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[1.1.x] KSPX - Kerbal Stock Part eXpansion mod reposted v0.2.10.1 | 20/4/16


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Hey guys, short update for KSP v0.23!

Nothing really to fix or change with parts, but I made sure they all show up properly and added a few things, changelog below, cheers!


[FEATURE] Added an alternator module to the nuclear engine, it will now produce electricity when running
[FEATURE] Upped the thrust and amount of solid fuel for the escape tower by a little

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Hey guys, short update for KSP v0.23!

Nothing really to fix or change with parts, but I made sure they all show up properly and added a few things, changelog below, cheers!


[FEATURE] Added an alternator module to the nuclear engine, it will now produce electricity when running
[FEATURE] Upped the thrust and amount of solid fuel for the escape tower by a little

Your profile pic scares me but thanks anyway ;p

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One minor suggestion, this is in regards to the LES. I would add decoupling to the part, as it would be easy to jettison after orbit. Also changing its category to utility, so it's easier to locate.

I use to code for my MM 1.5 file:

@category = Utility

name = ModuleDecouple
ejectionForce = 50
explosiveNodeID = bottom

Hey guys, short update for KSP v0.23!

Nothing really to fix or change with parts, but I made sure they all show up properly and added a few things, changelog below, cheers!


[FEATURE] Added an alternator module to the nuclear engine, it will now produce electricity when running
[FEATURE] Upped the thrust and amount of solid fuel for the escape tower by a little

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One minor suggestion, this is in regards to the LES. I would add decoupling to the part, as it would be easy to jettison after orbit. Also changing its category to utility, so it's easier to locate.

I use to code for my MM 1.5 file:

@category = Utility

name = ModuleDecouple
ejectionForce = 50
explosiveNodeID = bottom

While that works on it's own, that then prevents from activating the LES by staging, as it will decouple and fly away. it's parther easy to stick it on top of a decoupler and to remove it that way.

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I've don't have problems. I use FASA LES also. LES just needs to be on last stage, where parachute is or player can move it to right spot. If its in desired stage, when that stage is activated, LES will fire and decouple.

Personally I use an action key to simulate jettison, kind of like what Apollo astronauts did. I set it to action, fire engine and decouple the LES. If I am using MJ, I wait until coast to AP to jettison, before craft does circular burn. I can usually figure out this in VAB and put LES in right stage number, usually KSP does this on its own.

The only problem I notice when putting LES in stage, if using MJ or stock, is when placed with decoupler stage by itself. The LES won't fire, I usually have to put it in engine stage activation, or visa versa, I don't recall ATM. Staging some how gets confused.

A player who isn't used to LES system will not know how to set up LES to stage. There is just that simple rule to follow when placement in stage. I've been using LES systems in my builds for a very long time, as far back as KSP 0.17.

While that works on it's own, that then prevents from activating the LES by staging, as it will decouple and fly away. it's parther easy to stick it on top of a decoupler and to remove it that way.
Edited by therealcrow999
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IMO the best option for a LES is to have both decoupler and solid motor in the part. Both activate on staging (for powered tower jettison during ascent). Then you add "activate engine" for the LES to the abort group, along with decoupling from rocket or service module. Then on abort you hit abort; tower fires. Then you can stage normally to jettison it via decoupler.

For added security you can set a second action group button (I use 5 instead of abort/backspace) that will activate the decoupler on the tower, decouple heatshield and any other remaining parts, and trigger parachutes. Then if you abort from pad or early ascent, you can hit backspace and on LES burnout hit 5 and automatically do everything needed for rapid landing.

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Hey guys, short update for KSP v0.23!

Nothing really to fix or change with parts, but I made sure they all show up properly and added a few things, changelog below, cheers!


[FEATURE] Added an alternator module to the nuclear engine, it will now produce electricity when running
[FEATURE] Upped the thrust and amount of solid fuel for the escape tower by a little

I've been trying to download this from Spaceport since yesterday, but Firefox keeps telling me that "the page isn't redirecting correctly". Everything else works on Spaceport. Do you have an alternative link for me?

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After playing, they LES engine looks like sepratron or booster in staging. It won't work when a engine is in same stage, usually only works in decoupler stage, where its the decoupler and LES alone. This will make LES stage, if that is the route a player wants to go.

I've don't have problems. I use FASA LES also. LES just needs to be on last stage, where parachute is or player can move it to right spot. If its in desired stage, when that stage is activated, LES will fire and decouple.

Personally I use an action key to simulate jettison, kind of like what Apollo astronauts did. I set it to action, fire engine and decouple the LES. If I am using MJ, I wait until coast to AP to jettison, before craft does circular burn. I can usually figure out this in VAB and put LES in right stage number, usually KSP does this on its own.

The only problem I notice when putting LES in stage, if using MJ or stock, is when placed with decoupler stage by itself. The LES won't fire, I usually have to put it in engine stage activation, or visa versa, I don't recall ATM. Staging some how gets confused.

A player who isn't used to LES system will not know how to set up LES to stage. There is just that simple rule to follow when placement in stage. I've been using LES systems in my builds for a very long time, as far back as KSP 0.17.

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Looks like in a few releases, there would be nothing left to do for this mod. :) I was surprised to find only a single nuke engine, a Xenon tank and one big ion engine, a bunch of fuel tanks (mostly useless, since I use MFS anyway), a few SAS modules and a LES tower. After cutting the tanks out to save memory, I'm left with... 7 parts?

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