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Everything posted by JedTech

  1. I just tested this and it's still working great in 1.11 This is still my favorite mod for managing Surface/AGL vs Orbital/ASL displays in unison.
  2. I believe most of these parts are located in the "GameData\Squad\zDeprecated\" folder. Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but I think it is safe to delete this folder if you are starting a new save and don't plan on using the older versions of the parts.
  3. Yep, it appears so: [1.9.1-1.11]R-T-B's Kopernicus Unified "Bleeding Edge" Branch
  4. This didn't age well. I went and looked ... kopernicus has already been updated!!
  5. I was doubtful this update could provide any value over what we already had with common mods, however I can see that the KSP Team has put some real thought into this update! I'm so excited to upgrade! Great job team!
  6. Just tried it with 1.10 and I get a compatibility error that prevents KSP from loading. It says that launchpad is not compatible. Just FYI and to see if others experience the same result. No rush on an update. Thanks so much for these "Simple" mods! EDIT: The thing preventing KSP load was a Simple Logistics patch problem that is known with a workaround available in the Simple Logistics thread.
  7. @timeb Can you remember the steps to get 1.9.1 B2 or the latest working?
  8. Just coming back and so excited to see this mod up and living! Thanks!
  9. Thanks all, I was able to do all you mentioned and more. It was a great day with beautiful weather and wasn't too crowded. http://imgur.com/gallery/K1Gch9h
  10. I'm here at KSC today. Any suggestions on things I shouldnt miss while here? Photos: http://imgur.com/gallery/K1Gch9h
  11. @zer0Kerbal @Miracle Magician either of you up for maintaining this mod? It's really a good one
  12. Please oh please let the dirt on planets have friction when my Kerbals take a tumble.. I'm soo tired of watching my kerbal slide down a gentle slope for 2 hours not being able to do a thing about it.
  13. Hey thanks for maintaining Zero MiniAVC, it really cleans things up for me.
  14. This is all possible. Try this: Create a shortcut with startup parameter -popupwindow. Launch the game using your customized shortcut. Go to settings and change resolution to your screen size. Uncheck Full Screen. --very important. This allows me to mouse over to other monitors while KSP remains in focus. See this for more details on startup parameters.: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Startup_parameters
  15. Yes I'm serious. You get the base game for the price you paid. Then there should be a way for them to earn revenue/pay costs of their multi-player service. It's perfect because there is a free option for everyone who wants to try or participate.
  16. Time is something we have. In fact, things that take time feel the most rewarding. It only takes days to get to Mun. You play one day, come back another day and start exploring and building bases on the Mun with others players who have done the same. There are lots of multiplayer games where time progresses at normal rates if you are there or not. BUT we would definitely need an automated maneuver system. Do you think real people who control real Mars rovers hate their job because of no time warp?
  17. I'll add that hosting a multi-player environment is an on-going cost, so I would expect a company to want a subscription based service. My example of subscription solutions provides a free option so that all players can participate to some extent. The limitations of course would only apply to multi-player mode.
  18. Congrats and good luck! Don't go too crazy...Tweakscale is awesome because "it just works".
  19. Real time multiplayer is the way to go. It causes people to invest time and effort into a real time community. You can fly what you want to fly, go where you want to go. Can't wait for docking? Don't reap the benefits of docking. Want to go to Mun? It might take a day. We would need a feature in game that can do a scheduled maneuver for you while you're at work or asleep. This could be a real money maker: Subscription based = $$$ Free Membership: Level 1 KSC features. only 1 command module active at a time. Bargain Rockets Membership: Level 2 KSC features. 1 automated maneuver Rockomax Membership: Level 3 KSC features. 2 automated maneuvers.
  20. Just tried, spacedock download is working right now.
  21. I've uploaded the configs to Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/1806/Tweakscale Configs for Making History Requires TweakScale from this thread. License is WTFPL http://www.wtfpl.net/ Please make sure to Delete these configs once TweakScale is updated to avoid duplicate config problems.
  22. I've noticed this as well. I just went through all recent SpaceDock updates and it appears that "Tracking Station Evolved" was the last SpaceDock mod update to make it to CKAN. That was 3 days ago.
  23. The Baguette, Dumpling, and MK1-3 are in 1.4 and not Making History. So those parts are not in the configs I gave you. But I put in a pull request to give those parts configs as well so look for that in the next update to TweakScale.
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