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  1. I was experimenting with high altitude propeller assisted launch vehicles for low eve orbit. I can just about reach 20k in height before loosing speed and flipping out. The propellers don’t rotate the craft and are at the com. They are constantly getting fed power so I don’t see what I’m doing wrong. I want to be able to reach 30k or higher to save vessel mass but I was wondering if anyone has help for this issue. Also the launcher can go into orbit. It just needs props that can go that height.
  2. I've been trying to complete contracts to scan mun craters with the scanning arm and bring mun stone back to kerbin. I've landed a rover and small ship on the moon in the biomes where it tells me the features will be but I cannot find any anywhere. I have done my best to search this issue on here and reddit but no solutions yet. - My save was created recently (long after the BG DLC was installed) and I have checked my persistent file in my save folder to check that it has a valid ROC seed which other posts say should mean surface features are active. - I have turned terrain scatter down to 0 so there is literally nothing on the surface and mun stone should stand out. - I've also used the debug menu to turn on the surface feature finder but I see no indicators. - I have double checked the BG expansion is installed on steam - I have tried multiple biomes across large sweeping areas and I have not found a single crater or mun stone and I am out of places to search for answers. Any help would be massively appreciated.
  3. With this short tutorial I'll show you how to build an automated tracking craft without the KAL controller, which you can use in several ways, to improve your gameplay.
  4. After more research and testing, I would like to share what I have learned about designing and flying helicopters in the game.
  5. KerbWes


    Anybody tries the grip pads in BG (Breaking Ground) as car bodies? Basically indestructible and cool looking too! I made a car w/ it and rammed it full speed into the VAB, only the front lights broke! And, with BG, you can make convertibles! YAY
  6. Last Update: 23/05/21 This thread is where I will organise and share all of my Naval Vessels, Naval Aircraft and other useful subassemblies. The Catalogue will be split into 3 main sections, Surface/Subsurface vessels, Aircraft and Subassemblies, more will likely be added but for now I will stick to these three - this should hopefully allow for an easy to navigate catalogue of all my craft (And hopefully encourage me to actually release some on a semi regular basis). The TEK Shipyards (Telnya-Karkov) is a fictional company that handles the building of everything from the smallest boats to the largest aircraft carriers and beyond. The TEK designation, e.g. TEK-66-1 denotes the Manufacturer - TEK, the Length in metres rounded to the nearest convenient number - 66, and the suffix denotes the variant which is not always present. All but the 1st generation of Naval vessels at least Breaking ground to function due to the use of electric propellers and the 3rd and 4th generation of vessels use config editing to drastically reduce part count. This is done to make sure that all of my craft can be enjoyed at a reasonable FPS and without your computer reaching the temperature of the sun. The adjoined company to TEK, Karkov Helicopter concern, often contracted to Karkov is the parent Company of TEK handling all sorts of aeronautics. Starting from helicopters, Karkov has gradually Evolved into an aerospace giant handling everything from passenger planes to carrier based SSTOs. The close partnership between TEK and karkov allows them to develop complete naval systems with organically integrated aircraft. For example, the Karkov universal Landing gear system for medium and heavy carrier aircraft allows TEK to create a one-size-fits-all tie down system allowing for the securing of aircraft whilst lacking the complexity and overengineering of a full docking system. "Efficiency, Efficiency By Design" ~ The TEK Motto Surface/Subsurface vessels 1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation 4th Generation Aircraft Fixed Wing Rotary Wing Mods that I find essential; Any thoughts, suggestions and requests would be appreciated.
  7. With apologies to the great movies starring Anna Kendricks. Ever get frustrated that your propeller aircraft don't seem to gain speed? Annoyed that mapping blade deploy angle to throttle can result in less thrust with more throttle? Wish you could just use the throttle to control the force of your propeller without finicking around? Well now you can! This mod will handle all of the details while you just fly. How to use: Add blades to any rotor. Make sure that they are aligned in the disc plane in their undeployed state and that increasing the deployment angle makes them take a bigger 'bite' of the air. Set them deployed. On the rotor hub, select which mode you want: Thrust: Keeps the blade at its maximum thrust angle. Throttle the motor's RPM or torque to control your thrust. Throttle: Makes the blade produce thrust proportional to the throttle setting. Set your motor to the desired RPM and a torque setting that will enable that. This is the default and probably easiest to fly with. Efficiency: Keeps the blade at its most efficient (Thrust/Torque) angle. Throttle the motor's torque to control your thrust. This mode is likely the least useful unless you're trying to build a maximum range craft and even then... Fly. For you extra 'Kerbal' types, the math is there to try to optimize weird, non-radial or conic propellers but I don't guarantee it will be able to optimize anything. The steps above are well tested but I can't predict everything you'll try. If something doesn't work, please let me know and send me the craft file. Also, a caveat on my promises of optimization: this optimizes the thrust of the propeller blade, not thrust-drag of the propeller blade. At high forward speeds, it might be a few fractions of a degree away from absolute perfection. I'm working on that. Reverse thrust is also roughly implemented, but isn't perfect yet. I'm still actively developing this but it's good enough to start. Downloads: GitHub: https://github.com/DBooots/Pitch-Perfect/releases SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/2616/Pitch Perfect License: MIT Dependency: Breaking Ground
  8. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YYHUBYEws321V8jARv2VeULZ-sSHXV9S/view?usp=sharing Mass: 692 tons Part count: 828 DLC Breaking ground
  9. The arrival of Breaking Ground was probably the happiest surprise related to KSP1 since I started playing a few years ago, but one thing that it has soured is the contract system. The contracts were already terrible, loads of them make very little sense and if you are sick and tired of certain types of them you can't just block them - you have to manually keep declining each and every one of them forever and hope the game randomly offers something you want to do. Now that Breaking Ground introduced a number of new types of contracts this has gotten completely out of hand, I've spent up to several minutes in a row doing nothing but declining extremely undesired contracts that keep respawning just to get a dozen good contracts of the types I have any desire to deal with. I did get out ahead of this situation and posted my concerns before the DLC dropped and @St4rdust did relay the information to devs for which I am grateful, however I feel far from convinced that the issue was placed on the "urgent issues" list. I'm well aware that Career Mode is actually not as popular among players as one might expect and that such a thing might seem like a good reason to put low priority on fixing career mode issues, however there is ample indication that the contract system is one of the absolute biggest reasons -if not THE reason- why many players shun the game mode in the first place. When players call Career Mode "grindy" it is more often than not primarily because of the contracts. Across the forum there are already many suggested solutions to the multiple issues with contracts, I'll refrain from regurgitating everything I've seen and just list what I estimate to be the most useful key points below for dev conscideration: <> VASTLY increase the number of concurrent contracts that can be viewed and accepted. This should be done regardless of any other changes made to contracts, having to sit through loadscreens every few minutes just to find a new desirable contract is grindy. <> Either split the entire contract list into categories and have each generate a good number of contracts regardless of what's going on with all other categories, or make it possible to block certain types of contracts from spawning at all. <> Make the contracts sortable by location in some way, either by listing them neatly sorted by location or by having a filter function to show/hide contracts for specific regions. <> Some contracts generate horrifying numbers of messages in the log, the log needs a purge button and there needs to be an option to disable log spam. (Take 12 contracts to ferry tourists to Kerbin orbit and back, send all of them on a big cruise ship and land safely to cash in. You now have over a HUNDRED log messages from a single 10 minute trip, the message window stops working properly after a few such trips and you have to manually click to delete every single one of these messages that extremely fast can number in the thousands.) Other suggestions of lower urgency: <> Ability to clear the contract history without resorting to using a cheat menu or tampering with the save file. <> Add strategies to the Administration Building that greatly influence the contract generation; sacrifice cash or fame to generate more contracts of several user specified types while all other types generate in far lower numbers. <> Make the "active contracts" tab more user friendly, most notably there should be no reason it can't scale depending on number of active contracts.
  10. Notification spam is no longer an issue with KSP 1.8. Therefore, this mod will not be updated. Do not post asking about KSP 1.8, as this mod's functionality is handled by the stock game in that version. Github Repo Tired of the spam of notifications resulting from using the new surface experiments in the new expansion? I was. So I made this mod which decreases the rate of notifications for those experiments to once per Kerbin day, which eases up the spam. To Install Download the latest version of Module Manager and install it. Then, download the latest version and unzip it into the GameData folder of your copy of KSP. Issues This mod only changes the rate for experiments which are deployed after you install the mod. To change for already deployed experiments, you need to open your persistent.sfs file and change the value under ScienceTimeDelay for each such experiment. EDIT (9/22): I am getting some complaints that this mod seems to no longer work for some people. I will try to figure out what is happening as soon as I can; in the meantime, you may need to manually adjust the ScienceTimeDelay in your persistent.sfs for every science experiment you put down. EDIT (10/16): It has been alleged that ksp 1.8 fixes this bug. This will, therefore, likely be the end of this mod.
  11. So, I'm wondering, out of the dlc that kerbal space program has, which DLC, if any, is your favorite or the one that you like the most? I personally like Making History because of the Mission Builder since I've recently used it to make some historical recreations of missions and similar things also. The parts are also good, but I would like it if there were more parts in the dlc based on real life ones. What about you?
  12. One of the things I want as a difficulty option is for the robotic parts to not wobble, or maybe have a slider that controls how strong the joints are, and have locking joints eliminate all wobble. I've got 2 craft that suffer particularly from this problem: a GLaDOS replica, a little robotic rover with a little head and a mech with a rather primitive run cycle. GLaDOS and the rover sometimes end up headbutting the terrain if I drive them too fast and the mech can't support itself and ends up doing the splits on the floor. I've never used infernal robotics, but from the stability of some of the craft built using it, it appears people have a better time controlling craft that use the IR joints, while craft that use the official joints are floppier. What do you think?
  13. This contract has me confused. I scanned a surface feature within a large crater, yet I have no idea where to go from there.
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