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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Your wish is granted. It is packed in a convenient solid bullet proof glass cube to prevent it from spoiling. While the potato is only ten centimeters in length and 8.89 centimeters at it's widest area, tucked in the center of a one meter cube of bullet proof glass.

I wish the sun had a dimmer switch.

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Granted. You get to hear the audiobook of How I Met Your Mother Season 9, Episode 8 on repeat.


I wish to have a fresh, non-infested, peaceful, apolitical, non-venerated, non-transmogrifying, tasty normal-sized Russet-variety potato that I can eat without dying or having other health problems, needing to travel, remove from packaging, or having to throw out.

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Granted. You get a properly colored, regular Lego scale Remote control Lego Liebherr R9800 mining excavator with all the Lego pieces (Including moving/controllable parts) the proper instructions, and the proper app downloaded on your phone so you can control it, all of this delivered safely to you on Earth within a week or 2, without Earth imploding or exploding, without being in a simulation, without you having any medical issues or conditions, without your house being destroyed, without the excavator or your phone gaining sentience, without it being dismantled, without it being stolen, without the granter's head exploding or having any other medical issue or reason why they cannot grant your wish, without the excavator melting, without it being opposite, without being teleported anywhere, and you will be happy once you get it, even without other Lego mining equipment, and for your phone to remain non-stolen, non-damaged, and non-otherwise something bad happening to it.

I wish for something uncomplicated.

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Granted. By not wishing a rip in the space-time continuum develops around Sagittarius A*. This causes all matter in that ultra massive black hole to depolarize into a previously unknown state which results in a "miniaturized big bang" resulting in the instantaneous transmutation of all matter outside the event that is still inside the Milky Way galaxy. This transmutation leaves every atom in the galaxy as superheated plasma that travels the speed of light in all directions from said event.


I wish to have Earth back.


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Granted. You get a properly colored, regular Lego scale Remote control Lego Liebherr R9800 mining excavator with all the Lego pieces (Including moving/controllable parts) the proper instructions, and the proper app downloaded on your phone so you can control it, all of this delivered safely to you on Earth within a week or 2, without Earth imploding or exploding, without being in a simulation, without you having any medical issues or conditions, without your house being destroyed, without the excavator or your phone gaining sentience, without it being dismantled, without it being stolen, without the granter's head exploding or having any other medical issue or reason why they cannot grant your wish, without the excavator melting, without it being opposite, without being teleported anywhere, and you will be happy once you get it, even without other Lego mining equipment, and for your phone to remain non-stolen, non-damaged, and non-otherwise something bad happening to it.


I wish to have a fresh, non-infested, peaceful, apolitical, non-venerated, non-transmogrifying, tasty normal-sized Russet-variety potato that I can eat without dying or having other health problems, needing to travel, remove from packaging, or having to throw out.

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Granted. Dman gets his perfect russet potato, HyperDraco gets all the free time he needs while still making money, and ColdJ gets a nice, safe ride.to the bottom of Everest. Meanwhile you get a rotten regular potato, a pineapple and radish pizza, a lego crane that somehow always looses it pieces for you to step on, and a nice hot sandy desert to eat.


I wish for a faster computer.


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Granted. They recognize each other and become fast friends. There is only 1 USB standard for about one minute until USB C notices that hot little number Miss FireWire IEEE 1394 on an older sytem. Chaos ensues as C and A fight and resolve to never speak to each other again. Such is love.


I wish for better fans.

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