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Everything posted by UnanimousCoward

  1. No worries. I completely get how busy you must be. Glad to hear their finally going to fix it, though.
  2. If Squad aren't amenable to your method, would it be possible to have this mod automatically reduce the UI scale when the settings screen is activated and then restore it afterwards? On a 1920x1080 monitor, setting the UI to 80% (the minimum the settings allow) permits about 25 mod-added settings buttons before the "Cancel" and "Accept" buttons disappear. (As a reference, I run over 150 mods, and I've got 23 mod-added buttons on that screen.) Also, I've noticed that if the buttons are only just offscreen, you can still click them if you drag the mouse right to the bottom of the screen.
  3. It intercepts upgrades to facilities to make them take time to accomplish, rather than being instantaneous. I can see that there could be compatibility issues. Perhaps @magico13 could weigh in here?
  4. Cross-posting this here, as it may be useful for some people:
  5. I don't know if this will be helpful to many people, but you can update old configs to use the new syntax pretty quickly with some regular expression find/replace operations. In Notepad++ on Windows, these seem to work. YMMV with other text editors / operating systems. Open the .cfg file in Notepad++. Press Ctrl-H to bring up the find/replace window. Make sure that the "Regular expression" radio button is selected and ". matches newline" is unchecked. Find field: (@|\+)*?TEXTURE(,[0-9]{1,2})*?( ?// ?.+)*?( ?\r?\n?\t{0,3}\{) Replace field: \1MATERIAL\2\3\4 Click "Replace All". Then, find field: (@|\+)*?TEXTURESET(,[0-9]{1,2})*?( ?// ?.+)*? ?\r?\n?\t{0,3}\{\r\n\t{1,3}name = (.+)\r\n\t{1,3}\} Replace field: \1textureSet\2 = \4 \3 Click "Replace All". You can do this to a whole bunch of files at the same time by opening all the files in Notepad++ and clicking "Replace All in All Opened Documents" instead of "Replace All". (Obviously now I've posted this there are likely to be several embarrassing syntax errors. And yes, I imagine there is a chance of false matches or misses. Such is life. If you show me a .cfg it doesn't work for, I can probably adapt the regex.)
  6. I've had the same issue. IIRC, I found that it will appear properly if you go to the VAB and add a crewed part. You don't need to actually build anything, just place a crewed part and leave the VAB again.
  7. @chris1549 The wheels appear to be set up the same as the stock TR-2L wheel. The orientation is correct if you build in the VAB, but if you build in the SPH, it's off by 90 degrees. The simple solution in the SPH is to tap the 'S' key once, which will put them in the correct orientation. If you're only ever going to build these parts in the SPH (which is easier than building them in the VAB), this MM config will change the rotation of Grounded's wheel parts so they're correct in the SPH (but not the VAB): And this MM code will do the same for the stock TR-2L wheel: Edit: I've just discovered that the MM config doesn't work for symmetry pairs. It only rotates the original part, not the partner. If anybody has any idea how to resolve it, then I'd love to hear it.
  8. I just kept trying them in different orientations until it worked. Kind of hard to explain in words, but one end is a bit longer. It should go at the top. If I remember right, it's 90 degrees away from that. I'll try to post a picture tomorrow to show.
  9. For RemoteTech users, there's also this one: Visual RemoteTech Planner. It will show you the distances between satellites (useful for planning orbital maneuvers), the dark time and required amount of electric charge, the dV required to get from your planned parking orbit to the desired orbit for a single launch, and 2 types of resonant orbit and the required dV for multiple-satellite launches. I'm not 100% sure that the antennas listed and their power consumption are up to date, but you can add custom ones.
  10. I think I've managed to pin down the empty orbit selection window bug. It seems to occur when KRASH, Kopernicus and TarsierSpaceTech are all installed at the same time. KRASH + Kopernicus = no problem. KRASH + TarsierSpaceTech = no problem. KRASH + Kopernicus + TarsierSpaceTech = no orbit selection window. I was able to reliably reproduce it in a test install (KSP 1.4.2, Windows 64-bit) with only these mods installed (plus KRASH's dependencies, latest versions of everything). I have also posted this to the relevant Github issues page.
  11. Not from me, anyway. I imagine LGG's version will be on CKAN once it's ready. Let's not try and rush it though, as they're currently maintaining well over 100 mods. It'll be done when it's done.
  12. I just tried the mod in KSP 1.4.1 and 1.4.2. The functionality seems to still be working just fine - the B and F keys function as they're supposed to. It does appear to throw a couple of NullReferenceExceptions, but nothing game-breaking. It seems like a simple recompile would be all that's needed to make this work perfectly under 1.4.x.
  13. Whenever I try to build a vehicle with this great-looking mod, I go nowhere. The wheels spin, but the vehicle doesn't move. Doesn't seem to matter which wheels I use. It looks like the tyres are partly sunk into the ground. https://imgur.com/LEfklL8 Would anybody have any idiot-proof tips for building a vehicle? I'm currently surface-attaching the wheels with mirror symmetry to the Modular Chassis Segment B parts. Am I doing it wrong? Edit: Never mind, figured it out. It's do to with the orientation of the wheels. Sorted it. But how do you get the transparent cabs?
  14. @jefftimlin Again, thanks for taking this on board. It seems that there's a (minor) error being thrown though. Whenever the ScienceAlert flask icon is being displayed on the toolbar, the log gets spammed with error messages like this: [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:C:/Games/ksptest/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0056 This is from a test with KSP 1.4.1, with only your updated version for 1.4.1 (Release 1.1) and Toolbar Continued 1.17.5. Full log is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yg18wn0w0if5odl/output_log.txt?dl=0 The actual icon displays just fine, regardless of the error messages, and it doesn't seem to affect playability in any way, so it's no big deal to me. Just thought I'd mention it. I've tried rolling back Toolbar to earlier versions, and it didn't help. I tried renaming the "ScienceAlert-Updated" folder to just "ScienceAlert"; didn't help. I tried placing the "Textures" folder from the github source inside the ScienceAlert folder; the same error message occurs but it displays a purple square instead of the icon. I've tried downloading the source code and compiling it myself; no dice. Like I say, seems harmless and doesn't seem to bog my computer down any, so *shrug*, no biggy. Pinging @linuxgurugamer as this seems to be a disagreement between these two mods, and from previous posts it seems like he was dealing with some icon issues earlier.
  15. If you're running KSP 1.4.x, it won't show up as compatible in CKAN, because it has not been officially updated.
  16. I did a quick test of this mod in KSP 1.4.1, just running mystery goo and temperature experiments in some of the KSC biomes. It seems to still be working OK - the relevant descriptions appear. Of course, that may not be true for all experiments in all biomes on all bodies. *shrug*
  17. There is no "NORMAL RealPlumes". RealPlume is the mod that makes the real plumes work, but it doesn't do anything alone. RealPlume-Stock is the mod that actually applies the plumes to the stock engines. (There are other mods to apply them in Realism Overhaul, for example.) In your GameData folder, you should have a "RealPlume" folder, and a "RealPlume-Stock" folder. You don't need to remove any subfolders from either of these. You also need to install an updated version of SmokeScreen, or I don't think you'll get any effects. RealPlume comes bundled with SmokeScreen v2.7.6.1, but that isn't really compatible with KSP 1.4.x, so you need to update it. RealPlume also comes bundled with ModuleManager 3.0.1, but a newer version is available. So your GameData folder should have these folders in it: SmokeScreen, RealPlume, and RealPlume-Stock. And you should also have ModuleManager.3.0.x.dll in your GameData folder (not in any subfolder). In other words, it's probably worth waiting for the new version that Nhawks seems to be about to drop. It should be compatible.
  18. Cool. Frankly I'll be surprised if they all work. Or any of them really.
  19. Sure thing. The more, the merrier, eh? Seriously, you are doing amazing work keeping so many great mods alive, and I think we all really appreciate it.
  20. You could give these a try: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w35yxlhf8av1g85/MissingHistoryPlumes.zip?dl=0 Drop the contents of the zip file into GameData\RealPlume\RealPlume-Stock. I basically dug out the old configs for Porkjet's part overhaul and edited the filenames and the part names. I haven't tested these extensively (read: at all) due to a lack of time right now, but maybe they'll work.
  21. Oh, go on then. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bgjhkv1qx76t5ln/AACd20ulm53ELlmeXmYhZbq4a?dl=0 All credit and rights remain with the original author, the esteemed HenryBlatbugIII. This is simply a recompile of his code to work under KSP 1.4.1. The source code is available at the link in the original post. Shared under the same CC BY licence. Provided as-is with no guarantees. No support or warranty provided: "It Works For Me™". If it doesn't work for you, I would have no idea how to fix it. If @HenryBlatbugIII wants me to remove it or I'm doing something against forum rules, just say the word and it's gone...
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