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  2. That's right, this is basically a library for other mods to use to be able to create plumes for their engines
  3. I was born in 1970, but I feel old in a peculiar way. I was the last child and a rather late one for the time--my mother was 39 and my dad 42. And, my father was a relatively late child. My paternal grandmother was born in 1895. My grandfather (who, alas, died a month after I was born) flew a SPAD in WW1. I am the only one I know of my age with a grandparent who flew in the first world war. My father was drafted in '45 but Japan was defeated before he got shipped anywhere. So, I identify with an older generation.
  4. Goes by the name of KitHack Model Club, FKA Balsa, because he used to like making models as a boy, which was really where KSP came from. Have to say KSP was a great contribution to health and safety since a game about rocketry is a lot safer than the real thing especially the amateur hobby. Countless kitchens and garden sheds would not exist today were it not for KSP, I feel sure. We owe him much.
  5. player log file:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WvMZ606VLrButlJikCf8nZnG7A7ezjCe/view?usp=drive_link gamedata: https://imgur.com/a/yUUl1ps
  6. are you talking about ScaledVersion color or PQS color? I can't see the screenshots
  7. What's the worst thing a person can do with a five gallon can of gasoline?
  8. IIRC, it's a Free Floating Man-Tended Space Station. Basically what the ISS Columbus module was to the British/ESA before ISS. Edit: Even says it's an orbital space module in the description.
  9. Probably, but you might want to test its thermal response too.
  10. "So it's a Sokol suit for throwing tourists out of the capsule for slow bouts, one by one because otherwise the umbilicals would get twisted"
  11. *** Floor 4816: Anchorhead Bay, Usea (Ace Combat 7). You see a dogfight ensuing above. One poor fighter has at least seven missiles pursuing it, all QAAMs, of course.
  12. The logical first step for KSP2 development was to re-write the core of KSP1, replacing the fundamental design mistakes in the physics engine with something that would be robust and scale to large craft. Nate even said they had done that as the starting point, back in 2019 or so. Once that is solid you start adding new content. It's clear now they didn't even finish the first step. My personal theory is that Nate was telling the truth at the time: ST built a solid foundation for KSP2, that IP was lost with the shuffle to IG, and the talent was no longer there to re-create it. But maybe that's overly optimistic of me and they simply never finished the first small project in 7 years of work.
  13. Well damn, @rmaine, @Hotel26, you're older than me. But I think I'm next, at August 1960. When this was #1 on the charts:
  14. The WARN Act notification went up at the beginning of the business week. The end of that week has come and gone with no real communication from the publisher, beyond a content-free "still supporting it" tweet. Nothing acknowledging the closure of IG and clarifying the future of the game. A week is far beyond the usual corporate caution in carefully wording an announcement and running it by legal; we're now in the realm of just being rude to the fans. What on Earth is going on over there? Heck, no one has even removed the future promises from the Steam store page, which is just asking for legal trouble in the EU. Steam recent reviews are now "Overwhelmingly Negative" due to fans assuming the worst, so a press release about the situation could only have made things better. Sad times when the corporate overlord can't even pretend to care.
  15. Why feel sorry for him? His reputation is sky-high right now. It's been proven beyond doubt that he could successfully build something that an entire studio of professional game developers couldn't match. He also has his own new game, something that is set to make him financially very wealthy (there's no way he will have made the same ownership and licensing mistakes he made with Squad)
  16. Firing every single person who has been working on Ksp 2 for the past five years is a pretty clear move. That was corpo speak for "We'll do maybe one bugfix and leave the ip to rot."
  17. Today
  18. Why do we need to hear from him? Everyone who has been following KSP2 development for the past five years should be wise to Nate by now. His credibility is in the toilet. If he does eventually come out and make a statement, it will probably be excuses along the lines of "...we did a good job, but unfortunately game development is hard..." Yes, game development is hard. But a team of over 50 professional game designers should have been able to improve on what a marketing company created as a side project a decade ago. It's damning that these people were paid salaries for 7 years and were unable to add anything new that the original game didn't have apart from improved sound and music, those godawful cartoon tutorials and the childish PAIGE voice. I personally am interested in finding out what kind of narrative story they had planned for the game, but I'm confident this will leak out eventually. Based on what has been hinted at already, it was going to be a 'follow the breadcrumbs to the alien precursor race' kind of thing we've seen many times before. If that was all it was going to be, it's beyond disappointing that people who sold themselves as professional writers and designers were unable to come up with anything better. All the 'Keri Kerman' dialogue we saw was pretty cringeworthy. Its almost as if aiming for the children's game market was just about the right level for the abilities of this team. I really wouldn't be surprised if Nate ends up at Private Division in some sort of executive role. Corporate types look after their own. The PD marketing executives who worked to falsely sell the 'Early Access' release would have seen a lot to admire in a silver-tongued repurposed bovine waste merchant like Nate Simpson.
  19. Now I have a photo of Gagarin as a Musketeer. Ho-ho-ho. NY Eve 1965
  20. Floor 4815: The Mars Yard at JPL on a larger scale.
  21. I don't think it deals with that. But locking the robotic part when not in moving allows autostruts and solves that issue. I haven't had much problems with it, but one does need to keep the limitations in mind for designs, as with everything. But robotics is another issue for another thread
  22. It definitely would not have been possible. In late 2010 when he was hired, HarvesteR basically didn't exist and SQUAD didn't even do software, so I highly doubt they would have taken a license from one of their own workers that said "you can help develop this game for me in an industry you're not present in, but I can revoke it at any time", or any company for that matter.
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