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[1.8-1.12] TextureReplacer 4.5.3 (8.2.2022)


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  On 10/21/2018 at 7:10 AM, theJesuit said:

Thanks for the update.  So much good stuff... but this and the skyboxes are the reason I use this mod :( such is life.

Still... I cam get this from other mods as mentioned above and I am grateful for the suit and skybox replacement option!



What other mods have this feature? And is there any pod around that still has helmets enabled?

  On 10/21/2018 at 10:04 AM, Dux Aquila said:

I understand that none of the existing suits to date packs are compatible with version 1.5.1. 
Is there any template to update them?


The vintage suits are still compatible, e.g. the one @Omega482 posted 2 pages back. The textures can probably be found in some of the *.assets files in KSP_Data directory. I used https://zenhax.com/viewtopic.php?t=36 to rip them years ago, but I'm not sure if it still works with the current Unity.

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The next thing I plan to axe is the texture loader: texture compression + mipmap generation + texture unloading. In the past years it became obsolete, especially since the introduction of DDS support. In the early days of TR, many mods used PNGs and JPEGs, which were missing mipmaps, were not compressed (when loaded in RAM and on GPU) and stayed in RAM after KSP loaded. Then DDS came, where the textures are pre-compressed, mipmaps are pre-generated and KSP loads them directly to GPU; no more shadowing them in RAM, which means the problems TR loader was designed to solve have gone away (and since DDSes are not shadowed in RAM TR cannot touch them, anyway). And, of course, we now have 64-bit KSP and more powerful PC, so there's generally much more RAM available to waste.

These features are already disabled since TR 3.2 as they usually create more problems than they solve. Actually the only problem they now solve is sloppyness of modders using wrong texture formats, so better solution for fixing this is reporting such issues to mod autors.

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Hi, I've been working on retexturing the new suits in 1.5. I've managed to get the DEFAULT suit folder to replace the default suit ingame. I'm running TR 3.3


However, I'm struggling to get the Class suits to show up. The folders seem to load in the TR window but the suit tex won't show up.

I've probably got it set up wrong. Could you give me a hand?



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  On 10/21/2018 at 1:44 PM, Omega482 said:

I've been working on retexturing the new suits in 1.5.


I've been working on this myself but am probably several steps behind you. I've been using GregroxMun's MultiColor Suit Pack for a long time and rely on the colors to identify rolls. If I can export the default suit so that it works in Texture Replace, a simple changing of stripe colors will solve my problems.

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  On 10/21/2018 at 2:11 PM, Omega482 said:

Nevermind, I got it working!


Color-coded stripes and a veteran EVA suit!


I love veteran EVA suits. I wish the helmet could have orange on it too. I kind of see how you got the vet EVA suit, I think your using the IVA texture. Anyways, I can't wait to try everyone new suits. 

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  On 10/21/2018 at 10:35 AM, shaw said:

The next thing I plan to axe is the texture loader: texture compression + mipmap generation + texture unloading. In the past years it became obsolete, especially since the introduction of DDS support. In the early days of TR, many mods used PNGs and JPEGs, which were missing mipmaps, were not compressed (when loaded in RAM and on GPU) and stayed in RAM after KSP loaded. Then DDS came, where the textures are pre-compressed, mipmaps are pre-generated and KSP loads them directly to GPU; no more shadowing them in RAM, which means the problems TR loader was designed to solve have gone away (and since DDSes are not shadowed in RAM TR cannot touch them, anyway). And, of course, we now have 64-bit KSP and more powerful PC, so there's generally much more RAM available to waste.

These features are already disabled since TR 3.2 as they usually create more problems than they solve. Actually the only problem they now solve is sloppyness of modders using wrong texture formats, so better solution for fixing this is reporting such issues to mod autors.


I've come back to the game with-in the month, I was away from the game maybe 2 years. I'm glad to hear Squad finally introduced DDS support, I remember in the past it was a pain. Love that KSP is now in 64bit. 

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  On 10/21/2018 at 2:16 PM, COL.R.Neville said:

anyluck with the visors yet?

and mind explaining how you did it?


Are you asking me how I retextured them? The visors work just the same as the did before 1.5. Here they are with %50 alpha gold.



Bug report: It seems that female kerbals don't have real-time reflections applied. @shaw

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  On 10/21/2018 at 2:11 PM, Omega482 said:

Nevermind, I got it working!


Color-coded stripes and a veteran EVA suit!


I agree with @CaptKordite, i do hope you release those suits, @Omega482. They are the perfect blend of traditional spacesuit and job-specific colouring. I would love to use them in my 1.5 playthrough, and i bet a lot of other folks would, too. :)

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AAAAnd it's released:


Class Color suits for KSP 1.5 by Omega482 on SPACEDOCK
Features the NEW texture layouts for KSP 1.5
Pilot, Engineer, and Scientist class EVA Included
Plus Veteran Orange suit EVAsuit


Liscence: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)



Edited by Omega482
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  On 10/21/2018 at 7:19 PM, Omega482 said:

AAAAnd it's released:


Class Color suits for KSP 1.5 by Omega482 on SPACEDOCK
Features the NEW texture layouts for KSP 1.5
Pilot, Engineer, and Scientist class EVA Included
Plus Veteran Orange suit EVAsuit


Liscence: Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.5)



Any chance you'll continue your work to support all the USI classes?

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  On 10/21/2018 at 7:19 PM, Omega482 said:

AAAAnd it's released:


Class Color suits for KSP 1.5 by Omega482 on SPACEDOCK
Features the NEW texture layouts for KSP 1.5
Pilot, Engineer, and Scientist class EVA Included
Plus Veteran Orange suit EVAsuit


Liscence: Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.5)



Could you do a class color using the Community Trait Colors?


Edited by therealcrow999
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  On 10/21/2018 at 5:16 AM, CaptKordite said:

Started trying to take some of the older skins and adapt them to the newer version. Bob was supposed to have a mustache but because I saved as a PNG file instead of a DDS, the skin was applied upside down so he ended up with a monobrow, a neckbeard, and a yarmulka.




Now I'm confused: isn't Bill the one with a moustache and Bob the one with the beard and moustache?

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If anyone wants to use my head default config setup for the main four, here is the what I got:

Jeb - male26

Bill - male40

Bob - male52

Val - female12

Remember the config to edit it is called TR.cfg and located here: Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TextureReplacer



I like the beard scruff on Bill more than the default Jeb. Bill the Engineer being so busy with engineering stuff might not have time to shave everyday. Jeb has to look cool and good, since he is Jeb. Val, I like a more Red hair, stands out more with the rest of the boys. And Bob, is Bob.

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@shawI took Omega482 EVAvisor.dds from his Class Color suits above this thread, I put it in the Default folder but when I am in game it doesn't work at all, but if I put the one file in Suits and create a folder in there, then the EVAvisor.dds works in game on all suits. 

I also was playing around with Omega482 Orange Suit only on a separate save and attach it to Vets with this code:

    excludedSuits = whiteSuite_diffuse
    Jebediah Kerman     = whiteSuite_diffuse
    Bill Kerman     = whiteSuite_diffuse
    Bob Kerman     = whiteSuite_diffuse
    Valentina Kerman = whiteSuite_diffuse

It was acting a little weird.

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