        KSP.UI.UIStateButton.ToggleState ()
        KSP.UI.UIStateButton.<Awake>m__0 ()
        UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke ()
        UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke ()
        UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press ()
        UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData)
        UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData)
        UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor)

…and the KerbNet window doesn't show the resource abundance for Regolith; it just continues to show the preceding resource (which happens to be RareMetals).  If I click the button again then it correctly proceeds to the resource after Regolith (which happens to be Silicates).

The stack trace indicates that it's a problem with the resource's name, so my first thought was that it might be a missing config attribute or a misspelled localization tag, but everything seems fine in that regard.  My ModuleManager.ConfigCache shows that the RESOURCE_DEFINITION's "displayName" and "abbreviation" attributes have both been correctly resolved to their localized strings.

The problem appears to be that Regolith's abbreviation string is too short: the English localized string for #LOC_CRP_Regolith_Abbreviation is simply "R", and the game doesn't seem to like that.  If I change it to "Re" (in CommunityResourcePack/Localization/en-us.cfg), the problem goes away and I'm able to view a planet's Regolith map using the narrow-band scanner.  If I change it back to "R", the problem occurs again.

Has anyone else encountered this?  It seems like it may be a stock bug (resources apparently can't have single-letter abbreviations), not a CRP bug, but it might be necessary to change Regolith's abbreviation as a workaround.  (There are also several other CRP resources with single-letter abbreviations, like Deuterium and Fluorine, but Regolith is the only one that can be viewed in KerbNet with the narrow-band scanner, I don't know whether the problem is specific to ModuleResourceScanner and KerbNet, or if it'd occur in other places too.)

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6 hours ago, Wyzard said:

Has anyone else encountered this?


Yes, when helping to add Chinese localization, I ran into the same stock bug. Some Chinese characters like water cause the same problem to occur.  As a result, many Chinese localisation names had to be replaced by 2 letter words, water became Liquid Water. We also created a ticket reporting the issue and I assumed by now they fixed it. Apparently, they ignored it.

Edited by FreeThinker
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8 hours ago, Wyzard said:

The problem appears to be that Regolith's abbreviation string is too short: the English localized string for #LOC_CRP_Regolith_Abbreviation is simply "R", and the game doesn't seem to like that.  If I change it to "Re" (in CommunityResourcePack/Localization/en-us.cfg), the problem goes away and I'm able to view a planet's Regolith map using the narrow-band scanner.  If I change it back to "R", the problem occurs again.


A quick look at the Localization/en-us.cfg file shows quite a few resources with single letter Abbreviations. (Carbon, Deuterium, Fluorine, Sulphur, Tritium, LqdTritium) 

Now maybe these resources are not available to be viewed the planet's resources in the KerbNet window so the same problem does not pop up for them. (I have not played around with these resources, so don't know if they WOULD be found in a planets resources.)

Edited by BlackHat
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...


I'm reviving the JDiminishingRTG mod, and would like it to have a compatible CRP config.

It has 4 different fuels, which correspond to the following:

  • plutonium238 : expensive, high output, medium halflife 
  • americium241 : less expensive, low output, very long halflife
  • strontium90 : cheap, mid-high output, short halflife
  • polonium210 : medium cost, insane output, pitiful halflife

I know that there is a Plutonium238 in the CRP, but am looking for equivalent resources to the Americium241, Strontium90, and Polonium210.

Suggestions will be appreciated

Thanks in advance


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Hey everyone ;)

I have simple question - how to get rid of this?


Happens only using CRP. And due to this I can't charge batteries from my solar panels, 'cause they just don't transfer electricity to batteries. What's the solution? Thanks in advance!

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1 hour ago, NikeR said:

Hey everyone ;)

I have simple question - how to get rid of this?


Happens only using CRP. And due to this I can't charge batteries from my solar panels, 'cause they just don't transfer electricity to batteries. What's the solution? Thanks in advance!

So CRP doesn't actually "do" anything.  It is just a collection of configs to define resources.  It is used by modders who wish to maintain compatibility between mods.  So I would begin with the mod you are using that bundled CRP.


[edit]  I just realized this is the 4th time I've said the same thing on the same page...

Edited by goldenpsp
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8 hours ago, goldenpsp said:

So CRP doesn't actually "do" anything.  It is just a collection of configs to define resources.  It is used by modders who wish to maintain compatibility between mods.  So I would begin with the mod you are using that bundled CRP.


[edit]  I just realized this is the 4th time I've said the same thing on the same page...

Thanks for reply! From mods which bundle CRP I have 

  • Near Future Technologies (newest)
  • BlueDog Design (newest)

So taking fact everything is up-to-date into consideration it becomes quite tought to understand what is actually goin' on...

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3 hours ago, NikeR said:

Thanks for reply! From mods which bundle CRP I have 

  • Near Future Technologies (newest)
  • BlueDog Design (newest)

So taking fact everything is up-to-date into consideration it becomes quite tought to understand what is actually goin' on...

I would start by running only one of those mods at a time and see if the problem persists.  If so go to that mods' thread and troubleshoot.

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