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  1. For the ongoing T2, KSP2, and Intercept Games situation, I humbly request we collectively agree to wait and see, as opposed to panicking and fighting, it just hurts to read the state of the forum right now and I would really appreciate if we all calmed down a little about this. We won't accomplish much by shouting at each other and shouting at the void when we could be, like, not doing that. Thank you for reading. To the Intercept Games developers, I hope you all are doing okay.
  2. how i lost jeb: so recently i was playing KSP and doing yet another minmus mission when i realised i had like 2000-1000 delta v left, which i thought was more then enough to go to the mun, so i went to the mun and tried to leave with about 800 delta v left, i escaped but ran out of fuel, so i used bob kerman's jetpack to push it, bob, some random kerbal on the ladder, and the mk.3 capsule were constantly switching jetpacks until i accidently moved the capsule causing both kerbals to get flung, after a while of trying to save both kerbals, jeb ended up the one needing saving and with no EVA fuel. TLDR: i flew too close to kerbol (the sun) in terms of what i can do, flung 2 kerbals across the universe, somehow only lost jeb, now jeb shall happily float around kerbin and cause i left the capsule for a while its now somehow orbiting the sun. ( i am complete trash lol)
  3. This is a list of QoL features / plain features / improvements/ whatever at this point, that I'd personally like to see in KSP 2. Be it today or months from now. There is no particular hierarchy. Feel free to add your own! Adding more to this as I read replies because I'm just one person and have limited thinking prowess! That is to say, I wish to add ideas to this list as I read them because I didn't think about it. Not even going to try and keep this ordered by-effect/change. Will try and keep duplicates out If an idea is from another, I will put their name in parathesis and italicized. "Many" will refer to just that; more than one (including myself) Manuveur Node Window / fine controls, just like we had in KSP 1 More minimized Delta-V readout in VAB / flight. There's a lot of unused black space thats not neccessary sometimes. Another toggle for just Delta-V and not fuel tracker is this wish Option to reduce entering / exiting gravity well "pulse" effect. I love this feature, but its quite huge sometimes for me. Mouse Sensitivity options Mouse direction options (inverse, etc) Seperate VAB / Flight Camera Pan options (sensitivity, inverses, etc) "Warp to Day" / "Warp to Night" "Warp to Encounter" (So as to warp to a few seconds before entering or exiting sphere's of influence) Transfer Window Warp Timers Manuveur Node Editing while Paused (unsure if this is a bug, or a feature, to not be able to do this while paused) Rocket Plumes follow the rockets path opposes to statically locked. More specifically related to effect smoke, to have the sight of your smoke trail as you launch "Do Science" button only flashes when there is truly a new science to do (Unsure if this is bug or not) Make Re-entry effect more flashy (I like the current effect , but it feels almost too static and needs more particles or variation.) Thermal bars less out-of-place feeling (Feels duck-taped on. Which I like, but a more visually in-line one later would be a nice thing) Symmetry automatically goes to correct option when trying to apply new parts to something (example, add struts to a quad-symmetry booster automatically sets symmetry to quad.) (Unsure if this is a bug) Scream bloody murder at the player if they forget to put even a single parachute. Do seperatrons seem weaker? Icon Improvement (WiS3) Darkness settings (WiS3) Easier map movement / less clunky (targetting, manuveur node stuff, etc) (WiS3 & Gluckez) VAB camera/movement fixes/improvements/options (Gluckez) Better Exhaust (Jeq) Better Docking / Structure for them (Gluckez) Better plant-dust for wheels, landing, landing gears, etc (Jeq) Exploding parts cause more explosions (difficulty setting maybe) (Jeq) Improved parts manager (inflight + VAB) (WiS3) Robotics (Many) More intituative action group setting Fuel Flow Priority Correcting Delta-V readouts (Many) Entering/Exiting SOI sphere of influence color or effect difference (perhaps a pulsing in as well for entering, pulsing out for exiting) (WiS3) EVA Construction (Gluckez) Snap rotation to world (Jeq) "Ore" equipment (I'd have to imagine this will be a thing in some way for Colonies?) (Gluckez) Waypoints/Map Markers on surface (Steveman0) A mechanic to make precise sub-15meter target landings? (It's kind of a pain to do it perfectly first try. Seems like a thing that would be really nice for Colonies)
  4. Hey everyone, I wanted to share my thoughts on KSP2 and why submarine parts would make a great addition to the game. While KSP is primarily focused on space exploration, including underwater exploration could offer a whole new realm of possibilities. Just imagine launching a submarine down into the depths of a distant planet's ocean, facing new challenges such as pressure, limited visibility, and underwater currents. (it may not become that in-depth) The addition of submarine parts would offer players even more creative freedom in their designs. You could build fast and sleek submarines, or sturdy and able to withstand extreme pressures, instead of struggling with buoyancy physics using cargo bays and engines making your design ugly. the U-dunk-it part already has this kind of stuff in mind, like the spherical shape and small windows. Besides, it's already designed to be used in water. The inclusion of submarine parts would add a whole new dimension to the game, making it even more exciting and engaging for players. If it may seem too late or too awkward to just throw in submarine parts out of nowhere in future updates, I think the exploration update would be a great fit. I truly hope that the developers consider this idea and look forward to hearing your thoughts on it.
  5. I would like to suggest that the Starlab does not pause its survey. Ones its deployed and surveying the data, it should continue to do so, until the research is done in the surveyed region. It hinders the pace a bit, especially on planets like Duna where the Biomes changes every few seconds. Maybe i do something wrong, or this is a Bug, but if not, it would be nice to keep the games pace. A alternative would be, that the Starlab automates this procedure, stopping the survey when the region changes, and automatically starts surveying again. I would like to hear some opinions, suggestions or maybe even help, because there is a chance that i do something wrong.
  6. On the following thread: I decided to challenge the KSP2 definition from being a de jure et de facto sucessor of KSP¹, or a Fantasy RPG with space fare thematics and spells and powerups disguised as technology. The discussion, unsurprisingly, risked degenerating into an exchange about what's a RPG and what's a Simulator, derailing the host thread. So I decided to transfer the discussion to this one. Original post (edited on the host thread)
  7. ok so first of all i posted this initially on the discord channel under feedback... so we are all aware of what the new reentry effects look like. and how they conform to the shape of the craft and change color depending on (temperature? could that be a factor?) and atmosphere composition now i'm not complaining about how it looks, it looks hella awesome. HOWEVER... my ONLY 2 complaints (really just suggestions at this point) is that it lacks 2 very simple but effective things that would make it look hotter and more violent/dangerous. that being sparks from bits of your ship burning off, and bow shock: the super compressed plasma IN FRONT of the ship which creates a VERY bright hazy glow on the leading surfaces which is honestly even more simple than the sparks. and here is the improved reentry effect i really hope the devs decide to implement (image edited in krita so sparks and bloom were manually applied). the sparks are simple, just get a second and slightly larger layer of the reentry effect but instead of a fire texture it's animated sparks. this would go well with the plasma colors in other atmospheres because the sparks are glowing hot molten metal so they are ALWAYS orange. As for bow shock, that is exceptionally simple. just a 3rd shader layer but very short, only to cover all the surfaces that are exposed to the reentry effect and it is VERY bright. and as such creates A LOT OF BLOOM (i'm talking halo 3 mcc levels of bloom) so the bloom (or light bleed for those who are not well versed in lighting terms) creates a hazy glow around the part surfaces visible to the effect which gives a crude but effective visual bow shock. if implemented properly this ought to make reentry look far better as well as convey more of the danger of reentry. i mean this improved effect looks like something you would see in a movie and the players deserve nothing less than jaw dropping spectacular
  8. (Take two on convincing the community to be nice (take one) because the first one did not work and I’m more stressed about it this time) Ok so, as it seems, I’m not having an easy time motivating myself to stay active on this community. You may be familiar with my first post. The schism is still here, and therefore I still have more stuff to complain about. So, I’m going to make another post, even longer this time, hopefully this time with better formatting and active correction to remove bias. I really just want this whole thing to calm down. the schism As everyone who’s ever poked KSP2 or these forums with a 39-and-a-half-foot-pole has noticed, there’s a big schism in the community between what is basically two parties engaging in passive aggressive discourse on basically every single forum topic in this entire freaking subforum, even on other sections of the greater forums as a whole. The two sides, as I see it, are: On one side, there are people who have trust in the developers, and believe in a future for the development of KSP2. They see patience as a necessity to a good community, despite the fact a full release was expected 3 years ago. They think the devs aren’t bad people, and they deserve trust and patience. The vision they dreamed of for KSP2 is coming, and all they need is to sit tight and encourage the developers. Eventually, one day, the version of KSP2 they get heart palpitations just thinking about will be here. A few (not all!) members of this side deny there is anything wrong with KSP2, and see genuine constructive criticism as bad. On the other side, there are people who have little to no trust in the developer team’s competency. They see the 6 months of little tangible feature development as a sign that KSP2 is dead, dying, or doomed. The devs did an awful job launching, and the game probably won’t survive very long before T2 pulls the plug on funding. They typically provide genuine constructive criticism of the game, usually with tone issues. Often they think the developers overpromised or are otherwise incapable of meeting their promises, and that the dev team is inefficient or slow at development. A few (not all!) members of this side think KSP2 is a cash grab scheme, or think everyone who bought into the game early has been intentionally misled and can’t see reality. Where do I stand? Well, in the past, I’ve been pretty firmly in the first group, and I think I still am to some degree. However, as I step back a bit, I see the development is going really rough. The game is certainly lackluster in comparison to modding its predecessor, and I enjoy and play KSP1 way more right now. The devs are doing all they can to maintain a positive public image, and can’t, because let’s be honest, the launch was really frickityfracking awful. Communication issues, performance scares, and the incredibly buggy nature of the release has huge and long-lasting effects. Player count is not going up. Things are Not Great. But, how I see it, in my personal opinion, the devs still deserve some slack. The devs faced extreme hardships, and they deserve patience. In my opinion, any predatory release tactics are probably T2’s fault (like, honestly, it’s kinda like, their whole identity at this point in the gaming community). KSP2 is objectively not very good right now, but recently the devs have managed to remove a TON of huge and pressing bugs. Performance has freaking skyrocketed, pun intended, and multiple people I know are now capable of running it on their machines. Foundations have been getting put in place for future updates. I have trust in the developers and a good belief that KSP2 will, one day, a year or three down the line, meet its promises, and I will be encouraging and patient. But honestly I’m not here to talk about all that. I’ve got like, a much more pressing problem to talk about. the actual issue of the schism I’m not here to focus and fixate on the squabbles. I hate to participate in them, they make me feel icky. I don’t want to fuel the fire, because it’s an objectively really really big and long-winded fire that I subjectively just want to see the end of. I think my last post contributed to the fire, because more of it than I’d like was centered around “no guys devs actually good”, but I realize standing behind my opinion and tainting the possibility of neutrality of my post probably detracted a lot from it and was in general disagreeable to the side I wasn’t a part of. That’s why I’ve cut down on that, and I’ll be spending the next obscene number of pages focusing on this community. The fact there’s a schism at all is harrowing, is it not? Let’s think about what both sides have in common: we’re all fans of KSP or KSP2. We’re all astrophysics majors, rocket scientists, dorky nerds who like space, armchair engineers, computer scientists, and geeky nerds who play with model rockets in their backyard. We all are disappointed by the state of KSP2. We all looked at the trailer and probably died of heart attack at least three times each. Nobody can say that KSP2 is really superior to KSP1 with mods, in terms of performance, features, playability, stability, support, customizability and in some cases even graphics too. We all have been impacted by the really awful launch. We all participate in the community, regardless of whether we argue or just chat or just lurk, and want to play a fun game. What differences do we have? Well, one side thinks KSP2 will be good and the devs deserve slack, and one side thinks KSP2 won’t be good or that the devs are meanies. Well, when you stack it up like that, it seems kinda silly how we’ve driven a wedge between the two parties who both just wish they could enjoy KSP2 as much as the release trailer promised. We’re all KSP dorks who just wanted a cool sequel like the one in the trailer. We can all agree we don’t have that yet. Is it coming? Depends on who you ask. I think so, but my opinion is not relevant to this part of the post. I’ve stayed off the forums for a while. I’ve lurked a lot, checking the forums basically daily, since my last post. Most of my interactions with the community since then have been posting youtube videos and responding to comments on the original post. I tried to come back and have a good time, but the sense there was this unkillable beast of flame wars and tension writhing in one of the most active categories of this forum is at least a little unsettling. It says a lot about the lack of coherence and unity in the community if people can split themselves for OVER HALF A YEAR over an issue like this. And don’t get me wrong, it’s a huge and stressful issue. But how I see it, this is no excuse for how we (me included) have been treating others on the forum. we are the schism. that's us. Here’s a friendly reminder: Community is everyone. Community is you specifically. Community is also me. Community is also my friend Steve. Community is also the mod & dev teams. Community is every member who reads this page or responds. Community is a Lot of people. In fact, community, as it so happens, is all of us. We did this. Nobody is at not at fault to some degree. We’re to blame. We’re responsible for fixing this, me included, you included, and we’re responsible for being nice to the community (this includes everyone in the community). As a community it is OUR duty and responsibility to not be mean or blind about it. WE are the community. Please take a second to just read over this paragraph and internalize it. This post here is the next chapter of my participation in trying to patch the schism, but no one single dweebus such as myself can do this alone. But seeing the state of these forums doesn’t give me confidence we can recover naturally anyways. We’ve already torn this huge gap in the community, and if we don’t close it, that gap will stay there. If it’s announced tomorrow that funding gets slashed severely, there will still be individuals who claim that the devs will rise from the ashes and miraculously make one of the most ambitious video games in gaming history. If KSP2 miraculously gets an update tomorrow that makes it completely exactly how we all wanted it, colonies and interstellar included, hundreds of handcrafted star systems, there will still be individuals who claim it doesn’t meet standards and bash it on the forums. Not one year ago, the KSP forums community was a freaking amazing place to be. We’d all go screw around with silly mods, make cool videos, share epic screenshots, say “guys won’t KSP2 be so cool when it releases” while ogling at some dev videos, and collaborate together with massive and elaborate community projects, and I would be hard pressed to find a single genuine insult anywhere on the forums, which still had like bajillions of active members. I really miss that community. I want it back, if that’s okay with you guys. I don’t like this place very much right now, and I can’t convince myself to stay active here for very long, because I simply don’t like the vibes that like 40% of the forums radiates and the other 60% is actively trying to ignore or pretend isn't a problem. Multiple people have left the forums before my eyes due to this issue, some even having directly contacted me to talk to me about it, because what I described in my first post is exactly why they left. This is a genuine issue. These forums are not as fun to stay in as they used to be, and the sense of unity and community and fun is severely damaged. This is a genuine concern I genuinely raise about the genuine state and genuine future of these forums. I don’t know how else to emphasize “guys this is a problem, we should fix it together”. If this post hasn’t convinced you “maybe we should be nicer to eachother” then I don’t know what to do, since this is the last thing I can think of to do, unless I wanna write four thousand words next time I make a big post. Which I don’t feel like doing. Please don’t make me have to write another post. I have carpal tunnel. ok, cool, whatever, so what do you propose we do then, dweebus? I genuinely don’t know. My guess is to start along the lines of “be nice” but that’s a lot easier said than done. I’ve seen a lot of mean comments thrown at people. I’ve seen a lot of passive aggressive ickiness from both sides. I’ve seen a lot of people just joke and make fun of other people for having an opinion that is not theirs. I’ve seen people start cursing out eachother or even hurling slurs over something as silly as “should there be this thing in this silly computer program about silly green aliens doing rocketry” or perhaps “why isn’t this thing here in this silly computer program yet”. And, mind you, this is all the stuff I’ve seen AFTER the moderation team filtered out the worst and most rulebreaking attacks. I’m not a mod, so I have absolutely no clue what the worst of the worst looks like. All I know is what I’ve seen can only be the tip of the iceberg. So what I propose is maybe just like, let’s all collectively resist the urge to yell at people who don’t share our opinion. Let’s also collectively resist the urge to yell at people who yell at us. Those usually are conducive to a good community, I would assume. Maybe we can set some collective terms for what we want, such as “constructive criticism is good but let’s be nice about it”, or maybe “let’s all agree KSP2 isn’t perfect yet”, or even perhaps the apparently very controversial and difficult to understand “i don’t like to be called a [insert long string of swear words]”. Those seem like reasonable demands to make of our friends and allies here in the community. But I don’t have a good idea of what we as a community should do. These situations probably have a lot more nuance to them than I can immediately think of, and my solutions aren't easy nor universal. I don't have an objectively untinted view of the situation, and I don't have a bird's eye view like moderators or developers might. I, as a dweebus member of the forums with no qualifications, really do want you all to collaborate and work together to find a way to make things better here. I want people to start thinking of ways to make the community a less toxic and flame-infested place, and I can’t do it alone. I'm not that good with people. Plus, you can’t do it alone either, since you too are just one person. Can we perhaps do this together please? I’d like to think this post is less of “i’m complaining, but loudly, and then some people agreed with me” like last time, and more “call to action to help actually make the community less mean to eachother” or perhaps even “open letter” in style and purpose. Like seriously I really just want me and everyone else to be able to enjoy the community like we did before. I really want us to be a unified, collaborative community again. It really hurts to see people just being like this to eachother. a conclusion i guess Ok, so, to recap: we’re all being mean to eachother, despite the fact we’re pretty similar in the end. This is bad, because being nice to eachother is good. We should all make an effort to be nicer, so that people stop leaving and people start enjoying the forums more. Nobody likes to be insulted, and we are all friends here on the forums. I propose we collaborate to do this, since we can’t really do all this alone. Please help us help eachother, which would include you. Stay tuned next time, for in 4 months I'll write 5k words on this exact same issue!! (this is a joke) (this post is prone to edits for grammar, spelling and tone. it is open to polite constructive criticism. please do not insult me or anyone else in the comments for the love of heck.) TL;DR: please be nice thanks
  9. Fuel tanks have no valid reason to be in PAM as they don't provide any information and it is just wasted space there, at least inflight. In VAB you can show them there as you can set the fuel level. I am so confused if i right click a fuel tank in flight and wonder why there is no information. And always have to remind myself that there is a hidden Resource Manager.
  10. I can't even assemble a simple craft in orbit. For the last 2 days I've been building a craft in orbit that consists of 4 parts that have to dock together, 2 parts are the mothership broken into the crew area and the fuel/engine area. Then 2 landers that dock to the crew section. The plan is to take it to Laythe. I dock the landers and then refuel them using the leftover fuel from the orbital stage of the crew area of the mothership. Then when I decouple that leftover stage from the mothership, one or both landers fall off of the docking ports, but the parts manager still thinks they're connected. If I try to undock one of them and then decouple, I simply lose control of everything. Even if I could get this thing assembled in LKO I have absolutely no faith that I could actually get to Laythe, land, and return. Not because I don't know how, but because this game has 1000 bugs. I used to be on the train of "oh just give them time" but I cannot say that anymore. I can play KSP1 for hours on end, but I can only play KSP2 for maybe an hour before I get so frustrated with the plethora of game-breaking bugs that I quit. It is absolutely ridiculous that craft spontaneously break apart when decoupling, that the navball markers when set to "Target" get all wobbly and half the time your relative velocity to target is incorrect. The next patch better fix most of these bugs because I am so very close to doing a chargeback through my bank for this absolute pile of garbage that they have given us. Yes. It looks amazing. Yes, I think it has a ton of potential. But as of right now, I can't even do an Apollo-style Mun mission without encountering at least 3 separate game-breaking bugs.
  11. (Not directly related to KSP2, but rather, the community's reaction to it.) I haven't been active on the forum recently, and I wanted to talk about some cool stuff I was doing in the (absolutely amazing) Planet Jam 2 pack for KSP1. I browse a little in the KSP2 forums just to see what's going on, and I'm gonna be real: thinly veiled tension or outright hostility seems to be the norm in the KSP2 subforums, and this has on occasion leaked over to the KSP1 or offtopic subforums too. Look, I get it, I really do, KSP2 simply is very much not what it was announced to be all the way back in 2019. There's a ton of missing features on the early access alpha launch, which notably arrived 3 years after it was originally scheduled to release. Most computers can't manage 30fps right now. I myself, since the launch of KSP2, have been completely unable to even go to the Mun and back without some mission ending bug destroying the craft, squiggling my orbits, disintegrating my kerbals, or so many other tiny and silly things that somehow break a mission (for example, just last week, after planting a flag on the Mun, I simply was not allowed to board back into the craft). All of my recent forum topics are me complaining about KSP2 bugs. I too was a bit disappointed after paying $50 and not getting a stable experience that was reliably enjoyable. I too was real annoyed at the several missing parts and features that you can just find in stock KSP1. I do not play KSP2 regularly. However. I feel like a schism is being driven in the KSP community about the state of KSP2 due to the incomplete state of the game. Tensions are rising specifically because some users feel cheated or scammed out of their $50 which they could've used for better things. This tension wasn't there before KSP2 (obviously), and as a forum user who hasn't done a whole lot here since KSP2's release, the contrast between the lovely, unified, and supportive community of old KSP1 (i say "old" relatively, I joined in like 2019), and the tense, warring community of modern day KSP2. This community doesn't feel the same anymore. A lot of people blame the developers, which I think is definitely a little out of place. The developers have gone through some serious hardships (Take Two pulling the contract from Star Theory and causing internal stresses, as well as severe stresses from COVID, both happening at nearly the same time), and are still working hard. There's evidence in the game files and code that long-term future features, such as interstellar travel or colonies, are definitely being actively worked on. The developers have seemed like genuinely nice people over the forums and over live interviews and stuff like that, and they admit the shortcomings of the game and are actively trying to improve the state of things, so I don't think they're being superficial with their interactions with the community. (To me, their interactions seem more like they're going "ah heck, this early access release isn't going great." than "I'm going to maliciously convince every player to like the game even though it isn't good.") Ultimately, the choice to release KSP2 in early access in this kind of state, with these kinds of specs, with those kinds of missing features, was inevitably going to be controversial. I don't think this is the fault of the developers themselves though. I think it's the fault of the conditions in which the game was developed, and the circumstances and difficult situations the developers have gone through. But if it's the fault of anyone, I'd probably blame the publishers, who choose things like release dates, pricing, announcements, and advertisement, and I don't think the individual developers had too much say in it (especially with how far the game was already delayed). Another major contributing factor to this schism I feel has been lack of communication between the developers and the community before, during, and directly following launch, which I feel has mostly or entirely improved since then. This lack of communication did a lot of damage, convincing a lot of people that the developers were just trying to get a quick 50 bucks and a rise out of the KSP community. I genuinely do feel like things can be better now if we calmed down a bit about the state of KSP2 and listened to eachother and to the developers. Nate Simpson and his crew of dedicated and talented game developers genuinely seem like they're trying to interact with the community and make sure everyone's in the loop on all the stuff happening behind the scenes, and everyone involved seems genuinely passionate about their job, their project, the community, and the future. When I bought this game, my ideas was, "if I buy this game now, not only will I save $10 in a few years, but also, I'll get to watch the game grow alongside me." My goal was to watch the development of the game, interact with it hands on as it grew, provide feedback when I can, and sit there and witness it become the game we've all been hoping for. I don't know what everyone else was expecting when they bought KSP2. I do know some people went in with the expectations it was a full, polished, addictive game the trailer promised which they could sink thousands of hours into. I don't mean to be blunt, but we all bought into a public early access alpha build. We shouldn't've expected something completely up to triple-A standards. While the communication issues I mentioned perhaps hindered our understanding of just how rough this game was going to be, I still feel like "early access" should be enough of an indicator as to how patient and tolerant we'd have to be. I know a lot of people have expressed concerns relating to the future of the project, and don't anticipate the game fully reaching its promises. I, however, would like to note that Take Two, despite all their interesting and peculiar business strategies relating to KSP2, have indicated they're in this for the long run, and Nate's also indicated this project isn't dying any time soon, and has expressed confidence in the team's ability to (eventually) meet what they promised so many years ago. I don't anticipate this project's death. I don't expect it to be done any time soon, so I understand waiting a long time probably won't be super fun, but honestly, we kinda need to figure out this whole patience thing really quick. I don't think the KSP community as a whole is doing too great specifically because of this controversy. I'm gonna be honest with y'all. A lot of comments on developers' updates have been short-tempered, cold, and all in all just kinda awful to the developers. This obviously doesn't include whatever's had to be removed by the moderators. I've read things on the KSP subreddit (which is currently down for some reason?) actively vilifying the developers (often specifically Nate since he's the face of the team), which I see to just be completely unfair. Some people are going to the point of accusing anyone who doesn't blame the developers for stealing $50 from you as a shill, which is truly an accusation of all time. (I swear to whatever you want me to swear to that, instead of being paid to say "KSP2 is kinda cool guys", I actually had to pay to say those words.) I've seen YouTube videos accusing KSP2 of being a permanent failure and a disgrace because of its rickety launch, and I find that really quite awful. I'm having fun with multiple aspects of KSP2, despite all its obvious yet temporary issues. I like spaceplanes now mostly because of KSP2's procedural wings. I write this in the hopes that, maybe, just maybe, this post impacts the community slightly in such a way that helps us cool down and engage in civil discussion instead of arguing and bantering endlessly until we all get tired of hanging out here in this cool forum. I genuinely think the outlook for the forum's community as a whole, at least in present times (and maybe moreso a few months ago), is worse than the outlook for KSP2. At this point, the only thing we can do about KSP2 as a fanbase is to wait, listen, provide meaningful and constructive feedback for the developers to listen to, and be nice enough for the community to still be fun to hang out in once KSP2's all done. I'm probably overstating the threat to the forum community as a whole, and I don't think many people will fully leave the forums due to KSP2 controversy, but it sure isn't fun to sit through, and it would be a way more pleasant forum experience if we all just stuck together, waited patiently, and made sure to keep things civil and calm for the time being. We can panic if huge and bad news on the game's forecast comes. (this took me an hour to write! i should go to bed) TL;DR: Lads, lasses, everyone in between, can we for the love of heck cool down a little about the state of KSP2, and just wait a little?
  12. A place where you can put anything off-topic that doesn’t fit in any threads below. This is also a place where you put random stuff that doesn’t need their own thread. Im aware that there is one for questions, but not for weird random things you have to say! Ill go first Heres a skull emoji, so you can use the powers of
  13. Ever since I saw the first videos of gameplay from KSP 2 I noticed how much better the sound design is in it, and I felt like that is a huge missing thing of KSP 1. I'm not sure if I'm just unaware but I can count one mod that tries to take care of that, it would be Rocket Sound Enhancement, but as of now that mod has some SERIOUS performance issues and I would consider it a very demanding mod for how little it gives back, I remember I constantly crashed while using it so that's out the window for me. I think just replacing the sounds would be easier rather than trying to make an entire new sound physics system, isn't that what they did in KSP 2 anyway?
  14. the color manager is one of the few satisfying experiences in the game's current state, being able to color parts individually makes our rockets look so much better! however it can get a bit cumbersome when trying to work with multiple colors, so i would suggest adding the ability to save multiple color schemes instead of just 1 (the agency color). in addition it would be nice to have an input field for hex color codes for easy sharing and importing of colors. also, having like an eyedropper / color picker feature would make things alot easier.
  15. Hey all, just curious what everyone else has seen in terms of the future of moded star systems and planets. I was working on a KSP 1 planet pack some months back and had to step away, but if it's going to be easier in KSP 2 I'd like to come back to it.
  16. "Broken, but I love it." That's my review, left with a thumbs up on steam. Short, and simple. Here on the forums however, I'd like to go in to even more detail about my feedback at about 8 hours or so of gameplay. I'm also going to break this feedback up in to sections, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. (Threats simply mean competition and other issues that could threaten the viability of the project. Not actual threats.) Strengths * Visuals - Far and above KSP1 stock, and (while some would argue) at or at least on par with "Remastered" KSP1 (EVE, Scatterer, Parallax & TUFX) * User Interface - A strong solid start and foundation, missing some critical features but over all a clear and easy to read UI that seems to have accessibility for those like me with vision issues in mind. * Sound - A solid home run and absolute 10/10 here. Absolutely amazing sounds design in the UI, RCS pops, SRB crackles, tire noises, etc * Dynamic Music - Yet again, an absolute 10/10 home run here. The dynamic sound track changing music on scene change is just downright amazing and I want to buy the soundtrack please. * New Parts - 367 total parts puts KSP2's part count well and truly above KSP1's at 333 * New Parts: Proc Wings - Procedural Wings are here to replace dozens of "modular wing" parts and in doing so, give us even MORE creativity and power in vehicle construction. This is just an amazing addition. * Workspace and Vehicle Assembly - Far and above just flat out better compared to Stock KSP1, could use some work, and some better camera controls, but still a solid foundation. * Planets - What a giant step up! Axial Tilt? Actual rings? Ground Scatter on a per biome basis? Easter Eggs galore, and so much potential. Well done. Leaps and bounds above KSP 1. * The New KSC - Just amazing. The new KSC is sprawling and massive and just feels like a real life space center and campus. * Customization - Part coloring and customization is a fantastic addition. * Load Times - Another thing I see pointed out and also matters to me, load times are vastly improved. * VAB Updates - Part Manager, Trip Planner, Action Group Planner and Kerbal Manager, as well as the Change Anchor Part are all fantastic additions or overhauls to existing features. * VAB Updates Part 2 - Snap Mode updates, as wel las symmetry updates and orthographic view, all good changes and refinements. * Tutorials - These are adorable, and well suited for teaching new players, and young ones, getting in to space flight. * Aerodynamics - Fantastic feeling new aero, love flying and gliding planes. Weaknesses * User Interface and User Experience - The UI is missing several critical features and functions, The most disappointing of which, for me personally, is the Dv tools app in KSP 1. You've given us a trip planner, but that trip planner is lacking critical features such as allowing us to calculate Dv based on body, atmosphere and more. This needs to be in the game sooner rather than later. * No KSPedia - Massively Missed Opportunity that needs to be in KSP 2 to reach feature parity for UI/UX. * No Missions and no Mission Builder - Another massive missed opportunity. * No scenarios that are not based in tutorials. * The Kerbolar System was Not Expanded - Another opportunity here to add planets akin to OPM and bring in analogs of the gas giants and pluto. Sad to see the same kerbol system without new worlds to explore. * Water - Buoyancy issues, water rendering issues, parts floating and parts sinking and no way to tell why... the water looks pretty, but it's going to need a lot of work. * Missing Thermal parts and thermal dynamics at launch - This was a mistake. This is a CRITICAL part of spaceflight and the absolute wrong decision to make. It should have been a priority to get in for 0.1.0 including radiator parts that we're missing from KSP1. * Even without science mods and science parts, we're missing the basics of Kerbnet including comm net lines, and planet scanning features that make exploration even more fun and rewarding by sending out mapping probes to find landing spots and easter eggs. I have no idea why this was left out, and if it's coming back or not, https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/KerbNet - Get this back in the game please. * Orbital UI/UX - There are a lot of issues here with maneuver node planning and ui elements not showing more clearly intercepts, approach distances, etc. * No Custom Flag Support - Please get this back in, it's crucial for player identity and connection with the game. * Lack of Ease of Access in regards to Craft Sharing - This needs to be looked at as well, sharing craft is tedious and needs to be integrated into the steam workshop just like KSP1. * Noodle Rockets - This is a CRITICAL issue that needs to be the single largest priority to fix and it needs to be fixed in the first post launch patch. We shouldn't have to resort to day one or day to mods to fix this. Large vehicles are very unfun to fly and struts seem to do nothing. This is heartbreaking to see back in KSP2 after the lessons learned from KSP1. Auto Strut needs to be back ASAP. * SAS - The SAS bugs out incredibly often and causes lots of flight issues. * Total Control Input loss - this happens far to often and destroys the gameplay experience. * Terrain Mesh issues - Floating Scatter, Kerbals Floating in the air above the terrain, and scatter sprites are broken. * Flight Camera - The camera is unfortunately completely unusable at times, bugging out, or just failing to respond. Opportunities The opportunities here are massive. We know that with Orbital Vehicle Construction, Colonies, Delivery Routes, Interstellar Travel to new star systems, multi player and dedicated in-game mod support... we stand to see this game not only grow to meet feature parity with KSP1 but surpass it in terms of stock supported content. Building this game on a new architecture will see KSP 2 becomes the Skyrim of space modding, surpassing it's predecessor in mod functionality. The modding and community engagement aspects at play must not be forgotten about or underestimated. I might be biased as a community manager for several games over my career, but you're on the right track with your community engagement on the forums and social media. Threats (Things that could hurt KSP 2 as a project.) * Price Tag - This was a mistake. It's incredibly high for an EA game and has no doubt cost a lot of sales. I worry about the future of the project if sales targets and goals aren't met. * Lack of Communication before Launch - The communication we got was good, but we simply needed more open communication from the team. I hope we get more as we move forward * Direct Competitor - Other direct space flight simulation games are coming to market and releasing out of EA and competing with KSP 2 by offering better features in some areas. * Not only is the Kraken not slain, it's back with a vengeance and I would argue worse than KSP 1 at its current version and this can end a gameplay session outright through frustration. I think that's about it from me, and while I might have more, I think this gets all my points across. Overall, I'm happy, excited, optimistic and hopeful. The future is bright and I look forward to another grand adventure in KSP2. Working on KSP 1 was the entry point and absolute highlight of my career and I got to meet wonderful people, in Mu, Harv, C7, Nova, CptSkunky, Marco, etc. Talented, lovely, dedicated people that gave their all to KSP 1. I see that in this team, a group of people who truly care and I wish for your success in every possible way. I'm glad to be along for the ride again as a player and lover of KSP and a lover of space. -RC
  17. This quickly became a hot topic in another thread, so I’m creating this one for a dedicated discussion. Keep in mind that most of this is hypothetical as the developers have already chosen not to implement such a system in KSP2. And are unlikely to retroactively change the core physics of the game.
  18. Disclaimer: While I have not yet purchased KSP2, I have been following the development and launch though the dev’s own promotional material and player reviews. The following are just some personal views and observations. Being a long-term player of KSP, I was excited at the announcement of a sequel. But I was also apprehensive as to the direction the game would be taken. I had been playing flight sims on and off since 2004, so when I came across KSP it was the perfect union between a simulation game and physics sandbox I didn’t know I needed. KSP2 has the potential to take that unique formula and expand it, unshackled by it’s predecessors roots as a simple unity project. It is my understanding that KSP2 was written from scratch, and does not borrow source code from KSP1 (please correct me if I’m wrong). This should have left the doors wide open for a radical re-imagining of what KSP (and space sims as a whole) could be. Instead, the developers chose to make Kerbal Space Program, again. Albeit, with some very welcome quality of life improvements and graphical upgrades. Because of this approach, I’ve seen bugs and physics problems have either been solved or alleviated in the original for years, re-appear in the sequel. For example, wobbly rockets, which is an inherent problem of a vehicle made from dozens of interconnected parts, was worked around in KSP1 using struts and later auto-struts. KSP2 presented the developers with an opportunity to redo the vehicle assembly and parts physics from the ground up. But instead, in an attempt to stick with the familiar ‘pick and place’ building method, they have given themselves the same obstacles they already overcame years ago. The tutorials, while not a big deal for plyers like myself, are an important part of making an otherwise technical game accessible. But if the developers felt that the accessibility of the first game is lacking, I see no reason why that tutorial system could not have been added in an update. The feature set to come to KSP2 during its early access development are exciting, but it’s hard to ignore the fact that most, if not all of these features are already available though KSP1’s modding scene. And while I’m sure that these feature can be well implemented by the devs, to me, it still doesn’t justify the sequel on its own. I would have liked to see an overhaul of the vehicle assembly system, including: Fully procedural parts like fuel tanks, engines and even habitation and command modules. N-body physics instead of sphere of influence orbital mechanics (even if it is just for the currently active craft). And maybe even control of kerbals inside spacecraft and habitation modules. But It's looking like we're not going to get the next generation space sim we've been hoping for. Thanks if to made to the end of my ramble, I needed to get this off my chest. Fly safe!
  19. After some consideration and community discussion, all of my previous concerns have evaporated. I sincerely apologize if I sounded rude to the KSP community and developers. This was not my intent, but I believe I came off as such. Would a moderator delete or discontinue this thread, please? Thanks.
  20. Concern about the level of surface detail on celestial bodies in KSP 2 Today, I watched a KSP 2 gameplay video with beta footage of a ship landing on Vall. Below is a screenshot from this video, which was posted on Kerbal Space Program's official Twitter page: When I first watched this video, I thought the footage was from KSP 1. Vall is a jagged ice world, yet the terrain showcased in the video is surprisingly smooth and flat. Considering that boring celestial body surfaces are one of KSP 1's biggest gameplay problems, the lack of terrain detail here is extremely concerning. Other KSP 2 screenshots and gameplay videos demonstrate the same issue. Consider this image, which was taken directly from Intercept's KSP 2 website: No surface scatters are visible--just smooth, procedural hills. The sand and rocks the Kerbal is standing on appear to be merely 2D textures with normal mapping. Here's Bop: Bop's surface looks better than the other moons because of the terrain scatters, which are spread across the ground in random, uneven clumps. These rocks are simple and samey in appearance. KSP 2's celestial body surfaces are certainly improvements over KSP 1; however, I don't believe they can be described as having "unprecedented detail" and "variety" at this point in time.
  21. It always struck me in a bad way how in KSP 1 Kerbin is an always sunny, dry and life-sustaining planet, because realistically, any planet that can sustain life, especially advanced life, is going to have rains, thunders, snowstorms, etc, but Kerbin doesn't even have seasons, it's always sunny and the perfect weather for playing sports and launching a rocket which I think makes it too easy and boring in my opinion, even if I still like KSP 1. Another thing that would be cool for KSP 2 to have is renderizations of other lifeforms or animals, at least on Kerbin, and I don't mean bird noises at the space center like in KSP 1, I mean animals that you can see while launching a rocket, like birds, insects, carnivores, herbivores, more varied plant life, etc, it certainly would make evolution and life on Kerbin much more interesting, especially if some of these animals could interfere with your perfect launch or reentry, although that is more of an ideal dream of mine, still, even animals that you can phase through would be an improvement compared to the empty, vast grasslands of KSP 1. What do you guys think?
  22. I think we can all agree Pluto has and always be big chad (also look at one it's moons https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/moons/pluto-moons/kerberos/in-depth/)
  23. How do you all think the modding scene will look in KSP 2? Which of the current master modders will be the ones to start to port over the old mods?
  24. Hello, my name is Autochrome. I know this forum has a great community, so I thought I might put this modern alternate history server out there because we are looking for kind people to help build it more. This hub of alternate history discusses the early 20th century, the world wars, and the Cold War/beyond scenarios in different channels. We are going to host events and make daily alternate history scenario questions, so it would be really appreciated by me and the people on the server if you joined. https://discord.gg/aK4U9PryQN (If the link doesn't work, just PM me and I'll invite you if needed)
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