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  1. QuackPack QuackPack is intended to fill out an often neglected portion of the Kerbolar system: the deep inner system, far below the orbit of Moho. Oftentimes, when a player has conquered the stock system, it may feel like the only way to access more challenging destinations is to install full system replacers, or interstellar mods. System expansions such as Outer Planets Mod are a very popular first step, bridging the challenge gap between the stock system and full blown interstellar packs. QuackPack is designed to add an additional level of challenge to a stock + OPM install. Instead of looking outwards towards other stars, it is time to look inwards towards our own. These planets are not for the faint of heart. Transfer requirements are extreme, and their gravity wells are deep. Gravity assists are a near requirement. Failure lurks around every corner, as the unique thermal environments can cause unexpected problems, or outright destroy craft. Aerodynamics will work in unusual ways, as the superheated atmospheres are very different from anything else in the Kerbolar system. However, with smart design, clever planning, and skill, these bodies can be conquered, even fully reusable, or, theoretically, with single stage craft. Bodies Blas, a metal poor, scorching hot desert Superkerbin with a large ring system and one small moonlet. Geet, the lone moon of Blas, and a shepherd to the ring system. Jot, an inflated hot Jool with an extremely large atmosphere. Subon, a captured metallic asteroid in a close retrograde orbit of Jot. Cind, a Kerbin sized tidally locked hellworld, with an atmosphere made of sulfur and boiling metal. Features 5 challenging new bodies to explore. Science and career mode ready, with full biome and experiment definitions. Full scatterer integration. Full EVE integration, with clouds, sandstorms, lightning, aurorae, and thermal glow. Planetshine and Distant Object Enhancement integration. Notes This is my first planet mod, pls be gentle. Delta V grid https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t5JHSCVPWrMVtEfGHV__7xCjVrZGaRFoe4HQmvdFZwI Gallery Download Github SpaceDock CKAN Installation Remove any prexisting QuackPack installations (QuackPack folder within GameData folder in KSP directory) Install ALL listed dependencies, following the links bellow Download and extract the QuackPack zip file Place the GameData folder into your KSP directory Highly recommended to download and install Scatterer, EVE REDUX, and BetterKerbol as they provide massive visual improvement, and QuackPack is intended to be played with all three installed. Requirements ModuleManager Kopernicus Kopernicus Expansion EmissiveFX Community Terrain Texture Pack Bundled Dependencies Niako's Kopernicus Utilities Sigma Heat Shifter Provided Compatibility Scatterer EVE Redux Distant Object Enancement Planetshine Recommended Mods BetterKerbol Outer Planets Mod FAQ Q. Does QuackPack support Parallax 2? A. QuackPack does not currently provide configs for Parallax 2, but it will run alongside Parallax 2 enabled planets from the stock system or other planet mods Q. Will QuackPack ever support Parallax 2? A. QuackPack is intended to support Parallax 2 at some point, when I have the time to sit down and learn it. Q. Does QuackPack support EVE True Volumetrics? A. EVE True Volumetrics support will come in a future update. Q. Does QuackPack support rescaling via Sigma Dimensions? A. Not at the moment, also something to consider for a future update. Changelog v1.1.0 Licensing QuackPack is licensed by Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
  2. Visual Compilation "Adventure is nearest when farthest from home." More videos: Fan art: More Fan art Official pictures: Pictures without Scatterer (performance mode): Hello, Avera9eJoe here! This is Spectra, my ultimatum of a visual pack. A well optimized and yet breathtakingly beautiful revamp of all celestial bodies in KSP, with a pick-and-choose features setup so that you can tailor the mod to what you want. Fly through the geysers on Minmus and Eeloo. Soar across Laythe's glittering bioluminescent sky. Skip across the dust on Minmus, Pol, and Vall. Descend through Eve's mystic clouds. Or like they say, die trying. Spectra is designed for: Performance: While made to be pretty Spectra is as optimized as possible. It runs very well on a high end system and there are ways to squeeze out extra performance as well if need be. In terms of pure FPS values, it's a dead tie with SVE. Beauty: This pack has the greatest visuals I could create, and is perfect for film-making, or sight-seeing. Stock: Spectra does not effect the stock parts, colliders, or physics. All that it adds is purely visual, meaning that craft files and saves with it installed behave exactly as they would in a clean installation, only prettier. Nostalgia: Many visual packs have risen and fallen since EVE was first created in 2012. I asked numerous visual pack authors for permission to use some of their effects, and included many of the best concepts of each into Spectra with an additional level of streamline and polish. This makes Spectra a visual compilation of all great packs that came before it. KSPRC's surface textures, Stock Visual Enhancement's storms and lightning, Better Atmosphere's planetary glow, Astronomer's colors, it's all there. You can view the credits at the bottom of the page to see this in more detail. It's a lot to live up to, and so I hope it meets your expectations. Spectra adds: EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements • 8k clouds to Eve/Kerbin/Jool/Laythe • Auroras to Eve/Kerbin/Duna/Jool/Laythe • Vibrant glow to all planets • Bioluminescence to Laythe • Geysers to Minmus/Eeloo • Fog to Minmus/Vall/Pol • Dust storms to Eve/Duna Scatterer • Sunflare (Custom version of Sunflares of Maar's Phi sunflare) • Atmospheres to Eve/Kerbin/Duna/Jool/Laythe • Oceans to Eve/Kerbin/Laythe ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Download: Spacedock Official add-ons: RVE64k Kerbin clouds for Spectra (CKAN) (SpaceDock) KSPRC city lights (CKAN) Notice: I recommend installing via CKAN as it is fast, simple, and additionally shows my curated list of recommended mods. Spectra is backwards compatible all the way to KSP v1.3. Licensing: Spectra is licensed as MIT, meaning you are free to edit and redistribute everything in Spectra so long as you give credit where it is due and don't add a more restrictive license. What's mine is yours, and what you do with it is everyone else's. ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Bad performance? Try these: Remove some extras RealPlume, DistantObjectEnhancement, and Scatterer all tax your GPU. Removing one or more of them (Or any of the other extras) can improve your frames. Remove Scatterer Spectra has backup atmospheres that enable when Scatterer isn't in GameData. Removing Scatterer from GameData will slightly dampen your visuals, but greatly increase your performance. I usually run without Scatterer when not recording because I value my frames. Don't like Spectra but still want to try visual enhancements? Try Stock Visual Enhancements Try Sci-Fi Visual Enhancements Both of these packs are beautiful and unique in very different ways. I highly recommend trying one if Spectra doesn't suit your fancy. Troubleshooting: The sky is all white: This is a Scatterer bug. Try re-downloading and reinstalling Scatterer. Re-download is important. Duna is completely blue (more than in the trailer/pictures): You probably clicked `save` in the EVE GUI. Pressing save breaks some of my ModuleManager configs. Don't press save and you'll be fine. If you do press save, reinstalling Spectra will fix this. Credits: @Benzo Kerman Building almost exclusively the release to 1.6.0 @blackrack's Scatterer Atmospheric scattering and tinting with custom configs. Ocean shaders. @JadeOfMaar's Sunflares of Maar Spectra uses a more stockalike version of Jade's Primus sunflare. Inspiration: @Astronomer's Astronomer's Visual Pack - Interstellar V2 - I can't thank you enough for what you've done for your ground breaking work on the aesthetics of KSP. Thank you! Bioluminescence on Laythe @Proot's KSPRC v1.0.5 - concept image post by @drswagboss from December 2015. Focus your eyes on the textures from low-orbit. Surface textures Ablation on Moho Green-tinted Eve Warped clouds on Laythe Geysers on Eeloo @Galileo's SVT and GPP - Your works are incredible... Thanks for all the help and advice. Lightning Terrain scatters @erona's and @Thesonicgalaxy's Better Atmospheres - The original mod that added glow to non-atmospheric bodies. If you said this is where it all started, you wouldn't be wrong. Blue Duna Cloud textures @panzer1b's Sci-Fi Pack - Your pack is incredible! If you don't have the PC to run Spectra, definitely try SciFi. Proving that planet glow can still be done in new EVE, and look even better than before.
  3. Pood's OPM-VO (Outer Planets Mod - Visual Overhaul) Latest Release - v.0.3.5 "The Matoro" Pre-Release Beta - 23rd Sept. 17 Due to some users having issues with compatibility, please find below a list of the dependencies and the current builds used to run OPM-VO. Please ensure that you are running at least these versions of the dependencies or later releases: Dependencies: EVE: https://github.com/WazWaz/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/download/EVE-1.2.2-1/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements- (Release build 1.2.2-1) Scatterer: https://spacedock.info/mod/141/scatterer/download/0.0320b (Release build 0.0320b) Kopernicus: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/download/release-1.3.1-3/Kopernicus-1.3.1-3.zip (Release build 1.3.1-3) Module Manager: https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/releases (Get latest release build) Outer Planets Mod: https://github.com/Galileo88/OPM_Galileo/releases/download/1.2.4/OPM_Galileo.v1.2.4.zip (Unofficial KSP 1.3.1 build 1.2.4) Suggested Mods: Stock Visual Enhancements: https://github.com/Galileo88/StockVisualEnhancements/releases/latest - Galileo and I work together to ensure our mods are compatible and SVE gives the stock planets great atmospheric and visual effects. Stock Visual Terrain: https://github.com/Galileo88/Stock-Visual-Terrain/releases/latest - The texture pack that's built alongside SVE to make the stock bodies look amazing. -------------------------------------------------------- For all information regarding downloading/installing/using/licensing etc. for this mod, please refer to the Readme. This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin. Changelog: v0.3.4 - 08th Apr. 17 - Edited Tekto's & Urlums EVE cloud layers slightly, amended SVE integration due to SVE's new file structure and added in Kopernicus' new Ring Shader effects for all bodies (if Jool rings are present, they are maintained). Kopernicus' Ring Shader update is not incorporated in the latest Kopernicus release yet, however, the patch can be downloaded here to be installed into your Kopernicus directory: https://mega.nz/#!vUowhKgB!PAIeK8M1KlBOXhcBNglxGTq6MzSiqFxF27fAXYOD8_w v0.3.3 - 02nd Apr. 17 - Added Sigma OPM-Tilt support, slight change to Urlum's rim exposure and now leveraging SVE's cloud detail textures if SVE is installed, if not, uses own placeholder texture as before. v0.3.2 - 01st Apr. 17 - Forgot to render Tekto's oceans... doh! Ocean shaders on Tekto have been enabled by adjusting Ocean Alpha values. v0.3.1 - 01st Apr. 17 - Fixed scatterer's configs so they play well with other mods and don't repeatedly add OPM body configs to other body's ones. v0.3.0 - 30th Mar. 17 - KSP 1.2.2 Compatibility update. v0.2.0 - 8th May. 16 - Rebuilt from ground up for KSP 1.1.2; Thatmo work has not been included. v0.1.2 - 11th Jan. 16 - Included support for OPM Tilt and Kopernicus Expansion. Compatibility with KSPRC has been fixed by including updated pqs.cfg file for KSPRC (bundled in distribution). v0.1.1 - 8th Jan. 16 - Forgot to include Scatterer files within .zip (Doh!) v0.1.0 - 6th Jan. 16 - Initial Release - First GitHub commit & beta release --------------------- Original Initial Post: With the release of EVE for 1.0.5 and Scatterer gaining multi-planet support I decided to jump right in and start messing around with configs for OPM as I rarely play KSP without it. As the two mods are still very much in their infancy really with respect to 1.0.5 and their latest releases I am learning as I go and have never shown any of my previous tinkerings with EVE in the past on these forums (I used to run a modified AVP-I, AVP-EoO and KSPRC mashup in previous versions of KSP). I initally started working on Tekto as it has a pretty crazy atmosphere in OPM canon. Current progress can be seen here: I also have very hazy mist clouds rumbling over the lowlands that look a lot like heat haze up close. These are very much still WIP and I am still learning new tricks/techniques with EVE's new volumetric cloud options. The look I have gone for is a very chaotic, dense atmosphere that is suffering from a sever over abundance of a toxic gas that could be generated from underwater plant life or similar. After visiting MatoroIgnika's Twitch stream he commented to me that he loves Thatmo and how it should look like a Triton analog, so... next on to Thatmo! Like Triton, Thatmo has a very think atmosphere but it can be visualised from orbit. It is very hard to convey through screenshots but a very thin, wispy cloud cover has been added, viewable from orbit. Down on the moon's surface, clouds are visible somewhat more than they are from orbit purely for the fun aspect of actually seeing the atmosphere present. Triton's albedo coefficient is one of the highest in our whole solar system and so I decided to make Thatmo very reflective and bright to convey the shiny, ice like nature of the moon. Its pretty blinding down on the surface. As the surface of the moon is refracting light through its ice layers I have also introduced a chromatic aberration-like quality, visible when in orbit. Finally at this point I have been tinkering heavily with texture generation for Gas Giants (as OPM has 3 of them!) using curling noise for procedural fluid flow to try and create some really interesting base texture maps for the gas planets. It has been pretty laborious switching between Linux running the generations and Windows for Photoshop texturing (I don't like GIMP at all) but its getting a lot easier to manage now I am use to the process. I should be able to utilise this technique to also create completely procedural cloud texture maps also with a bit of work that could range from thick stormy stuff ala Venus down to very light, high atmo wisps. As you can see there are a lot of different style outcomes using the same texture by changing the input parameters. Let me know what you like and what you think would suit each gas planet as I can create a variety of effects. Generation takes around 20 minutes and then I have to wrap a cubemap back into an rectilinear texture for use within KSP. All of this is really in its infancy and I created this thread as a place to store my ongoing efforts whilst also being able to receive some feedback. Progress may come in fits and spurts around work; I get two weeks off over the Christmas period I may be able to cram a load of texturing in. Depending on how far I continue the final piece of the long-term puzzle would be re-texturing the base moon textures to hi-res variants. Feedback is greatly appreciated and any thoughts or critiques are appreciated, even though at the moment all you are able to look at is screenshots. Once things become more substantial I will upload configs and textures in a pack for testing out within KSP. At this point I will apply a suitable license. Update 12th Dec. 15 - Been doing a little tinkering to test some different variables in the texture generation and thought... "why not upload some short clips on Steamable?" So: Sarnus - Test WIP Neidon - Test WIP Update 3rd Jan. 16 - Porting Tekto to new EVE syntax. Fog on Tekto 1 - Showing fog and dust clouds at low level. Fog on Tekto 2 - Showing the post processing depth buffer level at low level. Update: 6th Jan. 16 - v0.1.0 Beta Release - Initial Release (see changelog for further updates) Whad'ya think?
  4. Precursors Version: 1.7.1 - ODYSSEY UPDATE OVERVIEW The discovery of mysterious SSTV signals originating from Duna was a monumental leap in the search for intelligent life. Deciphering these signals revealed The Ignotum System, a previously undiscovered solar system 3 light years from Kerbin. Having recently mastered interstellar travel and hibernation technologies, the Kerbals were quick to launch an expedition to this new system. The trip ran smoothly, but upon arrival... … Alone among the stars, you are the future of the expedition. Rediscover ancient rocketry and flight technologies as you explore a vast, handcrafted solar system. Uncover the secrets behind the SSTV signals and the alien race that created them. Precursors is a planet pack designed to provide a fresh and exciting experience to players. Stranded on a cold and barren world, traverse highly detailed celestial bodies and never-before-seen environments. Each planet and moon has a distinct challenge and appearance; hike across scalding volcanic mountains, maneuver through massive forests, and battle against relentless gravity on your journey across the Ignotum System. Collect custom science reports and unearth extensive lore in this continuation of the Kerbal Space Program story. Contents Over 20 highly detailed celestial bodies to explore 1,000+ custom science reports across all bodies Fleshed-out biomes on all celestial bodies Intricate lore and story components Custom flags, loading screens, and more Easter eggs galore! Download at https://github.com/WyattPetula/Precursors Older versions can be found at: https://spacedock.info/mod/2869/Precursors Planet Pack Trailer (outdated as of V1.6.1) NOTE: This trailer was exported from Lightworks Free, which has a max resolution of 720p. It's also my first-ever attempt at making a video. Dependencies and Recommended Mods DEPENDENCIES KSP 1.9.x-1.12.x Niako's Kopernicus Utilities Kopernicus Stable Branch 1.9.x-1.12.x RECOMMENDED MODS Scatterer EVE Redux INCLUDED WITH DOWNLOAD Sigma Loading Screens Resource configs supporting Interstellar Fuel Switch Resource configs supporting Community Resource Pack UNSUPPORTED Other system replacers Volumetric EVE Support and Known Issues GETTING SUPPORT If you want to get support, please include a detailed description of the problem, your KSP logs, a list of your installed mods, and—if applicable—screenshots. If you do not include these requirements, you will not receive good support. KNOWN ISSUES Lack of fog when "swimming" on Maar More Screenshots System In-Depth Overview (MAJOR SPOILERS) Delta-V Map by u/Lithium-7 (missing Odyssey) Celestial Body Size Comparison Infographic (outdated) License Precursors Planet Pack is licensed under All Rights Reserved. That means you cannot... Copy my work Create derivatives of my work Use my work in other projects You cannot replicate or create derivatives of my work inside KSP 2. The license for Precursors applies to KSP 2 in addition to KSP 1. If you have a question regarding the license, please message me through the forums. Thanks! Proper credit has been given to mods and textures not created by me. These mods are exempt from Precursors’ All Rights Reserved license. Thank you everyone for your continued support! Author's Note Hi there! I'm Wpetula. Over the past four years, I've had a wonderful time learning how to engineer custom celestial bodies with the help of the awesome Kerbal Space Program community, especially the Kopernicus Discord group. Thank you everyone for your support! This has been a one-man project, and Precursors would not be what it is today without you.
  5. This is not just another sunflare pack with many options and every color freely available for the one star... (the Sun), no. This is a pack tailored towards large star systems such as Kerbol Star System, Galactic Neghborhood and (if anyone dares ) To Boldly Go, and any smaller eccentric star systems featuring classes other than the typical G and M (yellow and red stars). This is a theme pack with (currently) two options for every star class, and 5 series (or families) of flares in total. Names: Ursa Minor, Phi, Canaan, Primus, Isk Usage restrictions: Example: only the G or stock pack sunflares are to be applied to the Sun and other G class Sun-like stars. Family names: Ursa Minor, Canaan and Primus were made with realism players in mind. Everyone is welcome to the stock pack but the other colors of sunflares will only be made available to planet makers and their collaborators who ask. For now though, just enjoy the stock pack. License: CC-BY-NC-ND. (May change but I just don't want recolors happening.) Install instructions: Unzip entire thing the first time to preserve folder structure. Then delete the sunflares you don't want. Stock Pack :: DOWNLOAD SSRSS Pack :: DOWNLOAD Galileo Pack :: DOWNLOAD ( SpaceDock :: GitHub ) Red Packs :: Soon™ Blue Packs :: Soon™ * May fail to work if added to a CKAN install containing EVE.
  6. I am back again and I am pleased to announce a new Planet Pack, yet again. But this one is special, its a remake of my first Planet Pack, The New Crew. Now, you might have noticed, the mod's name is quite misleading, and that's why It is now renamed the Alpharia planet Pack(BTW there is no planet called Alpharaia, It's only called that as it was a remake of my first planet pack and just Alpha sounded boring) Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/2751/Alpharia Planet Pack (The New Crew Reloaded)?ga=<Game+3102+'Kerbal+Space+Program'> Compatible with KSP Version: 1.12.1, 1.11.1 Content(For now) 2 Planets(1 rocky world, 1 Gas giant) 1 Dwarf Planet 9 moons(1 around the Rocky planet,6 around the Gas giant, 2 around the Dwarf planet) Also if you are doing a review for this planet pack, the difficult to pronounce name will have pronunciations in the brackets in the info pannel( also in the pack the syllable "Cy" is pronounced as "Sai") Some Cool shots of the Pack Dependencies Kopernicus(along with everything else in the Kopernicus.zip file) MIT by Thomas P. Kittopia Tech MIT by Thomas P. Supported Mods/Visual mods Environmental Visual Enhancement (EVE) Scatterer Parallax All Visual mods come pre-bundled More content will be coming soonTM The plans for new content: More moons for Cytaria(planned 6) Now finished !!! add some dwarf planets Partially done!! Add an optional alternate homeworld(Cyz0122) License: MIT
  7. Originally released on github back in November/December 2021, I finally came around to making a KSP forum post for it! PRVE is a visual enhancement mod for Real Solar System. Components of the mod are derived from RVE64k, EVO, RSSVE, KSRSS, GGE, and much more. COMPONENTS: 32k Cloud texture with even higher quality detail 4k detail clouds texture 43k Earth city texture 64k Ground texture and shadows addon if desired Newest scatterer configs Wavy auroras GGE integration and optimization (Big thanks to @ballisticfox0) Custom TUFX and KS3P config (Use both for most optimal looks) MOD DEPENDENCIES: Scatterer (v0.0835) Environmental Visual Enhancements (v1.11.6.1) Real Solar System (v19.0.2.0) KSP (v1.12.3) PC REQUIREMENTS: This mod has been created with a computer rig of these specs running Windows: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 32gb RAM (Maybe a bit excessive, unless you use the 64k addon) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6gb Dual fans This pic uses a custom 16k color map for Earth's surface which may be available soon: Earth's Aurora: Sunset in Earth orbit: You may download this mod via CKAN or github Licensing:
  8. Too long has stock Kerbol gone unloved. No longer will it sit at the center of the solar system, ugly and drab. With new high resolution textures, Scatterer support, and custom light curves, BetterKerbol attempts to remake Kerbol as eye candy worthy of pretty screenshots. Towards this end, the radius has also been tweaked by an imperceptibly tiny amount, to get around a quirk in KSPs engine. This change does not effect the orbits of the planets, as Kerbol's mass is unchanged. Experience the searing light of Kerbol as you approach the corona, or watch is it dims to a pale flicker as you travel beyond the orbit of Eeloo. Additionally, for those who desire a more realistically scaled Kerbol, that better aligns with stock scale, a optional patch is provided to reduce the radius of Kerbol by a factor of 4.24x Changelog v1.0.1 Fix optional rescale not applying Clean up readme Features Base 8k Photosphere and Corona textures A visual surface that aligns with the true surface, opening up the possibility for spectacular close passes Scatterer configs for close up corona glow and sky tint when in the Kerbolar atmosphere Custom light curves for starlight that realistically changes brightness with distance from Kerbol Optional Reduced radius by 4.24x, bringing Kerbol into line with the 1:10.63 scale of the rest of the Kerbal universe Notes Due to a long-standing bug with the way KSP calculates solar heat, temperatures near the surface are extreme, with radiant power density approaching infinity! Bring your exploit shielding or it's a one way trip! No sunflare is provided. If using Scatterer, pick your favorite sunflare mod, personally I recommend Sunflares of Maar. This is my first Mod, pls be gentle. Gallery Download CKAN GitHub SpaceDock Installation Base Extract the zip file Place the GameData folder into your KSP directory Optional - BetterKerbol Rescale Open the Optional Mods folder Place the GameData folder into your KSP directory Provided Compatibility Scatterer, v0.0831 Requirements Kopernicus (latest version for your specific version of KSP, or latest backport release for older KSP versions) ModuleManager 4 or newer Recommended Mods Sunflares of Maar Licensing BetterKerbol is licensed by Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
  9. I am currently experiencing a bug with Scatterer were the ground and the KSC DISSAPEARS Oh and also, it is in flight too. I have tried so many things to NO AVAIL, I have made 3 new installs, have tried to reinstall scatterer COUNTLESS times, have made sure to be using DX11, changing game versions, spending an hour sifting through my log only to find "Eve shaderloader type not found" which when searched shows NOTHING, and spending hours going around the forums trying to fix this. You may be thinking, "Oh its probably a software issue my friend" BUT no less than a month ago scatterer worked perfectly fine and had good frames but just recently it [snip] itself to a horrid extreme. I have indeed had this problem in the past but that could be fixed by reinstalling scatterer or deleting the atmosphere cache folder. I have uninstalled ALL my mods and used all the "fixes" provided to me by my friends but to no avail. Please god help me my sanity is being sand blasted by this bug and scatterer has became the bane of my existence. I have 2 options, 1. accept that KSP without scatterer looks like absolute [snip] or 2. find a fix for this horrendous bug. I am running on 1.12.2 I have tried 1.12.1 and 1.11.1 AND 1.10.1 no dice
  10. So basically, I installed Scatterer for KSP, and it looks pretty good! But there is a problem, Duna looks terrible. Basically, the only way to describe it is that the orange atmosphere fills the crevasses and makes Duna look like it has bright orange stripes running through it. Also, this might be the reason, but I didn't use CKAN to install Scatterer, I just extracted the ZIP File.
  11. Hi, Perhaps an easy one for you gurus out there. Mods: Eve, scatterer, kopernicus, parallax, planetchine, waterfall. Recently, my planet textures (and aset navball mfd to a degree) become blury. Rover on mun, blurry textures when moving turning. ASET interior navball mfd slightly if rotating in mun orbit, and if looking at mun thru window. Driving me crazy because last week it seemed ok, I dont remember what mod I may have updated last. I just know I had been rover driving on mun earlier last month and hadn't had the issue. I listed some of the mods that impact this, not all mods installed, any thoughts? I even reset setting in graphics and restarted KSP itself, same. It's not a dealbreaker here, just wanting to figure it out and learn in the process, even for someone like me who has played a long time. Most likely if we cant figure it, I figure a mod will update and it will be gone. You all know how it is .... Marc (RW-One)_
  12. Extreme Visual Overhaul for Real Solar System Hello, This is EVO, a visual overhaul for Real Solar System aimed at providing stunning visuals while offering great performance. EVO is a spiritual successor to @pingopete's RVE 64k project, and is meant to offer a similar level of visual fidelity, while offering more performance oriented options as well. EVO will also be open to contributions, ideally remaining a never quite finished project for the next few years. I was inspired to make this pack after seeing great breakthroughs in visuals for stock and modded systems, as well as errors when using some of my old favorites (such as RVE 64k) in newer versions. ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― So far EVO adds the following: An almost no compromise combination of RVE64k and RSSVE 32k, 48k, and 64k Land Texture options, modified from RVE 64k New Ocean and Atmosphere configs for Earth New 32k 48k City Lights from Space Engine, with a new 8k City ground texture based on satellite imagery New Mars Textures Boot-prints for some celestial bodies A new Sunflare from @Avera9eJoe's beautiful Spectra Visual Compendium Scatterer 0.07 support, alongside Godrays and Wave Collisions An Optional TUFX Preset, based on RVE64k's legendary KS3P preset Fog to Venus and Titan Dust Storms to Mars Auroras to Jupiter Hexagon Storms to Saturn Geysers to Enceladus Lava on IO Much more... ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Troubleshooting/FAQ PLEASE READ: The Lights aren't showing up/ look off press alt+0, push the arrow in the EVE menu to go to textures and hit apply, go to city lights and hit apply, and if the terrain now looks off press alt+11 and map EVE clouds. The terrain is white/invisible! 99% of the time, this is due to an improper install, read the directions. Seriously. if that doesn't work, attempt the fix above as it often fixes that issue as well When is the next update coming? when it comes. I am in college, working a job, and streaming 2x per week alongside working on CH4 (soon) so be patient and enjoy the screenshots <3 ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Dependencies: Scatterer Environmental Visual Enhancement Real Solar System Incompatibilities: RSSVE, RVE64k WARNING: as of right now, Kopernicus Bleeding Edge is not meant to be used in Normal Play, it is no longer recommended for use with this mod. ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Licensing: EVO is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), so you are free to redistribute, modify and copy the contents of the mod so long as you attribute and credit the appropriate author(s), remain non-commercial and distribute it under the same license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) City Lights textures, and other textures labeled in the mod as space engine assets are NOT licensed under the above license and are being used at the permission of the space engine team DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Credits: @blackrack - Scatterer Adds better oceans and atmospheres to planets @JadeOfMaar -Sunflares of Maar Original author of the sunflare modified for use in @Avera9eJoe's Spectra @Waz - Environmental Visual Enhancements Adds tons of visual capabilities, far too many to list here @pingopete - RVE64K @tony48 - KSRSS(VE) Adds a whole lot of configs that mine are derived from, from snow to lava and much more @G'th -AD ASTRA I used their aurora textures and hexagon storm as they are easily the best I have ever seen @Theysen - RSSVE @Vabien - Kopernicus Expansion Continued-er Adds the ability for bootprints, alongside many, many other things @Shadowmage - TUFX Post Processing for KSP Special Thanks to: @jrodriguez for offering multiple textures, and input on the project @Jceratops for helping test the mod @pingopete for inspiring this project, and teaching me so much @Avera9eJoefor showing me cool things that EVE is capable of Download: Github Enjoy the mod, and feel free to offer contributions and suggestions,
  13. My install is being plagued by Iota causing afterimages when pointing the camera from the horizon downwards. My initial thoughts are Scatterer, since it's on an outdated version (0.0772) to be compatible with Galileo's Planet Pack. Full album: https://imgur.com/a/XorKSKt Log (not from the session above): https://paste.c-net.org/CoconutsRevved Modlist:
  14. I've decided to finally move to 1.12.3, so I've been working on a new mod install and I've been having some issues with (what I think) is scatterer. This is a heavily modded install, using JNSQ and Ad Astra. I'm not quite sure of the root cause of this problem. Also, it's not just the orbit rendering, from the ground rendering is like this too. There's a similar issue without Ad Astra, where Jool and Eve just become outlines. Mods: I'm on a Macbook Pro M1, and using the latest freshly downloaded versions of all these mods (I think). Player.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/160t8TM-hn24gfWn6YSRS1Ii1WIHlqd9p/view?usp=sharing
  15. As the title says, I am having near unplayable performance with any of these mods. (30-15 fps on planet surface and slow-mo) My mission clock is solid yellow and about half to one third speed compared to normal, even with a 1 part rocket. -PC: MSI 2080 super, Ryzen 9 3900x, 64 GB ddr4, 1 TB m.2 ssd, 1440p monitor I have tested my CPU on cinebench, since it seems to be the problem, but my cinebench results are only a couple percent slower than a couple tests I found on youtube. I have talked to Stratzenblitz about it, who has made a whole video on CPU performance (ryzen 9 3900x VS ryzen 9 5900x) with scatterer loaded up, and he got much better performance. I have talked to Linx, the parallax dev, and he gets 60 fps at 4k with a similar power intel cpu and a worse gpu (1080ti). I have talked to people with mid gen i5's and 1060 6GB's, who got 60 fps at 1440p. I have even talked to someone who was using integrated graphics who got better performance than me. I have tried turning my windows power options to highest performance. I have tried a fresh install. I have tried sending my computer to get fixed. Nothing has worked. Is there anything I can do? Is it maybe a motherboard throttling issue? Did I miss some setting?
  16. Hello all I'm having really bad trouble with AVP, scatterer, etc. I have tried everything I know, including deleting Kopernicus+OPM (where this all started.......) So, the trouble is that the clouds are inverse and black and the sky is white at the night side of Kerbin and the terminator is blue... also Jool and the other planets look very strange. KSP.log- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NVD8N3pVjtjPhhPnIhb3rxRTDh2UYXjB/view?usp=sharing Photos- https://ibb.co/Z2smQrK https://ibb.co/HtTMJBD https://ibb.co/r2KsGx7 Thanks SOOO much for your help, I have been trying to fix this for 3 days now.
  17. player.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cy74bsi40c39098/Player.log?dl=0 Inspection of log file shows scatterer "destroying duplicate instance", not sure what that's supposed to mean Note: Version is 1.11.2
  18. Hello! How do I generate custom atmosphere colors with Scatterer? None of the variables in the atmo.cfg seem to adjust color, and I can't figure out how to generate new scattering tables using the config tool. I read through the documentation and searched the forum, but I couldn't find an answer. Any help would be appreciated.
  19. ...A VISUAL COLLECTION Hello! This is the LizardMan's Visual Collection, which not only provides amazing look, but is also highly editable. there are plenty of TUFX settings to choose from and you can customize the easily accessible settings to your liking. With this modpack you can make stunning cinematic videos and pictures. Why is this for? Looks: This modpack is designed to make celestial bodies and spaceships more stunning, detailed and realistic. Simplicity: This means you don’t have to bother with settings. I tried to set everything up to be in the best, most beautiful form. I also considered showing only images that look exactly like the freshly installed modpack. Always up to date: I make sure this modpack is always up to date, works on the latest versions. Just visual: It doesn't change anything in the mechanics of the game. Features: 43k clouds to Kerbin 8k clouds to Laythe, Jool, Eve High resolution terrain textures Stock parts don’t change in their operation, they only get reflective textures. Planet shine Atmospheres High resolution sunflare Better oceans Auroras Fog Important note! This modpack is currently under development. bugs can easily occur in it. [Download link removed by moderator, pending license details] Licensing: CC-BY-NC-SA Credits: @blackrack for scatterer @Shadowmage for textures unlimited and TUFX @Astronomer for Astronomer Visual Pack @TheDarkBadger for Distant object enhancement @shaw for texture replacer Inspiration: Avera9eJoe's Spectra
  20. i need help i have been playing KSP with scatterer for awhile, but i installed EVE (haha pun) and SVE, to make it better, but it appears that i have glitched scatterer, and now the atmosphere of all planets + the ocean of all planets is a white mass. can't screenshot it right now because i'm not on my PC, but it looks like a low poly sphere when you reach space (i've done it after 7 attempts, because the sky was hurting my eyes.) Please help me solve this, as it seems many people are getting this error, even though there is no solution if you search it on Google. By the way, i know it's scatterer when i removed it and everything was back to normal. I have a 64-bit computer , 8gb RAM, Intel Core i5-7200U, Windows 10, with a NIVIDIA GeForce 920MX. Is Scatterer doing some conflict between EVE(pun x2) or SVE?
  21. Recently I created a new 1.10.1 modded install that uses the following (significant) visual and other mods: RSSVE v1.6.1-RC1 Quarter Size Real Solar System v1.0 Scatterer v0.0723 EVE v1.8.0.2 PlanetShine v0.2.6.2 I have the problem where the sun appears way (and I mean blinding amounts) too bright. The issue occurs only when the sun is inside my FOV. I've included a link to multiple screenshots so you can see what I mean. I'm guessing it has something to do with the full size sunflare not getting rescaled back down to quarter size, but other than that wild guess I have 0 idea where to look or what to do. https://imgur.com/a/9znHnzW
  22. So I have a problem I have noticed others have had in the past with scatterer. I installed Graphics Enhancement Assembly, which comes with EVE and Scatterer along with some cloud and atmosphere textures for EVE to use. However I seem to be experiencing an issue. There is no skybox for space, instead of the many stars that should be there, there is only black. I am also missing an ocean surface, I can see the blue ocean bed, but no actual ocean surface. I saw another thread here and supposedly removing Transfer Window Planner did the job for them. That unfortunately didn't work for me. Screenshots: Missing Ocean Screenshot Black Skybox Screenshot Here are the mods I am using: B9 Aerospace BDArmoryContinued BDArmory Weapons Extension Cryogenic Engine Pack For Science! Kerbal Atomics Kerbal Engineer Redux Knes KSP Interstellar Extended KSP Recall MechJeb2 Mouse Aim Flight Near Future Electrical Near Future Launch Vehicles Near Future Propulsion Near Future Spacecraft Parts OPT Space Plane Parts 2.0 RCS Build Aid SpaceY Heavy Lifters Parts Pack Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux Time Control 2.0 Graphics Enhancement Assembly (includes EVE, BoulderCo, Distant Object, and Scatterer)
  23. Please spare me if there's a quick answer to this. Can the Mun turn red? I was on the Mun in an eclipse when I relized "Hey, the terrain scatters, my craft, kerbals, flag and Mun dust (not mun) all turn red, but not the actual terrain, I wonder why?" Is there an answer? And is there a possible fix/mod?
  24. I was wondering if Stock visuals and Astronomers were the only visual packs? I can't seem to find any others and i didn't know if they are just the only ones or they're just the BEST ones. Sorry if this is a dumb reason to create a new thread! Love you all!!!!
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