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  1. Past hour
  2. Yes, here: Player.log Not sure if the player log helps, let me know if anything else is needed! In the meantime, I will return to KSP1
  3. A progress report: almost "square". Suborbital: 92 x -59 km. Came very close, with inexpert handling of the controls. So this vehicle, Kryptonite 3, is probably up to the job. Payload: a Mk-2 capsule and a Hitchhiker for a total of 7 kerbals. Returning to the surface requires something like a half fuel-load, which means that a failed ascent is going to be fatal -- unless some solid booster emergency system can reliably give the crew sections a final "kick".
  4. Sweet, new update! One point I'd like to see is letting the early "go to space" and "space shuttle" contracts to also qualify if you've splashed down. Spaceplane should land properly of course, but for the first 2 space missions landing might be too much.
  5. Today
  6. I am trying to make a patch so all WBIGraviticEngineGenerator modules have their input_resource set to this: This is what a standard gravitic engine part looks like: But the relevant part is this: And this is my patch: Patch seems to have no effect and doesn't show up in MMPATCH.log
  7. For some reason the smelters demand I construct a dyson sphere. I've checked the configs and they look normal enough, I have ZERO clue why they draw this much power when making metal. It's not just in the VAB, they suck that much power in actual use.
  8. It’s a shame it’s an incremental patch after all this time. I see more people worried about the content and lack of updates related to things to do in the game vs the people worried about graphics and performance . The good part is at least now we now know what to expect which imo is not a lot, but a bit better communication than before. Colonies sounds like it’s not coming soon, which is expected but to me it still reads like it’s an earlier stage than I expected with some here claiming they saw hints in the game code and that colonies was almost done since last year, but of course this hasn’t been confirmed by you but it’s a funny rumor to spread around nevertheless.
  9. The exhaust plumes don't make sense to me. Why does that outer layer curve towards the rocket, while the inner layer curves away? shouldn't they both curve away? what force is acting on the outer layer to push it back toward the rocket? If it's not actually accelerating inward, but appears that way due to the rocket's acceleration away from the exhaust then it should be acceleration-dependent and not like that all the time.
  10. Maybe. Or they were reading same sci-fi books. I guess, the early XX style was common. Also, Western movies were shown in cinema. *** What is strange on this picture is that the tower arms are retracted, but the bridge is still extended, and the human on the bridge is waving with hands. Something went wrong? SpaceX, check it just in case.
  11. its a little better with 0.2.1 but Im most waiting for when they make it change colors based on planet
  12. These exhausts vfx is mutch better! Looking forward to see it in action! Are you planning to overhaul the reentry vfx to in line with reality? We got spectacular footage from SpaceX (I have seen you made notes there on X )
  13. Yeah. It should come sooner than later. Ksp 2 is currently around ~700 players down from 5000 at 0.2's launch
  14. ...which of course is undermined by the Jedi being pointedly apolitical to the point of apathy, which the old fluff explored in-depth. Your post kind of reminds me of the in-universe early Imperial propaganda claiming the younglings were mind-controlling the local populace, and so Vader and the 501st did nothing wrong. While I won't entirely disagree, this is a case where a sci-fi cliche muddles our perception. Sci-fi doesn't generally know how to do non-sentient droids. Accordingly, it's not clear how sentient the droids are - and then we wonder into the real-life debate of what sentience is and how AIs can passably "fake" it by simply responding in-line with out expectations. All tha before the question whether sentience is even the primary factor to consider when asking whether droids deserve rights. Also, when SW did finally have a crack at the droid rights problem, it produced a character so obnoxious I signed up with the Butlerian Jihad.
  15. To occupy less place after killing them comfortably, and to need less efforts to cover with ground. How could three men be buried in one tomb? Did they die at once? Then why this burial composition is so strange. Usually people don't bury with hand put on another one's crotch like he's petting or protecting the neighbor. They either align or cross the arms. And the bones don't look lying straight. No gifts are seen. This also makes the sacrifice version less probable. The interworld travellers usually have a bribe for the underworld spirits. It was just a glamour cinematographic version of the native uniform, and I can see nothing caricature in them. For me, it's vice versa, the movie screenshots depict normal warriors of their tribes. They should look frightening for the other tribes, and a gentle nature is not welcomed when a normal practice is to hunt each other, or drill the prisoners' head (traditional for Chukcha and Inuit, based on the XVIII-XIX war reports), or scalping the heads (normal for the Northern Amerindians, despite of the modern nonsense that the Europeans had brought this practice; nowhere in the Europe they do it, just because a settled nation doesn't need to carry the souvenirs and have them lightweight, entire heads on the fence are good enough). Burning and piercing is a normal part of a tribal initiation, this also leaves a print, and illustrates the softness. IIrc, the Indians were successfully using force and violence against other tribes, while of course a missionaire can just give advices. "Righteousness" = "following the right rules, established for greater good". AI can't be programmed, it can be taught on examples. That process can be programmed. Exactly what Savonarola was doing. Everything excessively spent is a sin and should be prohibited. Including the Botticelli's paintings. "Decision" means "punishment for those who doesn't follow it", otherwise it's a "wish". For the punishment, the Wendat should have an intertribal mechanism to force any tribe to follow the decision. Otherwise is just an anarchy. If they had such mechanism, it doesn't look that their society was so much kind and soft, because the punishment is for the whole tribe, including innocents. Good people don't do so. 2000 km2 0.1 human/km2 = 200 hunters-gatherers 1..2 human/km2 = 2000...4000 steppe herders 10..100 human/km2 = 20..200 k peasants All local Siberian peoples (except ~1 mln Yakuts, who are medieval invaders), are 200 k in total, and that's more than was in early XX. Somebody had published a rather optimistic view on the tribal demography. There is no so much food in the forest, that's why the people turn it into plowland. The very place of 35x56 km2 is either for several villages of peasants, or for 2..3 tribes of hunters-gatherers. They are antagonists, they need the opposite. HG need forest, not field; P need field, not forest. At the same time once the agriculture appears, the peasant population exceeds the hunter-gatherer population by orders of magnitude, and inevitable conflicts force the HG either to leave the place, or to be assimilated. So, I'm afraid, it's a fantasy. Alive, but hidden. Also it's cheaper to pay for several guards than for a hundred of workers they guard. Just such practice competes with mass forced labour used by much stronger corporations, lol, so it's marginal or used in places which nobody cares about. Say, the mining in Africa. Of course, technically the children are willingly do it. But in fact, how could they reject? Labour camps and prisons of XX in all developed countries were also a labour force, cheaper than hired ones. For unqualified mass labour, like channel digging, stone crashing, or wood cutting. Btw, V-2 were manufactured by the slaves (prisoners), so even told rocketry.
  16. I agree with that first part, but the 2nd part was established in Empire (though partly not verified until Jedi), when they established that the only 3 known and still living people who could use the force were a dad and his 2 kids.
  17. I've been waiting to play the For Science update until parachutes are fixed. Clouds and colonies stuff is cool or whatever, but none of that matters if I can't rely on the parts of my ship to function, or the navigation UI to be there, or the camera to stay attached to my craft. I'm happy to see an update, but I think it's worth remembering that most players aren't here. The frequency of these posts doesn't matter to them. They only play the game. Often very briefly in the case of KSP2.
  18. Floor 4764: You are in an American city, where everyone for some reason has 4 fingers. Curious about Ned, you find a nearby convenience store and ask if anyone's heard of Ned, and the Indian man in charge of the store points you to a house in the suburbs. You go there and find a very religious and righteous family, right next door to a relatively dysfunctional family consisting of a donut-loving nuclear power plant worker, a housewife with very tall blue hair, an unruly son, a very ruly daughter, and a baby.
  19. Tell you what, Lego. When SLS actually starts flying people to the Moon, I'll buy your set.
  20. Can you add the fuel tanks from the IXS mod to complement the rest of the IXS parts already in the mod? Having to use fuel tanks from other mods (or stock w/ fuel switch) looks out of place.
  21. That is great to hear and glad that stuff is not being put on the back burner.
  22. It would be very interesting to know if Soviet space artists took notes on what their Western counterparts were doing, or if they both read Jules Verne as kids and ended up following the same (convergent) evolutionary path.
  23. A difficult case. The developers are doing anything, but not what this game is. This is just nonsense and clowning! What clouds? Why are they needed in a space simulator at all? This game is an obvious fraud. And it’s unlikely to ever be finished!
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