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[1.12.x] Community Tech Tree (August 13)


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Finally, at first sight it is looking good!

@Nertea  Edit: However, there is a problem. Does anyone see missing arrow lines between the bottom tech-nodes?


This was with the mod HideEmptyTechTreeNodes, without it, it becomes even worse:




Edited by FreeThinker
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On 13-10-2016 at 5:11 PM, Nertea said:

Discovered a very vexing thing while testing the 1.2 update today - seems that at the higher ( > 85%) zoom levels, arrows in some random parts of the tree don;'t render in 1.2. It appears to be correlated with the screen's position - move too far to the bottom right and it happens.

@Probus - have you started updating ETT, and if so, have you seen these flicking arrows?

I guess this is the problem I'm seeing ...

An interesting observation I can make is that the arrows don't disappear when not zooming in more than 80%, perhaps we could prevent KSP from zooming in further, averting the problem ... 

Another idea: perhaps we can solve the problem if we moved the whole tech either up or down or to the left?

Edited by FreeThinker
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Reverted all icons to defaults, debugged all arrows and connections, removed random sets of nodes, removing the top part of the tree and moving it to the bottom.

Things I have not tried:

  • Removing every node and re-adding one by one
  • Moving the whole tree up.
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27 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

An interesting observation I can make is that the arrows don't disappear when not zooming in more than 80%, perhaps we could prevent KSP from zooming in further, averting the problem ... 

I could put that in my mod if you want. I already have an option to increase the minimum zoom. Or is it decease? Um, I changed the default minimum zoom from 60% to 35%. I could do something similar for the max zoom.

3 minutes ago, Nertea said:


Things I have not tried:

  • Removing every node and re-adding one by one

I tried removing and re-adding every parent in my plugin, didn't seem to work.

Edited by ev0
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13 minutes ago, Nertea said:

Reverted all icons to defaults, debugged all arrows and connections, removed random sets of nodes, removing the top part of the tree and moving it to the bottom.

Things I have not tried:

  • Removing every node and re-adding one by one
  • Moving the whole tree up.

Alright, I found a solution, change every third component of the pos of each technode back to -1 (from 0). After this the problem is solved for me..

Fixed CTT:

	// DX (row) = 191
	// DY (row) = 80

	// Unhide Nanolathing
		@hideEmpty = False
		//pos = -1118,1406,0
		@pos = -1118,1412,-1

	// Adjust positions of lower tree
	// ==============================
		//pos = -1118,1635,0
		@pos = -1118,1635,-1
		//pos = -1519,1355,0
		@pos = -1519,1300,-1
		//pos = -2209,975,0
		@pos = -2209,930,-1

	// Aerodynamics row 1
		//pos = -2170,1201,0
		@pos = -2170,1180,-1
		//pos = -1946,1201,0
		@pos = -1946,1180,-1
		//pos = -1723,1243,0
		@pos = -1723,1180,-1
		//pos = -1521,1278,0
		@pos = -1521,1180,-1
		//pos = -1310,1278,0
		@pos = -1310,1180,-1
		//pos = -1118,1278,0
		@pos = -1118,1180,-1
		//pos = -956,1278,0
		@pos = -927,1180,-1

	// Aerodynamics row 2
		//pos = -1519,1207,0
		@pos = -1519,1120,-1
		//pos = -1310,1207,0
		@pos = -1310,1120,0
		//pos = -1120,1207,0
		@pos = -1120,1120,-1

	// Landing row
		//pos = -1723,1142.4,0
		@pos = -1723,1050,-1
		//pos = -1519,1142.4,0
		@pos = -1519,1050,0
		//pos = -1309,1142.4,0
		@pos = -1309,1050,-1

	// Flight row
		//pos = -1946,1051.4,0
		@pos = -1946,1020,-1
		//pos = -1723,1051.4,0
		@pos = -1723,990,0
		//pos = -1521,1082.2,0
		@pos = -1521,990,-1

	// Motors row
		//pos = -1309,1067,0
		@pos = -1309,990,-1
		//pos = -1118,1067,0
		@pos = -1118,990,-1
		//pos = -952,1067,0
		@pos = -927,990,-1

	// Command row
		//pos = -1520,1020.4,0
		@pos = -1520,930,-1
			parentID = simpleCommandModules
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// Science row
		//pos = -1723,963.9,0
		@pos = -1723,870,-1
		//pos = -1519,963.9,0
		@pos = -1520,870,0
		//pos = -1309,963.9,0
		@pos = -1309,870,-1
		//pos = -1118,963.9,0
		@pos = -1118,870,-1
		//pos = -952,963.9,0
		@pos = -927,870,-1

	// Ion row
		//pos = -1118,905.2,0
		@pos = -1118,751,-1

	// Probes row
		//pos = -1946,846.9,0
		@pos = -1946,620,-1
		//pos = -1723,846.9,0
		@pos = -1723,680,0
		//pos = -1519,846.9,0
		@pos = -1520,680,-1
		//pos = -1309,846.9,0
		@pos = -1309,680,-1
		//pos = -1118,846.9,0
		@pos = -1118,680,-1
		//pos = -952,846.9,0
		@pos = -927,680,0

	// Electronics/automation row
		//pos = -1309,777.6,0
		@pos = -1309,620,-1
		//pos = -1118,777.6,0
		@pos = -1118,620,-1

	// Electrics row
		//pos = -1723,711.1,0
		@pos = -1723,560,-1
		//pos = -1519,711.1,0
		@pos = -1520,560,-1
		//pos = -1309,711.1,0
		@pos = -1309,560,-1
		//pos = -1118,711.1,0
		@pos = -1118,560,-1
		//pos = -952,711.1,0
		@pos = -927,560,-1

	// ====================
	// Nuclear Power Branch
	// ====================

		id = nuclearPower
		title = Nuclear Power
		description = Nuclear reactors can make power too! Start your own with this handy kit.
		cost = 300
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_nuclearPower
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_nuclearPower
		pos = -1309,1809,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = nuclearPropulsion
			lineFrom = TOP
			lineTo = BOTTOM
		id = nuclearFuelSystems
		title = Nuclear Fuel Systems
		description = Because that nuclear fuel won't just recycle itself. Or move itself. Or do much of anything except stare at us angrily, really.
		cost = 550
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_nuclearFuelSystems
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_nuclearFuelSystems
		pos = -1118,1751,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = nuclearPower
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = largeNuclearPower
		title = Improved Nuclear Power
		description = Remember, don't place your reactors too close to your habitats. You don't want your Kerbals glowing in the dark for Halloween!
		cost = 550
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_largeNuclearPower
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_improvedNuclearPower
		pos = -1118,1809,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = nuclearPower
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = advNuclearPower
		title = High Energy Nuclear Power
		description = Fry an egg in seconds. In fact, fry anything in seconds.
		cost = 1000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_advNuclearPower
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_highEnergyNuclearPower
		pos = -927,1809,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = largeNuclearPower
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = fusionPower
		title = Fusion Power
		description = The holy grrraiiiil of power generation. Cheap fuel and lots of power.
		cost = 1500
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_fusionPower
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_fusionPower
		pos = -736,1809,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = advNuclearPower
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = advFusionReactions
		title = Advanced Fusion Reactions
		description = Turns out you can fuse nearly anything, including Jeb's cheese sandwich!
		cost = 2250
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_fusionPower
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advFusionReactions
		pos = -545,1751,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = fusionPower
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
			parentID = fusionRockets
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = exoticReactions
		title = Exotic Fusion Reactions
		description = With enough research funding, we can buy newer materials to bombard with high energy particles.
		cost = 4000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_exoticReactions
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticFusionReactions
		pos = -354,1751,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = advFusionReactions
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = antimatterPower
		title = Antimatter Power
		description = Harnessing the power of really small particles to create alarmingly large explosions.
		cost = 4000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_antimatterPower
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_antimatterPower
		pos = -354,1635,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = advFusionReactions
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = unifiedFieldTheory
		title = Unified Field Theory
		description = Unifying all of the theories of physics into one long, ridiculous, blackboard-destroying equation has been quite profitable for us.
		cost = 10000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_unifiedFieldTheory
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_unifiedFieldTheory
		pos = -163,1693,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = exoticReactions
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
			parentID = antimatterPower
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = ultraHighEnergyPhysics
		title = Ultra High Energy Physics
		description = Turns out, it is science fiction!
		cost = 10000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_ultraHighEnergyPhysics
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = RDicon_science-experimental
		pos = -163,1180,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = antimatterPower
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
			parentID = appliedHighEnergyPhysics
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// =========================
	// Nuclear Propulsion Branch
	// =========================

		id = improvedNuclearPropulsion
		title = Improved Nuclear Propulsion
		description = Hotter cores, and better engines.
		cost = 550
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_improvedNuclearPropulsion
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_improvedNuclearPropulsion
		pos = -1118,1693,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = nuclearPropulsion
			lineFrom = TOP
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = advNuclearPropulsion
		title = High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion
		description = Research into increasing the power of our nuclear engines. It's unlikely to get any better than this, boss!
		cost = 1000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_advNuclearPropulsion
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_highEfficiencyNuclearPropulsion
		pos = -927,1693,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = improvedNuclearPropulsion
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = expNuclearPropulsion
		title = Experimental Nuclear Propulsion
		description = It's been said that nuclear power is basically a really expensive way of boiling water. We beg to disagree - we can boil almost* anything* now!
		cost = 1500
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_expNuclearPropulsion
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_experimentalNuclearPropulsion
		pos = -736,1693,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = advNuclearPropulsion
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
			parentID = experimentalRocketry
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = exoticNuclearPropulsion
		title = Exotic Nuclear Propulsion
		description = Research into the strangest, weirdest, all all-out craziest forms of nuclear propulsion.
		cost = 2250
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_exoticNuclearPropulsion
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticNuclearPropulsion
		pos = -545,1693,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = expNuclearPropulsion
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
			parentID = giganticRocketry
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = fusionRockets
		title = Fusion Rockets
		description = These rockets are going to do their best to make everything else obsolete.
		cost = 1500
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_fusionRockets
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_fusionRockets
		pos = -736,1751,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = advNuclearPropulsion
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// ====================
	// Rocketry Branch
	// ====================

		id = experimentalRocketry
		title = Experimental Rocketry
		description = Don't take "experimental" lightly.
		cost = 1000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_experimentalRocketry
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_rocketry-experimental
		pos = -927,1635,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = veryHeavyRocketry
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
			parentID = highPerformanceFuelSystems
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = giganticRocketry
		title = Gigantic Rocketry
		description = Despite our detractors' repeated claims to the contrary, we CAN build it bigger.
		cost = 1500
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_giganticRocketry
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_giganticRocketry
		pos = -736,1635,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = experimentalRocketry
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = colossalRocketry
		title = Colossal Rocketry
		description = Another one-up on our competitors. We may need a larger launch pad...
		cost = 2250
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_colossalRocketry
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_colossalRocketry
		pos = -545,1635,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = giganticRocketry
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// ====================
	// Fuel Storage Branch
	// ====================

		id = specializedFuelStorage
		title = Specialized Fuel Storage
		description = Due to fuel seeping through the sides of some of our tanks, we've planned several improvements to fuel containment systems.
		cost = 1000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_specializedFuels
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedFuelStorage
		pos = -927,1470.2,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = highPerformanceFuelSystems
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = exoticFuelStorage
		title = Exotic Fuel Storage
		description = Storing those really expensive and really fancy fuels could get really expensive and really fancy.
		cost = 1500
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_exoticFuels
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticFuelStorage
		pos = -736,1470.2,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = specializedFuelStorage
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
			parentID = exoticAlloys
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// ====================
	// Construction Branch
	// ====================

		id = exoticAlloys
		title = Exotic Alloys
		description = Only the toughest and lightest of alloys are allowed into this exclusive club.
		cost = 1000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_exoticAlloys
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticAlloys
		pos = -927,1412,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = nanolathing
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = offworldManufacturing
		title = Off-World Robotics
		description = Research into how to create complex robotic systems, including factory assembly lines... in space!
		cost = 1000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_offworldManufacturing
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = RDicon_robotics
		pos = -927,1300,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = metaMaterials
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
			parentID = experimentalActuators
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = orbitalMegastructures
		title = Orbital Megastructures
		description = The biggest and heaviest Kerbal construction projects.
		cost = 2250
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_orbitalMegastructures
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = RDicon_generic
		pos = -736,1355,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = orbitalAssembly
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = orbitalAssembly
		title = Orbital Assembly
		description = Building things on Kerbin is overrated. Building things in orbit is now merely overly expensive.
		cost = 1500
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_orbitalAssembly
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_orbitalAssembly
		pos = -927,1355,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = metaMaterials
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// ====================
	// Robotics Branch
	// ====================

		id = advActuators
		title = Advanced Actuators
		description = Advanced techniques for making everything mobile with the help of motors.
		cost = 300
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_advActuators
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedActuators
		pos = -1309,1300,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = actuators
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = experimentalActuators
		title = Experimental Actuators
		description = You can never have too much mobility.
		cost = 550
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_experimentalActuators
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_experimentalActuators
		pos = -1118,1300,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = composites
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
			parentID = advActuators
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// ====================
	// Aero Tech Branch
	// ====================

		id = subsonicFlight
		title = Subsonic Flight
		description = Sometimes, it's not enough to be fast.
		cost = 90
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_subsonicFlight
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_subsonicFlight
		pos = -1724,1240,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = aviation
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = efficientFlightSystems
		title = Efficient Flight Systems
		description = Who would have thought? Sometimes, we want to go slower and use a teensy bit less fuel.
		cost = 160
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_efficientFlightSystems
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_efficientFlight
		pos = -1519,1240,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = subsonicFlight
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = specializedFlightSystems
		title = Specialized Flight Systems
		description = Sometimes, you need a little less jet.
		cost = 550
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_specializedFlightSystems
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedFlight
		pos = -1118,1240,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = efficientFlightSystems
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = expAircraftEngines
		title = Experimental Aircraft Engines
		description = Engines intended for planes, not rockets. I guess you could get creative, though.
		cost = 1500
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_expAircraftEngines
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_experimentalAircraftEngines
		pos = -736,1180,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = aerospaceTech
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = aerospaceComposites
		title = Aerospace Composites
		description = Light, heat resistant and tough.
		cost = 1000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_aerospaceComposites
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_aerospaceComposites
		pos = -927,1120,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = experimentalAerodynamics
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = advAerospaceEngineering
		title = Advanced Aerospace Engineering
		description = Pointy shapes, blunt shapes and how they interact with airflow.
		cost = 2250
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_advAerospaceEngineering
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advAerospaceEngineering
		pos = -736,1120,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = aerospaceComposites
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// ====================
	// Command Branch
	// ====================

		id = enhancedSurvivability
		title = Enhanced Survivability
		description = Decrease the number of tearful goodbyes by increasing the survivability of our pilots.
		cost = 45
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_enhancedSurvivability
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon =CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_enhancedSurvivability
		pos = -1946,930,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = survivability
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = simpleCommandModules
		title = Simple Command Modules
		description = Command modules for those baby steps into space.
		cost = 90
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_simpleCommandModules
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_simpleCommandModules
		pos = -1724,930,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = enhancedSurvivability
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = heavyCommandModules
		title = Heavy Command Modules
		description = Big spacecraft need bigger command modules.
		cost = 300
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_heavyCommandModules
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_heavyCommandModules
		pos = -1309,930,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = commandModules
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = specializedCommandModules
		title = Specialized Command Modules
		description = Fancy, purpose-built spacecraft need fancy, purpose-built command modules.
		cost = 300
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_specializedCommandModules
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedCommandModules
		pos = -1118,930,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = heavyCommandModules
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// ====================
	// Mining Branch
	// ====================

		id = advOffworldMining
		title = Advanced Off-World Mining
		description = Mining facilities with more than one drill have opened up huge possibilities. We're looking into hiring oil rig workers to help out.
		cost = 1500
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_advOffworldMining
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_fuelSystems-advanced
		pos = -736,870,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = experimentalScience
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = resourceExploitation
		title = Resource Exploitation
		description = There's money to be made here! Drill baby drill!
		cost = 2250
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_resourceExploitation
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_fuelSystems-advanced
		pos = -545,870,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = advOffworldMining
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// ====================
	// Science Branch
	// ====================

		id = specializedScienceTech
		title = Specialized Science Tech
		description = Science technology whose instruction manuals are thicker than the devices themselves.
		cost = 550
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_specializedScienceTech
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedScienceTech
		pos = -1118,810,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = scienceTech
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = longTermScienceTech
		title = Long Term Science Tech
		description = Some science experiments require ludicrously long durations. The data analysis might take longer!
		cost = 1000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_longTermScienceTech
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_telescope
		pos = -927,810,0
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = specializedScienceTech
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = scientificOutposts
		title = Scientific Outposts
		description = Entire bases dedicated to science sound like great ideas to us.
		cost = 1500
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_scientificOutposts
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_scientificOutposts
		pos = -736,810,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = longTermScienceTech
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = highEnergyScience
		title = High Energy Science
		description = Doing science inside a particle accelerator since 2001.
		cost = 2250
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_highEnergyScience
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_science-experimental
		pos = -545,810,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = scientificOutposts
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = appliedHighEnergyPhysics
		title = Applied High Energy Physics
		description = Applying the techniques of high-energy science to our physics research techniques results in some considerable gains.
		cost = 4000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_appliedHighEnergyPhysics
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_science-experimental
		pos = -354,810,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = highEnergyScience
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// ====================
	// Robotics Branch
	// ====================

		id = mechatronics
		title = Mechatronics
		description = The rumours of robot-led world domination are greatly exaggerated.
		cost = 1000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_mechatronics
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_robotics
		pos = -927,620,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = automation
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = artificialIntelligence
		title = Artificial Intelligence
		description = Smarter computers to help with the "good decisions" our pilots make.
		cost = 1500
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_artificialIntelligence
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_unmannedTech
		pos = -736,680,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = largeUnmanned
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// =======================
	// Electric Engines Branch
	// =======================

		id = advIonPropulsion
		title = Advanced Ion Propulsion
		description = The R&D department has assured us that these technologies will make great publicity photos.
		cost = 1000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_advIonPropulsion
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedIonPropulsion
		pos = -927,751,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = ionPropulsion
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = plasmaPropulsion
		title = Plasma Propulsion
		description = We've discovered a fourth state of matter! It's only very slightly dangerous to handle.
		cost = 1500
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_plasmaPropulsion
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_plasmaPropulsion
		pos = -736,765,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = advIonPropulsion
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = advEMSystems
		title = Advanced Plasma Propulsion
		description = After studying how electricity behaves with magnets, we now can use these results to direct jets of searing hot gas.
		cost = 2250
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_advEMSystems
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedPlasmaPropulsion
		pos = -545,765,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = plasmaPropulsion
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = specializedPlasmaGeneration
		title = Specialized Plasma Propulsion
		description = Advanced techniques for generating, confining and monetizing high energy plasmas.
		cost = 4000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_specializedPlasmaGeneration
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedPlasmaPropulsion
		pos = -354,765,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = advEMSystems
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = advGriddedThrusters
		title = Advanced Electrostatic Thrusters
		description = Some engineers wanted to call this covalent propulsion, but luckily we convinced them not to bond with that idea.
		cost = 1500
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_advGriddedThrusters
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon  =CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedElectrostaticPropulsion
		pos = -736,725,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = advIonPropulsion
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = expGriddedThrusters
		title = Experimental Electrostatic Thrusters
		description = In the dark future of the third millennium, there is only ion propulsion.
		cost = 2250
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_expGriddedThrusters
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_experimentalElectrostaticPropulsion
		pos = -545,725,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = advGriddedThrusters
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// ====================
	// Solar Tech Branch
	// ====================

		id = advSolarTech
		title = Advanced Solar Technology
		description = The discovery of the lens has our electrical engineers all abuzz about the possibilities for solar energy generation.
		cost = 550
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_advSolarTech
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_electrics-large
		pos = -1118,470,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = largeElectrics
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = advPVMaterials
		title = Advanced Photovoltaic Materials
		description = New, stronger, intentionally bendy photovoltaic cells!
		cost = 1000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_advPVMaterials
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_electronics
		pos = -927,500,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = advSolarTech
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = cuttingEdgeSolarTech
		title = Cutting-Edge Solar Technology
		description = These new exotic panels are well grounded in reality.
		cost = 1000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_cuttingEdgeSolarTech
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_electrics-large
		pos = -927,440,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = advSolarTech
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// ====================
	// Electrics Branch
	// ====================

		id = highTechElectricalSystems
		title = High Tech Electrical Systems
		description = Unifying electrical systems for distribution and power.
		cost = 1500
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_highTechElectricalSystems
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_electrics
		pos = -736,560,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = experimentalElectrics
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = highPowerElectricalSystems
		title = High Power Electrical Systems
		description = Distributing megawatts of power through ships, stations and bases requires advanced cabling technologies
		cost = 2250
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_highPowerElectricalSystems
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_electrics
		pos = -545,560,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = highTechElectricalSystems
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = experimentalElectricalSystems
		title = Experimental Electrical Systems
		description = Junction boxes, powered switches, insulated cables... man, this power distribution thing is complicated!
		cost = 4000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_experimentalElectricalSystems
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_electrics
		pos = -354,560,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = highPowerElectricalSystems
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = microwavePowerTransmission
		title = Microwave Power Transmission
		description = Using a really long cable, we plan to... nah, just kidding.
		cost = 1500
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_microwavePowerTransmission
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = RDicon_probes-large
		pos = -736,500,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = experimentalElectrics
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
			parentID = advPVMaterials
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// ======================
	// Heat Management Branch
	// ======================

		id = heatManagementSystems
		title = Heat Management Systems
		description = Research into heat radiators to keep the snacks from overheating.
		cost = 160
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_heatManagementSystems
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_heatManagementSystems
		pos = -1520,380,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = electrics
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = advHeatManagement
		title = Advanced Heat Management
		description = More advanced heat management technologies to keep the A/C running.
		cost = 550
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_advHeatManagement
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedHeatManagement
		pos = -1118,380,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = heatManagementSystems
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = specializedRadiators
		title = Specialized Radiators
		description = Impressive, unwieldy radiators for immediate release!
		cost = 1500
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_specializedRadiators
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedRadiators
		pos = -736,380,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = advHeatManagement
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = exoticRadiators
		title = Exotic Radiators
		description = Research into exotic materials and techniques for heat rejection.
		cost = 4000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_exoticRadiators
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticRadiators
		pos = -354,380,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = specializedRadiators
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// ====================
	// Life Support Branch
	// ====================

		id = recycling
		title = Recycling
		description = Reduceable, reuseable, recyclable technologies.
		cost = 90
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_recycling
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon =  CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_recycling
		pos = -1724,320,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = basicScience
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = hydroponics
		title = Hydroponics
		description = Growing things without getting soiled!
		cost = 160
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_hydroponics
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_hydroponics
		pos = -1520,320,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = recycling
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
			parentID = storageTech
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = shortTermHabitation
		title = Short Term Habitation
		description = A Kerbal, a tiger, a zebra, a chimpanzee and a hyena all walk into a space capsule...
		cost = 550
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_shortTermHabitation
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = RDicon_evaTech
		pos = -1118,320,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = hydroponics
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
			parentID = logistics
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = longTermHabitation
		title = Long Term Habitation
		description = Advanced psychological and material studies dedicated to the advancement of Kerbalkind.
		cost = 1000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_longTermHabitation
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_start
		pos = -927,320,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = shortTermHabitation
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = colonization
		title = Colonization
		description = When spreading Kerbalkind through random explosions is just not enough.
		cost = 1000
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_colonization
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_start
		pos = -545,320,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = longTermHabitation
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
			parentID = advLogistics
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = advColonization
		title = Advanced Colonization
		description = Everything you need for a fully automonous Kerbal colonization effort - just add water!
		cost = 2250
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_advColonization
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = RDicon_start
		pos = -354,320,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = colonization
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT

	// ====================
	// Logistics Branch
	// ====================

		id = storageTech
		title = Storage Technology
		description = For those times when a cardboard box just won't do!
		cost = 90
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_storageTech
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_storageTech
		pos = -1724,260,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = basicScience
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = logistics
		title = Logistics
		description = Making bigger and better cardboard boxes!
		cost = 300
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_logistics
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_logistics
		pos = -1309,260,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = storageTech
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT
		id = advLogistics
		title = Advanced Logistics
		description = Moving boxes from place to place... in space!
		cost = 1500
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = ct_advLogistics
		anyToUnlock = False
		icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedLogistics
		pos = -736,260,-1
		scale = 0.6
			parentID = logistics
			lineFrom = RIGHT
			lineTo = LEFT


Edited by FreeThinker
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3 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Alright, I found a solution, change every third component of the pos of each technode back to -1 (from 0). After this the problem disappears with me..

Fixed CTT:

How odd. That actually makes sense then, if -1 is a z-coordinate of the GUI object, that its Z-order would matter in z-fighting, which would show up at different zoom levels. @Olympic1, author of the PR that I accepted that changed this... comments?

I am not at my modding computer so I can't actually test this, and I'm wary of releasing something without a cursory test at least. @FreeThinker, are you sure that this fixes it, and that there are no unwanted side effects?

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6 minutes ago, Nertea said:


@FreeThinker, are you sure that this fixes it, and that there are no unwanted side effects?

I could  not detect any visual change, for FYI, I used this setting for my internal CTT (which I intend to delete) for over a year now, I had noticed in the CTT change log you changed this to 0, which I could not understand why, but after I saw this bug, it's one of the first things I though to my self I should try, which took me less then a few minute to implement and test..

Edited by FreeThinker
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11 minutes ago, Nertea said:

Like I said above, it came in with a PR that looked generally good. I didn't see any problems in the 1.2pre with those values, so something must have changed.

Not sure, my best guess is that all the new icons pushed it over the edge somehow, like the part count did in the part menu causing the flickering bug ...

What counts is that we now have a solution that is satisfactory and easy to implement ..

Edited by FreeThinker
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6 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Not sure, my best guess is that all the new icons pushed it over the edge somehow, like the part count did in the part menu causing the flickering bug ...

What counts is that we now have a solution that is satisfactory and easy to implement ..

You'd be suprised at how difficult it is to implement things when you're doing it remotely :P

I pushed the hotfix though, should be on dropbox and spacedock. Curse later. 

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10 minutes ago, Nertea said:

I pushed the hotfix though, should be on dropbox and spacedock. Curse later. 

Great, no more disapearing arrows! I tested it and it works perfectly now, especially in combination with

Which removes all those ugly empty tech nodes, it even now works with upgrade placeholders!

Personally, I think we should bundle @ev0 HideEmptyTreeNodes mod with CTT as it solves the the biggest remaining problem  of CTT, empty technodes ...

Edited by FreeThinker
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17 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Great, no more disapearing arrows! I tested it and it works perfectly now, especially in combination with

Which removes all those ugly empty tech nodes, it even now works with upgrade placeholders!

Personally, I think we should bundle @ev0 HideEmptyTreeNodes mod with CTT as it solves the the biggest remaining problem  of CTT, empty technodes ...

Empty tech nodes are objectively not a problem but could even be seen as a "feature", and for those vocal few who have a subjective problem with them, there is a mod.

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36 minutes ago, Yemo said:

Empty tech nodes are objectively not a problem but could even be seen as a "feature", and for those vocal few who have a subjective problem with them, there is a mod.

Well initially CTT did hide all empty technodes, but due to the limitation of the new stock techtree mechanism (which replace a techtree mod), it made some technodes unreachable, @Nertea was forced to always show them.

Edited by FreeThinker
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The reasoning was transparency. Initially everything was hidden and mods were instructed to unhide their chains. It ended up being easier on modders to unhide everything by default than do that. 

I prefer not bundling ev0's plugin and instead advertising it in the OP, as that allows the largest amount of flexibility. 


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3 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Well initially CTT did try hide all empty technodes, but due to the limitation of the new stock techtree mechanism (which replace a techtree mod), it made some technodes unreachable, @Nertea was forced to always show them.

Yep, I remember that it originally had a "forced" origin after the old tech manager was not necessary for tech tree modding anymore.

But regardless of the origin of that behaviour, it objectively provides the user with more information and it makes the tech tree more predictable.

For example, if you only install a very late game mod (eg ftl) and later install a mod for the nodes in between, that could result in the latter nodes being researched while the many in between nodes are still locked.

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2 minutes ago, Nertea said:

The reasoning was transparency. Initially everything was hidden and mods were instructed to unhide their chains. It ended up being easier on modders to unhide everything by default than do that. 

I prefer not bundling ev0's plugin and instead advertising it in the OP, as that allows the largest amount of flexibility. 


cc.  Keep them all uncovered.  Trying to update and/or reconcile multiple mods is much easier when you can see where everything sits. 

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12 minutes ago, Nertea said:

I prefer not bundling ev0's plugin and instead advertising it in the OP, as that allows the largest amount of flexibility.

Alright, then you should provide it as an optional recommended download next to the main download.

That way the mod at least get the attention it deserves.

Edited by FreeThinker
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Not really a Nertea problem, but Spacedock has been bugged I think since the 1.2 drop in that if you are not already following a mod, you don't get the option now. The place where the follow button was is also where the unfollow button goes and it is still there. I have tried emailing using the contact link on the site, I have done forum wide search's for "space dock" and "spacedock" to find the thread on it, but it is not coming up, and I tried bringing it up twice in IRC with no response. So if anyone knows who to contact about it, please pass it on.

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3 hours ago, Nertea said:

How odd. That actually makes sense then, if -1 is a z-coordinate of the GUI object, that its Z-order would matter in z-fighting, which would show up at different zoom levels. @Olympic1, author of the PR that I accepted that changed this... comments?

I am not at my modding computer so I can't actually test this, and I'm wary of releasing something without a cursory test at least. @FreeThinker, are you sure that this fixes it, and that there are no unwanted side effects?

I tested the 1.1.3 version on 1.2 to see if CTT needed changes. When I went to the R&D, the whole tree got messed up and some icons were missing. After checking the 1.2 changes I noticed that the z-coordinates changed from -1 to 0, so I did that too for CTT and that got the tree fixed.

I think that the reason for the missing lines is that the tree is set too low. I can't test this now because I'm still away until monday.

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1 hour ago, Vorg said:

Not really a Nertea problem, but Spacedock has been bugged I think since the 1.2 drop in that if you are not already following a mod, you don't get the option now. The place where the follow button was is also where the unfollow button goes and it is still there. I have tried emailing using the contact link on the site, I have done forum wide search's for "space dock" and "spacedock" to find the thread on it, but it is not coming up, and I tried bringing it up twice in IRC with no response. So if anyone knows who to contact about it, please pass it on.

Here's the thread you were looking for:


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