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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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Silly question, but where does one put this? In the CTT folder, or KSPI?

I don't think it actually matters where you put MM configs most of the time. I've got all my CTT configs in the CTT folder at the moment, but in the past I used an "MM_Configs" folder and that worked fine, too.

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Silly question, but where does one put this? In the CTT folder, or KSPI?

I just placed it in the KSPI folder. it will work as long it is in the GameData folder and if you installed techmanager and the community tech tree

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Could someone explain to me why it is that we don't launch rockets with no oxidizer, using air scoops to supply the rocket engines? After reaching say 15k meters and 200 m/s flying horizontally until the oxidizer is topped off, then continuing on up to orbit? At a medium altitude, there ought to be enough airflow to dump the heat needed to chill the atmosphere to a liquid.

A rocket engine which scoops oxygen from the atmosphere to mix with fuel is a ramjet engine. Those need to be moving at a decent clip to work though so you need to use a rocket (or a jet engine) to get them going in the first place. On top of that the ram air pressure is not enough on its own to liquefy the gas (and if you liquefy air you get way more non-combustible nitrogen than you do oxygen). Plus you'd need to spend the energy to slow that air down from rocket speed to zero. Very inefficient.

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A rocket engine which scoops oxygen from the atmosphere to mix with fuel is a ramjet engine. Those need to be moving at a decent clip to work though so you need to use a rocket (or a jet engine) to get them going in the first place. On top of that the ram air pressure is not enough on its own to liquefy the gas (and if you liquefy air you get way more non-combustible nitrogen than you do oxygen). Plus you'd need to spend the energy to slow that air down from rocket speed to zero. Very inefficient.

I have terawatts of free energy just lying around, efficiency is not the problem, MASS is the problem. As far as getting more non-combustible nitrogen, that's awesome: Liquefy the oxygen to fill my tanks, and use the nitrogen for thrust in my thermal powered (non-combustion) engine. You don't need combustion to get thermal expansion of a gas: you need heat.

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Could someone explain to me why it is that we don't launch rockets with no oxidizer, using air scoops to supply the rocket engines? After reaching say 15k meters and 200 m/s flying horizontally until the oxidizer is topped off, then continuing on up to orbit? At a medium altitude, there ought to be enough airflow to dump the heat needed to chill the atmosphere to a liquid.

The equipment to condense oxygen and store it for later is bulky and heavy. The cost of lifting it even on a reusable-jet first stage is likely to be greater than the cost of lifting the oxidizer for the entire vacuum phase of the mission from the ground.

Trying to feed a conventional rocket engine with harvested oxygen in real time is similarly heavier and more complex than existing air-breathing engine designs. The closest to this that you're likely to see is something like the Skylon/SABRE concept where you use advanced air-breathing engines to get as high and fast as possible before switching to stored oxygen.

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The equipment to condense oxygen and store it for later is bulky and heavy. The cost of lifting it even on a reusable-jet first stage is likely to be greater than the cost of lifting the oxidizer for the entire vacuum phase of the mission from the ground.

Trying to feed a conventional rocket engine with harvested oxygen in real time is similarly heavier and more complex than existing air-breathing engine designs. The closest to this that you're likely to see is something like the Skylon/SABRE concept where you use advanced air-breathing engines to get as high and fast as possible before switching to stored oxygen.

On the other hand, sufficiently light spaceplanes using electric engines fed by ridiculous power can, for example, feed off of atmospheric CO2 or nitrogen for a good while (basically keep the tank topped off) (I have a magnetic nozzle-run craft I call "Little Zipper") I made a MM config for myself that re-purposes the KarbonitePlus awesome-looking engines (the ones that run of off karborundum) to use the KSPI magnetic nozzle, using LqdNitrogen as the fuel.

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Note: New to the forum, not sure if this is the correct place to write this.

I have been trying to slightly modify the antimatter containment units to carry antimatter right off the bat, instead of having to use antimatter collectors and the like. I have only succeeded in breaking anything related to antimatter by doing this. If anyone could help me with this, I would appreciate this.

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Note: New to the forum, not sure if this is the correct place to write this.

I have been trying to slightly modify the antimatter containment units to carry antimatter right off the bat, instead of having to use antimatter collectors and the like. I have only succeeded in breaking anything related to antimatter by doing this. If anyone could help me with this, I would appreciate this.

I do believe this is fixed in Boris's maintenance thread. This is the way to go anyway since it is compiled for .90.

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How did you try to add it? If you launch the craft you could edit the save.

I think Boris removed it from vab tweaking because of a cost bug.

It is fun to harvest it

Edited by Jarardo1
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Note: New to the forum, not sure if this is the correct place to write this.

I have been trying to slightly modify the antimatter containment units to carry antimatter right off the bat, instead of having to use antimatter collectors and the like. I have only succeeded in breaking anything related to antimatter by doing this. If anyone could help me with this, I would appreciate this.

You could edit the "ResourcesNuclear.cfg" and search for:

%isTweakable = [B]false[/B]
%unitCost = 1

and change false to true

%isTweakable = [B]true[/B]
%unitCost = 1

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i just made a new part that is pre loaded with the max amount of antimatter

Why make a new part if you just can edit the cfg's

With editing the ResourcesNuclear.cfg (see my post above) you can tweak how many resources are in the tanks before you launch your craft.

Or you edit the part.cfg of the tank and set 0 to the maxamount.

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This is my Far Transponder, it is a remotetech relay being sent on an escape trajectory towards Kerbol North. It is powered by a Singularity Mass Converter, as I posted many moons ago in this thread. It has enough mass to run for several thousand (Earth) years. It has ridiculous mass, it will be burning for several real-time hours (QVP) to attain the final trajectory.

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This is my Far Transponder, it is a remotetech relay being sent on an escape trajectory towards Kerbol North. It is powered by a Singularity Mass Converter, as I posted many moons ago in this thread. It has enough mass to run for several thousand (Earth) years. It has ridiculous mass, it will be burning for several real-time hours (QVP) to attain the final trajectory.


Glad to see you got that thing working. Would you care to share the code?

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Glad to see you got that thing working. Would you care to share the code?

Keep in mind that this always runs at 100% power. Realistically, it should not be able to be disabled, but that is not currently a feature of reactors within KSPI. This means that even a small (i.e. tweakscaled smaller (yes, not realistic at all...)) such reactor always outputs ridiculous wasteheat - in image from my above post, I have one scaled down to 1.25m, I have 18 of the largest radiator (folding) on that thing, and I still didn't reach thermal equilibrium until I was at about 71% of max wasteheat capacity. The first build shut down at about 50 km above kerbin (That one only had 8).

@name = SingularityPowerSource
@title = Singularity Mass Converter
@cost = 2000000
@TechRequired = interstellarTechUHEPhysics
@mass = 606//scaled down by 10^3 from presumed RL mass, as per articles referenced in wikipedia article (assuming containment system has neglible mass...)
@description = This device mantains a small magnetically contained "Black Hole", harnessing the Hawking radiation to power the generator.
name = InterstellarTokamakFusionReator
ReactorTemp = 15513
PowerOutput = 18216
upgradedReactorTemp = 646146
upgradedPowerOutput = 100000
upgradedName = High-Q Tokamak
originalName = D-T Tokamak
upgradeTechReq = interstellarTechUHEPhysics
upgradeCost = 2500
radius = 3.75
minimumThrottle = 1
powerRequirements = 10
chargedParticleRatio = 0.5
consumeGlobal = true
reactorType = 4
upgradedReactorType = 512
fuelEfficiency = .99
upgradedFuelEfficiency = .99
@maxAmount = 800000
@amount = 10
@maxAmount = 800000
@maxAmount *= 1.2
name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 3.75

name = S-LH
ReactorType = 512
GUIName = Singularity[LH]
ChargedParticleRatio = .5
Aneutronic = True
NormalisedReactionRate = 1.0
NormalisedPowerConsumption = 1.0
MeVPerChargedProduct = 2
name = LqdHydrogen
FuelName = LqdHydrogen
UsagePerMW = 1.41e-19
Unit = l
name = S-Xe
ReactorType = 512
GUIName = Singularity[Xe]
ChargedParticleRatio = .5
Aneutronic = True
NormalisedReactionRate = 1.0
NormalisedPowerConsumption = 1.0
MeVPerChargedProduct = 2
name = XenonGas
FuelName = XenonGas
UsagePerMW = 1.70e-16
Unit = l
name = S-Air
ReactorType = 512
GUIName = Singularity[Air]
ChargedParticleRatio = .5
Aneutronic = True
NormalisedReactionRate = 1.0
NormalisedPowerConsumption = 1.0
MeVPerChargedProduct = 2
name = IntakeAtm
FuelName = IntakeAtm
UsagePerMW = 2.e-15
Unit = l
name = S-Ar
ReactorType = 512
GUIName = Singularity[Ar]
ChargedParticleRatio = .5
Aneutronic = True
NormalisedReactionRate = 1.0
NormalisedPowerConsumption = 1.0
MeVPerChargedProduct = 2
name = ArgonGas
FuelName = ArgonGas
UsagePerMW = 1.70e-16
Unit = l
name = S-H2O
ReactorType = 512
GUIName = Singularity[H2O]
ChargedParticleRatio = .5
Aneutronic = True
NormalisedReactionRate = 1.0
NormalisedPowerConsumption = 1.0
MeVPerChargedProduct = 2
name = Water
FuelName = Water
UsagePerMW = 1e-20
Unit = l
name = S-Al
ReactorType = 512
GUIName = Singularity[Al]
ChargedParticleRatio = .5
Aneutronic = True
NormalisedReactionRate = 1.0
NormalisedPowerConsumption = 1.0
MeVPerChargedProduct = 2
name = Aluminium
FuelName = Aluminium
UsagePerMW = 7.4074e-22
Unit = l
name = S-N
ReactorType = 512
GUIName = Singularity[N]
ChargedParticleRatio = .5
Aneutronic = True
NormalisedReactionRate = 1.0
NormalisedPowerConsumption = 1.0
MeVPerChargedProduct = 2
name = Nitrogen
FuelName = Nitrogen
UsagePerMW = 2.00e-14
Unit = l
@ReactorType = 524// Singularity reactor has to have base reactorType of 4 to allow calling the function of switching reactor mode (from the fusion reactor modules). This results in glitches unless the upgraded reactor also can use the default fusion mode. This is done by adding the new reactor type # (512) to the reactortype here (prev. 12 = 4 + 8). technically, it only functions as a regular fusion reactor (D-T) until upgraded, but I have set both its upgrade and initial unlocking to the same (final) node. For optimal realism, simply ignore and do not use that mode.

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I have terawatts of free energy just lying around, efficiency is not the problem, MASS is the problem. As far as getting more non-combustible nitrogen, that's awesome: Liquefy the oxygen to fill my tanks, and use the nitrogen for thrust in my thermal powered (non-combustion) engine. You don't need combustion to get thermal expansion of a gas: you need heat.

That's actually exactly what I made possible in my KSPI Extended mod, you can do it now even just above the athmosphere


I'm also working un universal crygenic tanks which should allow you to liquify any gas you scoop up with the atmospheric

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Hi, i'm having some issues with the mod. After a lot of fiddling my Game doesn't crash due to Memory issues. But now it just freezes when reaching the Interstellar Mod to load. No forward, no backward. Memory usage dont change, game dont change. Nothing. It just freezes.

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I updated my CTT config for KSPI. Thank you FreeThinker for the requests.




* Moved the Science Laboratory from "Advanced Science Tech" to "Scientific Outposts".


* Moved the Antimatter Initiated Reactor from "High Energy Science" to "Exotic Reactions".

* Moved the Flat Radiator from "Advanced Electrics" to "Nuclear Power".

* Moved the circradiatorKT from "Advanced Electrics" to "Nuclear Power".

* Moved the circradiatorKT2 from "Advanced Electrics" to "Large Scale Nuclear Power".

* Moved the circradiatorKT3 from "Advanced Electrics" to "Large Scale Nuclear Power".

* Moved the Large Flat Radiator from "Advanced Electrics" to "Large Scale Nuclear Power".

* Moved the Radial Heat Radiators from "Advanced Electrics" to "Large Scale Nuclear Power".

* Moved the Heat Radiators from "Large Electrics" to "High Energy Nuclear Power".


* Moved all the Magnetic Nozzles from "Advanced Plasma Propulsion" to "High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion".

* Moved the Thermal Rocket Nozzles from "High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion" to "Improved Nuclear Propulsion".


* Moved the IR Telescope from "Experimental Science" to "Extended Duration Science Tech".


* Moved the Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer from "Advanced Science Tech" to "Specialized Science Tech".

* Moved the Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer from "Advanced Science Tech" to "Specialized Science Tech".

Edited by Olympic1
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Somewhat KSPI beginner type questions....I've tried scouring teh Intarwebs, but it's not quite answered.

How can I get more than 0.02 kN of thrust out of the magnetic nozzles? I have it hooked to a 2.5m fusion reactor, does it not have enough power? Though I'd expect more than just a tiny, useless amount of thrust for even the power I have. They're supposed to get 675 kN of thrust? I'm trying to get efficient thrust for FTL stage given the large velocities that seem to end up at the end of the jumps.

Antimatter seems very slow to accumulate, at least for a ship that isn't in perpetual orbit around a body to power the collectors....I'm taking it the antimatter reactor is best only in these cases?

I know the Wiki is incomplete, but is there a tutorial for using all the parts? Or at least perhaps some craft files out there so I can see exactly what parts are being used how? The pics are helpful, but I can't always see exactly what the parts are.



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