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Everything posted by Brigadier

  1. We've all been there and done that. I usually blame the keyboard. Welcome to the club!
  2. Agreed, there is a fair amount of knowledge assumed but OTOH this mod isn't really the place to teach you about standard aircraft navigation instruments. I'd recommend you google Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) and Instrument Landing System (ILS) for a bit of self-help. If you still have questions, I'm sure we can provide some answers.
  3. Are you flying yours such that your AoA can be >5º? If so, MechJeb is being limited to 5º. Just a thought.
  4. If you're unsure how to install/remove mods, I recommend you try CKAN. Deleting the mod folder from the GameData directory usually works. Also note that Craft Manager might not be compatible with KSP versions beyond 1.9. Consider using
  5. It's there. Make sure that your CKAN can see all 1.12 mods under Settings > Compatible game versions.
  6. If I understand correctly: Open MJ Open Settings Third from the bottom of the Settings window is a button that alters the placement of the MJ main window. Click on it to cycle through the options. Personally, I'd like to see that window be movable anywhere but for now you have only four possibilities. Make it work with the rest of your screen. If that doesn't work, perhaps restoring to factory defaults will return your position to, well, defaults and you can proceed from there.
  7. No, it can be closed once KSP has started. There's no reason why CKAN should be run while you're playing, either.
  8. Take a screenshot, upload to an image sharing site, such as Imgur, then paste a link to the image in your post. I'm not sure I can address your principle problem. If I understand you correctly, every mod can add applicable items to the right-click Part Action Window (PAW). There's no one place where they're all defined; each mod would describe its own additions and use cases.
  9. There might not be enough info in your description to do much, although I'm sure a solution exists. The devoted fans and author/maintainer of this mod might need supporting information, so please help yourself by following the guidelines in the the thread below for all problems you're reporting.
  10. Game start menu, settings, graphics, IIRC (I could be misremembering)
  11. Welcome to the forums. Use a file sharing service, such as Dropbox or Google Drive, and upload your logs there. Post a link to those files here. Since log files can be very large, don't post them directly. Instead, ensure you demonstrate your problem with the minimum KSP run and quit quickly to keep the file size down.
  12. First, when supplying log files for diagnostics or help try to run KSP for the minimum amount of time to demonstrate the error or issue then quit KSP. This keeps the log file small and helps the rest of us sort through the log without extraneous entries, allowing readers to focus on your problem. Second, read the link in my sig block for a topic on help sending logs. Briefly, upload your file(s) (the entire file, not just an excerpt) to a sharing service, such as Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox, and paste a link to the upload in your forum post. Make sure you've granted public access otherwise we can't read/download it. You can do something similar with screenshots or use a service such as Imgur to be able to embed images directly in your post. HTH
  13. Anywhere in the GameData folder would suffice but I suggest you create a folder there for all of your personal config files. There you can keep better oversight of unique configs you're running and control when they get replaced or deleted. If you put your custom configs within a mod folder, you risk losing them when the mod updates.
  14. There's a "locked" field within many of the tool nodes in that config file. Let me rephrase. What field are you altering in the global settings file that changes the activation status of a MJ tool?
  15. I've used it successfully in 1.12.3 but I'm not too far in. I've run KRP and KEES experiments in orbit of Kerbin and Mun. Haven't got to OSS yet.
  16. Have you identified a KSP install under CKAN's menu item File > Manage game instance? If not, that's where you must start. Have you read the user guide referenced in the OP/Download section?
  17. I stand corrected. So no modifications are required on a Netkan file when updating a mod?
  18. Just a guess on my part but it seems as if there's a version mismatch somewhere. Have you registered a game under File > Manage Game Instances? Which mods specifically? Perhaps the CKAN team can help. If the mod author has not released the "latest version" for CKAN by updating the Netkan file it will not appear. In that case, yes, you would need to install manually but, beware, if you do that, CKAN will only be able to advise you that the mod was "auto detected" ('AD' in the AD column - go figure) and won't update that mod in the future unless you uninstall and reinstall the mod with CKAN again. If the mod author supports CKAN - not all do - then approach them.
  19. Firstly, you have done a superlative job in maintaining and developing this mod. I wish I had half your brains (no, not in a zombie way). Thank you for the countless hours you've dedicated to this significant contribution to the KSP community. Second, I use CKAN almost exclusively and I understand GitHub repos (sort of anyway). I don't update KSP all that often and can, sometimes, pass over a couple of Kopernicus releases. I've never had a serious problem with any release in my 181-mod install nor any objections to the current release model. My only issue would be for extended KSP loading times on the first start after each update but that's livable considering the benefits. That said, all other things being equal, I believe you should create a release candidate repo on GitHub since it: provides a better opportunity to work out bugs before a CKAN, gen-pop release, provides a place to experiment to your heart's content without borking the user base (inadvertently or otherwise), potentially offers the chance for others to contribute to maintenance with their own PRs (see 1, and because your release repo will be locked down, right?) , and remains available to those wishing to experiment with/for you and/or test any proposed solution w/o corrupting everyone else (not that your two-person team hasn't done a smashing job in the past). However, it's not without it's downside. Some users won't understand the GitHub thing and still want to be on the bleeding edge - just because. I couldn't guess on what that percentage might be but it's not 0. Also, regardless of that point, some users won't wish to participate in RC testing or won't provide feedback or provide unhelpful feedback which could add to your workload answering them (the Dear ImGUI repo on GitHub comes to mind). I may be completely off the mark but getting feedback might be more of a problem than too much. You, of course, have other, higher, RL priorities, if I recall. Those come first. Only you can tell how much time you have to maintain a second public branch, although your main one shouldn't be as onerous. On balance, though, I think your proposal is a good one. Best of luck either way. My 5 cents worth (since Canada doesn't have a penny anymore).
  20. If I've got the correct log file (and I think you've over-exposed your OneDrive share to the forum), you have more than 20k errors and 20k NREs. Frankly, I've no idea where to start trying to track down any Trajectory errors. You've got a lot of work ahead of you. A couple of options: Post a link to a minimal KSP session that demonstrates the error. This log is almost 1 million lines long. Start with a clean KSP install and start adding mods, in small groups, starting with Trajectories until you get your flawed behaviour. It might also solve some of your other problems. Do you install manually or via CKAN?
  21. Congratulations...very Pythonesque (Monty, not the programming language). A møøse once bit my sister.
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