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Everything posted by Majorjim!

  1. These can be a pain in the ass to get working.. Keep at it though mate it looks great so far! Have you played with different autostrut settings. That usually fixes it for me.
  2. It will be great to not have to use huge bundles of SRBs anymmore!
  3. I too would love to hear from a developer on this issue. It would be a real shame to lose all those hours spent building.
  4. I would love to see something offical about this. It seems folks are just guessing at this point.
  5. I did. It says this: Q: Will I be able to transfer my saves/account to KSP2? (backwards compatibility) A: Saves from Kerbal Space Program 1 will not be compatible with Kerbal Space Program 2. Saves are not craft. Anyone know FOR SURE if craft files will not be compatible?
  6. official? Link? If this releases with no clouds...
  7. Does anyone know if craft files will be cross compatible?
  8. I ask as the mod that increases surface textures has a quite noticeable performance hit. And if there is no real difference in performance why not make the new texture the default one?
  9. Awesome work mate, truly! The LEM is amazing and the overall detail is stunning! A true labor of love and congratulations on finally getting it released.
  10. Great! So can we have a tutorial now please?
  11. Because of the many requests for grippier parts so walkers are more feasible. What other reason do you think it's for? Slippy bases is certainly not the reason to release these parts. anyway, that's my point, the reasons are vague. Using them grab stuff makes zero sense. How and why?
  12. I don't think they work like Docking ports or the claw though. I would just like to hear from the devs their thinking behind each part. I'm sure that was part of it yes, it goes without saying that they want to work Efficiently. My question is why the shapes they chose. Did they have a specific purpose in mind. I never said I didn't want to use them. I will definitely use them in fact. I'm just curious as to why squad chose to release all these different shape parts for what is clearly a single Issue, the slippery walkers.
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