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  1. So, anyone care to explain the natural phenomena that results in this? It kind of moved as I did, so felt like it was a natural occurrence rather than a graphical glitch, but I'm at a bit of loss to explain it exactly.
  2. I just reinstalled KSP on my PC (I deleted all old files and started fresh as they day I first got it). I play on the highest graphic settings and started noticing this after I started a new game. Here is a short video I just took. As you can see, on the SRB, there are shadows that are moving/crawling in an upwards-right motion. It seems to happen when the sun hits it. Towards the end of the video, I change the time of day (by fast-forwarding) and you can see it is still flickering but on the other side of the SRB. I think it has to do something with the sun. I've tried different combinations of graphic settings, reinstalling the game on a different HDD, verified files, etc. and nothing is fixing it. I run a vanilla up-to-date version. Also, I don't think this ever happened before. Either that or I'm noticing it just now (266 game hours later) Lastly, I posted this on the Steam forums but I got only one response (which told me to post this issue here). P.S. Sorry for not so great quality, didn't check settings (on OBS) before recording. - Windows 7 (64-bit) Ultimate - KSP running the 64-bit version (vanilla, current version) - 32GB RAM - EVGA GTX 980 Ti 6GB DDR-5 Superclocked ACX Steel Back Plate (running latest Nvidia driver, tried older drivers, no fix) Thanks in advance
  3. Ok so I'm a bit new to the whole modding thing with the new unity 5 engine and I need a bit of help. I'm having a few issues with the texture of my part, it's normal/bump/depth map thingy and how the game won't highlight the part in the editor and in flight. Here is a rundown of how I created the part. I created the original model in google sketchup, exported the dae file into Blender, exported the Blender dae and uv map, put the dae and part tools into unity, opened the uv map in photoshop, created both the texture and normal map and put them into unity, created new game object and made the model a child of it, then placed the textures into their proper slots, i kept the normal map png as a texture with alpha as transparency because otherwise the (limited as is) bumps would not appear on the model, exported the part into the game and this is the result while the model appears blank in the unity editor, the detail is all on the inside faces (material_0), although it shows in the game with the detail on the outside (refer to above gallery) but i can't find any distortions, weird eh? I am using these versions of the programs: Google Sketchup: 15.3.329, Blender: 2.76, Unity: 5.3.5f1 personal, KSP: Can someone help me with this? Should I rebuild the model and try making the part again? Do I need to provide anymore information?
  4. In earlier versions, I had an occasional "semi-crash" where my screen went black for a few seconds, then came back on, with a "bubble" notification that my Intel Graphics Adapter had stopped and restarted, but it appears to be happening much more frequently in 1.1.3 (multiple times per session). I do not know that it is anything specifically wrong with KSP 1.1.3, since the game itself does not crash at those times-- might just be that it's a bit too much for my crappy graphics card-- but I've done all I can to update drivers, etc., and I'm not really certain what I can do, if anything. Can anyone offer me some not-too-technical pointers on what could be my issue and how to try to correct it (barring purchasing a new PC, which is on my to-do list, but not for a little while)?
  5. I don't own one, especially when I'm broke. But I'd like to ask if anyone who does have it, experience any performance boost whilst playing KSP. Quite frankly, KSP is one of the most un-optimized games I've ever played, and for good reason. I can't blame squad on it, but it's certainly something that should not be dismissed. I'm not sure if KSP utilizes much of the gpu's power. I have 16Gb RAM just for KSP alone, joined with an i5 with a GTX-970. I was pretty disappointed when more RAM doesn't mean better framerate when it comes to heavy part counts and tons of mods. Though it certainly did make the editor smoother for me, it didn't make my framerate get any better in-flight. So my questions is: does GPU memory and speed affect KSP's performance, and is the current KSP terrain system unoptimised. What do you think is slowing down KSP? and what are your tips on running KSP butter smooth?
  6. Hey! This is something I've wanted for a long time. The photos will explain it better than I ever would be able to: --- I assume making these appear dynamically, checking each wing's geometry would be hard, so it's okay if it's a (very small or invisible) part you have to add manually. It'd be preferred if these appeared (or not) based on speed and atmospheric conditions, though!
  7. Hi there. I was looking for help with the graphics on KSP. When I first open a new game everything seems to work fine, but after entering SPH or VPH hanger my background dissapears after exiting building. I am running without mods atm, and changing settings in the graphics menu doesn't seem to help.When I first installed the game this wasn't an issue, but after one of the latest updates it doesn't work. can anybody suggest a solution, I love this game but not being able to see the ground is ruining my game . I am Running AMD FX - 4130 Quad Core Processor 3.8Ghz 16GB Ram AMD Radeon R9 200 series Graphics Card
  8. Hi, Since I updated to 1.1.2 some parts have been replaced by some engine exhaust fx. For example the small inline reaction wheel, battery packs and solar arrays This is an OKTO with a small battery pack and a solar array. Looks like that in construction and in flight. I already did a completely fresh install, preserving only my save files. I had Automated science sampler installed, but removed it and made another clean installation. Didn't find anything online or here, sorry if this is a known issue, I'm new here. Anyone having the same issue?
  9. My configuration is: Desktop computer: Intel Core i5 3.2 GHz, 8 GB RAM, no discrete graphics card OS: Windows 7 x64 KSP: 1.1.2 build 1260 x64 DirectX (the game crashes with OpenGL key) The problem is when I set the Render quality parameter to at least Simple (even when all the other graphics parameters are minimal), the performance drops significantly (down to 4 fps). This happens only if there is some terrain in the frame. When it’s the vessel and the sky only, the performance is OK. I’ve experienced nothing similar in 1.0.5. When I set Render quality to Fast, everything performs normally. But I need at least Good to see cast shadows. Is there a solution?
  10. I’ve read a lot of people are not seeing improvement in graphics in 1.1. Maybe, like me, you have turned much of your graphics settings off. I was running with medium rez textures, minimum shadows, and no antialiasing. Now I’m at full rez textures, AA set to 4x, and I’ve maxed out the shadow settings (which makes the shadow artifacts go away) And boooy is this game prettier AND I STILL have a much faster framerate.
  11. I just realized that 1.1 was available in the options for steam, so I downloaded it. I also tried to have CKAN update all my previous mods, but it refused to do so because cryoengines is incompatible so every time I tried to update mods that were vaguely related it threw up an error and wouldn't let me. I deleted CKAN, my mods, and re-downloaded CKAN and compatible mods through it, as well as a couple that it didn't have or claimed where incompatible when they weren't (no fault of its own there really). Only reason I'm saying all that is because it could possibly be somewhat related. Maybe. In any event, the problem I'm having is that what appears to be an IVA interior is placing itself onto my command pod at launch, and is even visible in the VAB (below the actual vessel- at launch, the command pod is fine for a second or two, after which the IVA part clips into place). I even checked the SPH; same thing. Images will be near the bottom. Quick descriptions: 1: Showing the IVA part at the bottom of the VAB. 2: Showing that the command module still shows up fine in the VAB. 3: Just after the launchpad loads, command module in place. 4: A few seconds later, the IVA thing clips in. Some things that may be important: I'm running the 64-bit version, I have it set to borderless fullscreen because that's how I like it usually. I'm probably just going to uninstall KSP entirely and reinstall it, see if that fixes it, but I still figured I may as well put this up beforehand just in case.
  12. Crash dump here. No modded parts on ship, no visual mods active. Game crashes when turning on lights on ship. Mods: Chatterer, Kerbal Engineer AVC StageRecovery WaypointManager Module Manager 2.6.22
  13. Hi, i just installed ksp 1.1 (of course keeping 1.05 with al the mods ;-) ) and the first thing i noticed is although i set the better graphics option, full res textures and so, the vessel parts in the VAB or in the misssions looked better in 1.05. What am i doing wrong? Nevermind this, i relaunched the game and now it looks fine. How can i delete this post?
  14. Hi guys, With 1.1 came performance increases. The title says it all, I was just wondering. Which one of those will get you the best mix of graphics and performance. For example, I don't want 144p graphics but 120 fps, but at the same time, 1440 p graphics with 12 fps won't work either. Discuss below!
  15. I'm running a clean install of on OS X 10.11.4 on a late 2015 iMac with 3.3GHz i7-577R, 16GB RAM, Intel Iris Pro graphics with Retina 4k monitor. KSP itself is running in windowed mode at 1920 x 1080. Several visual glitches appear in both the SPH and VAB. In the VAB the flag on the wall is full of "tv static" and the floodlights on the walls go through a cycle of getting brighter and dimmer. I also go from an initial 86% cpu usage in the VAB to over 200% in a few seconds along with an increase in temperatures and fan speeds. This is variable depending on how the view is set. VAB issues can be seen here: VAB graphics issues In the SPH the floor markings display the same type of static with the exception that it is dynamic in changing patterns. The floodlights there also display a similar cycle of brightness. The graphics anomalies for the SPH can be seen here: SPH Disco Both videos along with my KSP.log and player.log can be found here: Dropbox Link
  16. With the new 1.1 patch downloaded, I wanted to give KSP another go. For some reason however, my visuals are completely messed up now. I included a screenshot as example: http://prnt.sc/auktlm This is a new problem for me: I never had graphical issues with KSP in the past, though I haven't actively played the game last month. My other games are still functioning perfectly, so I would assume the issue has something to do with a recent patch. My previous searches kept resulting in topics about modded installations. Since I don't use mods, I eventually decided to just post the issue here. Does anyone have a clue to what could cause this? Other relevant information: - Windows 10 - AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series Thanks in advance!
  17. i'm not good at modelling but i have find a lot of tutorials on how to make asteroids with blender and is really simple create a lot of different shapes i have do that with only 1 texture 256x256 but if you cubemap it the result can be really awesome Thanks for this great game Regards Luca
  18. Hello there ! I'm a new Kerbal explorer and happy to became a player of this awesome game. In real life I'm a digital designer (that mean I work with industry to make your everyday product very sexy, all that in 3D) and a 3D graphist (i began with that at the origin with Blender 12 years ago !!) My first impression of the game was "awesome, a fantastic game where you have to do EVERYTHING to explore the space, note like EVE or Star Citizen (RSI)". I played for 1 week long and understood the working process of the game. Well, after this week I feeled a bit desappointed : OK this is a great sandbox with tons of possibilities, but the fact is there is not any background like (in French) "Les Lapins Crétins", no emotionnal attachement to the character (despite I preferred to start again a mission instead of sending my kerb dead outer far space). I mean the common player won't stop on this game because there is no real graphic identity, and very, very, very basics graphism ... BUT I'm not this king of guy who said it's bad and do not do anything. So here is my project : 1. Bring better graphics This is the first and non discutable point. At all. So, I search to know how the game was made and was happy to read that the next update will use Unity 5.0. So now, tell me if I'm wrong but : • there will be x64 support • more textures size possibility (not necessary to keep below 4gb RAM ressources) so 1024² will be good • more geometry possibilites. Here is my first attempt during last evening for validating process (using basics shaders of UNITY, didn't installed the KSP addon) Just modeling and using normal baking to stitch it to a single plane (2 triangles here) Then, the test was OK for me, I used to reproduce the TR-18A Decoupler. Build from scratch, just taking print screens. 280 tris total, I'm pretty sure I'm not far from the original count with 1024² textures (512² original) The final result is "good" but I want tu push this little simple piece to a very good detailed one. This is just the beginning like a warm up. So this first goal will be to take each piece of this game and do real good graphics. Like "ultra graphics" for those players like wo loved to see the britle of the sun on each piece of my fu**ing awesome ship. Big goal ! Now, I will take a look how to bring back each parts for editing them, hard part too for me (remember I'm a graphist, not a developper) 2. Environnement, what the hell ? My first look on the buildings of the game was "Oh my god, in what year this game was made ...gush, it's still on developpement ... did they killed their graphist ? " And when you undrestood the basics, you didn't stick a long time on the planet : for me, the beginning has to be harder, and would begin with a water rocket. No Kerbal in a box, just water and pressure. My goal after bring better graphics to parts is to bring theses to the environnement which will be remodeled to fit better with the Kerbals (see below my vision of Kerbals). In full carreer mode you start with these buildings very far from each others. My think is at th beginning, the Kerbals didn't think that putting some tons of explosives nearby the astronaut schools or even public was dangerous : • The base has to be very small at the beginning : 2 or 3 kerbals are walking on an open build area, and the launch is made on this build area. A launch what ? oooooooh ok, let put some credits for building a launch area, good idea ! A traelling what ? Oh you mean a machine for bringing the rocket from the build area to the launch area ... And there you had, just on "few" works (I know that few means A LOT. A TON. A FULL BUNCH OF TONS) many things the player has to develop to make bigger and bigger this area. For exemple, the build area is very huge at the beginning. No one Kerbal could imagine a rocket will be this taller at the beginning. Impossible. • The base MUST match with Kerbal style. We have here a copy/paste of NASA buildings. Kerbal people must have their style (more "toon" I think - don't forget they smile like idiots during the launch phase). • Then, and this is a big-huge-mega-then, add a small town where the Kerbal will rest when they are not working veeeeeery hard. Adding vegetation would be difficult, that's why i'm not talking about that right now. 3. We have Kerbals people. They didn't look human at all, we feel really their stupidity, but we can't be attached to them because they seem to identical. A pilot would not be like a scientist. They MUST have a very recognizable look : • a pilot will be very "sexy" (kerbal's sexlook ... well let me think hard to that) or Russian look (in all movies at least one pilot is Russian and probably crazy. True story) • a scientist will wear glasses and will be tiny, focused on his mission, but if a butterfly pass no one will be able to focus him again and a Kerbale (with a E, female version) will put him on his worst fear ever. • an engineer : smoke nearby a fuel tank ? No problem at all ... • etc ... In resume bring via good graphics a real personnality to each Kerbal. A character modeler ? Why not ... Well, this is a ton of text and I have many work to do on this, only during my free time. The other time I have to work on projects not very funny (see here : http://www.p-ka.fr ). So be gentle I will not have a killer cadence on modelisation/texturing each part. But maybe one day I will work as freelance for KSP during my professionnal time ! Who knows ! (nobody but I hope a lot :-D ) See ya in few days, until I update other graphic stuff here after editing pieces and integrated them in the game :-) Thanks for your patience and kindly toward my English (not bad but not perfect)
  19. So, I've installed a compilation of graphic mods that I found on the forum somewhere, which included custom EVE and textures files. I played with it a bit and didn't like it, so I deleted everything and put back my old folders. Despite this, my career save still uses the old configs that I've deleted. My sandbox save loads everything fine. So I tried deleting all mods, then loading my save to reset everything back to stock graphics. It worked, so I saved the game, closed it, put back all the mods. After all of this, it's still using the EVE configs and the textures that I'm trying to get rid of. Is there anything I can try, or is my save broken forever?
  20. I seem to be getting a strange checkerboard pattern appear which flickers, it only seems to be on surface textures like islands & terrain, it doesn't happen on the sea or sky for instance.
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