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Everything posted by klgraham1013

  1. Not really a great business model having an IP compete against itself. Hopefully Simple Rockets 2 can be the proper competition for KSP2. Competition KSP1 never had, which a lack of, I feel, lead to some of the lack luster features such as career mode.
  2. There ya go. Maybe a colonization mod like MKS as well.
  3. They read my forum posts and decided against hiring me.
  4. The same reason it's nice to have dedicated manned rover parts. If you're fine building rovers out of panels, that's fine. As with building rockets or planes, I prefer actual rover parts akin to the Buffalo, Feline Utility, or Malemute rover packs.
  5. There's a number of mods for Kerbaled rovers, but I can't think of any for unKerbaled rovers. All we really have in the game is the rover body which I've never really cared for. Is there a lego style mod for building such rovers as Curiosity and Opportunity? My mind tells me no, but my heart tells me there should be.
  6. I mean. I'll put dollars to donuts those things were in the Unity change log. Surely Squad would read such a thing.
  7. Real tiny when it's closed. Ridiculously huge when it's open.
  8. Squad is still waiting on Unity to fix the wheel code for them.
  9. @blackheart612 I may have them all converted by the end of the night. If you'd like them, let me know. edit: Got the prop engines done. I think it may just be the placeholder art for the Tail Connectors and Nosecones that's left to do.
  10. @blackheart612 I'm looking into converting some now and over the weekend. Am I blind, or is the Github link not in the main post?
  11. As someone who has hundreds of parts in his shop, I'll politely disagree. Implementation is everything. As an example of what should be: Click on the Tanks tab. A list of bulkheads should come up. There are 7 in the game currently. Select one. Next, select the tank length. Let's say there are 5. Clean and simple just by adding one more click. Look at Tracking Station Evolved. A great example of what a little thought can do when designing something.
  12. Of course. No one actually finishes games before releasing them.
  13. This is a problem with implementation more so than categorization in and of itself. That's basically exactly what I've thought as well for the past however many years. I'd like to think someone at Squad must of thought of it as well.
  14. I mean... Yeah. KSC on the left. Desert on the right. Also, maybe just an art clean up and expansion in general.
  15. Same. I've always believed having a consistent design philosophy is important.
  16. The exception to the rule. 1.3.1 was truly a miracle of the Kraken.
  17. My rule of thumb is to never play a x.x.0 Squad release. Even the x.x.1 releases should be met with a suspicious gaze.
  18. This could also be solved with better organization and UI as opposed to procedural parts. Both ideas have merrit, but, as KSP has already chosen non-procedural, I think Squad taking another look at simplifying clutter would be the best solution. I don't actually think that will happen though.
  19. This is the Suggestions and Development sub-forum for suggestions and discussion of the games development. We all are well aware of the glouriousness of KSPs modding community.
  20. I think that's more of a joke on a few part descriptions. I don't think Squad ever put that much thought into actual Kerbal lore.
  21. Who would win. 10 duck sized Kerbals or 1 Kerbal sized duck.
  22. Space fairing civilization. *yawn* Try harder next time, stupid Kerbal.
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