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[1.2.2] B9 Aerospace | Release 6.2.1 (Old Thread)


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  On 5/12/2016 at 6:48 AM, von Fabricius said:

KSP: Newest version 32/64 bit

Problem: B9 control surfaces don't work at all

Mods installed:

Reproduction steps:

Use any command pod. Attach any b9 control surface. Right-click doesn't show menu to edit yaw, pitch and so on. Control surface non responsive when flying.





It's a couple of KW patches that are causing ModuleManager to think that FAR is installed.  Delete KWRocketry/KWCommunityFixes/KW_FAR.cfg and the problem should go away.  @linuxgurugamer I just submitted a PR to fix this.

As another aside, you're not on the latest KSP.  CKAN reports (and logs confirm) that you're on 1.1.0, whereas the latest is 1.1.2.  As a general debugging tip, it's not usually useful to say that you're on the latest version of anything - the exact version number is much more informative.

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  On 5/12/2016 at 7:29 AM, blowfish said:

It's a couple of KW patches that are causing ModuleManager to think that FAR is installed.  Delete KWRocketry/KWCommunityFixes/KW_FAR.cfg and the problem should go away.  @linuxgurugamer I just submitted a PR to fix this.

As another aside, you're not on the latest KSP.  CKAN reports (and logs confirm) that you're on 1.1.0, whereas the latest is 1.1.2.  As a general debugging tip, it's not usually useful to say that you're on the latest version of anything - the exact version number is much more informative.


Damn it works :-) You're the boss. 

You're right. I was a little bit lazy regarding the version number. 

Now that I know this, I can see that i was a KW mod (not sure which one) update fra 3.01 -> 3.04 that propably made the error.

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  On 5/12/2016 at 7:29 AM, blowfish said:

It's a couple of KW patches that are causing ModuleManager to think that FAR is installed.  Delete KWRocketry/KWCommunityFixes/KW_FAR.cfg and the problem should go away.  @linuxgurugamer I just submitted a PR to fix this.

As another aside, you're not on the latest KSP.  CKAN reports (and logs confirm) that you're on 1.1.0, whereas the latest is 1.1.2.  As a general debugging tip, it's not usually useful to say that you're on the latest version of anything - the exact version number is much more informative.


Thanks, I'll get to it today

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3.0.5 released:

-Fixed techrequired for the KW12mFairingCone
-Fixed typo in 3mWildcatXR/part.cfg
-Fixed MM patch to avoid problems when FAR isn't installed.  FOR makes ModuleManager think that the mod exists (should be NEEDS). Also added to the KWRocketry pass.

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An error found in the log with RCS Port R1:

[LOG 21:56:30.431] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Blocks/Port_R1/B9_Control_RCS_Port_R1'
[WRN 21:56:30.436] Warning on PartSubtype Shielded on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitch') on part B9.Control.RCS.Port.R1: No transformes named RCS-1-Shielded found

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  On 5/13/2016 at 3:06 AM, Galenmacil said:

An error found in the log with RCS Port R1:

[LOG 21:56:30.431] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Blocks/Port_R1/B9_Control_RCS_Port_R1'
[WRN 21:56:30.436] Warning on PartSubtype Shielded on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitch') on part B9.Control.RCS.Port.R1: No transformes named RCS-1-Shielded found


Nice catch.  Will be fixed in the next version.

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  On 5/7/2016 at 4:44 AM, Eskandare said:

That and turbine spin, you'll never get rid of firepitter, it is too good..

My mod uses firespitter and smoke screen. VTOL mode is just an animation, the heat may be caused from other possible reasons. I'll look into it. Also throttle controlled avionics is a great mod for VTOL, it's better then the firespitter hover module.


I can confirm the issue. It seems to occur only when "toggle hover" is hit; I can fly in VTOL mode fine until I click on "toggle hover" and then BAM, instant overheat.

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  On 5/16/2016 at 8:50 AM, Deku said:

can you please give us the download link to the giant blocky ship parts?


The HX pack can be downloaded at the same location as everything else. I know the OP says this somewhere ... is it not clear enough?

Also welcome to the forums!

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Can't attach any engine to T2 Engine Mount. Engine is not snapping to the node. If I move camera inside of mount, it snaps, but with wrone node (which make engine getting buried in mount). Is that working as intended?

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hi all! i am excited to try this mod out, and couldn't wait to load up the pre-made spaceplanes to test drive all the new parts. but after i downloaded the zip and extracted it, i didn't see any "ships" folder with default craft? In the OP under the HOW TO INSTALL segment, it says "Double-check whether you are using KSP version 1.1 or higher. Your root KSP folder should already contain GameData and Ships folder". I assumed that meant there was another ships folder inside the zip with shiny new planes to fly.

Am i missing something?

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  On 5/16/2016 at 2:22 PM, Mystique said:

Can't attach any engine to T2 Engine Mount. Engine is not snapping to the node. If I move camera inside of mount, it snaps, but with wrone node (which make engine getting buried in mount). Is that working as intended?


Does holding the option key when trying to attach help?  That forces only stack attachment.

  On 5/16/2016 at 3:12 PM, dresoccer4 said:

hi all! i am excited to try this mod out, and couldn't wait to load up the pre-made spaceplanes to test drive all the new parts. but after i downloaded the zip and extracted it, i didn't see any "ships" folder with default craft? In the OP under the HOW TO INSTALL segment, it says "Double-check whether you are using KSP version 1.1 or higher. Your root KSP folder should already contain GameData and Ships folder". I assumed that meant there was another ships folder inside the zip with shiny new planes to fly.

Am i missing something?


That's probably out of date.  There were some example craft, but they haven't been updated in a while and most would be broken at this point.  They're not included in the download.  I'll see about getting that updated.

EDIT: done

Edited by blowfish
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  On 5/17/2016 at 2:23 PM, PTGFlyer said:

Bug report: None of the B9 pods show you the Kerbals inside them down in the bottom right corner.


Please read "how to get support" in my signature. You have not given nearly enough information to know what's going on, especially since the kerbal portraits have shown up just fine for me very recently.

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I'm using 1.1, so I figured with the recent release it was probably a bug.

Player log:

  Reveal hidden contents


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  On 5/17/2016 at 3:44 PM, PTGFlyer said:

I'm using 1.1, so I figured with the recent release it was probably a bug.


Well, you have B9 installed incorrectly.  Notice paths like GameData/B9_Aerospace_6-1-1/GameData/B9_Aerospace. You might want to take another look at the installation instructions. This is almost certainly the cause of your issues (and a slough of other issues you haven't yet noticed).

It won't break anything, but there's also no reason not to delete old versions of ModuleManager. You only need 2.6.24

Also, in the future, could you use something like Dropbox or Google Drive for logs? It's quite difficult to sort through them in a browser.

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My Dropbox is full and  I forgot about Google Drive. Thanks. I guess I just had problems with the three different folders.

It works now. 

I keep somehow installing things wrong, looking at them closely, and not realizing that's it.

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I have a not-so-nice-problem here...

[LOG 23:42:37.219] ModuleB9PartSwitch on part B9.Aero.HL.Adapter.Front: Switched subtype to Structural
[EXC 23:42:37.221] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	PartLoader.GetDatabaseConfig (.Part p)
	PartLoader.GetDatabaseConfig (.Part p, System.String nodeName)
	DragCubeSystem.LoadDragCubes (.Part p)
	Part+<Start>c__Iterator25.MoveNext ()
[EXC 23:42:37.227] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	FlightGlobals.get_ActiveVessel ()
	Trajectories.AutoPilot.Update ()
[EXC 23:42:37.231] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	FlightGlobals.get_ActiveVessel ()
	Trajectories.AutoPilot.Update ()

The last 3 lines get repeated indefinetly.

Happened to all "prior" adapters as well (M1-M3). Deleted them, started the game again, same problem with next part :/


Edit: As soon as I disable/uninstall B9 and it's dependencies (only part-switch for near future construction and procedural wings remain) (using CKAN) the game loads.

Edited by cy-one
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hey guys, possibly stupid question, but I just got a new computer that can handle KSP and all my mods again and am running CKAN and noticed a lot of different B9 Mods (HX parts Pack, Legacy Parts Pack, Parts Pack, Procedural Wings-Fork, Aerospace Props, Animation Modules, and Part Switch)  is the Part Pack all inclusive or do I need some of the other mods to get everything?  I know the Legacy parts pack is just old parts so I don't really care about that.

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  On 5/19/2016 at 9:58 AM, jab136 said:

hey guys, possibly stupid question, but I just got a new computer that can handle KSP and all my mods again and am running CKAN and noticed a lot of different B9 Mods (HX parts Pack, Legacy Parts Pack, Parts Pack, Procedural Wings-Fork, Aerospace Props, Animation Modules, and Part Switch)  is the Part Pack all inclusive or do I need some of the other mods to get everything?  I know the Legacy parts pack is just old parts so I don't really care about that.


The procedural wings are an unrelated mod, originally also by bac9. B9AnimationModules and B9PartSwitch are plugin dependencies that the main part pack requires (but CKAN will handle automatically). HX is the big blocky parts. Props are really part of the core pack, but CKAN split it out so that other mods can use it, but it will be installed automatically if you install core.

Basically this: Install the main parts pack (B9 Aerospace), and HX/legacy if you want it. CKAN will take care of the rest.

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