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  1. Hi everyone! So I have a slight issue with slow framerate. I have a couple of mods and I only have the issue in Career mode, not in sandbox mode. Every time I switch scene, either VAB, space center, tracking station, or launchpad it takes about 10-12 seconds for the scene to load. This is ok, I can live with that. However every single time when I go to launchpad, nomather from where I go before, if it's from VAB or tracking station or simply a "revert flight to launch" it takes about 30 seconds for the FPS to stabilize. It sits around 17 fps and after these 30 seconds it kicks up to 60 something. Every single time it about the same 30 seconds plus minus a second or two. If I try this in Sandbox mode in takes about 1-2 seconds for the FPS to stabilize at around 60. I don't know whats wrong but I find it very strange that it only occurs in career mode. It seems like it has nothing to do with part count, in career i used like 31 parts and in sandbox I used 110 parts. The link down below takes you to file.fm where I have output log for career and for sandbox, the ksp log and a mod version log. Also I have the screenshots there too that I post in this thread, and also I uploaded a ckan file in the same link as well as my save including shipfiles. I did not upload a save for the sandbox mode, it's a newly started one and I used the standard ships. The files How to reproduce: I guess all you really have to do is to install the mods in the list and go to launchpad. It doesn't mather if you launch a huge vessle or just a probe core. Takes the same time Really appreciate the help guys! Cheers - Schmelge
  2. I'm using Realism Overhaul and RP-0, along with a whole host of other mods for this playthrough. I do have Mission Control and the Tracking Station upgraded to level 2. Yet for some reason maneuver nodes are unavailable to me. For a brief time while ascending through the atmosphere I can click on my blue line flightpath and place a node, but once I get high enough and transition to space, my flightpath line turns pink and I can no longer click on it. Also, I cannot right-click on other ships, moons, or planets to make them targets. I can't rendezvous with anything, or leave Earth orbit. Essentially, I can't play the game. I'm not sure if this is MechJeb, Principia, or some other mod that's blocking it, or perhaps a setting I haven't found yet, or a genuine bug. Please help. Many thanks and appreciation to you all.
  3. hi all, Here is the challenge I propose : Start a new stock career mode (medium difficulty or higher) and complete the technology tree the fastest possible. Your score is the game-time when tech tree is completed. I talk about game-time and not about the real time you spent in the game. This may limit the use of time warp and favor multiple concomitant flights. most of mods are vailable, except those modifying physics and science gain What do you think ?
  4. Are the new parts from the Making History DLC available in career mode? I am having a difficult time finding a straight answer on this, and I would like to know before I purchase it. Thanks.
  5. Hey all, A frustrating one for you. My 1.3.1 Career save has suddenly started misbehaving. KSP loads to the menu as usual but the persistent and renamed quicksaves do not load when 'resume' is selected, instead crashing the game. Even more frustratingly, there are no crash logs to try and narrow down the problem. KSP: 1.3.1 Windows 64bit Problem: Career save crashes on load. KSP initializes as normal, when selecting resume career save, the screen goes black, the gray animated loading tab in the bottom right appears and the planets rotate a little, then a windows error pops up ("something caused KSP_64 to stop working") and it crashes to desktop. Mods installed: Lots! But it has been working reliably for at least 2-3 weeks on an offline Laptop, nothing has been updated and steam is in offline mode. There are some outdated mods on the install but I've been using them with 1.3.1 since it came out with no issues. Reproduction steps: Reverting to a backup save works, but any saves made after this point refuse to load. The game works fine for as long as i want, but the saves made after the initial loading become dysfunctional. I have tried re-naming quicksaves to persistent and this also does not work. Removing all ship and sub-assembly files (not the folders themselves) doesnt seem to make any difference. Log: None generated So, my questions are - firstly is there any way to get it to generate a output log to try and track down the issue? Or any other tips or hints to track down the gremlins? Secondly, is there something on the last craft I was using that's causing the issue (a simple satellite round Ike, mostly stock with some Scansat, Karbonite, RLA and ProbePlus parts)? A mod causing chaos (I am going to start removing them one by one, but I'm not sure I'll have many crafts left after!)? Or, more depressingly, is their something deeper wrong with the savefile itself and I'm just going to have to start again? *cries* Anyhow, sorry that's not particularly illuminating. Thanks in advance for your attention. BF
  6. Greetings! I've finally worked on building my first CommNet, but I find myself a bit confused after reading https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CommNet and doing some searching here on the forums. Here is my situation: Level 2 Tracking Center 4 Satellites orbiting Kerbin at an altitude of ~777km (Screenshot:https://i.imgur.com/Po3BR5g.png) Each satellite has 4 antennas. Three RA-2s and one 16-S Two RA-2s from each dish are pointed at sibling satellites. One RA-2 is available for tasking as needed. One 16-S is used for comms with Mission Control My confusion is, the RA-2 has a stated range of 200Mm which, as I understand it means 200,000,000 meters. As a result, my expectation was that this commnet would be good for unmanned missions to Minmus or closer. However, on the CommNet wiki page (specifically the table on top) it states that with a level 2 tracking center and a RA-2 that the range is 10Gm or all the way to Moho (if it is close). I am unclear how it could possibly have that range with the RA-2 only have a max range of 200Mm. Can someone help me understand what I'm missing? Thank you!
  7. Hello fellow KSP Players, I am relatively new to this game. I've play about 40 hours and just completed the rendezvous contract/mission. The last thing i got before the docking contract was the Mun landing contract. Now after completing that contract i got a new one saying to do the same thing on Mun. But when am i going to get the Minmus mission? In all tutorial series on youtube they've all gotten the Minmus Mission right after the Mun mission but i'm just not getting it. Is there any reason for that? Thanks in Advance!
  8. Hi all, This is a challenge meant more for the newbies however given what I did the other day it might also be interesting for the experienced as well. Basically, perform a rendezvous maneuver with two crewed craft in a new career save in as little amount of launches... Without upgrading the tracking station. (Fulfill the Contract Explore Kerbin - Rendezvous). Rules: 1. Open a new career save on Normal Difficulty (you can have any G-Force or CommNet options on, doesn't really matter). 2. Never upgrade the tracking station. 3. No mods allowed. 4. KSP 1.3, 1.4 or enhanced edition allowed. 5. Cancel velocity of the two crafts within 2.5km of each other. Scoring: Number of total launches required to achieve rendezvous is the scoring. Might come up with a better scoring system because this technically allows rendezvous at the second launch. Lowest score gets first. Please post evidence of all launches and their highest achievement, as well as the resultant rendezvous. Also name each craft. Example Scoring: Six craft: Hopper I, Hopper II, Hopper III, Stayputnik, Hopper IIIA, Hopper IIIB Score: 6
  9. Kerbal Rocketry, Aeronautics, and Space Hub (KRASH) This is the story of KRASH, and its adventures into the unknown. I just got bored with my career save. I unlocked the whole tech tree, and to be honest, landing on other planets just wasn't fun anymore. So I downloaded Outer Planets Mod, and it really helped me get back into this very successful career savegame. This is also my first forum topic, and I got inspired by reading so many of the incredible mission reports in this section. So, we'll see how this goes! Prologue is live! Index to the Chapters/Sections
  10. Hello, I'm going to try a BDB themed career, but I'm just looking for mods that can spice it up. Stuff like emulating tech/real world designs up to (reasonable) near future tech, and minor base-building/colonising efforts with a nicely-orangised progression. so far, this is what I've got listed: entire Near Future suite (Mid-late game doodads for fun and profit) BDB (The bread/butter of the pack itself, with about a bajillion different parts for launcher variety) ProbesPlus (Probes became interesting to design with this ^_^) RSS @ 2.5x stock scale. (I mean, we gotta launch Saturns from the Cape, right? ) Tweakscale & Procedural Parts/Fairings (Sometimes, you gotta design that tank/SRB/fairing yourself.) BARIS (Having Apollo 13-esque issues in flight spices up routine missions) What do you recommend? I'd love to hear em
  11. The (Mis)adventures of FAST-NAO The Three Flags Hello! This is the story of my newest career: FAST-NAO. A space program just taking its first steps into the final frontier. The program names are all inspired by Dungeons and Dragons: Here are the mission logs so far:
  12. To satisfy their unceasing desire to launch themselves into the void of space on top questionable rockets, the kerbals rushed to form a space program. But in their haste to get started on this great endeavour, they forgot* to give it a name. Thus, it became known only as "the space program". *) I was too lazy to come up with one. =================================================================================================== This is a career I started in KSP 1.3.1 (later updated to 1.4.5) about a month ago, and that I thought I'd share here. I'm using a heap of mods (list in the spoiler below), with MKS and USI-LS being two of the main ones. It's my first time using these in a career playthrough. I'm not sure to what extent I'll use the kolonization parts, but life support will play a big role. Running out of supplies will lead to death, and death is permanent. I'm also sticking somewhat rigidly to the rule of no reloads. The presentation style will most likely be short descriptions of events, accompanied by lots of pictures, 'cause who doesn't like pictures. Hope you enjoy! MOD LIST FLIGHT LOG VEHICLE LIST
  13. After several hours of gameplay on sandbox and testing my creativity, I decided to get more serious and start a new career mode. As an airplane lover I really felt a lack of utility on creating atmospheric aircrafts despite being useful on running short distances to gather surface samples on the very beggining of your career. I really saw no need on building those gigantic and awesome airplanes. It would be even more awesome building those on career mode, where you would to plan and desing a even more efficient and better airplane then your casual "sandbox jumbo". As a simple solution, I came up with the following idea: Main idea: Add "Airports" around the surface of Kerbin capable of picking up or delivering Kerbals. It doesnt have to be too complex, just a runway and a "terminal".Beyond the missons you receive form the Space center, you would have some "passanger kerbals"(as a new type of kerbal, like the Pilots, Engineers and Scientists, and now, Passanger) on standby. Each kerbal would have a unique destination, and taking him to the "airport" that he wants to go, would reward you with money. Further away the airport, more money you get. Purpouse: That would encourage the player to build a better, saffer, more efficient airplane and as a whole, creating an extra purpouse for atmospheric aircrafts. Canon(?): To make the Kerbal passanger transport make sense as a whole, it would be a cool thing if we added something more beyond taking those random kerbals around Kerbin. It would make more sense if those airport were added next to a cluster of KerbNet Antennas in order to, in theory, keep the maintaince of those antennas. Also, there would have some bigger airports, which those, would be larger and contain a science only building in it, so having more kerbals in it, would increase the income of science. Taking scientists to an airport, would increase the amount of science income, and taking engineers, would increase the efficiency of the antennas. Conclusion to "Canon(?)": Beyond transporting Kerbal passangers that would give you money for that, you would have the option to take Scientists and Engineers too. Taking scientists to an airport, would increase the amount of science income, and taking engineers, would increase the efficiency of the antennas near that airport.
  14. Failure is not an option - these words, the most famous quote from Gene Kranz, one of NASA's first Flight Director and probably the most famous Flight Director to ever live... January 31st 1967. "Spaceflight is terribly unforgiving, of perelesness, incapacity for neglect, I don't know what the Thompson committee will find as the cause of this accident. But i know what i find, we were the cause: the simulators weren't ready, our software in mission control didn't function. Procedures weren't complete nothing we did had any shelf life and no one stood up and said stop. Now from this day forward, mission control will be known by two words: tough and competent, tough meaning we will never again shirk from our responsibility because we are forever accountable for what we do or what we fail to do. Competent, we will never take anything for granted - we will never stop learning - when you leave here today you will write these two words on your blackboard, tough and competent and they will never be erased. They will serve as a constant reminder to the sacrificial of Grissom, White and Chaffee. That's all" - Gene Kranz Flight: Plane Crew: Jebediah Result: The plane took flight after Jebediah accidently took the gear down, as it couldnt take off it was recovered RP-0 you may want to fix the first flight objectives! anyways thats it for now, a very humerous start to the program with a switch only not a rocket or an engine, a switch and some wheels!
  15. KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM Also known as how to perfectly crash. Kerbals, the only sapient life in the Kerbol System, have decided that telescopes on Kerbin are not enough, and are launching a space program! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LOG 1 - SCIENCE HAVE ACHIEVED FLIGHT At 0:00 Kerbin time, Wernher Von Kerman reported that Science 1, a small capsule attached to a booster, with a can of unknown content, and topped of with a parachute, was completely ready to launch. It would wait for two hours before launching at nighttime. Finally, at 2:00 Kerbin time, the craft was rolled out to the launchpad. It was operated by pilot Jebediah Kerman. Jebediah pressed the staging button, and it took off, tilting north due to the drag of the container of unknown content. After the booster ran out of fuel, he proceeded to observe the unknown content in the container, and create a report of his situation. He would then press the staging button again, deploying the orange and white parachute. Finally, he would land off the coast of where the Kerbal Space Center is located. Science 2 is expected to launch next week, packing more power and science.
  16. computer got accidentally turned off during sub-orbital flight above kerbin quicksaved luckily just before my foot rested on the off switch but when my pc restarts and i load up ksp my career save says 'just started' and when i click 'load' nothing happens any way to fix this issue and recover my hard earned space program? thank you so much for any support this is killing me
  17. With the new UI on Xbox Enhanced, I started a new career. Flew some contracts to get funds and science. Used the science to unlock Basic Rocketry tree. My career settings are to require Buying Into parts. Went to buy Swivel Engine with Tree researched (says it is researched). I click Right Stick to go to Parts in Basic Rocketry. I highlight Swivel Engine with 72K funds (engine cost 3.5K)....I get no UI on how to buy the Swivel Engine or any other part in any tree I've researched. What am I doing wrong? Again, new Xbox UI. Thanks.
  18. So in a bit on insanity, I've decided to revive my KSP obsession and try some new mods after playing realism overhaul for awhile. For bonus points, I'm going to be playing on the stock hard setting which disables respawning, and quicksave/reload (I'll conditionally re-enable it if something glitches, but if I screw up, I'm rolling with it). There is a loose metaplot going on, starting in Chapter 5.1 Dreaming in Light/Skipper, but it's not the main focus for this thread. Current Achievements of This Space Program Here's a quick reference guide for what we've done thus far. I'm not using the Return Chevron as it makes it hard to see each. For the craft type, I'm going with whatever is the most challenging or what I was most impressed by, hence why Kerbin has a plane ribbon, and not a capsule or station. Guidelines Mistakes will be permament, if I blotch a Duna landing, you're going to get to see it Exception: Atmospheric flight is quicksave/quickloadable as otherwise I won't get the epic photos. Exception: For plot relevant stuff, I'll generally allow quicksave/quickload. This happened during the first lunar mission as I was trying to get a good screenshot of an anomaly for the thread and flew too low. I'll note in each chapter where quicksaves/quickloads were done. I've never played with Kerbalism before, so expect hilarious failures The save is in career mode, stock tech tree. I'll likely be running some missions without posting about it (no one wants to read 300+ part testing contracts) I'm sticking to a 30 day minimum delay between mission launches for the most part. On rare occasions, I'll bend this rule for special/planned events This is primarily to avoid Mun landing in-game day 2, and then fastforward to Duna at the first launch window For missions that don't leave the planet (i.e., launchpad part testing), I won't bother advancing time The mod list will be somewhat fluid, list is at the below Rough goal of at least doing a kerbaled mission to each planet. Will take suggests for mission ideas/craft names/etc. Will also edit the save file if someone wants a kerbal beyond the original four. Current Mod List Kerbalism Kerbal Engineer Alarm Clock Better Burn Time SCANsat Scatterer/EVE Astromauner's Visual Pack + KSPRC was added starting in Chapter 7 DMagic TAC Fuel Balancer KAS/KIS KRASH FAR Gravity Turn Redux NavUtils Chapter 1: K-3 Project (full imgur album: https://imgur.com/a/Kov5g)
  19. Hi, I'm playing a career mode game, and upgraded the Mission Control building to Level 3 (maximum) a long time ago. The game says this upgrade should allow "unlimited number of active contracts". Although the upgrade did indeed remove the hard limit on the number of contracts, I found that the game simply didn't offer me any more contracts once I had 14 active. Whenever I'd complete a contract, I'd be offered a new one, one-for-one, but no more than that. One day when I completed a story contract, the game offered me two in its place, which expanded the "rotation" to 15, but a few contracts later, for no apparent reason, I completed one and was not offered a new one, reducing it back to 14. The other day I completed a non-storyline contract and was offered two in its place, so it's now back up to 15. Does anyone know what's going on here? Is this "intended" behavior by the game? An arbitrary technical limitation perhaps (e.g. due to the contracts being stored in a fixed-size array in the game code)? I would really like to be able to have more than 15 active contracts. Right now, more than half of the effective "slots" are tied up with long-term missions that I can't (or don't want to) start yet - e.g. I need to unlock the requisite tech tree nodes to complete ore contracts, and I don't want to skip any of the storyline contracts (thus I can't escape Kerbin until I've finished exploring Minmus, since that would skip that contract). This leaves only a few slots for active turnover of contracts, which makes it difficult to e.g. get enough tourists on the books to fill up a big, efficient craft to take them to the Mun. Is there any way to "fix" this? Perhaps a setting, or a mod? It seems weird for the "size of the market" to be effectively capped like this; one would expect the market to increase as I demonstrate the ability to perform more ambitious missions more efficiently. Thanks!
  20. This is a new Let's Play style series with career playthough. It is LiveStreamed on Twitch, and edited for upload to YouTube. Mission Tracking Log: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vkPMdifBnjN54sxyOOFecarbSx-moXSO0K4vsOTFVmA/edit?usp=sharing KSP version: 1.3.1 (Win64) - Unity: 5.4.0p4 - OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit Modlist (more or less complete, with minor edits): Cetera's Suits for TRR 000_AT_Utils - 1.5 Filter Extensions - Toolbar - 1.7.15 USI Tools - 0.10.1 AlmostFreeLaunchClamps - 0.2.1 AirlockPlus - 0.0.9 Astrogator - 0.7.8 AtmosphereAutopilot - 1.5.10 B9 Part Switch - 2.1 BetterTimeWarpContinued - 2.3.9 Bluedog Design Bureau - 1.1.6 Chatterer Extended - 0.6.1 Chatterer - CollisionFX - 4.0 Color Coded Canisters - 1.5.1 Community Category Kit - 2.0.2 Community Resource Pack - 0.8 CommunityTechTree - 3.2.1 Community Trait Icons - 0.1.2 Connected Living Space - Contract Configurator - 1.23.3 Contract Pack: Anomaly Surveyor - 1.7 Contract Pack: Clever Sats - 1.4 Contract Pack: Field Research - 1.2.1 Contract Pack: Historical Progression - 1.6 Contract Pack: Kerbal Academy - 1.1.7 Contract Pack: Bases and Stations - Rover Missions - 0.1.7 Contract Pack: Tourism Plus - 1.5.2 Crew Light - 1.10 Crew Portraits - 1.3.1 Crowd Sourced Science - 4.1 CryoEngines - 0.5.10 CryoTanks - 0.4.8 Community Terrain Texture Pack - 1.0.1 CustomBarnKit - 1.1.16 DangIt - 0.7.15 Airline Kuisine - 1.5 DestructionEffects - 1.7 DistantObjectEnhancement - 1.9.1 DMagic Orbital Science - CapCom Mission Control On The Go - Contract Parser - 1.0.7 Contracts Window Plus - Progress Parser - 1.0.8 DynamicBatteryStorage - 1.2 Easy Vessel Switch - 1.5.6471.31118 EditorExtensionsRedux - 3.3.16 EVAEnhancementsContinued - EVA Transfer - Firespitter - 7.6 FlagRotate - 1.1.5 Flexible Docking - 1.0.5 Fuel Tanks Plus - 1.12.1 FuseBoxContinued - GroundConstruction - 1.2.1 Galileo's Sun Flares - 1.8.3 HideEmptyTechTreeNodes - 1.0.1 Historian Extended - 1.3.2 HullcamVDSContinued - 0.1.8 Impact - Interstellar Fuel Switch - 2.10.3 JanitorsCloset - 0.3.3 RasterPropMonitor - 0.29.2 Kerbal Attachment System - 0.6.3 KerbalAtomics - 0.4.10 Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.3 Kerbal Foundries - KerbalHealth - 1.0.2 Kerbal Inventory System - No Fun - 0.1.2 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.3.3 HyperEdit - 1.5.4 Kerbal Inventory System - 1.8.6557.41950 Kopernicus - KRASH - 0.5.26 KronalVesselViewer - 0.0.8 KSP-AVC Plugin - KSPRescuePodFix - KSPWheel - Lithobrake Exploration Technologies - 0.4 Lights Out - 0.2.2 MagiCore - 1.3 Maeneuver Node Evolved - ManeuverQueue - 0.4.5 Mk1-Cabin-Hatch - 0.2 Modular Rocket Systems - 1.13.1 ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.4 NASA_CountDown - 1.3.5 NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE - 1.0.3 NavBallTextureChanger - 1.6 NavHud - 1.3.4 Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.7 NearFutureConstruction - 0.8.4 NearFutureElectrical - 0.9.8 NearFutureLaunchVehicles - 1.1.3 NearFutureProps - 0.2 NearFuturePropulsion - 0.9.5 NearFutureSolar - 0.8.8 NearFutureSpacecraft - 0.7.4 NEBULA_DecalsContinued - Final Frontier - S.A.V.E - One Window - 1.0.2 OuterPlanetsMod-Galileo - 1.2.4 PartCommanderContinued - 1.1.2 PartWizardContinued - 1.3.6 PlanetShine - PoodsOPMVO - 0.3.5 Portrait Stats - Precise Node - 1.2.6 Radio Free Kerbin - 1.2.1 RCS Build Aid - 0.9.3 RCS Sounds - 5.2 RealChute - 1.4.5 ReentryParticleEffect - SafeChute - 2.1.9 SCANsat - Science Relay - SETI-Contracts - 1.3 SETI-Greenhouse - 1.2.2 SETI-ProbeParts - Ship Effects Continued - SpaceY Expanded - 1.3.1 SpaceY Lifters - 1.16 StageRecovery - 1.7.2 StationPartsExpansion - 0.5.2 Stock Visual Enhancements - 1.2.7 Surface Mounted Stock-Alike Lights for Self-Illumination - 1.6.6484.37549 Stock Visual Terrain - 2.0.8 TAC Fuel Balancer - 2.14 TakeCommandContinued - 1.4.11 TextureReplacerReplaced - 0.5.4 TAC Life Support - 0.13.6 ToadicusToolsContinued - 0.22.2 Trajectories - 1.7.1 Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.8.5 Alternate Resource Panel - 2.9.2 Transfer Window Planner - 1.6.2 TweakableEverything - 0.1.23 TweakScale - 2.3.7 USI Core - 0.5 USI Exploration Pack - 0.9 Konstruction - 0.3 Malemute Rover - 0.4 MKS - 0.53 USI Alcubierre Drive - 0.7 Universal Storage - Unmanned before Manned - UpgradesGUI - 1.5 EVAParachutesAndEjectionSeats - 0.1.15 VesselMover - VesselViewerContinued - 0.8.6 Waypoint Manager - 2.7 IVA Kerbal Identifier - 1.0.4 [x] Science! - 5.11 Hanger Grid
  21. so i got a contract to get an unmanned space probe into an equatorial orbit around the mun, but it wont complete. it says my apoapsis must be 232,000m and periapsis 211,000m and i have met these down to the nearest 100m and my inclination must be 180° which for all i can tell it is, give or take 5°. any help is much appreciated, thanks.
  22. so i got a contract to get an unmanned space probe into an equatorial orbit around the mun, but it wont complete. it says my apoapsis must be 232,000m and periapsis 211,000m and i have met these down to the nearest 100m and my inclination must be 180° which for all i can tell it is, give or take 5°. any help is much appreciated, thanks.
  23. Hello, This is the release section for my latest and most developed to date mod, Kerbin's KSP overhaul. what it adds: a more challenging career mode with less science at the begining new replacement resources more labs and most importantly MOAR SCIENCE! what makes this different: normaly, career tech tree mods require community tech tree however Kerbins KSP overhaul like my other mod 64x overhaul require only Module Manager DOWNLOAD https://spacedock.info/mod/1611/Kerbins KSP overhaul hope you enjoy!!!!!! coming soon: PARTS! thats all from me, the rest is all down to your imagination (with the career limits of course!)
  24. I've finished my first Eve/Gilly mission in my current career save, and what does the next exploration contract entail? Go back to Gilly, where I've already been, and transfer crew between vessels, which I've already done. I think to myself, "I'll just warp time and hopefully get that Jool or Bop contract". I do that, what do I see? Transfer crew between vessels around Ike, which I did ages ago. Warp again, "Dock around Mun", already done that. It's giving me repeated contracts to do mundane tasks that I've done before and I'm not getting contracts to go any further than Duna, and it's really beginning to annoy me.
  25. Hi, i 've got a problem with asteroid contracts which come with the condition "Have a previously undisturbed Class X asteroid in tow" resetting whenever i save&load. Specifically i'm dealing with a contract to put a Class E into orbit of Minmus which is quite time-consuming with ISRU and low dV changes, but i can not save my progress because whenever i have my vessel "docked"(3 Klaws i rammed into the rock) and saved, the asteroid in question is not registered as previously undisturbed/part of the contract anymore. Meaning i can't solve the contract. The same problem arises with another contract which asks for station building around Duna on a previously undisturbed asteroid (i think, the condition also resets when changing vessels on map mode), making rendezvous with station parts after orbital insertion impossible. Is there a trick to circumvent this? Like savefile hacking to make the asteroid a viable target again or sth?
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