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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Seriously what is up with the shape of that bus? I don't get it.
  2. -ctn-'s Phoenix Boosters are a good example. @sevenperforce it really is amazing what kinds of ISP they've been able to get out of vacuum solids. The big reason for using them, to my understanding, is just that they're so darn simple and foolproof. I agree with the general sentiment of the thread, I think there needs to be a 0.625m SRB (with or without a nosecone, depends on when it unlocks I guess. Not having one makes more sense since then it could be a small first stage...), 1.25m and 0.625m vac SRB, and one or two lengths of 2.5m SRB (can model them on the AJ-260 that was prototyped in real life).
  3. Eh, it's like Reddit or anywhere else on the internet. There are good communities and bad ones. I'm mostly on it for some of the really great space related groups, along with the memes and doggo pics.
  4. Think you'll do integrated RCS? To be fair, you only need it for attitude control (people that only use the OP reaction wheels are lame ) so they don't need to be balanced necessarily. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you get back in the swing!
  5. Some very early WIP shots of the new LR-105 sustainer for the Atlas rocket... (I'm back after what feels like forever but was actually maybe two weeks)
  6. Looking good! Thanks for affirming my decision to split the parts up the way I did - this awesome part wouldn't be possible without it
  7. MFW no angery react (Since I think some people don't get it, FB's angery ((yes, misspelled)) react, and using it for everything including things you like, was a minor meme for a while when they first added them. Wasn't trying to add negativity to the forums) also, first
  8. How long ago? A fair number of the parts have received revamps, Skylab and a bunch of smaller stuff was released. Things have been sort of start-and-stop for a while now.
  9. Craft files would have the parts from the 1.3 releases...
  10. Alrighty! So, some time ago, the amazing @PickledTripod challenged my friends: To raise money for me to have a better PC for modding, freelance work, and rendering/cutting my demo reels for job applications (also, as a combination graduation/birthday present), he would match their donations. In the end, they raised nearly $600 for upgrades to my PC - basically, close to 3x the budget I had when I originally cobbled mine together from a handful of hand-me-down parts. I am still loading the software on to the PC, but I am so STOKED to get working on this thing! I want to throw out a massive thank you to users @steedcrugeon, @TimothyC, @rasta013, @passinglurker, @ISE for donating towards this new PC. For those interested, the parts list: CPU - AMD Ryzen R7 1700 Motherbord - Asus Prime B350 Plus RAM - 16 GB GSkill DDR4 2800 GPU - Nvidia GTX 780 (This was actually ALSO donated by @PickledTripod at the beginning of this year!) PSU - Corsair Builder Series 600W PSU (One of the few parts from my old PC to stick around) Case - Phanteks Eclipse P400S Black/Red Special Edition CPU Cooler - Cryorig H5 Ultimate (not in yet, messed up and thought they'd packaged the AM4 plates with it - they're in the mail!) Storage - Samsung 480gb SSD (on top of the two HDDs that I will now be able to use for media/work storage) Potato pictures - the next purchase I make is getting rid of this Windows Lumia 435 phone!
  11. Very neat! Been a bit busy here as of late. Since Beale is currently out of town and work on Commonwealth Rockets is paused, I will try to get back to work on Atlas some time this week. The big things remaining for it are the engines, adapter bits, the various utility parts such as decouplers (Finally, we'll have a decent 1.875m decoupler in BDB that isn't the tall Titan one!). Apologies for the lack of updates here recently. In other news, my personal life has taken a turn due to some very generous members of the KSP community. Will post more information soon...
  12. Lovely work! I know this is somewhat out of the realm of KSP, but I figured your might know based on your research: In Stephen Baxter's voyage, they talk about how they are seated on their backs during reentry, but then they stand up and strap into a vertical arrangement for the landing (for visibility). Considering the Columbia MEM in the book is basically a rebranded NAR MEM, do you know if that was part of the real proposal?
  13. Check out the mod Taerobee, originally made by @Beale but with some later additions from me. It has a kerbalized KSP V-2 (hard with the shape to keep it 'lego-y'), an Aerobee/WAC, and an X-1. Actually, one of these days I need to clean up the last bunch of updates I did for it... I don't think I ever uploaded them...
  14. Could also update the KIS patch included with the mod and make a pull request on Github so it is included in the next release.
  15. I'd hope he did, I was showing him WIP screenshots all afternoon in out group chat.
  16. You don't need to use trig for the nodes. You can just use empties that are in your parts and define them as attach nodes using the NODE { } module. If you have it installed, look at the BDB Parachute Mount's part config. It's just an empty and the node faces the Z+ orientation. Some other things jump out at me. The windows feel quite big - remember glass is actually one of the heavier materials used in space, and has to be very thick to hold up to pressures. Since you have that bezel on it, you might be able to just scale down the glass on the inside face say 10-20% and it will still look right. Quoting this next one from another post of mine: Finally, the overall paneling etc. I'd suggest taking a look at the tutorials made by myself or the one made by @Stevie_D in order to get the more 'porkalike' paneling look.
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