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GP2. When?

Do you think that GP2 should be a priority?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that GP2 should be a priority?

    • Yes!
    • Well, It could be one of two things more important.
    • There are lots of things more important!
    • It isnt important. I dont think that it should be implemented on a nearly update

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I'm not sure that this post should be here so if any moderator see this... Please, tell me where i should have posted it.

Im waiting this for a long time.

Is still planned the introduction of a Second Gas Planet?

I think that is one of the most important things that should be added to the game for -maybe- version 1.1.

The main reason is that instead i havent explored all the planets, i want more. I have the horrible sensation that KSP is getting boring because i dont found any location of interest... And i dont' want to find ksp boring!;.;It is my favourite game!


Any news about it?

With all respects to Squad, who has done a very well job.

PS: Sorry for any writing mistake.

Edited by stellarator
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My heart also pines for a second gas planet and accompanying moons. pls squad.

seeing as heat and better aero are being worked on, the next thing i'd like would be that.

Edited by r4pt0r
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I'm honestly not that optimistic about gas planet 2 after 1.0 (that is unless they're secretly planning to sneak it in :)).

The reason is that changing any current planet's orbit would potentially be save breaking, and even adding something new would be iffy.

In alpha and beta this isn't so much of an issue, but if any game breaks a save with an update after release it's a problem, especially in the eyes of the media.

This effectively rules out adjusting current planet orbits to accommodate a new one ie. moving Eeloo into orbit around GP2.

This is not to say that I am not supportive of new places to explore, and I personally don't have much outside of the Kerbin system that would be potentially damaged, but others may have spent many hours setting up interplanetary infrastructure, time and effort that would be lost if the planets suddenly teleported around (this is what I mean by save breaking).


I would like more planets like GP2 bit I think that adding them would ruin saves, something I believe Squad will avoid like the plague after leaving early access.

If anyone has any info or ideas otherwise I'd love to hear :)


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I would like some outer gas giants a lot, but actually Squad should concentrate on finishing the game in its current state. With the content that is in the game right now, new players could easily have fun for years, just as most of the experienced players already had. So from the point of a close 1.0 release candidate, it does simply make no sense to add new planets right now.

There are lots of things still in the pipeline that were talked about by Squad, being worked on that never made it into the game, like surface effects (gas geysers, clouds, dust effects and stuff) on existing worlds. That would make pretty more sense in my opinion.

A new set of gas giant systems with moons, rings and probably an asteroid belt for the system would also be a nice micropayed Outer Planets DLC after release to get some cash for further KSP development into Squads chest.

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I'm honestly not that optimistic about gas planet 2 after 1.0 (that is unless they're secretly planning to sneak it in :)).

The reason is that changing any current planet's orbit would potentially be save breaking, and even adding something new would be iffy.

In alpha and beta this isn't so much of an issue, but if any game breaks a save with an update after release it's a problem, especially in the eyes of the media.

This effectively rules out adjusting current planet orbits to accommodate a new one ie. moving Eeloo into orbit around GP2.

This is not to say that I am not supportive of new places to explore, and I personally don't have much outside of the Kerbin system that would be potentially damaged, but others may have spent many hours setting up interplanetary infrastructure, time and effort that would be lost if the planets suddenly teleported around (this is what I mean by save breaking).


I would like more planets like GP2 bit I think that adding them would ruin saves, something I believe Squad will avoid like the plague after leaving early access.

If anyone has any info or ideas otherwise I'd love to hear :)


What makes you think that the orbits of the other planets would have to change to accomodate a second gas giant?

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Funny I responded to another thread the same: its called Planet Factory and I have 2 other Gas Planets with moons in my missions - you will just have to check out my streams to see them.

I am planning to write missions, add resources and ribbons...quite kool.


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It wouldn't ruin saves. If you, say, use HyperEdit to make Kerbin orbit Jool, satellites orbiting Kerbin will still orbit, until you switch to them if you're outside of the SOI and you suddenly escape. Not in a super glitchy way or anything though. You would potentially screw up any missions en route to Eeloo, but it's possible you might be able to reroute them to GP2.

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The simple thing to do regarding save incompatibility would be to just plonk GP2 beyond Eeloo, and forget about making Eeloo a moon of GP2.

Of course there's always the possibility that someone might have a craft that ends up orbiting in the exact same location as GP2 when the save is loaded, but that's probably somewhat unlikely, and even at that, you could check the location of orbiting crafts on first load, and move if necessary.

Personally speaking, I'd be fine with a save-breaking update that added another planet. I'm all for making the existing locations more interesting, but in a game about going to new places, it'd be nice to have a new place to go. Some of my favorite mods that add content are the planet-adding ones.


As to when, I'd be happy enough just to hear it's in the pipeline.

Edited by pxi
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In alpha and beta this isn't so much of an issue, but if any game breaks a save with an update after release it's a problem, especially in the eyes of the media.

As GregoxMun said, changing orbits wouldn't break most if any saves. Even if it did several games have shown that community nor the media don't care at all, if the reason is warranted. Minecraft has had some pretty big overhauls since 1.0 and games like Europa Universalis IV and Crusader Kings II have also had updates the broke savegames when they overhauled their world maps. So I wouldn't worry to much about that.

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I actually think that Squad need to go a lot further than adding just one extra gas planet. This will require a fair amount of work, so Squad are quite justified in getting the core features of the game finished in 1.0 first. The extra planets that are needed could be added as part of a Moar Planets update post 1.0.

I think that there should be analogues for Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These should be placed at appropriate distances from Kerbol. These could then be complimented by analogues for Kuiper belt objects such as Pluto/Charon for end-gamers to visit. The Kuiper Belt has the added advantage of already being spelt with a K! :cool:

We also need a decent Main Asteroid Belt. There's a lot of potential for interesting and varied places to visit there. Some main belt asteroids have their own small moons. There are also contact pairs, which would be interesting to go EVA on! It would also be interesting if players were able to detect larger versions of the ARM asteroids there.

If those aren't considered hardcore enough. How about adding some Oort cloud iceteroids? These orbit a loooooong way from the Sun. If anything, they would serve to educate players about how big our solar system really is.

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As many of you knows, Squad is planning add moar moons to Jool (maybe 16) and a secon gas giant, 50% larger tthan Jool, with 4 large moons and many tiny moons.

Where the flip flop do you pull that from.

Squad hasn't talked about adding more planets to KSP since 0.18.4 when they added Eeloo. Seriously, all the talk about GP2 was from NovaSilisko's ramblings. The Wiki does not hold official information. I think it's getting pretty clear we're not getting GP2,I don't think Squad is going to add other bodies to the game.

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GP2 is on my list of wants, but it's closer to the bottom of the list than the top.

Granted, the 1.0 feature list takes most of what's on the top of my list and puts it in the game, so maybe after 1.0 comes out my answer to this poll would change. But for now, I'm picking option 3.

...if I could. For some reason I may not vote on this poll.

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