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What did you do after you Mod it till it crashesâ„¢ ?


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So I reached it again after 0.90, the dreaded memory cap. So many wonderful mods, so little RAM. I tried, and tried my best, pulling through the infrequent crashes on scene changes and ctrl-z and clone tool. But now I crash in mid flight. And that is the line. With heavy heart and teary eyes, with clenched teeth and shaking hands, I must find a way to move on.

What did you do when you face this situation? Did you lament for the limitation of our primitive technology? Did you uninstall the game in blind rage? Did you line all your mods up, steeled your heart, staring at them with soulless eyes, watching them tremble, as you shoot them down, methodically and metaphorically, one by one? Did you struggle to fight the inevitable, digging into the mods, picking them apart, hooking them up with support and upgrade, removing unnecessary parts, while screaming "LIVE! LIVE! I beg you...please live..." even though you know you have gone way past that limit a long time ago?

For me, I am currently having 101 items in my game data folders. I already have ATM aggressive, running in openGL, and used DDS Loader, but I think I am way far down the line already. I will have to take some dramatic measure. Comming soon: Kermie's choice - Against impossible odds, tragic decisions must be made.

Edited by RainDreamer
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Have you tried active texture management?

If not do that first.

After that, make sure you go through the FAQs on the mods you have installed to see if there are any known conflicts, things like B9 not getting along with Tweakscale. Doing this and reading the last few pages of the mod pages will usually lead to resolution of any remaining issues.

If that doesn't work, trial and error. Add a mod or two, load the game, check for bugs, quit game and repeat.

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Did you struggle to fight the inevitable, digging into the mods, picking them apart, hooking them up with support and upgrade, removing unnecessary parts, while screaming "LIVE! LIVE! I beg you...please live..." even though you know you have gone past that limit a long time ago?

^ This... :( If it doesn't work (it usually doesn't tbh), I dig out my backup and mod it one by one until I find the trouble maker. Yes, that my take hours... and I am sooo freakin happy that bac continued b9 (can't ty enough for that). Those community patches screwed up the compatibility hard and it took me so much time to keep it around along with the other stuff...

And last weekend I had another series of glitches caused by mods... So I had to go through that step by step backup dance all over again. And I had to say good bye to a dear friend. Good bye trajectories mod. I will miss you as soon as I get further in my new career safe and see my shuttles pancaking into the mountains near KSC again... I have to get it to work again >. < I don't want to play without it anymore.... -ksp crashing again-

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I have a cycle. I'll start with a fresh install, add my normal core mods, like KW, FAR, DRE, TAC, Alarm Clock, Engineer, Precise Node, and so on. Then I'll add a couple more mods to it, and start a game. As I play, ill come across mods that seem cool or come up with ideas that require other mods. I always force OpenGL. If I need to I'll use Texture management. Eventually either KSP gets too buggy or I get bored of the game I am playing, so then I'll start the cycle over again with different mods.

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You might want to take a look at my SETI BalanceMod (see signature), supporting heavily modded installs without the downsides of clutter and ram usage is one of the reasons I m making it.

It is still in early development, but is progressing rapidly.

While I dont recommend it for massive mod install yet, one of its main features is, that it uses only procedural parts where appropriate (eg adapters, fuel tanks etc).

This saves a lot of part count in the assembly menues.

The momentarily unused parts are currently shifted towards an unused tech node, so if you want, you can take a look at that node and delete (make a backup first) those parts from the folders.

It is planned to automate this when the mod is more mature.

And deleted redundant parts dont eat up memory.

Commenting in the mod thread will bumb it up, attract more people, who find more issues and thus make the mod progress faster ;-).


Edited by Yemo
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Since playing at 0.24, I've had alot of Mods and alot of crashes. I've decided to stick to one very useful mod and the rest I guess I'm playing Stock. at least til 1.0 then, I may experiment with adding more mods again :)

Is there a stable better atmospheres mod for 0.90 yet?

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When I run out of memory, I sigh and start x64 instead.

And once that doesn't work... well, it was nice to use you, astronomer's visual pack.

I installed linux

^ and this. My arch linux eats next to nothing when idle

Edited by InterCity
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I used to have a bunch of mods installed, always nearing the dreaded limit...

Then I decided to bring an axe down... I realized I don't need 6 cone-shaped capsules, 4 fuel/oxy tanks with the same size and volume and 8 engines with roughly the same thrust/isp. Even with a bunch of parts, I noticed that I was always picking the same few parts when building my ships...

So now, I only grab what I'll REALLY use from modpacks...

Everything running fine with ATM Basic + OpenGL :D

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At times like those, I go back to the gamedata folder and pull the stuff I rarely use and purge it from the system...also, I remove the mods I have become bored or outright annoyed with.

- - - Updated - - -

I have only recently run up against the 32-bit memory limit, mostly due to installing VFX mods (before that it was mostly info/control mods that don't eat much RAM). I used -force-opengl and haven't had a problem since.

How do I do that? (do the force-opengl) I can't seem to figure it out at all! I tried to use Felbourn/Bob Fitch's AMA that covered this, but my system ended up rejecting it! :-(

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How do I do that? (do the force-opengl) I can't seem to figure it out at all! I tried to use Felbourn/Bob Fitch's AMA that covered this, but my system ended up rejecting it! :-(

Make a shortcut to KSP.exe. Edit its properties, on the line where it gives the path to it add " -force-opengl", then use that shortcut to start KSP.

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Personaly I tend not too use alot of part packs that have alot of overlap and I frequently will trim out redundant parts if that happens. I also if needed cut out most of the fuel tanks and just use procedural parts to make the tanks instead. What do I need 30 or more different sized cylindrical fuel tanks for when I can just use 1 that I stretch to fit? I'll do the same with fairings and wings if I need to cut more parts out to reduce ram usage.

Typicly I install required lightweight mods first (KAC, Engineer ect) then whatever critical part mods I want for this game playthrough, then visuals, then whatever bonus part mods I like to have but can live without. For fixing ram overruns I start with OpenGL (might try dx11 to see if it works better on my system soon) then ATM then pruneing unused parts.

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At times like those, I go back to the gamedata folder and pull the stuff I rarely use and purge it from the system...also, I remove the mods I have become bored or outright annoyed with.

- - - Updated - - -

How do I do that? (do the force-opengl) I can't seem to figure it out at all! I tried to use Felbourn/Bob Fitch's AMA that covered this, but my system ended up rejecting it! :-(

Here is a guide on how to force opengl. By forcing opengl and using the basic active texture management, my KSP barely uses more than 2gb of RAM, even with B9, KW, USI, and a bunch of other random mods. I have not had a crash due to KSP running out of memory since I started using opengl.

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well, it was nice to use you, astronomer's visual pack.

This. I get my part mods in, then crank up the visuals till crashing, then take out the visuals until its stable(ish) again.

Unfortunately OpenGL mode doesn't really work for me, despite the huge RAM savings. Switching between scenes takes forever and I loose all forms of AA, so the game looks terribad. :(

Edited by klesh
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  • 2 weeks later...

I deleted all the parts i don't use, deleted all fuel tanks larger than 1,25 m and installed tweak scale, removed the last mod I added - bye bye :( Station science :(. Now i am thinking of removing cockpit interiors. I heard it releases a lot of RAM if you do it. There are a ton of mods that I would like to have but, alas, There is a limit what you can do with only 4 GB (or is it 3.2?)

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