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[1.12.x] Chatterer v.0.9.99 - Keep talking ! [20 Mar 2020]


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I don't know if this information is helpful at all but I just thought I should share it. I re-installed Chatterer and it seemed to work fine for a bit, but after a while, the chatter simply stopped. Seems a bit nonsensical.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I noticed the chat stops too, but just installed for the first time and have only tried it on an airplane flight. The chatter works on the runway, but ends (or is masked by) the engine start. I think the beeping and ambient continues. 


I’m on Mac/Steam 1.4.2. 

Edited by Hangdog
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v0.9.95 [12 Apr 2018]
- Recompiled for KSP v1.4.2.2110
- Switched chatter exchange code to a coroutine method (this didn't fix chatter hang since KSP 1.4.0 issue tho)
- Moved quindar clips to chatter's Audiosource instead of quindar Audiosource (this actually fixed hanging issue)
- Added chatter exchange trigger on SOI change Events
- Added chatter exchange trigger on vessel situation change Events(all but Flight and Landed to avoid the notorious spam on bumps issue)
- Added chatter exchange trigger when CommNet link goes online
- Added a new sound "void noise" which kicks when CommNet link goes offline
- Trigger an exchange on crewed vessel load (just to say hello)
- Some code cleanup

Update (chatter exchange HOTFIX kinda) is out.

Hopefully I didn't break more things than I fixed, enjoy.

More to come, soonish(tm)

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On this version I notice if you add other AAE background sounds, they don't stick when you start the game again (and I've seen it happen during the same game session). Whatever you had set them both at, they change back to the two default sounds even though both your chosen AAE audio choices still show as what you had set them. You have to then re-click both of them again to get them to change back to what you had set them.

Edited by MikeO89
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I haven't listened to them yet -- but what I imagine the context disagreement is whether things are "chatter" (as in communications, or equipment feedback, cabin noise (fans, hiss, etc) versus something that might be more directly suited to Soundtrack Editor (Once it's available for the current KSP...).

I'm all for more and varied noises, and who knows what Jeb or Val might bring up on their MP3 player... ;)

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15 hours ago, Gordon Dry said:

@Athlonic Could chatterer avoid randomly playing voice chatters or any signal chatters when there is no actual CommNet connection like when occlusion occurs?

I second this. My first instinct would be to add a check whether CommNet is connected before starting a chatter event, but I have a feeling that this might prevent chatter from happening at all on a save that didn't have CommNet enabled.

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1 minute ago, theonegalen said:

I second this. My first instinct would be to add a check whether CommNet is connected before starting a chatter event, but I have a feeling that this might prevent chatter from happening at all on a save that didn't have CommNet enabled.

That could be assumed/checked-for, too, yeah? 

As of a recent version, it already plays a "static" noise upon losing connection, so it's watching for that.

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1 hour ago, theonegalen said:

@Gordon Dry @Beetlecat I was looking through the changelog, and it said that it should already do this. If it's not working in 1.4.x, this is probably going to be a bug report rather than feature request. 

Makes sense -- I've for sure noticed the signal drop/restore sounds playing, but not whether the actual vocal chatter ceased in between those moments. Obviously some testing is in order!

"Jeb, Bob, fire up the plane!" :D

Edited by Beetlecat
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