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The Number War: Count to 100 or -100


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Sorry for the delay.

^This post was a correct progression, but got overridden by...

^this post. You can always mouse over the "posted at/however long ago" to see the exact minute of posting. By our current rules, Frybert posted it in the 1 minute window and therefore has the last correct number.
Just for completeness, greenTurtle1134 continued from asdii1970's post, and his post is therefore invalid.

And to make things a bit clearer (or worse... But then again, read the first and second sentences in the OP), here's an example of the "1 minute window override" possibilities:

Player 1(15:26): 54 (+) <- this is the base post
Player 2(15:30): 55 (+) <- start of the "skirmish"
Player 3(15:30): 53 (-) <- valid override, same minute window
Player 4(15:31): 53 (-) <- valid override, last valid post, "1 minute window" (see below). Also overrides Player 3.
Player 5(15:32): 55 (+) <- invalid, skirmish posts were only counted with 15:30 or 15:31 timestamps.

Reason for the "1 minute window" actually spanning between 1 and 2 minutes is that we can't see the second at which something was posted. 15:30:01 and 15:30:59 both become 15:30. To give players a fair chance for override we have to consider that from 15:30:59 to 15:31:05 is definitely within one minute, but the forum would show it as a different minute. We will most likely push a better explanation to the rules with next update.

If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to send the GM team a PM. And if you'd like to solve a mishap like this sooner, don't forget to ping me as well. All of our names are in the OP :wink:

You may now continue playing from Frybert's -4.

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