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[1.8-1.12] TextureReplacer 4.5.3 (8.2.2022)


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but this replaces it for EVERY suit that does not have a specific one yes? 


maybe I did not say what I mean very clearly.  I have many suit mods most of them include 5 or 10 suits.  so every mod is adding in 5 or 10 normal maps.  is there a way to make each set of suits use one normal map, that will be different from the normal map in another mod's set of suits.  this would prevent me loading something like 50 normal maps when I could load 10.


hope this makes more sense.

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  On 10/27/2016 at 3:27 AM, Bit Fiddler said:

but this replaces it for EVERY suit that does not have a specific one yes? 


maybe I did not say what I mean very clearly.  I have many suit mods most of them include 5 or 10 suits.  so every mod is adding in 5 or 10 normal maps.  is there a way to make each set of suits use one normal map, that will be different from the normal map in another mod's set of suits.  this would prevent me loading something like 50 normal maps when I could load 10.


hope this makes more sense.


The files in the default folder replace everything, correct.

For what you are asking to do, no, I don't believe that is possible with the way TextureReplacer is built.  It is looking for the named normal map file in either the default folder or the individual suit folder.  I don't know how feasible it would be to change that.  Even if possible, I'm not sure how much effort that would warrant.  Even assuming four unique normal maps per suit folder, that's only 5 or 6 MB, total, that is used.  With 10 suits, that  is ~55 MB of RAM.  

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  On 10/27/2016 at 4:25 AM, Bit Fiddler said:

could the heads folder be separated into male and female folders so the random kerbals will pick the right textures easier?


No, I don't believe so either.  You can make a .cfg file labeling the female heads as female, though, and it will handle it for you.  

		femaleHeads = f1a f1b f1c f1d f1e f1f f1g f1h f1i f1j f1k f1l f1m kerbalGirl1 kerbalGirl2 kerbalGirl3 kerbalGirl4 kerbalGirl5 kerbalGirl6 kerbalGirl7 kerbalGirl8 kerbalGirl9 necKros_fem_001 necKros_fem_002 necKros_fem_003 necKros_fem_004 necKros_fem_005 necKros_fem_006

That's what mine looks like.

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  On 10/27/2016 at 3:27 AM, Bit Fiddler said:

but this replaces it for EVERY suit that does not have a specific one yes? 


maybe I did not say what I mean very clearly.  I have many suit mods most of them include 5 or 10 suits.  so every mod is adding in 5 or 10 normal maps.  is there a way to make each set of suits use one normal map, that will be different from the normal map in another mod's set of suits.  this would prevent me loading something like 50 normal maps when I could load 10.


hope this makes more sense.


No. But you can do it for one set. Put normal map for that set into Default/ and remove them from individual folders. Suits without normal maps will inherit them from Default/.

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Having a bit of an issue with the latest version...  Going EVA with skins that don't have eyes crashes me, with or without helmet, with or without reflections, every time.  They work fine on IVA though.  Changing the skin to one that doesn't remove the eyes - no crash.


Edited by narhiril
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  On 10/25/2016 at 7:38 AM, RangeMachine said:

If I right understand, water has same culling mask as local scenery (http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/API:Layers). @blackrack correct me if I'm not right. So if you want disable water reflections renderer you need to disable localscenery culling mask and you will not see anything in visor.


Sorry, maybe I missed the point, so: is there any way for TR'v visor (real-time) + Scatterrer to work together normally, at the moment?

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Little question :

Texture replacer generate mipmap for png and co. But it could be not good for some case, for example : skybox doesn't need mipmap.

If the texture are in default directory or other directory of texture replacer, i see no way to tell him to ignore mipmaping of specific texture/directory in his own directories.


Some idea ?

Also, devs really should include a .version for AWC ^^

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  On 11/1/2016 at 9:18 PM, msnbcorp said:

Little question :

Texture replacer generate mipmap for png and co. But it could be not good for some case, for example : skybox doesn't need mipmap.

If the texture are in default directory or other directory of texture replacer, i see no way to tell him to ignore mipmaping of specific texture/directory in his own directories.


Some idea ?

Also, devs really should include a .version for AWC ^^


You can edit the TextureReplacer configuration file which contain some parameter to control mipmaps generation. But, nowadays, DDS is becoming the dominant texture format for KSP and they can include pre-generated mipmaps if the texture author decide to. So this TR feature is becoming less and less useful.

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Hum, unless a major problem exist with DDS, as it is the case under DirectX11 where some bug exist. Replacement texture of type DDS seems to cause weird bandlining stuff... not all of them but a large part of moded ones. (like in SVT for example) the solution is to transform it into png.


It works but the absence of mip map make the texture weird at long distance, so the Texture replacer functionnality become important.


Well, for the skybox it's an other problem, it's a png at first. So you say i have just to transform it into a DDS and to not do any integration of mipmaping my self and it's good ? Or i have to include pre-generated mip map of high quality ??

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I personally use, for some time now, high resolution (8192x4096) mipmapped DDS for EVA cloud textures without noticing any problems. I tend to prefer DDS because they load very quickly since the GPU can use them as is. Yes, they are a lossy format so banding and other minor visual degradation can happen in particular for normal maps in DDS format. Concerning mipmaps, they make textures appear smoother when viewed from faraway but they require more VRAM. For clouds, they are not mandatory in my opinion.

A few things are important for DDS format:

1- The texture needs to be flipped vertically. This is done automatically usually if using GIMP, PS or other advanced editor.

2- KSP use DXT1 and DXT5 format. DXT1 for texture without alpha channel and DXT5 for texture with alpha channel for normal maps and calques like flags and, of course, clouds. Normal maps are touchy: mipmaps should not be used with them. Read the OP section, there are detailed explanation concerning normal map in DDS format... or leave them in PNG if uncertain.

3- PNG is a lossless compressed format. Texture needs to be unpacked first then, if required, mipmaps generated which slow down the loading process considerably even more so for higher resolution texture. You end up, however, with a very clean rendering. UI elements and Flags/Agencies logo should be left in PNG format without mipmap generation. Particularly true for flags which exhibit glitches when viewed from far away or at certain angle if in DDS format...

DDS example with 10 levels of mipmaps:

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Edited by Galenmacil
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I decided to have a bit of a play around and ended up making some 360° VR Previews of my Skyboxes so that users can view them before deciding to download them. Have a gander:

Deep Star Map Skybox

Calm Nebula Skybox

Milky Way Skybox

I think that this is a pretty decent way of displaying them outside of the game. :D Further info can be found here:


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  On 11/3/2016 at 11:50 PM, Epiphanic said:

What suit pack is that? Those are sweet.


They are combination of many and some personal recolor to match.
I've been migrating these for so long from release to release,that i really can't tell,from where i got all the parts.But i can assure you they're all linked in OP.

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  On 11/3/2016 at 9:02 PM, Galenmacil said:

I personally use, for some time now, high resolution (8192x4096) mipmapped DDS for EVA cloud textures without noticing any problems. I tend to prefer DDS because they load very quickly since the GPU can use them as is. Yes, they are a lossy format so banding and other minor visual degradation can happen in particular for normal maps in DDS format. Concerning mipmaps, they make textures appear smoother when viewed from faraway but they require more VRAM. For clouds, they are not mandatory in my opinion.

A few things are important for DDS format:

1- The texture needs to be flipped vertically. This is done automatically usually if using GIMP, PS or other advanced editor.

2- KSP use DXT1 and DXT5 format. DXT1 for texture without alpha channel and DXT5 for texture with alpha channel for normal maps and calques like flags and, of course, clouds. Normal maps are touchy: mipmaps should not be used with them. Read the OP section, there are detailed explanation concerning normal map in DDS format... or leave them in PNG if uncertain.

3- PNG is a lossless compressed format. Texture needs to be unpacked first then, if required, mipmaps generated which slow down the loading process considerably even more so for higher resolution texture. You end up, however, with a very clean rendering. UI elements and Flags/Agencies logo should be left in PNG format without mipmap generation. Particularly true for flags which exhibit glitches when viewed from far away or at certain angle if in DDS format...

DDS example with 10 levels of mipmaps:

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OK, thanks for the tips. My main problem in KSP is about grass actually. Grass and terrain around KSC is just HORRIBLE. So i test several option. The terrain for stock terrain enhancement was my first one. But, don't know what the author missed, its DDS files have lot of probleme under DirectX11. Really don't know why...

Do you know a good terrain enhancement somewhere in DDS for Kerbin ? I don't care about high res, i have really good gpu :P

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