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Everything posted by flart

  1. Why did it duplicate IntakeAir to IntakeAtm, and how to merge all IntakeAtm to IntakeAir, or why I should not do that?
  2. https://github.com/CYBUTEK/KerbalEngineer/pull/138
  3. @Aelfhe1m It has not tags-value at all https://ufile.io/7e09c Maybe there is another command for creating tags-value? EDIT: Thank you, it works now.
  4. @Aelfhe1m, thank you, I corrected that, but result the same. (not inside "utility", not inside "EVA Items") KSP_with_patch https://ufile.io/b4eap (not inside "utility", not inside "EVA Items") KSP_without_patch https://ufile.io/8v7ze (inside "utility")
  5. Hi, I tried to put handrails to cck-eva-items (CCK KIS-category), but this patch didn't work. (disappeared from "utility" as expected, but didn't appear at "EVA Items") Lightweight gamerun. Patch, CommunityCategoryKit, NEBULA, KAS, KIS. LOG-file - https://ufile.io/o7ssa
  6. @IgorZ, My patch at line 1708, and mod patch at 1745 line. May be it suspicious ?
  7. @IgorZ Lightweight gamerun. Patch, CommunityCategoryKit, NEBULA, KAS, KIS [Giant browser-destroying log file snipped by moderator. Folks, please don't paste big log files directly into your post, even in a spoiler section. It causes problems for people on mobile browsers or who have slow internet connections, because the browser is forced to download the entire content even if you've got it in a spoiler. Do provide a log file, just don't put it in the post itself. Instead, host it on some third-party site (there are lots of them around the internet), and then link to it from your post. Thank you for your understanding.]
  8. @IgorZ It's not my mod, I just want put these parts to other category. Yes, I have KIS and patch, introduced cck-eva-items category inside. P.S. Also, what bitwise XOR (^=) do with strings? What is :^: ? I guess it should add tag to tags-string in config, but how?
  9. I tried to put handrails to cck-eva-items category, but this patch didn't work. (disappeared from "utility" as expected, but didn't appear at "EVA Items") // NEBULA eva handrail @PART[*handrail*]:FINAL:NEEDS[CommunityCategoryKit] { @category = none @tags ^= :^:cck-eva-items } @PART[*handle*]:FINAL:NEEDS[CommunityCategoryKit] { @category = none @tags ^= :^:cck-eva-items }
  10. @linuxgurugamer I tried to put handrails to cck-eva-items category, but this patch didn't work. (disappeared from "utility" as expected, but didn't appeared at "EVA Items") // NEBULA eva handrail @PART[*handrail*]:FINAL:NEEDS[CommunityCategoryKit] { @category = none @tags ^= :^:cck-eva-items } @PART[*handle*]:FINAL:NEEDS[CommunityCategoryKit] { @category = none @tags ^= :^:cck-eva-items }
  11. IFS Core from CKAN need IFS localization folder — it is showing #LOC_id-stuff.
  12. т.е NF не поддерживает Community-ресурсы, раз переопределяет названия? Надо, наверное, Community-ресурсы перевести, чтобы было от чего отталкиваться. В том числе сокращения типа ЖВ | жВ | ж.H2 | LH2
  13. How to get «online wheels modifier» above 70% ? It's not support power consumption wheels from kerbal-foundries, is it?
  14. Не знаю для чего это по идее род существительных — Male, Female, Neutral строка с тэгами, но переводить их, вероятно, вообще не надо, потому что нужны для мододелов и в самой игре вроде не появляются. Хотя может в поисковике деталей работает?
  15. Пулреквесты: https://github.com/codepoetpbowden/ConnectedLivingSpace/pull/86 — молчит https://github.com/ChrisAdderley/StationPartsExpansion/pull/44 — только отправил
  16. нет ещё там ещё и EVA неспроста... «ВЫХ-1»? СПАС вызывает слишком не те ассоциации
  17. Перевёл «Stockalike Station Parts Expansion», остались только «Intercedor» Station Core — мне ядро станции почему-то не нравится. Intercedor ? SCATTER-1 Service Airlock, который Self-Contained Air Transport Tube for Excursion Rehearsal. Ну и EVAC-U-8 Service Airlock я оставил как Сервисный модуль EVAC-U-8, что тоже, наверное, нехорошо З.Ы. задумался над, вероятно, вечным вопросом, где заканчивается свобода переводчика и начинается «и чтоб без всякой отсебятины».
  18. Completely . It replaces stock localized categories with its unlocalized categories.
  19. @linuxgurugamer, Is there localization support anytime soon ? Pity it breaks stock category_name localization.
  20. Feature request: show Miscellaneous.SystemTime at system format or add 24h-format.
  21. Hello @Nils277, KPBS has full support Extraplanetary Launchpad, and I am wondering, will EL game experience in KPBS be full, if I install KPBS and put into its folder EL.dll (without EL-parts, EL-configs etc) ?
  22. What is `X|Y|Z` ? @PART[spotLight1,spotLight2]:NEEDS[CommunityCategoryKit] { @category = none @tags ^= :^:cck-lights } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleColoredLensLight]]:NEEDS[SurfaceLights&CommunityCategoryKit] { @category = none @tags ^= :^:cck-lights } Works for me, is it ok what `cck-lights` tag can be duplicated in tags string ? How to take at MM all SomeMod's parts inside \GameData\SomeMod\Parts\ ?
  23. @IgorZ, Then may be option at difficulty settings helps? (example — KPBS) I think utility category it's not "real" category, it's place, where all part without category turn out to be. So, if, after all, some category appears, its part should not be duplicated at utility, but it can be duplicated at all other category. However, checkbox at difficulty settings, is the best.
  24. @IgorZ, Do you want exclude lights from utility category? (if there is CCK)
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