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[1.7.3] Community Delta-V Map 2.7


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@5thHorseman L1C1 max range is 31.6Mm, while Minmus' orbital altitude is 46.4Mm  Therefore, the map is wrong. :)
You would need a Class 2 Antenna over the Level 1 Tracking Station in order to establish direct communication between Minmus and Kerbin.

I'll review all these antennae levels for each planet and update the map accordingly. Meanwhile, you can check the KSPedia » CommNet » Ranges page to check the max range for each antenna+tracking station combination, then compare it with the max distance between Kerbin and the target planet/moon.

I really miss an in-game label for each antenna (C1, C2, etc.). For what I've seen, you've got to either check the wiki, or check the antenna stats and compare it iwth the KSPedia page to determine that antenna's class.

Edited by Kowgan
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On 23/06/2017 at 8:13 PM, Kowgan said:

I really miss an in-game label for each antenna (C1, C2, etc.). For what I've seen, you've got to either check the wiki, or check the antenna stats and compare it iwth the KSPedia page to determine that antenna's class.

nothing is impossible in kerbal! :)

here you go with a module manager patch ( read the instructions in the thread linked below to "install" it if you need)

//Add Class Descriptions to Antenna
//Author: tg626
@PART[longAntenna]:FINAL {
	+description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 1 Antenna.</color> :

@PART[SurfAntenna]:FINAL {
	+description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 1 Antenna.</color> :

@PART[HighGainAntenna5]:FINAL {
	+description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 2 Antenna.</color> :

@PART[mediumDishAntenna]:FINAL {
	+description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 3 Antenna.</color> :

@PART[RelayAntenna5]:FINAL {
	+description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 3 Antenna.</color> :

@PART[HighGainAntenna]:FINAL {
	+description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 4 Antenna.</color> :

@PART[RelayAntenna50]:FINAL {
	+description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 4 Antenna.</color> :

@PART[commDish]:FINAL {
	+description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 5 Antenna.</color> :

@PART[RelayAntenna100]:FINAL {
	+description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 5 Antenna.</color> :

by @tg626 from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/139980-130-community-database-of-module-manager-patches-for-stock-ksp/ ( Add Class Descriptions to Antennas )

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Kowgan That's an absolute beauty of a map you've got there! Thank you so much for all your work.

I had a request, actually. Can I use this map in an application I'm making? With credit to you of course. 

I do understand if you don't want me to use it. 

Thank you!

Edited by Rayquaza
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, LostOblivion. I'll let it pass for now. I'm considering it for a future update. But as far as I understand, you want the elliptical orbit 80km X 2.8Mm?

In any case.

V2.6 released
- Updated to KSP 1.3

 - Fixed Geosync altitude suffix
    » From 2863.3 Mm to 2,863.33 Km
- Updated Antenna values for all planets (and Kerbin moons)
- KSPedia version is now much smoother on your eyes

I hope you like it. :wink:


P.S.: Special thanks to @AlexSheFF for the continuous support with the KSPedia versions. It took me a whole day and 4 Unity Engine versions, but I finally managed to build the KSPedia page from here.

Edited by Kowgan
V2.6, not 2.5. Thanks, swjr-swis
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Thank you for continuing to update this.


9 hours ago, Kowgan said:

V2.5 released

Btw: did you mean v2.6? This post and the thread title/OP don't appear to agree, and the github also says 2.6.0.

Edited by swjr-swis
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 30/09/2017 at 5:58 AM, Kowgan said:

P.S.: Special thanks to @AlexSheFF for the continuous support with the KSPedia versions. It took me a whole day and 4 Unity Engine versions, but I finally managed to build the KSPedia page from here.

The KSPedia version really needs to be added to CKAN!

Many thanks to everyone involved in keeping this going.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 29.09.2017 at 10:58 PM, Kowgan said:

P.S.: Special thanks to @AlexSheFF for the continuous support with the KSPedia versions. It took me a whole day and 4 Unity Engine versions, but I finally managed to build the KSPedia page from here.

Can you guys to build kspedia rss version?

There they are







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The problem is, in many cultures where English is not the primary language, and even some where it is, the magic password is not commonly used. In my experience, there are only 4 or 5 English speaking countries where use of the magic password is common.

Given the phrasing of flart's request, I suspect English may not be their primary language.

So there's a good chance they have absolutely no idea what is being referred to. Not all cultures adhere to the same definition of politeness as we do.

(Just something to keep in mind)

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  • 1 month later...

I recently did a trip to Dres with life support, using this mod, and found that I had a trip home only about ~90 days after I arrived based on the map I was prepared for a stay of over a year. I looked into the maths some more and I realized the following:

1) I think the "average time between windows" you calculate is just the synodic period.

2) I think you can work out the time to return window as follows.

Let say we have two planets P1 and P2 with orbital periods T1 and T2. We start at P1. Hohmann transfer to P2, dwell there for time D and Hohman transfer back to P1.

We can calculate the time required for the (round trip) transfer orbit from the periods P1 and P2 of the planets. Call that time Th.

I am going to measure angular position out of 1, rather than 360 degrees of 2pi radians for simplicity.

The total time the mission takes is D + Th. In that time P2 makes (D+Th)/T1 laps.

The vessel does half a lap on the way out, half a lap on the way back and does D/T2 of a lap at P2.

If we set these two numbers to be equal we get:  (D+Th) / T1 = 1+ D/T2

Solving that equation for D gives:

However, we don't actually have to solve that equation. The two sides don't have to be equal, they can differ by an integer (which is 360 degrees) so we actually solve the equation:

(D+Th) / T1 = 1+ D/T2 + k

to get:

D= (1 + k - Th / T1) / ( 1/T1 - 1/T2).

And use the smallest positive D we can get by trying different k's.

That gives dwell times of:

Moho: 79 days

Eve: 554 days 

Duna:  529 days

Dres:  89 days

Jool:  340 days

Eeloo: 250 days

I haven't checked these times out in the game, but the math works. Might you want to include that information on the map?

Also, could we please get an update for the OPM map that includes Karen?



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  • 3 weeks later...

@Nicias Sorry for the delay.
Regarding the time of flight, they're gathered as explained on the image subtitles. They're done through AlexMoon's Launch Window Planner simulations, using 10 different years of possibilities and taking the average value. Some values will be smaller, others will be longer. In order to cover most of the gameplays and styles for all players, the average number was choosen. For life support players, it's best to have a number that won't kill your Kerbals for being too low. :)

Average Time between Windows is something entirely different from Time of Flight, and it was gathered (and tested) with the help of the Protractor mod and its predictions based on fuel-efficient maneuvers during launch windows. Like time of flight, launch windows will vary depending on the year, and an average time was choosen to be used for the same reasons as mentitoned above.

As for RSS and OPM updates, unfortunately I can't update those maps myself as I don't have RSS/OPM; as such, I can't work on those numbers. :( If anyone is willing to help updating those maps, feel free to contact me via PM.

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Isn't the map missing a stage in the Moho path? There's no eliptical orbit, it goes from flyby to circular orbit immediately? 

I'm wondering because a recent moho expedition of mine planned with generous deltav margins ended up having to use all landing fuel just to get into an eliptical orbit? Granted, moho is a poodle, a few degrees wrong on the trans-moho burn and your relative velocity is way up there. I think the capture burn was about 4500m/s for eliptical, 4900 for circular. 

Edited by martinborgen
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@martinborgen The only reason elliptical orbit nodes are there  are to save fuel when aiming for a planet's moon, instead of the planet itself. So you don't need to waste  the extra fuel coming to a low circular orbit.
Therefore, planets without moons don't have these nodes. :)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi there,


I'm fairly new to KSP and do wanna work with a more individualized delta-v map. i might have missed the thread or Reply, so please exciuse this Question: with whuch script or Programm do you make adjust those Maps?


Thanks for an answer … and i have to say: really really great work.



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  • 2 weeks later...

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