KSP2 Bug Reports
Flight Flags in saves cause Kerbals, wheels and landing gear to fall into the ground and not function properly on many bodies (terrain bug) 1 2
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Saving & Loading Save corrupted (Seems to be related to uninstalling mods, but no apparent mod modules present on any crafts in save, deleting crafts fixed save)
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Environmental & Terrain False Splashdown fx and Landed Status on Laythe (300 to 1.5K meters of altitude seen)
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UI/UX ESC Menu Does Not Disable The Corresponding Button For The Situation You're In (VAB, Tracking Station, KSC, R&D)
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Flight Game Thinks Entire Craft Is Destroyed Even Though Command Pod Is Still Intact [Camera not focused on the craft anymore]
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Localization & Text Errors with Italian translation [General Italian localization repository for 0.2.x]
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Construction Procedural wing slider numbers are not precise [Values don't round up to the number shown (e.g. case where 0.10 =/= 0.10)]
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Missions Gourmand mission will not complete if surface samples are returned before you get contract. [Even after trying to complete it again]
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