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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. ColdJ


    Garry Kerman took some time out to enjoy the view, tethered to the satellite he was currently working on. Kerbin was layed out below, green and blue with wispy white clouds. He could see the solar array fields and the giant radar dish they had built into the crater from an impact long long ago. It could be a dangerous job, repairing satellites. Many Kerbals had been lost through accidents over the years, but views like this went some way towards making it worthwhile. Garry sighed and turned back to what he was doing, the burnt out circuit board was not going to fix itself. Meanwhile:
  2. ColdJ


    Uzbekistan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uzbekistan
  3. Calling 911 to translate what the Antifun folk have written.
  4. One Belgian waffle. A musk stick please.
  5. Granted: You are now wearing a great wide cone outfit with all the weight at the bottom. You are near impossible to push over. I wish all smartphones became old science fiction paperback novels.
  6. Floor 4808: Mun Shuttle departure lounge.
  7. It is pronounced "Tureen". Just a special of the day. Waiter, one well heated fish tank, is your seafood special?
  8. Slow, shuffling, brain dead, barely communicative. Am I talking about a Zombie or someone addicted to a smart phone?
  9. Are you ready to RUMBANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. It is a far far better ban I do, than I have ever done before.
  11. ColdJ


    Zanzibar (now united into Tanzinia)
  12. Æðelric sang storī̆se ballads phonetically, but Helen ( can we get a full description of obscure words because "storī̆se" does not show up in at least 2 search engines.)
  13. Floor 4802: This floor has a pedestal and on it there is a letter. The letter reads "Dear @Kimera Industries, My previous post actually fixed the gap as you were off by 1, please feel free to look at the posts at the end of the previous page to see how I arrived at the number I am at. Thank you." There is also a nice babbling brook on this floor.
  14. ColdJ


    Harry Kerman was busy writing the next chapter of his new book about a thief Kerbal with a golden heart. There was plenty of action and romance, some great tounge in cheek comedy and intrigue. Currently he was trying to work out how his character "Slippery Jim DeKerbal" was going to escape being locked in a rocket that was about to take off. Meanwhile:
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