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  2. Manual installs, ill check thanks for trying even if it didnt work
  3. DDE

    Shower thoughts

    Millions aren't going to satisfy the earnings expectations. They've yet to scrape the bottom of the barrel there, I think. Back in the day 3D was the subject of hype, some people seemed to think it justified remaking absolutely everything, so any sort of new "technological leap" could excuse a wave of remakes of remakes. 2023 has had abnormally many big budget bombs. There's plenty of evidence of discomfort in high places like Disney.
  4. The secret of the Cyberlorry shape is revealed https://www.twz.com/news-features/the-case-for-turning-cybertruck-into-a-militarized-unmanned-ground-vehicle
  5. You'd be less excited about that game in Early Access, but it also means you'd be less picky about it. Your expectations would be quite tempered. And if both roads lead to full-featured KSP2 eventually, I think having a less hyped Early Access, one with colony management upfront, would actually be a good thing. I'm pretty sure that Early Access would sell a lot worse. Fewer people would play it. But then anyone who has played it, would be thinking about how great these features when the rocketry part gets up to parity. In contrast, what we've had is everyone taking KSP2 apart for not being at that parity during Early Access. Seen from another perspective, if you're marketing a game, what you want to see is hype growing during development and hitting crescendo right when the full game is released on all platforms, so that everyone rushes out to buy it. If your hype peaks before Early Access, and just completely plummets after, it's bad. Getting that to build up again will be very difficult, and it's the situation that PD will be dealing with. An EA focused on colony allows you to follow the former route, with hype building up as more of the KSP elements are added to a functional colony game, building it up towards the full release. Everybody knows that what we really want is a rocket building game with all these other features too. But that's precisely why holding that out until the game's finished would be the right move. Take Two has promised us a lavish three course meal, but then started us on a desert that hasn't even finished baking. We jumped on the sugar, and got filled up before the main course was ready, resulting in much regret and some stomach aches.
  6. Banned for not knowing all characters of the alphabet.
  7. Today
  8. I started clamoring for more of that in KSP1 probably six years ago already, and I was really happy to see some significant moves in that direction with KSP2. Driving around the complex, challenging terrain around the Duna monument and Stargazer Point in a rover, and then enjoying the artful rendering of the monuments while ruminating on the meaning of the cryptic clues they held was some of the most fun I had in my ~500 hours of playing KSP2. A lot more of the same, with the sequential mission goals eventually creating a trail to some required new tech for colonies/interstellar would probably have kept me happily playing the game for hundreds of hours more.
  9. They are looking at what they were doing for
  10. It's funny, when the countdown lasts for seconds, but the action during it takes minutes.
  11. Even on the Earth the lack of nitrogen is one of the most serious problems for agriculture, solved only in early XX by artificial ammoni synthesis. If make the nitrogen level lower, the bacteria would have not enough goods to share them with hosting plants.
  12. Is there any way to control the limits of a uncontrolled rotatron with a KAL/action groups? Im trying to improve the performance of a heli i built but because of a ton of slack in the swashplate mechanism it only really works well at maximum and minimum collective when the feathering mechanism is tensioned. I figured if I can control the limits with a KAL I can make sure they are tensioned throughout the rotation but I cant seem to find it. Ive tried using "deflection range" and "track angle" in action groups but they dont seem to do the trick
  13. Hi, sorry to bother. I'm currently going through and installed a lot of the mods but some of them aren't showing up on CKAN? (This is my first time installing mods for KSP) Two of the mods that I have noticed which don't show up so far would be Principa and SCANsat. Do you know why that might be and where I should install them instead? EDIT: I have finished with all the mods that I wanted to install (everything except for additional planets and systems) and here is the list of mods that I found which are either just not listed in CKAN or are stated to be incompatible with the most recent version of KSP. Principa SCANsat far future technologies Hanger Mk2/3 Stockalike Expansion bluedog design bureau soviet parts and rockets cryotanks opt spaceplane continued modular kolonization system (doesn't appear) near future spacecraft tantares (which one?) missing history progressive colonization system
  14. This is why I think doing colonies first is the complete wrong approach. People wanted KSP with colonies to extend the game, not a colony management game with a bit of KSP. Doing colonies first would also divert time away from optimising large part counts.
  15. Hello folks - returning to the game after a year. For the most part my modpack is working but I have a few RR related issues I'm not sure how to debug. There are quite a few that look like this. Has anyone seen something like this before? I've debugged MM patches plenty of times but not sure what B9 is wanting to do here. [WRN 20:06:53.183] Warning on PartSubtype Work4 on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='Blacksmith') on part Large.Crewed.Lab: Could not find matching module [WRN 20:06:36.080] Warning on PartSubtype CarbonDioxide on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='RRGasSwitch1') on part RRConverterCryomatS2: Could not find matching module Thanks in advance for any help!
  16. Yup. The prequel sounds fun, I would’ve bought it. But colonies, interstellar, larger part counts, more resources, and “near” future tech that allows for brachistochrone transfers in late game is really the game I was looking for.
  17. Just now checked and both show up fine for me using CKAN v1.34.4 (not sure what the 2.1.0 number you mention is). Granted I didn't try actually installing them (I've used KEI in the past, but not right now), but they show up in CKAN's mod list. At first I thought perhaps you were looking only at mods explicitly listed as compatible, but these pass that test, so presumably that's not it. Just in case, do look in CKAN's list of all mods. Perhaps force CKAN to refresh?
  18. Update: It seems like Universal Storage II was the culprit. I did a clean install with an, almost, identical mod list and copied my save over. I still ran into the issue when I loaded the craft I was using with the MLP, but I tried something generic in sandbox with the Saturn MLP and it worked fine. So I went back to my save and loaded the craft and started removing moded parts. The craft had a Universal Storage service module and removing that fixed the issue. This was the first craft this career where I tried to use the Saturn MLP, but I looked at other craft I had used that had issues with other Modular Launch Pads and they all had Universal Storage parts. I've removed that mod and all seems good now.
  19. I'm talking tech. PBR is built into KSP2 materials from the start, so you could build good, realistic materials on top of it. People have done that with KSP, but it's hacked in at best, causing visual mods to trip over each other.
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