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Everything posted by klgraham1013

  1. @UomoCapra Can you please write "THIS BREAKS ALL MODS!" in giant bold comic sans on the first post?
  2. Oh goodness. Am I going to have to wait several major updates again for terrain seams to be fixed?
  3. Please do. KSP1 deserves to end it's development without all the artistic geology. Looks great so far. Heck yes. Thanks for this. Unity finally improve the wheel code? Can't wait to try this out. It was pretty lame this ever went away. Glad the Unity upgrade fixed it. Thank the Kraken. Still unsure how this ever made it through QA in the first place. Thanks for listening to career players.
  4. I have. They're different games. Depth, or complexity, does not always equal better. In this case, The "lack of depth" just makes for a different play experience. I happen to very much enjoy both games. Again, more does not always equal better or worse. I would suggest actually giving the game a chance, and not immediately dismissing it because it's different. That's enough off topic from me. Though, perhaps such sequel discussion is relevant in some way for KSP2.
  5. When early access first became a thing, I assumed it was more in line with being a patron, if that's the right word. One who pays in advance in an effort to finance a future product. Something in line to paying an artist to paint a painting. The artist still does indeed owe you something beyond the unfinished canvas. It turned out that early access was merely buying a product that was even more unfinished than the unfinished products that were already being released as "finished." As someone who still prefers to buy finished things, even software, I choose to no longer support early access as a concept.
  6. XCOM Enemy Unknown? That's actually one of my favorite games of all time.
  7. Not enough information at this point. I don't support early access anymore. If it seems like something I'll enjoy, I'll probably buy it once they finish the game a few updates after release.
  8. I'm not sure if Star Theory is tagging their posts with #BlameUnity yet.
  9. Macey Dean for sure. That story started as nothing, just a bit of roleplaying, and become something rather exceptional, sincere, and truly touching. It's one of those pieces of KSP and YouTube history that risks being lost to time. It would truly be a sad fate if that does, indeed, comes to pass.
  10. It depends if you're after photorealism or the stylized look Subnautica was actually going for. Personally, I think Subnautica was beautiful and would have no problem if KSP also choose a more semi real approach.
  11. The same way similar FPS, MOBA, or Battle Royale games can run alongside each other. From posts I've read from LinuxGuruGamer and others, the core of KSP1 simply could not handle such things. It's why KSP2 has been built on a new code base. My two cents. KSP1 will have a few more updates while KSP2 is out. Eventually, we'll get that beautiful final update and KSP1 will finally be finished. Hopefully with all the planets and parts (that need it) fully revamped, with most of the major bugs smashed, and a much needed balance pass to career mode.
  12. The first I saw it was from Regex I believe. It's true, the side you oppose created the phrase, but that doesn't make the phrase any less valid. I'm opposed to the use of words like yeet and bae, but that doesn't mean those words are any less valid to the people using them.
  13. Maintaining a pure copy of KSP1 in the event of a nuclear winter is of extreme importance.
  14. I'm just here to leave my support for the anti lolsokerbal side. I feel we are the minority. Everything has been said before, so I'll leave it there. Otherwise, I have to agree, one of the best game trailer I have seen.
  15. I know. It's going to suck when KSP1 gets erased from all the hard drives when KSP2 comes out.
  16. Translation: Everyone else is anti-consumer, so it's okay for KSP to be anti-consumer too.
  17. Maybe? Will KSP2 be unfinished on release? Will KSP2 have inherent and disappointing core design issues? There are far to many "ifs" for this question.
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