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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. And, interestingly, as near as i can tell that booster design in turn dates back to a mid-80s proposal for something called 'Comet Saturn', albeit I think without the F-1B. Unfortunately ETS isn't the only non-RL thing that features in BDB, though i believe it's the only thing that isn't just random proposals. I honestly don't even remember what the bug was at this point. Thanks for reminding me to look at it though - that was one of my goals for this update.
  2. Sorry, as much as I love and respect ShadowMage's work on this I can't see myself remaking everything for a PBR workflow unless it was generally adopted.
  3. Yup! They were included in the original release. They *should* come up in the VAB if you search Skylab. Same as normal Skylab! The European Research Module and the Airlock (note that there will also be an alternate adapter part to reflect the change in the airlock's location) were added later using AARDV tugs (basically, an automated Block III service module with a docking port on top) I never got around to getting them in game. I tend to follow a 'path of least resistance' when it comes to working; if i don't feel like getting the Unity and cfg setup done (which are by far the most boring part), I just work on new models textures. It all tends to work out, though I know I'm very overdue for a release and I apologize. I had one day last week where i could work on Unity/cfg stuff but i spent it getting the revamped Apollo stuff in game. The Spacelab stuff kind of just happened because someone was talking to me about it and i got inspired. In general, to let people know where my head is at right now: As much as i love smaller launchers and probes, I think the most important part of BDB (to me and most people) is the manned stuff, especially the expanded Apollo and Saturn parts. They've also been fairly underdeveloped in the mod so far. I'd like to orient my work back towards that after this release. Big things near the top of that list - mostly because there is some measure of work done for the already - would include the ETS Saturn, Spacelab and AARDV Block 2 parts, the AJ-260 boosters, E-1, as well as Big G, the Gemini lander, and possibly LDC Titan; however, I'd also like to get an update out that focuses more on payloads so lifters like that are still on the back seat for now. As always, I have finite time and there's always so much stuff that can be done. I've mentioned it before but there is definitely room in the world for BDB expansions in areas I do not have time to cover. While i don't have time to hold peoples hands, those that are self-starters and are willing to put the time in will get some measure of direct support from me and other modders working in the 'stockalike real world rockets' universe.
  4. Apologies for the delay everyone - I was reminded recently that I had said I'd work on this. The good news is, the way the old models were made means that anything I don't get to will still work, since everything has it's own textures etc. Unfortunately, some difficulties I've had mean that the models mean they won't be simple 'drop in' replacements in the way that, say, Ven's Stock Revamp works. However there are ways we can avoid breaking saves. Without further ado...
  5. Hrmm... anyone want to update the KIS compatibility file on Github? I think it had something to do with the real APAS being closer to 0.9375m? Maybe? And CxAerospace already had them in 1.25m. It's definitely possible, just not the thing that's likely to happen. I could do it but it would probably take up a whole evening. Uh, sure ok!
  6. It's from Bluedog Design Bureau. He's using the optional RealNames.cfg; I'm not sure what the vanilla name for it is.
  7. Hrmmm... y'know, looking at it again, the ETS CADS docking port is closer to 1.25m... But, I remember there was a very convincing reason (at the time) to have the BDB CADS ports as 0.9375m. I will have to take a look at the part but I don't believe I actually have the Unity source files for it since I didn't make the original part. Yeah, unfortunately @CaptainPanda those doors aren't actually modeled so much as they are textured. Originally there were just plates and I intended people to mount the SEP mod lockers on them, but someone pointed out to me people might want KIS storage and might not necessarily want SEP, which lead to the doors being textured on. I'm not quite sure what the issue is - does the descent stage not have any KIS storage? (In which case the cfgs need to be updated)
  8. and it happens with just a standard rocket build? Are you using advanced tweakables on it? (And if so, which ones?)
  9. Stockalike Station Parts Expansion (this mod ) (sometimes called SSPX)
  10. Alright, just to show you guys that I am still working... I also have some bad news. Ya boi is now gainfully employed! Unfortunately, I don't know how that will effect the speed of BDB updates. I guess we'll all just have to see!
  11. Alright well, Simulate World Space must be unchecked... I still want to know what's up with your texture you're using. Mine is just black with a white blob in the middle. I also don't quite understand what the problem is. Is it not creating anything when you export from Unity? Or are you having trouble using it in game?
  12. The particles need to be on the same object that has the part tools, I believe.
  13. What makes you think it's something with BDB? Is it one of our engines doing it? Sadly the error doesn't seem very descriptive.
  14. Alright, yeah. If you can post some screenshots of what it looks like in Unity (including the particle component in the inspector window), as well as the cfg for the part, that'd be helpful.
  15. I meant - were you using a DDS as your source file? If so, part tools won't export it, and your particle emissive won't work. That was an issue I ran into making my first particle emissive.
  16. Can you post some screenshots of what you mean? And what is the format of the texture you're exporting?
  17. Indeed, @DECQ's work is awesome and I actually used it for reference on the Saturn 1C launcher from Eyes. Very different art styles and intents. However, I'm pretty sure @Abpilot was joking (evidenced by the )
  18. I, uh, 'ate' that part of the texture when I touched up the RL-10. But I did have a plan for it, thanks for reminding me!
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