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Everything posted by klgraham1013

  1. Funny thing is, it's been talked about so much, and the truth is dV readouts will probably never be added anyway.
  2. Mainly because I see this system of locks to be poor design. I could write more on it, but I'm sort of losing enthusiasm for the same topic after so more years. Basically, I don't feel like restriction in this way in a good teacher of anything. DV and TWR are the first things the player should learn about launching a rocket.
  3. Why? I've never understood this? Why hide valuable information behind unlocks? Imagine hiding AP/PE? Velocity? Altitude? Imagine hiding ammo counters or health displays in other games until you reached level 5. I mean, that'd be like locking parachutes away at a time when the player would need them the most. Surely, we wouldn't do something like that.
  4. The whole point is ultimate editions make money, which is why there are so many of them. You release multiple DLC and then package them into an ultimate edition later. This brings in customers who had been hesitant on the game, bringing more sales. Though, I'm not sure it would work with KSP, as people have been able to purchase this game for so long. Even the long tail might be dwindling at this point. We don't even know if there will be more DLC after this. It probably depends on the sales of MH.
  5. If it wasn't for KER, I wouldn't be a long time player. I would have probably dropped the game 2 months in after 0.18. I would casually pop in every year to see how that early access game I paid for was doing. Each time, seeing the same failures of design over and over again. If it wasn't for mods, I would have dropped this game a long time ago. DV readout being the most important among them.
  6. The wheels must be facing the right way up for them to work. The rotation is just animation. The wheels are more like sticks that must be pointing downward. If the stick is touching the ground, it can produce forward or backward momentum.
  7. Better question. How many people dropped the game after not being able to get to the Mun because the game doesn't teach them anything.
  8. Yeah. It was procedural created, as were all the planets. I'm sure there was some hand crafting, but not sure how much.
  9. it would be appreciated, but whatever you're willing to do is fine by me. You've already provided some of my must have mods for 1.3.1.
  10. Easter egg over gameplay. Good design.
  11. Wouldn't this issue be solved if the poles were flat?
  12. I never saw the MEM as being Lego style. There's to much going on in it's design. I'd lump it in with the Goliath and Mk3 wings as more model kit than lego.
  13. Basic Orbit and Basic dV are great "simpiler" options for new players. Also, Basic dV's integration into the stock UI is great.
  14. A lot of things haven't made sense recently.
  15. We have quite a number of space center models in the game now. It'd be nice to have them used as various, useable space centers around Kerbin.
  16. Its probably still under NDA because reasons.
  17. Reminder: Take Two didn't buy Squad. They bought KSP.
  18. I heard the Take Two QA team had to do laps after their coach read these forums less than a week after 1.4 dropped.
  19. Trust. I have versions back to 0.24.2. I also think 1.3.1 is pretty darn good, and I had questions about how 1.4 might turn out.
  20. Why should it ever be hidden behind unlocks? Squad needs to stop with making the game artificially more difficult at the beginning of career. The difficultly should come from getting to the next planet, not having vital tools hidden from you.
  21. I believe the suggestion of it being a toggle is in every single thread on the subject. It's like the whole clouds thing. People always seem to forget there is such a thing as graphic settings. Just as with communications, life support would most likely have a toggle. Squad, if anything, has always been a company that puts a load of options into their game.
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