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The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network (CKAN) Package Manager; v1.18.0 [19 June 2016]


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Getting this error now while trying to install ATM

The following inconsistecies were found:
ActiveTextureManagement-x86-Basic wishes to install GameData/ActiveTextureManagement/ActiveTextureManagerConfig.cfg, but this file is registered to ActiveTextureManagement
*and many more of those*

I suppose it's because the package name changed?

Tried deleting the old ATM folder, but no joy.

Any ideas how to have CKAN forget that it once installed the old ATM package?

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Getting this error now while trying to install ATM

The following inconsistecies were found:
ActiveTextureManagement-x86-Basic wishes to install GameData/ActiveTextureManagement/ActiveTextureManagerConfig.cfg, but this file is registered to ActiveTextureManagement
*and many more of those*

I suppose it's because the package name changed?

Tried deleting the old ATM folder, but no joy.

Any ideas how to have CKAN forget that it once installed the old ATM package?

I had this problem myself and the only way I could get it removed is to do it via the command line client ("ckan remove ActiveTextureManagement"). Once I removed it via the command line client, I did a "ckan repair registry", a "ckan clean" a "ckan scan", and finally a "ckan list". I checked that list and the ATM package was gone. I then launched the GUI client and it was gone, so I could install from the GUI and manage it properly.

Remove the directory from GameData, and run "ckan scan" from the command line.

Hacky, but works :)

I needed to do the "repair registry" and the "clean" command before it picked up the change in the GUI. Just a "scan" didn't work (for me at least).

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I had this problem myself and the only way I could get it removed is to do it via the command line client ("ckan remove ActiveTextureManagement"). Once I removed it via the command line client, I did a "ckan repair registry", a "ckan clean" a "ckan scan", and finally a "ckan list". I checked that list and the ATM package was gone. I then launched the GUI client and it was gone, so I could install from the GUI and manage it properly.

I needed to do the "repair registry" and the "clean" command before it picked up the change in the GUI. Just a "scan" didn't work (for me at least).


Thanks both of you!

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Would there be any way to maybe categorize between types of mods? It seems now Astronomer's Visual Pack has made it to CKAN 0.90 compatible it is rather obnoxious to have to view the 16 different options for it, although this can't really be helped.

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Should the 'New in repository' filter show only the mods that have been added/updated since the last refresh? Mine seems to show everything, compatible and incompatible, which interestingly the 'All' filter doesn't.

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RE: RCS build aid.. I've just been to their thread... Apparently the author didn't put it on CKAN, and so it's not being maintained.

Anything that's up on CKAN really needs to be put there by the Author of the mod. I'm noticing a couple of double-ups, and a few that aren't being maintained.

The other thing is EVE trying to update itself to the same version (7-4) I have installed. I have posted this fault numerous times now both here and at EVE's thread and been largely ignored but it's doing my head in.

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I'm running KSP from a RAM drive and CKAN adds a downloads directory in the KSP folder, this is added to the space used by the mods in the \gamedata directory that the RAM drive must hold.

Is there a way to config CKAN to use a different location for it's downloads?

(Either I'm blind or there isn't any way to do this from inside the program)

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The RCS Build Aid is listed by CKAN as being version 0.5.4

However, version 0.5.5 is available on github and Curse.com

The author did not put it into CKAN, so posting the problem here.

Can someone give the servers a kick?

No, we cannot give the servers a kick. However the author has uploaded the releases to github, the github API is showing us no releases for it:

root@ksp-ckan:~# curl https://api.github.com/repos/m4v/RCSBuildAid/releases


I have written up a bug repo on his repo:


- - - Updated - - -

I'm running KSP from a RAM drive and CKAN adds a downloads directory in the KSP folder, this is added to the space used by the mods in the \gamedata directory that the RAM drive must hold.

Is there a way to config CKAN to use a different location for it's downloads?

(Either I'm blind or there isn't any way to do this from inside the program)

We have an open issue for this: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-core/issues/4

No one did really get around to implement this, though.

- - - Updated - - -

RCSBuildAid v0.5.5 is in CKAN now: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-meta/commit/a485ba0ac7a6773ff3bb437bf2e7c72068d4b892

Edited by hakan
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FYI Outer Planets Mod is not installing properly from CKAN. Outer Planets relies on some other mods (or parts of other mods) like RSS, Kopernicus, Custom Asteroids and KittopiaSpace but when it installs via CKAN, it doesn't install the necessary requirements at all. Is this mod something that CKAN will not be able to handle (due to its reliance on other mods that need to be installed alongside it) or has the netkan just been set up improperly or not finished correctly?

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We have no binary release of Kopernicus. I believe I asked in the thread for a release, but nothing came forward...

So, whatever depends on Kopernicus will be incomplete as well.

And no, cutting a Kopernicus binary out of the distribution archive of Outer Planets is not something I would like to do. This is too hacky even for my much-reduced sensibilities :P

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We have no binary release of Kopernicus. I believe I asked in the thread for a release, but nothing came forward...

So, whatever depends on Kopernicus will be incomplete as well.

And no, cutting a Kopernicus binary out of the distribution archive of Outer Planets is not something I would like to do. This is too hacky even for my much-reduced sensibilities :P

Sounds good hakan, was just making you guys aware of the issue if it wasn't known yet. I spent over an hour trying to figure out why Outer Planets wasn't working after I installed it via CKAN and finally narrowed it down to dependencies not being included. CKAN downloads the entire .zip archive with all the required files, just doesn't extract the extra folders (which I believe you guys intended, as you don't want overwriting of mods IIRC). I'll just have to live w/a manual install on that one's dependencies.

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I have an idea for a feature. What if the metadata for each mod contained how much memory it uses without Active Texture Management, as well as with it?

"I don't always mod Kerbal. But when I do, I use CKAN."

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I have an idea for a feature. What if the metadata for each mod contained how much memory it uses without Active Texture Management, as well as with it?

Ah well, do you have an idea where we might obtain this data from? All I could think of off the top of my hat is some kind of plugin that runs on your local installation and reports (via opt-in of course) how much memory your complete installation takes...

"I don't always mod Kerbal. But when I do, I use CKAN."

Nice, I might steal this one :)

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I wasthinking more of a "Developer adds amount of memory needed for his/her mod. CKAN adds the amounts together, and sees if it goes above the max amount for ksp." Maybe it could also tell you which mods use the most? It would check if you have ATM installed, and modify the needed amount accordingly. It would be useful for it to check the ATM configs to see if you have any special settings.

As for using my saying, go ahead! Though, I would suggest using prefer, instead of use. So, it would be: "I don't always mod Kerbal. But when I do, I prefer CKAN." Also, how do I set my signature? I can't find it anywhere under the quick links menu. That's where the FAQ said to look.

This used to be a lot longer, but then I accidentally closed the page. I then revised it.

"I don't always mod Kerbal. But when I do, I prefer CKAN."

- - - Updated - - -

Also, how do I set my signature?

I figured it out.

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