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[1.2.2] B9 Aerospace | Release 6.2.1 (Old Thread)


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21 minutes ago, blowfish said:

The procedural wings are an unrelated mod, originally also by bac9. B9AnimationModules and B9PartSwitch are plugin dependencies that the main part pack requires (but CKAN will handle automatically). HX is the big blocky parts. Props are really part of the core pack, but CKAN split it out so that other mods can use it, but it will be installed automatically if you install core.

Basically this: Install the main parts pack (B9 Aerospace), and HX/legacy if you want it. CKAN will take care of the rest.

thanks for the clarification

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On 9/1/2014 at 5:09 PM, bac9 said:

If you find yourself with out of memory errors, try 64-but version of the game.

Thanks for the 1.2 update for Tweakscale! --- Was looking at OP and saw this in the "Notes" part. A few typos there, in case it matters.

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On 5/16/2016 at 7:06 PM, blowfish said:

Does holding the option key when trying to attach help?  That forces only stack attachment.

Nope, it completely ignores node when approaching from correct (back/external) side and only snaps if you get engine part inside of mount part.

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13 minutes ago, Mystique said:

Nope, it completely ignores node when approaching from correct (back/external) side and only snaps if you get engine part inside of mount part.

Well, you're right, the node was flipped.  I thought we got rid of all those issues ages ago.

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1 hour ago, Fraz86 said:

@blowfish Any chance we could get a crashTolerance field for ModuleB9PartSwitch subtypes?

That shouldn't be too hard.  Can I ask what the use case is though?

Edited by blowfish
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57 minutes ago, blowfish said:

That shouldn't be too hard.  Can I ask what the use case is though?

For NearFutureConstruction Octo-Girders. There are various subtypes (solid, hollow, open, saddle, fuel tanks, etc.), which intuitively ought to have different strengths (the open version should certainly be weaker than the solid girder).

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Probably not possible, but it does not hurt to ask. One new feature from stock game - how much in percentage will cargo bay doors open.

I assume it is not possible in B9 mod due to differnt animation plugin used to open/close cargo bay doors, but can that be added some day in future when you take a bit rest from moding and actualy enjoy playing game for a while? Those new Mk1 cargo bays are nice for some small stuff. Much more usefull than stock game Mk1 service bays.

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1 hour ago, kcs123 said:

Probably not possible, but it does not hurt to ask. One new feature from stock game - how much in percentage will cargo bay doors open.

I assume it is not possible in B9 mod due to differnt animation plugin used to open/close cargo bay doors, but can that be added some day in future when you take a bit rest from moding and actualy enjoy playing game for a while? Those new Mk1 cargo bays are nice for some small stuff. Much more usefull than stock game Mk1 service bays.

Almost all of the cargo bays use ModuleAnimateGeneric now.  I tried to get the deployment limits to work, but I think the deployment direction is reversed compared to the stock bays ... I couldn't get it to work and gave up.  If you want to mess around with the parameters to see if you can get it to work I'd definitely love to see the results :D

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So, only messing with part config file should be sufficient (in theory) to work ?
I assume those two modules are responsible for that. This is from squad config file for Mk2 large cargo bay

		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
		animationName = Mk2BayL
		startEventGUIName = Close
		endEventGUIName = Open
		actionGUIName = Toggle Bay Doors
		allowDeployLimit = true
		revClampDirection = false
		revClampSpeed = true
		revClampPercent = true			
		name = ModuleCargoBay
		DeployModuleIndex = 1
		closedPosition = 1
		lookupRadius = 1.8
		nodeOuterForeID = top
		nodeOuterAftID = bottom
		nodeInnerForeID = top2
		nodeInnerAftID = bottom2

I can only speculate for now, but from short look at config file, problem might be in proper animation name. It should match with animation name configured in mesh file somewhere. Not that I'm expert in mesh modeling field, but I will try to mess with it.

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@kcs123 The problem isn't getting ModuleAnimateGeneric to work.  It's used on all the cargo bays currently and works fine.  The problem is adjusting the deployment parameters so that the deployment limits actually work the way they're supposed to.  When I tried it, they ended up being very glitchy, so I just disabled the deployment limits.  I think the problem may have to do with whether the animation starts open or closed, but I'm not sure.

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Yep, figured out root of problem. As soon as you touch slider to limit deployment, stock cargo bay change it's state from Closed to Open, while Mk1 does not.
Mesh need some trigger or event to be properly configured somewhere. Can't help you more than that, I'm not mesh expert, don't know where you need to put this missing piece of code. Probably just few lines of code and after that config files should work properly.

I hope that this helps to narrow down problem and possible to solve it when you got time for this. Thanks for great work on maintenance of this mod and AJE too.

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I don't think it has anything to do with the mesh other than the animation.  In any case, I don't have access to the Unity files so I can't change that.

It's possible that some combination of all those true/false fields could make it work properly, but I tried to figure that out and I could not determine what it might be, and I don't have the time or energy to go through that again.

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Well, no need to repeat same thing again to that thread, when you got time, willpower and access to unity files you can investigate this.
It is either something with B9PartSwitch plugin or something with meshes that require SDK, unity or whatever is used in creation of models.
I understand that you don't have willpower to investigate it further, it is not big deal.

Anyhow, I have found some other inconveniences. It include several fuselages. Some of them weight  too much and can hold too much volume compared to stock parts. For example, Mk2b 2m fuselage (structural) is heavier than short Mk2 stock liquid fuel tank when it is empty. Furthermore, stock part can hold 400 units of fuel while Mk2b of same size can hold 800 units.

I have no objections for different dry mass, B9 can be heavier, but have higher crash resistance or temperature tolerance, so it can be pros/cons when someone use B9 part over stock part of same type. I don't have nothing against to have different fuel amount either, but  double size difference for the same volume does not seems right.

Similar thing is with 0.5m Mk1 part when you compare it to stock FS100 tank. There is probably some other similar issues, I didn't noted all of them. I don't know how much time I will have for KSP to track down everything, I just bringed it to attention, so other players may also pay attention for it and report if there is such things with other parts.

Neither of those things are gamebreaking or urgent to fix, I just reported it to be aware of it.

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@kcs123 It has nothing to do with B9PartSwitch.  The cargo bays use the stock ModuleAnimateGeneric.  If it were in my code, I could fix it.  I suppose I could completely re-implement ModuleAnimateGeneric but I have very little interest in doing that.

Re: Mk2 fuselages: The stock ones have an oddity where they don't hold any more fuel than the equivalent-length Mk1 sections.  Especially since even the round section has a larger radius than the Mk1 parts.  Maybe double is too much (even though the parts have enough physical volume to justify this), but the stock amount also seems wrong.

Re Mk1 0.5m fuselage: It should have 104 volume units.  If it's showing up as something else, then there must be a patch modifying it.


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Yep. Mk1 0.5 have 104 units. Stock FL-T100 have exactly 100 units. There is no MM patch that modify it. Only that while empty Mk1 0.5 weights more than empty FL-T100. It might have better crash tolerance or temperature limits because of that.

IIRC @NathanKell, explained somwhere long time ago, fuselages contain smaller units of fuel than whole volume for specific part because of preasurred fuel tanks. Especialy when comes to LFO. Fuel supoused to be inside mk2 part in rounded cilinders that can sustain high preasured fuel much better than other shape, different materials have to be used, structure supporting materials, etc. Not whole volume of part can be used to contain fuel.

That is why double of fuel units in Mk2b part is too much compared to stock part of same size. Maybe 500 or or 600 units will be more fair ?
Just to have some differences and player have a reason to choose B9 part over stock part.  Having diferent price for the part of same size is OK too, but part price have much less influence on overall gameplay than other properties.

And sorry, since you posted info about new thread just bellow mine, it seemed that you are on track of something to solve it, my mistake.

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5 minutes ago, kcs123 said:

Yep. Mk1 0.5 have 104 units. Stock FL-T100 have exactly 100 units. There is no MM patch that modify it. Only that while empty Mk1 0.5 weights more than empty FL-T100. It might have better crash tolerance or temperature limits because of that.

IIRC @NathanKell, explained somwhere long time ago, fuselages contain smaller units of fuel than whole volume for specific part because of preasurred fuel tanks. Especialy when comes to LFO. Fuel supoused to be inside mk2 part in rounded cilinders that can sustain high preasured fuel much better than other shape, different materials have to be used, structure supporting materials, etc. Not whole volume of part can be used to contain fuel.

That is why double of fuel units in Mk2b part is too much compared to stock part of same size. Maybe 500 or or 600 units will be more fair ?
Just to have some differences and player have a reason to choose B9 part over stock part.  Having diferent price for the part of same size is OK too, but part price have much less influence on overall gameplay than other properties.

And sorry, since you posted info about new thread just bellow mine, it seemed that you are on track of something to solve it, my mistake.

The heat tolerance is higher, yes.  I think it's actually slightly longer than the FL-T100, hence the slight additional volume.  But evidently I didn't apply this consistently.  I'll see about updating the Mk2 parts ... if I just take the diameter of the round section, they should have 44% more fuel than the equivalent Mk1 tank.  I'll probably just round to 50%.

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16 minutes ago, Putre said:

I am cannot download from github

Welcome to the forums!  Could you try again and elaborate if the problem perists?  Could just be a temporary outage or Github throttling if you've downloaded a lot of stuff recently.  I just tried downloading and it worked fine.

Edited by blowfish
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 Is there ever gonna be a unique IVA for the Mk 5? Love using that particular cockpit/pod but the disconnect between the window sizes between the exterior and interior still bugs me.

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I managed to create working compressor/precooler for SABRE-S engine. part config is in spoiler section.


    // --- general parameters ---
    name = B9_Engine_SABRE_S_Body
    module = Part
    author = bac9

    // --- asset parameters ---
        model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Engine_SABRE_Body/S
    scale = 1
    rescaleFactor = 1

    // --- node definitions ---
    node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
    node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
    node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0

    // --- editor parameters ---
    TechRequired = aerospaceTech
    entryCost = 900
    cost = 225
    category = Structural
    subcategory = 0
    title = SABRE S Precooler
    manufacturer = Tetragon Projects
    description = As the air enters the engine at supersonic/hypersonic speeds, it becomes very hot due to compression effects. The high temperatures are traditionally dealt with in jet engines by using heavy copper or nickel based materials, by reducing the engine's pressure ratio, and by throttling back the engine at the higher airspeeds to avoid melting. However, for an SSTO craft, such heavy materials are unusable, and maximum thrust is necessary for orbital insertion at the earliest time to minimize gravity losses. Instead, using a gaseous helium coolant loop, SABRE dramatically cools the air from 1000C down to -150C in a heat exchanger. Just kidding, this knockoff piece probably isn't doing anything.

    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
    attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

    // --- standard part parameters ---
    mass = 0.133 // 1.51m3
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.2
    minimum_drag = 0.3
    angularDrag = 3
    crashTolerance = 30
    breakingForce = 2700
    breakingTorque = 2700
    maxTemp = 2000 // = 3400
    emissiveConstant = 0.95
    fuelCrossFeed = True
    bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
    tags = breathe explo fligh inlet intake inter jet oxygen supersonic
    // ----- additional parameters taken from stock RadiatorPanels large
    //emissiveConstant = 0.90 // commented as it already have info
    heatConductivity = 0.001 //They have built in insulators
    thermalMassModifier = 5
    radiatorHeadroom = 0.75
    skinInternalConductionMult = 2000

        name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
        moduleID = fuelSwitch
        switcherDescription = Tank Setup
        baseVolume = 260.0

            name = Structural

            name = LiquidFuel
            tankType = LiquidFuel

            name = LFO
            tankType = LFO
    // module taken from radiator panel
        name = ModuleActiveRadiator
        maxEnergyTransfer = 10000
        overcoolFactor = 0.25
        isCoreRadiator = true
        parentCoolingOnly = false //true
            name = ElectricCharge
            rate = 0.025
    // Module taken from ISRU and changed
         name = ModuleResourceConverter
         ConverterName = IntakeAir
         StartActionName = Start Compressor [IntakeAir]
         StopActionName = Stop Compressor [IntakeAir]
        AutoShutdown = true
            key = 0 100000
            key = 750 50000
            key = 1000 10000
            key = 1250 500    
            key = 2000 50    
            key = 4000 0
        GeneratesHeat = true
        DefaultShutoffTemp = .8
            key = 0 0 0 0
            key = 500 0.1 0 0
            key = 1000 1.0 0 0
            key = 1250 0.1 0 0
            key = 3000 0 0 0
            ResourceName = IntakeAir
            Ratio = 1.0
            FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
            ResourceName = ElectricCharge
            Ratio = 30
            ResourceName = IntakeAir
            Ratio = 1.5
            DumpExcess = true
            FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW


It still need more tweaking/balancing to not be overpowered, but it work in game. Compessor use air from other intakes and with cost of electrical usage it creates more air.
While active, compressor also genearate heat. Good news is that there is also built in cooler that also need electrical energy to keep everything cool.

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