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Everything posted by komodo

  1. This is neat! I haven't had a chance to check, but does it support other day lengths than 6 hours? If it is something you want to support, it's easy to do so in the code. (I have some examples, just... not on my phone )
  2. It is a 99.9% probability that they are running ReStock. This is the cause of it on my install, as well. I would paste in the corrective whitelist file, but I haven't had a chance to make one yet
  3. This is an excellent DIY type of thing to learn. Look at the second block in https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/blob/master/Gamedata/Bluedog_DB/Compatibility/Snacks/Supply.cfg as an example. Copy that block into a new MM config elsewhere in your game data. (Name it tweaks.cfg or something). Cross out where it says snacks tank type and write in "bdbMonoProp". You are now on the path to being a MM sorcerer.
  4. It is unfortunate that the thread title is out of date. It works perfectly fine with current versions. In fact, most MM or part only mods work fine in 1.6. This is a bit of a special case, interacting with SD, but as it is up to date... rescale away! tldr, the thread name doesn't have a link to compatibility. When in doubt, try it! (On a new save!) it often works more times than it doesn't.
  5. Here comes my "guessing cause can't test now" moment: does the capsule use a separate heat shield, or does the part itself have the ablator? I have had all in one parts end up transferring too much heat to attaches parts inappropriately. Now , I only mention it as somewhere in my head it has this pod with integrated heat shield... But between that and the drag cube fix above... I'm probably talking out my behind!
  6. It was probably extremely simple at the time to send in a form and receive a communist repelling device via mail in return. (I kid, I kid!!!...)
  7. Definitely add them in sections. Things noted, not in order perhaps: You may have two copies of KAS, a regular one and a LEGACY one. I don't know if this is normal for KAS. I would check if Kopernicus is up to date. The first error found is thrown during its loading, but it may be coincidence. Scatterer can't load some shaders, calling out your video card. Running in opengl or DX11 may change, but I am unsure. d3d is failing to create some 2D textures. I do not know how to interpret this. Kopurnicus is throwing NREs on loading the main menu. This is perhaps a red herring: I had something similar once, and it was ultimately due to an error in for a dll that shouldn't have ever touched kopurnicus. (Praise insane KSP coding.) AlternateResourcePanel can't load some icons and is unhappy. You mentioned you had trouble when launching a vessel: RecoveryControler is throwing exceptions towards the end of the log. Some addons have the feature of a punishment for blowing up a craft via rep loss. Do you have any of that sort loaded? I can imagine something like: Craft is not handled correctly when changing crafts. Poof goes craft. Punishment mod slaps save file on wrist. Monthly budgets sees rep loss and takes according action. There are a huge number of lines like this: "delta 0, target amt 200", but I have no idea where they come from or what they mean. Deepfreeze is throwing an exception when trying to talk to Kerbal Alarm Clock. I would check that both are up to date. Way at the end we have "[MonthlyBudgets]: Problem calculating the budget", but this is also in the final moments of shutting down. It may be normal. What I would do is this: Back up your save first. Then: Look at the mods that provide a plugin, and do a binary search. Move half of them out of the GameData folder and see what effect it has. I would take out non-essential ones first, particularly anything graphical as to minimize the impact on your save. If the problems go away, the bad actor was one of the ones removed. If no change, the ones removed were OK. My guess is that you have a plugin (maybe just one) that is mucking things up. My own experience with torturing the game has shown that where an error appears to come from, and where the problem actually is located can be entirely different. It is also worth testing a new/sandbox save to see if it's something particular to the save. (I also may suggest that you hit up the tracking station and delete any leftover debris you might have. I saw a fair bit, and the more things the game has to track, the weirder the results can be...) My totally scientific (aka, out of my behind) guess is that either something in the DeepFreeze/KAC/AlternateResourcePanel setup is not working right, or recoverycontroller hates your craft (or both). I would check them to see if there are updates, and/or experiment with unloading them, but I do not offer any kind of guarantee or responsibility for this guess.
  8. You probably want to post a link to the log anyway... that's a large whack of mods, one of which (or another entirely) is the bad actor, but that many NRE rarely is a good sign. The root of the problem may not be here is all I'm saying, but it's surely somewhere (fixable).
  9. Also absent testing, that should at least do what is expected syntax wise.
  10. Specifically, the second form doesn't work: MM throws out anything other than the first NEEDS. I have somewhat of a CRP patch, but it isn't polished up whatsoever. My free time has about evaporated. I can post it here if anyone would like to take a crack at it, though. It's (almost) always easier to tweak than create...
  11. Thanks much! I may have to juice the patch up a bit for 3.2x, but that's no big deal. what I normally do for these asymmetrical stacks is use ... god, I just blanked on the name... PreciseRCS?, to set the angle of the boosters to zero out any torque as much as possible. It works pretty well if you fill the core to half, set the angle on the motors for that configuration and then do the same for a fullly fueled stack via the booster motors. I haven't tried it on this stack yet (KCT + 3 am syndrome), but I have had (some) success with some Saturn-Buran abominations in the past. bad news is the new/shiny mechjeb launch guidance hates offset payloads, so either a manual launch or the older guidance method is in order. (I have no problem with autopilots: they're both more accurate and harder than doing it manually )
  12. Very cool build! I'm getting ready to launch one of these, albeit with a different payload. Two things real quick: how to keep the booster away from the wing on separation? And I didn't know that the boosters separated in two pairs. That sounds like a ***** to keep the thrust balanced at/after separation. ill have to look for this lh2 patch, I didn't know someone made one.
  13. You are correct. I just missed that when fixing it for the new positions. The fix is to add the "2", in the mean time. It will be fixed in the mod in due course. the clipping was minimized as much as I could. The new US2 wedges are not of uniform geometry, so some compromises had to be made. * won't work because the nodes moved
  14. Looking good! why not KErBOS, though?
  15. Models look cool! Why did they have a shroud on the Titan 1 anyway? It seems it was not required for the '2' series, but it makes sense on the SRB types for some protection from, well, the SRB. (Right?)
  16. A++ for names.
  17. This doesn't set the length of a day for your planet, this defines what an hour is. You want something like daylengthmultiplier if using sigma dimensions, or however you are rescaling, but in their respective configs. That is what controls the actual physics.
  18. It would be interesting and I've never tried, but I can imagine an insane contraption with RCS on the bay doors, opening up to face backwards for maneuvering/thrusting. This only works if the surface attach works, but I imagine it likely doesn't quite work as imagined...
  19. “Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.” I can't tell if you mean fugly rockets in general, or double!Delta in particular. I'll have to give it a go, I suppose... In any case, I bring forth for your viewing pleasure, another rare aeronautical abomination: The Saturn-Shuttle that nobody wanted, nor the one they deserved. (it's technically Saturn-Buran.) Cleek for more. Some of you will be gladdened to know that the mission was approximately a disaster. Ran out of fuel cell juice, ran out of monoprop, created about 200 dV from the ether by trying to hook the payload to the robot arm while still attached to the same vessel... The four brave white uniformed crew members are safe though, thanks to a semi-planned kinetic halt at the ever growing station. Speaking of which... Installed this module last week! Launch 1: Wetlab launched on S1E. Launch 2: One of the 2 CSM on S1B, semi-struggled to orbit with a full fuel load. It docked with the wetlab to perform the initial furnishing/checkout and to then transfer/rendezvous with the station. Arriving at the station, the CSM redocked at a lateral port, and an EVA was performed to change the drogue to a probe. CSM #2 is the rescue/return craft already on station. The two of them in this configuration were able to wrangle the docking, actually fairly decently. I somehow don't have a shot of the completed/current station though.
  20. It has a flawed realplumes patch. Check the issues on the github, I believe I made some notes there on the issue. Easiest fix is to find the realplumes patch and disable it temporarily.
  21. That's actually the only thing it does anymore, as the rest of the parts aren't 'extra' anymore. Alter isn't quite the right word, it's adding a rescaled 7-segment SRB and nosecone, but that's all it does. The original scaled part is left alone. (Source, I just looked at the file in the repository.)
  22. I don't know what else to call it. It's a 'been around forever' mod. Lots of 'missing' parts that you wonder why they're not stock. Doh, ninja'd!
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