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Everything posted by Krakatoa

  1. The 4 mods under "required" are indeed required. The first is this mod, the second, B9PartSwitch, is the mod that handles the toggle and ability to switch between things, the third is Module Manager, which is required to do basically any modding whatsoever, and RPM is the mod that adds all the bits and bobs in the IVA and comes with a few examples. You're welcome to use as many or few other IVAs as you like, but this is the bare minimum for this mod to function.
  2. Western Sea definitely isn't a stock biome, so I'm wondering what planet pack that must be.
  3. The folks that are good at troubleshooting can use the find feature to look for specific flags, so yes, possibly. You may need to zip the file to put it on your drive. Those logs can get large, but the fact it's that big may be the first clue that there's something afoot, as it might be bloated with NullReferenceExceptions.
  4. I definitely don't know if I can help you, but I have seen in the past (and possibly currently) a notice on the Kopernicus thread warning about interstellar overheating. You also have quite a few mods, so any of them could be a problem. I don't think you've posted your ksp.log file mentioned in the how to get support thread. Add that to this thread and perhaps someone that can understand them better will be able to help or explain what's going on. Edit: Ah, I see the player.log. That has most of the info, but the KSP.log one might help folks, too. My first inclination is something with System Heat, but on looking again at the video, do those craft have reactors but no radiators?
  5. I'll also say, if it's a Randolith, they tend to show up in one place on ScanSAT when I'm looking at the map while not in the SOI of the planet, and a different one when I'm actually there and looking. It's always at the spot it shows when I'm focused on a craft in the SOI of the body.
  6. So, is this like Kerbal Space Ponies where there's a set group that come with the mod? The files in the release seem very bare to have the characters or models built in, with it being a .dll and a .ksp file and that's it. Am I missing something? Edit: I was indeed. Looked in my persistence file and saw Talali, so it's working as intended!
  7. They do look distinctly different. It's basically kitbashed SSPXr models with multiple pieces put together to reach roughly the same size as the equivalent USI part, so they aren't carbon copies.
  8. I'm having the same issue. I was looking through the cfgs for the internals and through the part cfgs, and I'm not seeing anywhere a MODULE { name = RasterPropMonitorComputer } Could that be what's keeping the IVAs from fully activating?
  9. Dropping straight up fixes in as PR's on Nertea's github is an option that can at least help people. With the PR right there, a slightly more involved user could at least fix their own install, even if it doesn't come perfectly out of the box, and it serves as a good repository of those little catches, like the extra } in that one PR.
  10. In what way is it not working? It would help if you described the symptoms and posted a log file.
  11. You probably need to post your logs, since that popup isn't telling you what part has the bad config. This should help you find them.
  12. I haven't unlocked the parts yet in my new save, so I saw the error on loading the game but didn't see any problems immediately. Thanks, JonnyOThan for figuring this out!
  13. I'm not the person that reported the problem, but I'll wager it's the hard seam along the shoreline of that central continent, where there's a noticeable bug affecting how the land shows up. I was having a similar issue recently, but wasn't sure which of my beautification mods to chalk it up to.
  14. Something vaguely similar has been released before, though I think it may have been on the more randomized side. I really don't know that for sure, as it's been years. I'm sure the interest is out there, whether you get much feedback on this thread or not.
  15. Can't tell much of anything without a log, and since it's just you having this problem, I very much doubt it's specifically your new GPU and more likely some funky install issue.
  16. It seems really weird [snip] to have a link to your "/blogs/rants" personal webpage on the pop up anyways. Why don't you just request removal for all your mods from CKAN and be done with it, if you've actually ditched it?
  17. If I can find the time to do that, it would actually be a reasonably fun project. "Welcome to Krakatoa AM, erupting out of your radio no matter where you might be out there in the cold, cold cosmos."
  18. This is really cool, thanks LGG! I guess I'm not quite sure how the copyright would work, but there's all sorts of fun things in the Old Time Radio section of archive.org, including full runs of radio dramas like The Shadow, and they're free to download because it's all way out of copyright.
  19. Thank you! It's a minor inconvenience, at most, but it will be nice to have that visibility again.
  20. I imagine that's what they mean, and I will say that for me, I come to the forums pretty much to go straight to KSP1 Mod Releases and Mod Development, and I liked being able to middle click those two so I could go in and find the threads I want quickly, now I have to go down an extra layer of the forums. I do miss that old quickness to access the spots I want to go.
  21. Sorry if I'm just mistaking how this works. The zip for the new file does not have the Plugins folder in the SoundtrackEditorForked folder, just PluginData. Should I delete everything from the older version of the mod to update, including the dll in the Plugin folder?
  22. Feels very weird bumping a thread from 2 years ago, but I'm assuming this is still stable for 1.12.5. I'm including ERS in my install, and this is a dependent. In the zip, it has "RPM Bundles" with a few assetbundle files. I have the current version of RPM, and I'm seeing a pair of similar files, "rasterpropmonitor-font.assetbundle" and "rasterpropmonitor-shaders.assetbundle" in the RasterPropMonitor file. The bundles from this download are that first one, and then bundles for each of the main operating systems. Do I need to bring over the Windows one, or do I skip this file since I have RPM?
  23. On further poking, I think it may be a deeper issue that KSPCF just made more visual. The numbers for consumption, thrust, and ISP were right for the WBI Fulcrum, Corvette, and Hemi Cuda, but actually attempting to attach one to the craft started throwing NRE's and warnings, and that was without KSPCF. I'll need to work on a minimum problem install. I just tend not to find problems till I'm a bit further along since I play career and some things don't show up in Sandbox. Sorry for the goose chase.
  24. I'm having the same issue. It's definitely tied to the upgrade system that WBI takes advantage of. It's like the new key array is being multiplied on the old instead of replacing it. It affected all the engines with upgrade ability, and I have a feeling it messed with the MOLE and other upgrades, too. I deleted just KSPCF and now all the numbers look correct.
  25. By all means, make it what you want it to be. The point is that Moho is very close to the star, so the light side of the planet physically ablates and is blasted away by the heat and radiation, so the effect is realizing that.
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