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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. Prince and his band sing the awesome song "Purple Rain" atop the tin roof. But your neighbors are annoyed and call the cops, who then cite you for a noise violation. In addition to having to pay a fine, you are also stuck fitting the bill for the performers time.

Now I wish it will rain down, down on me. Oh yes, I wish it would rain on me!

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Granted. You find yourself trapped forever as a walk on role in one scene of the 1996 Disney film 101 Dalmatians. For all eternity you will experience the that insignificant role in that same scene, over and over again. Kind of like Groundhog's Day but much worse.

This reminds me of causality loops. I wish for the power to avoid becoming trapped within one.

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Granted: You go in and fix the textures on all the mods you run after you realise they are a choice and you can redo them in blender with the .mu plugin.

I wish less procrastination.

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14 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

You build the whole thing, hours and hours of sweat and tears go into such a classic set. Then you drop it.

I wish Pluto got a new friend.

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granted the friend is the sun and they are now within 10 km of eachother making the rest of the solarsystem go out of orbit

i wish for war thunder to be balanced and br to be decompressed

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Granted. Over 200 Million residence of Brazil (BR) are subjected to being decompressed...poor souls. On a more pleasant note, a new cereal labelled as War Thunder is now part of a daily balanced breakfast.

I wish for a nice bowl of oatmeal instead.


Edited by Exploro
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Granted: You are now trapped in a giant Hampster Ball with a nice pattern on the outside of it.

I wish for the innocent wonder of the Sci Fi writers of the 50's


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