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  1. This is a set of comprehensive patches which add new Parallax surface textures and scatters to the various bodies included in Outer Planets Mod and Minor Planets Expansion. Two patches are available; which are meant to be installed separately. When installed together they will merge and overwrite some files. Both patches are in 2k resolution, as this is the resolution I use for playing Parallax- though many scatters directly reference assets from your Parallax_StockTextures install, which is a required dependency. The Outer Planets Mod patch also includes a few custom scatters for Slate and especially Tekto, including new models. These two bodies also come with new science definitions(supporting DMagic Orbital Science) that reference these changes. Releases Screenshots All screenshots taken with AVP, Better Kerbol with no light curves, no tesselation, a personal downrezzed verison of Parallax_StockTextures, and 0.4x scatter density/range. (these are the settings I play with) MIT License Copyright (c) 2023 Lithobraker Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
  2. SOLVED : check bottom of this post Hi all, I'd want to make the Spectra visual pack and the nice OPM visual component of AVP compatible together. So basicaly : Keep Spectra as it is, but add on top of it only the OPM visuals from AVP. This is of course exclusively for my personal usage, I do not intend of reditributing this. (But who knows maybe it could become a patch integrated with spectra one day, if it works, let's dream !) Before going any further, let me remind you the folder structure of both mods, to hopefully ease reasoning : - Spectra : - AVP : I'm used to MM and to modify, mod, and make patches for parts, but I'm new to the visuals stuff... So anyway, I tried few things : - Merged AVP-OPM into Spectra's folder, by keeping all Spectra files/structure the same, but incorporating AVP-OPM inside, in the revelant cfgs, copying over the avp textures, changing their name if spectra had the same already, and changing all cfgs to point at the right textures in the right folders... - Made a new mod in my gamedata, named OPMVisuals, and keeping inside only the OPM necessary components of AVP. In both cases, Spectra was still working on stock planets, but OPM had neither scatterer, or EVE clouds, well nothing ^^ I think the issue is that they both provide EVE configs and textures which don't load, or overwrite for some reason, for OPM, I don't know anyway ^^. But this is weird, since others planets packs mods ( like Quackpack, and other exoplanets mods) manage to add their own scatterer and EVE configs, while keeping Spectra untouched, so I still have hope ! Big thanks in advance for your help ! Peace Solution : - Install spectra, install AVP - in AVP delete everything non related to OPM, EXCEPT the textures.cfg found in AVP_Config/Stock, which handles also OPM textures, even if it's located in the stock folder..... - in AVP, delete scatterer folder related to stock bodies (kerbin/duna/etc) Enjoy ! Peace
  3. https://mit-license.org/ Before I begin, I want to make it clear that this is in no way supposed to mean that the official OPM is worse in any way. I just thought it would be fun to create my own version of it. DL: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1i-nc2XNQXYn1s0ff9v5b26-SwIWVBM2i?usp=share_link Snazzy's OPM Out past Jool, there lies an aquamarine-colored gas planet. Alike Jool in many ways, but different in some, too. https://imgur.com/a/W6aUoJt Its name is Gorgis. It has an extensive system of beautiful rings that span wide. Around it are 7 moons. https://imgur.com/a/DTL16Hb Bobo is a small moon and the analog of Mimas for this mod. It has tall peaks that jut out from the surface rippling away from a massive crater. https://imgur.com/a/0dQjEpQ Crycry would have cryovolcanoes if I knew how to accomplish that, but sadly I couldn't. It is the Enceladus analog. It's jagged and rough. Also cold. Very cold. https://imgur.com/a/FtJXfLx Fise is yellow. That's it. It is the Tethys analog. Dione is too boring and does not get an analog. I am sorry to Dione and everyone who wanted to explore bootleg Dione. https://imgur.com/a/NLe4Ezd Ryka is the Rhea analog. It has many craters and rings around it, unlike any other moon in the Kerbolar system. https://imgur.com/a/GRZzdEk Kyti is the Titan analog, as much as it may differ from it. It is like Laythe in that it has an ocean and an atmosphere, but is different in that it has grass. https://imgur.com/a/OnmkSAe Juxapi is the Iapetus analog. It is white on one hemisphere, but dark on the other. https://imgur.com/a/QDoJoLM Twis is the Hyperion analog. It is small, potato shaped, and rotates in mere minutes. This mod supports scatterer and EVE. I hope you enjoy my mod. I worked very hard on this, and I wish you luck. Please inform me of any bugs or glitches. Analogs for Uranus and Neptune will come eventually.
  4. As my first post here, I want to ask: How did you guys get your craft to Sarnus without gravity assist? Also mention if you landed on any of its moons.(I have been trying but the twr...)
  5. So a better idea for the SSTO Challenge: What if I allow Space Shuttles instead? RULES: 1: Must reach Sarnus 2: No Kraken Drives (for obvious reasons) 3: Single Launch. You may use a Hammerhead Fairing like I did for the deep space engines as you still only launched once. 4: Mods allowed, I used them for mine. Atomic Age is NOT banned because I used it. Admittedly I used the Debug menu to do this once. You may use it during Testing but not for the real deal for anything above a Casual ranking. It's better to admit it now than to get caught later, right? Casual: Mission Spirit but broke at least one of the rules. Kraken Drives, TweakScale, and Alt-F12 menu allowed 1: 2: 3: Easy: Same as above but no kraken drives or alt-F12. May land on Hale or Ovok. Any entries that go to Eeloo, Tekto, or Slate and use the Atomic Age mod go here. 1: 2: 3: Normal: Must land on Eeloo or Tekto. TweakScale is banned at this point. 1: 2: 3: Hard: Must land on Slate, 1: 2: 3: Very Hard: Land on All 5 of Sarnus's Moons 1: 2: 3: Impossible: Reach an altitude of Zero on Sarnus and return to Kerbin. 1: 2: 3: Edit: Please post your list of Mods used. Outer Planets Mod is the most obvious because it is required to take on this challenge.
  6. So this challenge has been floating around in my head for a while, and I know it's possible because other people tried it. But I never tried it myself. Well, I designed a craft specifically for that purpose, but it was difficult getting it to Orbit, and it contained the cheaty Nuclear Lightbulb from the Atomic Age. Rules: 1: Must reach Sarnus without staging. 2: Don't really care how you insert into Sarnus. 3: The Cheaper, the better. But it's also better if it's shorter as well. 4: Refueling in Orbit and/or ISRU are okay. 5: Must do something (like deploying an atmospheric probe to "land" on the gas giant or landing on one of its moons) 6: Return to Kerbin once you're done. 7: No Kraken Drives or other glitches (Makes challenge too easy. Use one and your ranking is in the Casual ranking) Mods are allowed but no engines over 2000 isp except Ion engines and no fuel less engines (Intake air and atmospheres count as fuel) (The atomic lightbulb is fine because it has 1500. Ion engines are okay because of their awful TWR) All mods except for OP mods are allowed with the exception of Atomic Age. You may use Alt-F12 while testing but not while doing the final mission. Rankings: Casual (Kraken drives and glitches allowed, any Mass or Cost) 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Easy: Same as Casual except no Kraken Drives, must either land on Hale and/or Ovok or deploy an atmospheric probe 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Medium: Any mass, must cost less than $1,000,000 and land on Tekto and/or Eeloo 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Moderate: Same as above but no refueling. 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Hard: Must weigh less than 500 tons, cost less than or equal to $500,000 and/or Direct Ascent to Slate, may or may not land on the other moons. 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Impossible: Must reach an altitude of Zero KM on Sarnus and return to Kerbin. 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Challenges may need some refining later on.
  7. WELCOME TO NEIDON PLUS. This is a mod designed to expand the experience of one of the frontier planets of the Kerbolar system, by adding rings and a brand-new texture map to Neidon, an overhaul of Thatmo, as well as four moons; Nito, Tito, Chymere, and Hargalað. Visit wisely if you can. Requirements: Kopernicus KopernicusExpansion and Niako's MitchellNetravali maps bundled! ModuleManager Outer Planets Mod Recommended mods: Scatterer MOST RECENT VERSION: 0.4 Beta Completely Revamped Thatmo. Redid Scatterer configs for Thatmo and Neidon. 0:3: Added a new moon, Hargalað. Go, but don't show. Scatterer atmosphere for Neidon and Thatmo. Expanded science defs (will fully finish later). 0.3.2: NiakoUtils bundled for ease of installation. 0.3.5: DDSification Fixed Chymere, added PQS Material Bundled KopernicusExpansion (thanks to Funnelton for helping figure that bit out!) 0.3.6: Increased PQS radii of Chymere and Tito 0.37: Increased size and mass of Neidon to closer match Neptune equivalent mass Changed Thatmo rotation period to match Renamed NeidonRing to Neidon-Changes.cfg: DELETE NeidonRing.cfg BEFORE UPDATING To do: Science defs Biomes Fix lag bug? Mod compatibility PlanetShine ResearchBodies Kerbalism? Iodyne has made Principia and other mod compatibility for this mod. Thanks Iodyne! If you are interested in testing, you can download it on SpaceDock; come here for GitHub. Licensed under MIT.
  8. The Kerbals may not show it, but they get lonely pretty easily. Of course, they have no issue sitting in a cramped 1-seat command pod for centuries at a time (Snacks and radiation permitting,) but the idea of being nothing but a bunch of frogs running around on a mote of dust in a sunbeam in a giant, empty room full of sunbeams and motes of dust in a building full of rooms that goes out in all directions as far as their tiny froggy brains can comprehend and probably much past that, is immensely disturbing to them. It makes them feel very, very small. However, if there's one thing Kerbals have learned since they swam out of the Kraken's maw and plopped into the primordial muck, it's that the building won't seem so tall when you're standing on top of it. So, just as they've conquered all the things that scared them in the past, the Kerbals are going to conquer that big building to make it seem a lot less small. (If they could ever research a way to climb the ladder without getting turned over every which way, that is. Attempt no traversal of the ladder. Untold horrors await there...) But their ladder-traversing days are far ahead of them still, so they'll work up to it by taking baby steps first. Namely, by hopping to another sunbeam. The nearest one, in fact - Proksimus Kiribani, Kerbol's neighboring star. To this end, they've established a crack-team of their best and brightest Kerbonauts, who have called themselves... The Lyra Aerospace Exploration Agency!!! Hmm. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, does it? I knew we shouldn't have let the nerds name their own club! Oh, well; we'll just call it the LyrAEA for short. Playthrough's full modlist and description under the spoiler More updates coming Soon™. Fly safe! And here we are! A brand new, baby KSC. How cute! Well, we'd better get to work right away fulfilling contracts and collecting Science. This one looks fine. Thank you Gene, very cool! And we'll take "Reach for the Stars" too, while we're at it. Now, how to fulfill them...
  9. I'm moving this out of the forums of @Angel-125 to here as a more appropriate place for these Mission Reports. Bit of context and back story... The Kerbin Admiralty launched and commissioned their first Kerbin Warp Ship KWS-1 "Oh Please Don't Explode" and Valentina was made captain of said ship. On the first cruise to the Jool system, Valentina came out of warp too close to Vall and did indeed explode the ship all across the planet.. Subsequently, --------------------------------------------------------- Huhhhhh.,.. I'm sad to report that KWS-1 "Oh Please Don't Explode" has indeed exploded all across the surface of Vall. Captain Valentina and 6 other kerbal crew who were on a training mission were lost. Warped in too close to Vall, flamed out the warp drive and couldn't recover in time. Sigh! UPDATE: About the same time that KWS-1 "Oh Please Don't Explode" departed on the training mission to the Jool system, KSP scientists and engineers completed development of technology to allow the upgrade of the tracking station to level-4. This upgrade greatly increased the range of the tracking station and distress beacons have subsequently been detected in the Jool system indicating that at least some of the crew were able to get to life pods and eject before destruction of the ship. KWS-2 "Are We There Yet" is nearly ready for launch and it appears that its maiden voyage will be a rescue mission. in a follow-on ---------------------------------------------------------------- Breaking news from the Kerbin Admiralty about the "Disaster At Vall" Following the disaster at Vall with KWS-1 "Oh Please Don't Explode", Lt Chad Kerman was given command of KWS-2 "Are We There Yet" and dispatched with minimum resources to the Jool system to rescue any surviving crew of KWS-1. In a happy twist of fate, Capt Valentina was able to get the entire crew off of the ship before it exploded all across the landscape of Vall and kept them together in low orbit of Vall in hopes that their distress beacons would bring aid. In spite of having no prior experience with Warp Ships, Lt Chad was able to maneuver the ship into an eccentric orbit around Vall with a dangerously close perigee - well inside the warp cutoff limit - and rescue the crew from KWS-1 and return to Kerbin. In recognition of his skill and bravery in this rescue, Lt Chad was promoted to full Captain (5-star) and given permanent command of KWS-2 "Are We There Yet". Having lost KWS-1 "Oh Please Don't Explode" and over 75% of the Kerbin graviolium supply, Captain Valentina was reduced in rank to Ensign (0-stars) and reassigned to Minmus, piloting a supply shuttle. This over objection of some Kerbin Admiralty members who wanted to just "feed her to Jool".
  10. After the Golden Age of Aerospace Travel, spurred by J-Tech, events on Kerbin made space travel too expensive for a vast majority of companies. Because of this many kompanies left hardware and various pieces of infrastructure floating in orbit around the Kerbol System, slowly decaying. 40 years later, a new company emerged from the ashes from J-Tech, dead set on returning the Kerbal Race to its former glory. AtomicTech, a Science and R&D kompany, worked hard to prepare itself and the Kerbal Race for a decades-long kampaign to reclaim and recolonize the Kerbol System. Mission Log: Spacecraft/Hardware Log Space Stations Log Kerbonaut Log Chapters Chapters 6 and 7 coming soon.
  11. This mod is no longer under active development. Do not download this mod. If you wish to download the component bodies, visit the original mod: The new bodies previously part of this mod (Doppler, Palloocus, etc.) are now part of their own planet pack.
  12. I'm trying to make Real Antennas work for OPM. It currently works for stock Kerbin and Earth on RSS. On OPM everything in the mod works fine, except that there are no ground stations for Kerbin in OPM, which makes the mod unusable. Real Antennas has a PlanetPacks folder with config files for stock and RSS which add the ground stations. I tried copying the config for stock and making it run for OPM to add the 3 Real Antennas ground stations to Kerbin, but it doesn't do anything. I don't know what to do, please help. Config File I made for OPM: @Kopernicus:FOR[RealAntennas]:NEEDS[Kopernicus,OPM] { @Body[Kerbin] { @PQS { @Mods { City2 { name = DSNTrackingStation objectName = Kerbal Space Center isKSC = True lat = 0.09694 lon = -74 alt = 93.7 enabled = True } City2 { name = DSNTrackingStation objectName = Charon Station isKSC = False lat = 0 lon = 54 alt = 299.9 enabled = True } City2 { name = DSNTrackingStation objectName = Pluto Station isKSC = False lat = 0 lon = 174 alt = 3412.2 enabled = True } @City2[*TrackingStation],* { commnetStation = True snapToSurface = True snapHeightOffset = 0 up = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 rotation = 0 order = 100 } @City2[*TrackingStation],* { LOD { Value { visibleRange = 30000 keepActive = False model = BUILTIN/Dish scale = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 delete = False } } } } } } } The block inside @Kopernicus:FOR[RealAntennas]:NEEDS[Kopernicus,OPM] does run, but it doesn't add the ground stations to Kerbin. Here's the source, if it would be of any help: https://github.com/DRVeyl/RealAntennas/tree/master/GameData/RealAntennas/PlanetPacks
  13. I wrote a couple of config files that make OPM stable with Principia. You can get them here. What the configs do: Reinstate the stabilized Jool system that is usually provided by Principia (using planet packs causes Principia to ignore stabilizing the Jool system). Moves Ovok into a high retrograde orbit around Sarnus, preventing it from causing a Principia error around year 15.
  14. I recently installed opm with sve, eve and scatterer but when im on tekto´s ocean it acts weird. When i zoom in a white circle apears covering the ocean Can someone tell me how to fix this
  15. I've been trying to map some OPM planets and moons. I tried mapping Wal first. The altimetry map is all right, but the biome map just displays green and everything is "Chronister Valley". I haven't got the chance to map anything else yet. Keep in mind that I play KSP 1.2.2. I understand if no-one is able to help me, I do play an outdated version, but I want to know if this is a known bug, and has a fix. Thank you in advance. Edit: I used the stock Kerbnet, and found out that Kerbnet also displays "Chronister Valley". It's apparently not a SCANsat problem, rather, it's an OPM problem.
  16. Cironaut Space Agency (A.K.A - Yet Another GPP Playthrough!) So, after reading many of these mission logs/career playthroughs, I've decided to do one of my own. I know there’s been a few done for the Galileo Planet Pack (GPP), but as I find it’s the best planet pack I’ve come across so far, this is the one I’m using! I’m also not changing the size of the system, as I’m also using the GEP and OPM mods, so combined this makes an already gigantic solar system that I don’t personally feel needs to be any bigger. Also, I’m probably not experienced enough to attempt it yet! This is a list of mods and contract packs I’m currently using: Some of these are custom mods that I’ve tweaked, such as: Kerbal Renamer – I’ve modified this so that all the Kerbals/Gaelans have westernised names and surnames and I’ve removed the GPP developers - sorry guys! I’ve also enabled this to be called from other scripts/mods, specifically so that anything that may have used the default/stock KSP naming scheme can instead use this one instead. Contract Configurator – I’ve modified this so that it uses my custom Kerbal Renamer scheme to name randomly generated Kerbals/Gaelans instead of the default/stock KSP naming scheme. Also ‘fixed’ a bug that displayed Gael in lowercase. TRP Hire – I’ve modified this so that it uses my custom Kerbal Renamer scheme to name randomly generated Kerbals/Gaelans instead of the default/stock KSP naming scheme. Far Future Technologies – I’ve recompiled this for version 1.4.3 but I believe this still has issues with heating, which isn’t a problem with this mod but a problem with KSP itself. However, I like the idea of having anti-matter engines on my rockets so hopefully this will work out! New Suits – This is just some of the Replacement mods from GPP tweaked a bit for my own playthrough. The Kerbals/Gaelans have some recoloured suits I’ve made and matching sprites, and I’ve tweaked the male heads a bit so that they use the heads that were for the Admin staff instead. I also tweaked some colours in the descriptions, but this is almost the same as it is normally in GPP. This is all done through Sigma Replacements in the same way the GPP versions were before. Tourism Plus – I’ve removed the contracts that wanted you to take Tourists to specific biomes, as the biomes were specifically for Kerbin. Also given the first tourist a random name rather than ‘Tito Kerman’, as this was not in line with the new naming scheme. Bases and Stations – I’ve tweaked the Life Support-related contracts to support Snacks. I also submitted this as a PR on GitHub which has now been incorporated into the contract pack by its current maintainer (three guesses who that is!). I’m hoping that in this current career playthrough I’ll be able to visit all the celestial bodies in the Ciro system (incorporating the GPP, OPM and GEP mods) either manned or unmanned. I’m also hoping to unlock all the nodes on the tech tree, which considering I’m using the Community Tech Tree mod should probably take quite a while! However, I’m also using the Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes mod so that empty nodes are removed, and to hide the tree nodes that haven’t yet been researched (except the ones that immediately proceed from already researched nodes), which I personally feel is a better approach to the tech tree. And these are the difficulty settings I will be using: EDIT: As requested by @HansonKerman, here are some screenshots of the solar system for this playthrough, taken in the Tracking Station: So, let’s get the Cironaut Space Agency started! 1. First Launch Whilst most organisations on the planet Gael that are trying to reach space are attempting to use computers to send unmanned craft instead, due to the obvious dangers of sending a Gaelan up into space, none of them have currently perfected this technology and are struggling to even get off the ground. However, the Cironaut Space Agency (CSA) have decided to throw caution to the wind and are planning on using actual Gaelans to fly their craft first! This should allow the CSA to gain a significant lead on the space race. The first batch of Gaelans to join the CSA are David Welch (pilot), Rita Coleman (scientist) and Dale Watson (engineer): The Mamba Program ultimately aims to build a craft that can send a Gaelan into space, orbit Gael, and return safely to the surface - without killing the pilot inside in the process! The first craft is named Mamba I and has a small Crew Capsule (with capacity for 1 Gaelan), a solid fuel Flea Engine, a Parachute and some science experiments on board: First, the science experiments that are onboard Mamba I are run on the launchpad by David Welch, the pilot: Then the rocket is launched from the Gael Space Centre (GSC) into the sky: It eventually reaches a height of 8,436 metres above sea-level before starting to plummet back towards the surface: When the craft reaches about 1,000 metres above sea-level the parachute is deployed, which slows the craft down and stops it from crashing into the surface: The craft then safely lands back on the ground. The pilot has survived, and the mission is a complete success:
  17. I was getting no error message until I reinstalled stuff for something else. Now I get this error. So in my modded KSP 1.3.1 install, I was having issues with invisible terrain, so I removed all mods and readded them manually one by one until I found the issue to be with kopernicus (update to the latest version, kopernicus 1.3.1-9, fixed it). After replacing the rest, however, kopernicus gave this error on the start screen, and I would get an endless load screen when trying to start any game. Reverting to previous kopernicus didn't fix it, and after removing and replacing mods one by one again, I found the issue to be with SVE and OPM. The game would work fine if I included all mods except the SVE folder. Same if I included all (including kopernicus) but the OPM folder. However, with just SVE, OPM, and their dependencies, I get the same kopernicus error and I can't figure out why or how to fix it. It's driving me mad, as I have to choose between OPM and clouds now... I'm running KSP 1.3.1, kopernicus 1.3.1-9, OPM 2.2.1, EVE 1.2.2-1, and SVE with low res textures. Here's my output_log, and my gamedata folder looks like this.
  18. I've installed SCANsat and OPM. I've never tested this out before, but does SCANsat work with bodies introduced into the game via a plugin? I can see that SCANsat's pull-down menu has (currently blank) maps for the outer planets.
  19. Kerbal Rocketry, Aeronautics, and Space Hub (KRASH) This is the story of KRASH, and its adventures into the unknown. I just got bored with my career save. I unlocked the whole tech tree, and to be honest, landing on other planets just wasn't fun anymore. So I downloaded Outer Planets Mod, and it really helped me get back into this very successful career savegame. This is also my first forum topic, and I got inspired by reading so many of the incredible mission reports in this section. So, we'll see how this goes! Prologue is live! Index to the Chapters/Sections
  20. Ok let's actually do that T- 200 days : Tytan Heavy rocket launches from KSC carrying 170 ton, fully fueled propulsion module for the transfer vehicle. After 25 minutes of flight, propulsion module reaches it's orbit, 650 km above kerbin. I decided to put it that high to make trans-Urlum burn easier to perform with low thrust plasma engine. T-150 days : Another heavy launch! This time, crew habitation module is send to dock with previously launched propulsion module. After a successful rendezvous, crew module separates from the upper stage of the rocket and begins docking maneuver using build in RCS thrusters. T-100 days : Last peace of hardware required to complete the mission leaves kerbin. It is a small lander that will carry the crew from the Atlantis transfer vehicle to the surface of Priax and back to orbit. T-10 days : The Orion Heavy capsule launches from the KSC carrying 6 crew members on board. Capsule docks to the docking port number 2 of the crew the crew transfer vehicle. Finally, the capsule detaches from the Atlantis and begins it's journey back to kerbin. T-0 - the launch day : Launch day! After reaching an Urlum launch window, crew fires the main reactor and the plasma thruster for the trans-Urlum transfer maneuver. The burn will last for about 1.5 hours, increasing the speed of the space by around 4500 m/s. This will put the ship on trajectory that will lead to an interception by Urlum's gravity in 3 years and 70 days. Then the crew had to wait 3 years for the next part of the mission. They spend this time watching dr Kerman, Kerman Trek and other fantastic TV shows T+ 3 years and 40 days : Urlum arrival. Crew fires main engine again. This time to deaccelerate the ship and close the orbit around Urlum. Due to the high speed of the spacecraft, this burn also lasted for about 1.5 hours. After 1.5 hours, burn is complete and ship enters a stable orbit around Urlum. T+ 3 years and 49 days. 9 Days after the orbit insertion burn, ship performs a small correction burn. T+ 3 years and 60 days : Priax arrival. Crew fires the engine again to close the orbit 40 km above Priax surface. T+ 3 years and 61 days : Landing time ! Crew boards the lander and undocks from the orbiter. Next, landing burn is initiated to slow down the spacecraft and bring it down safely. As a propulsion, lander uses pair of small monoproppelent thrusters. Pilot had a really hard time finding a landing spot. Touchdown! Now it's time for the first step on the Priax surface. Bill Kerman - First Kerbal on the surface of Priax ! The rest of the crew joins him to make a space selfie. Crew spent next two months on collecting some science and making flying around using jetpacks. T+ 3 years and 122 days : Just before leaving, crew used a fuel reserve onboard the lander to visit the bottom of the nearby crater. Now it's time to finally leave this piece of rock and come back to kerbin. To do that, crew must enter the orbit and dock to the Atlantis crew transfer vehicle. Docking complete! After transporting all samples to the transfer vehicle, crew seals the hatch and detaches the lander. It will remain on Priax low orbit until Urlum's tidal forces will cause it to crash onto the surface. Meanwhile, crew executes a maneuver to leave Priax SOI. T+ 3 years and 135 days : Crew performs trans-kerbin insertion burn. Burn lasted for 1 hour and put the spacecraft on a return trajectory. Return trip will take a bit longer than a flight from kerbin. T+ 8 years and 356 days : Kerbin arrival. Ship performs the last burn of this mission to close the orbit around kerbin. T+ 8 years and 360 days : 4 Days later, Orion heavy capsule launches from KSC to bring the crew down from the transfer vehicle. The end PS: Unfortunately Priax turned out to be made out of ordinary rock and ice. Mods : Outer Planets (For Urlum and Priax) Kopernicus (required by Outer Planets mod) Near future propulsion Near future electrical Near future solar Near future spacecraft Near future launch vehicle
  21. I’ve been happily messing with KSP for several years now, regularly returning to start a grand new campaign with a slew of interesting mods. For one reason or another (real life, .exe instability, mod quirks) I’ve tended to hit a wall shortly after going interplanetary in previous attempts, but with the (relatively) recent arrival of the 64-bit client on Windows and a more mature crop of mods I’m gearing up to try once again. I intend keep a diary of sorts here, in part to motivate myself and in part to act as a sort of tutorial to others who are interested in playing with similar setups but are unsure how to bolt all the pieces together and convince them to play nicely. Situation I’ve chosen to start these reports a little way into the campaign, as there is already a wealth of material covering the first steps of a campaign. I have just unlocked the first KSPIE technologies, Nuclear Propulsion, Nuclear Power and Advanced Electrics. These nodes contain the earliest nuclear engines, reactors and beamed power parts respectively. There are currently small ‘Tortoise’ rovers carrying basic science equipment on both the Mun and Minmus (BonVoyage is my new favourite toy) crawling around doing science. In addition, the ‘Makellan’ series of early SCANSat satellites remain in orbit around Kerbin and its moons to act as makeshift communication satellites until more permanent infrastructure is in place despite having served their original purpose of mapping the surface. Going into month 5 (I’m working with 30-day months), there are two main projects I’m planning to work on. First and foremost, deployment of some lightweight interplanetary probes powered by the recently developed CANDLE engine in time to catch transfer windows to the Urlum and (possibly) Neidon. This might also require the deployment of a dedicated communications network around Kerbin to ensure continuous connection. RemoteTech's Root model (under which antennae can communicate at a range equal to the square root of the product of their individual ranges) means you don't need much of a network to get out to the moons provided you use the flight computer to make sure you don't miss your capture burns. Due to the immense range of the ground station at KSC, probes can maintain a connection for about 50% of the time. I am going to have to put at least a simple network around Mun in order to explore the far side with the munar Tortoise rover though. Secondly, and perhaps more interestingly in the long-term, development and deployment of a basic beamed power infrastructure around Kerbin, with the aim of using thermal receivers to launch lighter payloads to orbit more cheaply than currently possible. This is going to involve a fair amount of experimentation to find a sensible arrangement (I haven't messed with this area of KSPIE since it was reworked), but that's part of the fun, right? Mods My CKAN list currently shows well over 100 mods installed, before counting my personal tweaks and a few older mods that remain compatible despite their protestations to the contrary, so I’ll just provide the highlights here and leave the full list in a spoiler below. Interstellar Extended by Freethinker et al. I’ve loved the idea of this mod ever since I got it way back when Fractal was still developing it, and I’m looking forwards to playing with the new toys that have been added in the mean time. This is the mod I think people might find most interesting when covered as a tutorial, since the existing documentation is either scant, obsolete or simply absent. RESCALE 6.4x by Galileo Or more accurately a very slightly tweaked personal version that produces a Kerbin with a 12-hour day and a 540-day year. It makes orbiting a little more interesting and gives all those beefy advanced drives from KSPIE something worthwhile to do. MKS (and most of the rest of the USI suite) by RoverDude This has just gotten more and more enticing over time, and the integration of Extraplanetary Launchpads and Ground Construction provides some interesting possibilities for a budding space program. I’ve recently switched over from TAC-LS after finding it doesn’t mesh particularly well with Kronometer and after learning USI-LS now has habitation timers. Monthly Budgets by severedsolo I’m a sucker for strategy games and this mod provides both a pleasant bit of medium- to long-term planning and reduces the necessity of grinding contracts for funds. I have it set to decay reputation each month and have Play Your Way (Galileo) set to provide reputation with gathered science. The intention is that as I clear out Kerbin and its moons, I’ll need to set up other revenue streams (munar/asteroid mining operations perhaps). Kerbal Construction Time by magico13 This mod actually makes a campaign feel like a grand undertaking as you watch your space program grow over time. The broad customisation options don’t hurt either. SETI Rebalance & Unmanned before Manned by y3m0 I like what this set of mods changes about the game generally, and have had an interesting time with the new custombarnkit settings in the recent version. RemoteTech 2 by neitsa et al. Mostly because I haven’t dived in to learn the ins and outs of CommNet, and from first impressions RemoteTech is more intuitive and I’m already used to it. I have it configured so extra omnidirectional antennae do increase range and am using the Root range model. In addition to the above mods, the main other factor altering gameplay is a tech tree plugin of my own design that massively increases the cost of the more advanced tech nodes and adjusts the science available on each planet. At time of writing, the final tier of KSPIE technologies cost 100,000 science each. The intention is to force me off Kerbin and to avoid unlocking the entire tech tree with a few missions to the Mun and Minmus. Accompanying this are a variety of tweaks to where parts appear on the tree so I don’t, for example, need to finish a Joolean tour before being able to unlock thermal rocket nozzles. Full Mod List
  22. Hi! I've been struggling to find a way to install the outer planets mod for KSP, because it's my very first mod. i have installed tons of different versions of Kopernicus, and different versions of the planet pack, trying them in all of KSP's versions from when the mod was released up to 1.3.1, and i always get 3 results: 1st: everything starts out OK, as the game loads up i can see items from the planet pack being loaded, but once i get into the main menu, a screen pops up saying there was an error in the loading process, and loading your saves is not recommended, because it could corrupt them. if i ignore this message and start a new save, it leads into the second result. 2nd: everything is OK until i either continue a save or make a new one. i then get an infinite loading screen with the KSC night crickets playing in the background. i have given this loading screen hours to do anything, and nothing happened. 3rd: the game goes up to the KSC, and when i check the tracking station, Sarnus, Urlum, Neidon and Plock are nowhere to be found. I have been trying to install the mod for 2 days now, and these three results keep coming up with no matter what advice i take and what combination of Kopernicus, OPM and KSP updates i try. it's really frustrating! If anyone can help me, for example a combo of KSP, Kopernicus and OPM that works, it would be much appreciated! thanks!
  23. @Poodmund is taking over development and maintenance of OPM. Please see his link in the last comment of the thread for the download. The new thread for Outer Planets Mod can be found by following this link: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/184789-17-outer-planets-mod-v224-27th-may-2019/
  24. This is similar to the Jool 5 Challenge, but for OPM. You may not use mining. You can assemble/refuel in LKO. You can refuel your craft in LKO from an asteroid, Mun, or Minimus, if you want, however. The whole craft must travel to the destination together. Type 1: Sarnus 5 Challenge Start with 200 points. Land on Tekto, Slate, Ovok, Hale, and Eeloo. Type 2: Urlum 4 Challenge Start with 150 points. Land on Priax, Wal, Tal, and Polta Type 3: Neidon/Plock Challenge Start With 300 points. Land on Nissee, Thatmo, Plock, and Karen. If you are doing this type in RSS, you'll need RSS extended. Rules: No tweakscale. No non-stock engines. Minus one point for every three parts(reusable launchers will help you). Do it in science mode, and cheat yourself enough science to unlock all the nodes. This way, you can know how much science you earned. +1 point for every 20 science. No labs. Bonuses: Use any life support mod: X2 Use any autopilot: /2 Do an unmanned mission: /4 Bring a rover: 10 points per rover. You can reuse rovers, but you can't count multiple rovers per planet. Use a plane on Tekto: +50. Use a plane on Thatmo: +100 Fly a plane/blimp in the lower atmosphere of a gas giant: +100. Kill a kerbal:-100 per kerbal Couldn't climb down to surface: -10 per failure to plant a flag Assembled using space planes: X2 Refueled via Mun/Minimus/Asteroid: X2 Used RO: X2 Used RSS or rescaled kerbin: X2 Kept the kerbals without adequate habitation volume on the mothership: /4 Impress me: X4 Good luck! Example: I didn't really launched a Neidon- Plock mission. I used RSS, so I had to land on Triton, Neried, Pluto, and Charon. I kept the kerbals in the 3 person pod the entire trip. I launched a blimp to Neptune. The ladder wouldn't deploy on triton. I used Mecjeb. Score: 390*2/4 is 195 points. Leader board 1. @JacobJHC -1037.5 2. 3. 4. 5.
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