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[1.12.x] Mark IV Spaceplane System (August 18, 2024)


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I haven't been using Mk IV (which was clearly my mistake, holy carp), but just to make sure the install instructions work, I downloaded from SpaceDock, stripped every folder except for the MkIV folder, and deleted the plugin folder from the inside of that. Dropped the resulting MkIV folder into my GameData folder, and shazaam! These pieces are gorgeous, and I'm gonna find a way to get them involved.

Edited to add: I use all the NFT packs and basically the rest of @Nertea's mods, so I had all the updated dependencies from keeping those up to date.

Edited by Krakatoa
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6 minutes ago, Krakatoa said:

I use all the NFT packs and basically the rest of @Nertea's mods, so I had all the updated dependencies from keeping those up to date.

Me too, the only one that isn't included in any of Nertea's other mods is Firespitter and I have other mods(USI mods) that keep that on up to date.

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I update everything by hand, always have, its good practice for knowing where everything goes(helps with troubleshooting at times, this does), that said, @Nergal8617 identified for me a possible cause of my issue as the KRE or kerbal reusability expansion.

I'm gonna experiment with it tomorrow, if time permits, as I'm presently flying multiple missions that use the KRE and I want to take my time and make sure I dont break a game save I've put alot of work into.

..I'm especially proud of my experimental satellite that uses the rcs type super draco motors XD.

for those curious as to the mod I speak of..it can be found here kerbal reusability expansion

be advised there is a possible compatibility issue with KRE and the space plane system.

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8 minutes ago, RaiderMan said:

be advised there is a possible compatibility issue with KRE and the space plane system.

I've since done some additional testing on clean, standalone install of KSP with just KRE and Mark IV with no issues, I'm thinking there is a some other mod interaction going on.  If you would like to PM me links to your non Nertea mods I can look into which ones are causing the problem.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since we're on a new forum page, I'll repost this to keep it visible:

On 8/14/2017 at 10:39 PM, Wyzard said:

I gave an overview of this a few pages back, but since people either don't read closely or don't look that far back, I'll provide a step-by-step here:

How to install MarkIV in KSP 1.3 (before it's officially updated):

  • Download Mark_IV_Spaceplane_System-2.3.6.zip and extract it into a temporary folder (not your KSP's GameData).
  • Open the GameData subfolder in your temporary folder.
  • In that folder, delete everything except the MarkIVSystem folder.
  • In the MarkIVSystem folder, delete the Plugins folder.
  • Move MarkIVSystem into your KSP GameData folder.
  • Download Cryogenic Engines and extract it into a temporary folder, then open its GameData subfolder.
  • Move ModuleManager.2.8.1.dll into your KSP GameData folder.  (Skip this step if you already have a newer ModuleManager DLL.)
  • Move B9PartSwitch and DeployableEngines into your KSP GameData folder.
  • Download Near Future Spacecraft and extract it into a temporary folder, then open its GameData subfolder.
  • Move NearFutureProps into your KSP GameData folder.
  • Download USI Exploration Pack and extract it into a temporary folder, then open its GameData subfolder.
  • Move Firespitter into your KSP GameData folder.
  • Download Community Resource Pack and extract it into a temporary folder, then open its GameData subfolder.
  • Move CommunityResourcePack into your KSP GameData folder.
  • Delete the temporary folder(s) you created above.

@Nertea, I'll try to repost this (or links to it, at least) on subsequent forum pages to keep it visible to newcomers, unless you'd prefer I not do that.

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30 minutes ago, Catatau_27 said:

Good afternoon, I'm your mod user, I really like it would make it compatible with version 1.3.0? as soon as possible of course, thanks =), I'm your fan =)

Take a look at my post immediately above yours.  I wrote "how to install MarkIV in KSP 1.3" in huge letters so that people can see it even just skimming the page.

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I am trying to make an airintake mod that will be the "perfect" intake for the 1.25 size multimode engine. (Scimitar) 


so my question is this; I see the 2 curves in the part .cfg file for the engine, and I see the various intakes all have curves defined in them.  I understand the idea behind the curves, but not how to interpret them for my purpose.


if I wanted to make an intake that would match the Scimitar's open cycle profile perfectly to ensure it has optimal flight what is it I need to do to the curve in the intake's .cfg file?  or is this a moot point as it is not possible to make a "matched set" of this engine and a specific built intake?   as I said I am not sure how to interpret the numbers in these curves to understand what sort of numbers should be in the intake to ensure prime flight.


or if I understand the shock cone intake has no curve but is linear and thus it is always the best?  as it has no speed cap?  it is just a matter of altitude.  if there is Air the shock cone will perform at 100%?


Edited by Bit Fiddler
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So finally!

I bet there's bugs to be honest. I haven't been able to test this as well as I would like. 

Mark IV System 2.4.0

  •  KSP 1.3.1
  •  Updated MM to 2.8.1
  •  Updated B9PartSwitch to 1.10.0
  •  Updated CRP to 0.8.0
  •  Updated MiniAVC to
  •  Converted all strings to KSP 1.3 localization methods
  •  Updated CryoTanks patch with new mass ratios: LH2 and LH2O tanks are 1.15x as heavy as their rocket variants (as with stock)
  •  Deprecated Firespitter Core in favour of KerbalActuators for all propeller-type engines:
    •  Better handling of forward/reverse thrust for various turboprops
    •  Better performance
    •  More predictable behaviour
  •  Updated NearFutureProps to 0.2.0
    •  Better in every way
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21 minutes ago, Trekkie148 said:

can this be updated for ksp 1.3.0 please?

The 1.2 version works fine in 1.3.0 as long as you grab the updated dependencies from other mods — see my post earlier on this page for details on how to do that.

The just-released 1.3.1 version will probably work in 1.3.0 as well, and it includes the updated dependencies, so all you should need to do is install it the usual way.

(Neither is officially supported, though.)

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Just now, Wyzard said:

The 1.2 version works fine in 1.3.0 as long as you grab the updated dependencies from other mods — see my post earlier on this page for details on how to do that.

The just-released 1.3.1 version will probably work in 1.3.0 as well, and it includes the updated dependencies, so all you should need to do is install it the usual way.

(Neither is officially supported, though.)


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15 hours ago, MrFancyPL said:

Hello, I have got problem with this mod. Every bi-modal engine (like broadsword, also fans) dont show count of Delta V, TWR and thrust in mods like kerbal engineer or other similar .

same here. 



Is the CoM out on front like this ? or your intention.


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4 hours ago, lunian said:


Is the CoM out on front like this ? or your intention.



I would guess that's intentional. If you look at the rapier or some other stock engines, their centers of mass are also offset. I believe it's meant to simulate where the actual center of mass of a realistic jet engine would be. In ksp, most of the 'jet engines' are more like nozzles. The offset center of mass assumes the nozzle will be attached to a turbine or precooler or fuel tank.

That's my understanding...I just realized this today while desperately trying to figure out why my COM was so high on my VTOL.

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