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[1.0]CactEye 2 Orbital Telescope BETA 5.2


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Hi, had a lagging GUI when using asteroid camera in Mk1 (FungEye Telescope), and an error when trying to snap a picture of tracked asteroid.


I can confirm. Just sent up the FungEye telescope and took a pic of an asteroid, but there was an error. No crash, told me to post here :)

Looked in the debug, found this:

[Log]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at ScienceSubject..ctor (.ScienceExperiment exp, ExperimentSituations sit, .CelestialBody body, System.String biome) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperimentSubject (.ScienceExperiment experiment, ExperimentSituations situation, .CelestialBody body, System.String biome) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at CactEye2.CactEyeAsteroidProcessor.DoScience (Vector3 TargetPosition, Boolean IsSmallOptics, Single FOV, UnityEngine.Texture2D Screenshot) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at CactEye2.TelescopeMenu.DrawProcessorControls () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

If you need the ksp log I can get that too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I can confirm. Just sent up the FungEye telescope and took a pic of an asteroid, but there was an error. No crash, told me to post here :)

Looked in the debug, found this:

If you need the ksp log I can get that too.

I can confirm the same bug. It lags a lot and then crashes every time

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Hi all.

The actual version of CactEye is causing a spamming issue of

[EXC 21:58:55.475] FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'DistantObject, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.

If you use the distantobjetHook.dll

see FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'DistantObject, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies."]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98943-1-0-2-Distant-Object-Enhancement-bis-v1-5-5-%282-May-2015%29?p=2007967&viewfull=1#post2007967

I think CactEye has to be rebuilt for the curent version of DOE.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the bump, but do you need a telescope active to find asteroids?

EDIT: Read the first post. Derp. Is there any way to make it so you don't have to have a telescope in orbit to find asteroids?

Edited by TheJewelOfJool
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Is Raven still actively developing the mod?

Edit: From what I see of the GitHub repro for Beta 6, it looks like the CactEye is using the old KAS system instead of the newer KIS. Can anyone confirm?

Edited by Angel-125
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Is Raven still actively developing the mod?

Edit: From what I see of the GitHub repro for Beta 6, it looks like the CactEye is using the old KAS system instead of the newer KIS. Can anyone confirm?

Answering my own question, Beta 6 is using the old KAS modules. I forked the beta tonight and am converting the parts over to use KIS/KAS and recompiling the dll. Once I get done I'll post what I have and create a pull request. Hopefully when raven gets back he can take the changes.

First screenshot with recompiled Beta 6:


Just need to update the solar panels so you carry them on your back, and then Beta 6.1 will be ready.

Edited by Angel-125
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Answering my own question, Beta 6 is using the old KAS modules. I forked the beta tonight and am converting the parts over to use KIS/KAS and recompiling the dll. Once I get done I'll post what I have and create a pull request. Hopefully when raven gets back he can take the changes.

Don't forget the latest DOE please. THANK YOU so much for reviving this! I never got to use it before it all broke yet again lol.

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Don't forget the latest DOE please. THANK YOU so much for reviving this! I never got to use it before it all broke yet again lol.

Thank you for reminding me. I'll locate DOE and see where it's at.

Edit: OK, looks like MOARdv is maintaining DOE, and I just downloaded the latest version. The CactEye hook is now compiled against the latest DOE. Standard installs will have that hook as part of the install. Just need to update some animation modules...

Edited by Angel-125
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CactEye 2 BETA 6.1

NOTE: Angel-125 here, raven appears to have been away for a couple of months, so I've forked his build of CactEye and am doing some caretaking/maintennance until raven gets back. I'm hoping he/she will return to a bunch of pull requests from me and pick up the mod again. If not, I'll do what I can to continue the er, continuation of RubberDucky's mod.

Also note: All I did was recompile, so if there are bugs, I didn't do it. ;)

- Recompiled for KSP 1.0.4

- Updated parts to latest KIS/KAS

CactEye 2 BETA 6

-Fixed an issue where the skybox would not be visible in pictures taken with a CactEye telescope.

-Fixed a timewarp issue with the skybox.

-Fixed an issue where the FungEye telescope would not explode when pointed at the sun.

-Added contracts!

-Added an example craft of the small telescope.

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CactEye 2 BETA 6.1

NOTE: Angel-125 here, raven appears to have been away for a couple of months, so I've forked his build of CactEye and am doing some caretaking/maintennance until raven gets back. I'm hoping he/she will return to a bunch of pull requests from me and pick up the mod again. If not, I'll do what I can to continue the er, continuation of RubberDucky's mod.

Also note: All I did was recompile, so if there are bugs, I didn't do it. ;)

- Recompiled for KSP 1.0.4

- Updated parts to latest KIS/KAS

CactEye 2 BETA 6

-Fixed an issue where the skybox would not be visible in pictures taken with a CactEye telescope.

-Fixed a timewarp issue with the skybox.

-Fixed an issue where the FungEye telescope would not explode when pointed at the sun.

-Added contracts!

-Added an example craft of the small telescope.

You're wonderful. I'm unable to test this right now but has this been built on the new DOE version so I don't get a nullReference error with the DOE tie in plugin enabled?

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You're wonderful. I'm unable to test this right now but has this been built on the new DOE version so I don't get a nullReference error with the DOE tie in plugin enabled?

From what I understand, DOE was updated yesterday. I pulled the latest release and compiled against that, so I think it should work.

thank you for updating this! Would there be any reason for it to not work in 1.0.2?

I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work. You might get a complaint about compatibility, but if you locate the CactEye.version file, and edit it with a text editor, you should be able to specify 1.0.2.

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Sorry for the bump, but do you need a telescope active to find asteroids?

EDIT: Read the first post. Derp. Is there any way to make it so you don't have to have a telescope in orbit to find asteroids?

In case anyone didn't see this.

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In case anyone didn't see this.

That I don't know. I'd have to study the code and figure it out, but I'd guess that you have to be in orbit to discover asteroids. Which reminds me, the AsteroidDay mod has the Sentinel telescope, and it discovers asteroids. I wonder if I could make a Sentinel camera for the CactEye...

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Question: are both GRU-1000 & GRU-2000 supposed to have a 4 day life span? If not any suggestions on what the fox might be?

I'll take a look at this. I think 4 days is pretty low. More like 100 and 200 days seems more reasonable. I think the CPU and cameras should have a lifespan as well. Gotta have a reason to go service the telescope...

edit: ok, I figured out how it works. The GRU part configs have a lifeSpan parameter in the config file, which specifies how long the gyro will last in Earth days. KSP defaults to 6hr days, which is why the gyros last 4 kerbin days. Next update I'll adjust their times to be 25 earth days for the GRU-1000 and 50 earth days for the GRU-200 (100 and 200 days, respectively).

Edited by Angel-125
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I'll take a look at this. I think 4 days is pretty low. More like 100 and 200 days seems more reasonable. I think the CPU and cameras should have a lifespan as well. Gotta have a reason to go service the telescope...

edit: ok, I figured out how it works. The GRU part configs have a lifeSpan parameter in the config file, which specifies how long the gyro will last in Earth days. KSP defaults to 6hr days, which is why the gyros last 4 kerbin days. Next update I'll adjust their times to be 25 earth days for the GRU-1000 and 50 earth days for the GRU-200 (100 and 200 days, respectively).

Yeeey telescopes are back ðŸâ€Â­

I prefer to have these times rather than the old ones, because it felt like too many maintenance. But I'd suggest making new costlier gyros up in the tech tree so you don't breach Raven's mindset, whatever it was for whatever reason he had. Or you can unlock it like MJ, so it's easier to handle it on multiple parts. Either way I like to have it back.

Also, can I ship 2 gyroscopes and disable one of them for extended live span? I always had that question.

Any chance to have a look on the old slow gui issue?

Anybody remembers whether contracts had any issues? I never got any.

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Yeeey telescopes are back ������

I prefer to have these times rather than the old ones, because it felt like too many maintenance. But I'd suggest making new costlier gyros up in the tech tree so you don't breach Raven's mindset, whatever it was for whatever reason he had. Or you can unlock it like MJ, so it's easier to handle it on multiple parts. Either way I like to have it back.

Also, can I ship 2 gyroscopes and disable one of them for extended live span? I always had that question.

Any chance to have a look on the old slow gui issue?

Anybody remembers whether contracts had any issues? I never got any.

I will investigate and see if you can disable the gryo.

For the contacts, it looks like you need ContractConfigurator.

Not sure about the slow gui issue, that will take time to figure out.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm not able to get any processor into the processor mounts. I'm using KSP 1.0.2 on a mac.

I definitely need more to go on, I verified that in 1.0.4, I can install all the processors using the latest KIS.

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Oh it's just that I try to match up the processors with the mounts they don't lock in place. I get the example craft, take out a processor and I can't fit it back in as soon as I click.

EDIT: I just realised I'm using v.5.2

Edited by Bev7787
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Found on the settings screen that is provided in the space center screen the settings keep changing themselves to turn settings back on. Is this something that is known to be goofy? The setup idea if fantastic allowing players to adjust to their preference! :)

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