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What would you want in the next update (0.90)?


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  tater said:
Radial decouplers:

Aside from the known issue with them (not ejecting properly), I'd like to see them not need struts. It is very non-intuitive for new players to add struts to things that are supposed to come apart. I hate having to add them to SRBs… it's just wrong.

I didn't even think to try it. "Why would I add struts? That will keep it from separating."

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I am SO not going to dig thru 21 pages and 200 replies to this, so, if I double up, so be it.

better aerodynamics

new skybox choices made stock

mechjeb made stock

persistent trails <smoke AND plasma>

robotic arms such as canda arm

bigger cargobays

thats my take.

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  tsotha said:
I didn't even think to try it. "Why would I add struts? That will keep it from separating."

Exactly. It's totally the opposite of what you'd expect, but is somehow required. Those need to lock whatever they attach parallel to the decoupler, with zero wobble.

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  tater said:
Exactly. It's totally the opposite of what you'd expect, but is somehow required. Those need to lock whatever they attach parallel to the decoupler, with zero wobble.

i agree that they should do that, OR give us the ability to fix a single booster to two or more decouplers, or perhaps build a decoupler directly into the booster. either way

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Lol. I usually add in decouplers on my main rocket body with struts between them and my SRB's. A benefit to that is it helps in countering the FAR + radial decoupler inward tilt bug by pushing the top of the SRB away.

For things I'd like in 0.26....easy, grip on the Kerbals' gloves so they quit slipping off the ladder during an EVA or at least getting Jeb to clean the vegetable oil off the ladder before launching. I have no idea why he insists on frying up some mozzarella sticks in his cockpit as part of his pre-flight checklist and flinging the leftover oil out of the lander door during the final countdown.

EDIT: Is there something up with the time on the server? My post, on my screen, was at 12:40, my local time (CST). The post above is for an hour and 12 minutes in the future at 01:52.

Edited by skeevy
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Tone down the firepower on the radial decouplers. Ever since .24 I've had to add a buffer piece above any SRB to take the impact from any SRB I separated. Seems every decoupler has enough kick in it to spin the booster, even the big one, right into the tank that my engine is running off of. Seems the tank is ultra vulnerable when fuel is flowing. The buffer piece (the small girder) takes the hit for it instead but adds weight I don't want. I've since built a custom radial decoupler with an old technique:

Take the small length girder and attach radially, then take an inline decoupler, turn it sideways and attach that to the girder. Then put SRBs on the back of the coupler in the right direction. The inline decouplers don't have nearly the kicking strength the normal radial ones do and they have more space to mount boosters on. I may never use a radial decoupler again with that kind of mounting space (the rocomax decoupler can fit 5 long SRBS on it). I was able to get orbit with this technique on tier 1 tech (the first unlock).

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  michaelhester07 said:
Tone down the firepower on the radial decouplers. Ever since .24 I've had to add a buffer piece above any SRB to take the impact from any SRB I separated. Seems every decoupler has enough kick in it to spin the booster, even the big one, right into the tank that my engine is running off of. Seems the tank is ultra vulnerable when fuel is flowing. The buffer piece (the small girder) takes the hit for it instead but adds weight I don't want. I've since built a custom radial decoupler with an old technique:

Take the small length girder and attach radially, then take an inline decoupler, turn it sideways and attach that to the girder. Then put SRBs on the back of the coupler in the right direction. The inline decouplers don't have nearly the kicking strength the normal radial ones do and they have more space to mount boosters on. I may never use a radial decoupler again with that kind of mounting space (the rocomax decoupler can fit 5 long SRBS on it). I was able to get orbit with this technique on tier 1 tech (the first unlock).

Honestly, I get a kick out of the strength of the radial decouplers blowing off tiny SRBs, with that new sound effect and all, it's real fun.

I think a better solution would be to provide us with longer radial decouplers. The ones we have just don't work well with the increasingly large radial tanks/SRBs.

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Along with my normal request to get a better way to manage and display SCIENCE! stored in a capsule (I'm tired of having to page through 60+ reports stored in my capsule to see if I've already done that EVA in space high over the Mun's Midlands)...

1) I'd like to have the autocrew toggle-able. There are plenty of times when I want to launch a ship controlled by probe, but have a lander can attached for later addition of crew. But the system always assumes I want to put crew in the capsules. I'd love to have this turned off, or at least set via toggle.

2) I'd like to have a SAS module in the MK2 format. In the meantime I've made my own by copying and altering the existing MK2DroneCore but it would be nice to have a part like this as stock.

3) I'd also like to have a lightweight wall divider for stringing together multiple small cargo bays. Since attaching cargo to the walls seems to be the best way to put stuff in there, it would make it easy to pack a lot of individual items:


Again, I've made my own by copying and altering the MK2DroneCore but I'd like to see something like this as stock.

4) Stock RasterPropMonitor support for the new MK2 cockpits...

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A few things I would like to see in 0.26 is EVA immersion (1st person, life support, tools ect). Another thing ran across on the wiki is that there working on the new gas giant that's supposed to have a ring. Life support in general would be a nice addition. And the last thing I think would be cool to see in 0.26 is the ability to move around inside vehicles.

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  .DJFrostbite said:
A few things I would like to see in 0.26 is EVA immersion (1st person, life support, tools ect). Another thing ran across on the wiki is that there working on the new gas giant that's supposed to have a ring. Life support in general would be a nice addition. And the last thing I think would be cool to see in 0.26 is the ability to move around inside vehicles.

I'd like life support more in the lines of ship design than consumables. IE: interplanetary missions require hitchhiker pods or to be added centrifugal parts to simulate gravity. Or you need extra space: you're taking four astronauts? Good, for extended mission, you need crew space for eight, which accounts for recreation facilities, larger rooms to reduce stress, stuff like that.

So this also ties to sending a fleet to another planet. It maybe that you need to send the landers in one ship and the crew in a dedicated vessel, so your exploration requires docking the yet unmanned landers to your crew transport ship.

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No need to speculate on what is going to be in 0.26 any longer, Maxmaps posted the Grand 0.26 Plan yesterday:

  • Editor overhaul - Boy has this one been a long time coming. We’re improving part sorting, adding 3d widgets to make building way easier and overall make it a more pleasant, reliable experience. No more fiddling to get things to fit!
  • Kerbal Experience - We’re using the created experience tracking system to give Kerbals traits. These traits will level up as they partake in missions and accomplish goals, increasing the unique passive bonuses each Kerbal will be generated with.
  • Extra Contracts - We’re adding a couple new contract types. We’re also integrating the related mod ‘Fine Print’ to stock. S’really good.
  • Biomes Everywhere - Revising all of the old ones and adding new ones to every single planet and moon.
  • MK3 Overhaul - We’re going to be working with Porkjet to get as much of this as we can for 25. The general scope for this one dwarfs the content in SP+, so we hope you can understand this one will take time. Attempts to clone Porkjet have so far been unsuccessful.
  • Upgradable buildings - The last big feature missing from career mode and the reason why our art team has been chained to their desks for months now. Every building is getting a tech progression path which will slowly unlock all of their current capacities and some new ones. Take your space center from an amateur project to a world class space center.

Any thoughts on the new features? Biomes on every single planet does that include Jool?

PS so happy to see my predictions were right (this doesn't happen often :rolleyes:)

Edited by Yakuzi
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0.26 seems best update in long times. Editor overhaul, biomes and contracts sound like excellent news and kerbal experience gives nice things to rolegaming. I think that I wait 0.26 and do not even try to hunt all mods in 0.25.

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  Yakuzi said:
No need to speculate on what is going to be in 0.26 any longer, Maxmaps posted the Grand 0.26 Plan yesterday:

  • Editor overhaul - Boy has this one been a long time coming. We’re improving part sorting, adding 3d widgets to make building way easier and overall make it a more pleasant, reliable experience. No more fiddling to get things to fit!
  • Kerbal Experience - We’re using the created experience tracking system to give Kerbals traits. These traits will level up as they partake in missions and accomplish goals, increasing the unique passive bonuses each Kerbal will be generated with.
  • Extra Contracts - We’re adding a couple new contract types. We’re also integrating the related mod ‘Fine Print’ to stock. S’really good.
  • Biomes Everywhere - Revising all of the old ones and adding new ones to every single planet and moon.
  • MK3 Overhaul - We’re going to be working with Porkjet to get as much of this as we can for 25. The general scope for this one dwarfs the content in SP+, so we hope you can understand this one will take time. Attempts to clone Porkjet have so far been unsuccessful.
  • Upgradable buildings - The last big feature missing from career mode and the reason why our art team has been chained to their desks for months now. Every building is getting a tech progression path which will slowly unlock all of their current capacities and some new ones. Take your space center from an amateur project to a world class space center.

Any thoughts on the new features? Biomes on every single planet does that include Jool?

PS so happy to see my predictions were right (this doesn't happen often :rolleyes:)

That looks absolutely awesome. Add a few parts, planets, better aerodynamics and weather and KSP is complete! :)

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Wow, completely missed the 0.26 Grand Plan. Looks awesome.

I just hope we get a 0.25.1 patch to address the current EVA ejection bug to hold us over until 0.26.

The only things I'd like added to that would be the ability to start our Space Center anywhere on the planet and the integration of Kerbin Side into stock...you know, for more buildings and choices in Space Center designing.

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The ability to mine/refuel away from home is a great one. Hopefully it's the simple search of Oxygen/Hydrogen (which is life support, oxidizer, and fuel). The possibilities are mining/processing, or scooping. The latter would be from skimming gas giants (pretty science-fictiony, to be sure), or more realistically, water (though other compounds can be broken apart to yield the required bits). With better nuclear rockets, all you need is propellant in the tanks...

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