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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Hey y'all! Two things: 1) The venus flyby and revised SLA parts got uploaded to Github last night. 2) Dev stream, focusing on getting the Atlas finished, starting in about 30 minutes on Twitch.
  2. So, last night I managed to upload the configs for the new parts but not the .mu model files. Will fix as soon as I'm home! However, I do have something new for you! A brand new supplemental manual for BDB, covering the construction and operation of MOL and Skylab space stations! Once again, this is brought to us by the amazing @DiscoSlelge! Please take a look, tell him how awesome it is, and let him know if there are any issues. Click the image below to be taken to the PDF!
  3. Yup, someone (I believe IceDown) already logged a Github issue with it. That part got revamped and reexported from Unity recently, and my theory is that the first time I fixed it I didn't save, causing me to export a new broken part during the revamp.
  4. Apparently the decouplers in the Making History expansion also have hollow colliders, thought i believe that's more for shenanigans (think the Ml1 Structural Fuselage and what people get up to with that) than for the purposes we are describing.
  5. I just uploaded a fix to the Github for the solar panel. I really don't have time to spend balancing and getting everything polished. I really rely on forum users contributing feedback and occasionally creating pull requests. So, if you see something, say something! I am not sure what to do for those dishes.
  6. Started feeling kind of sick after the stream ended last night and didn't get to upload the new parts, but please enjoy these screenshots:
  7. Alright, first off, just stopping in to say I'm going to try and do another development stream this afternoon, starting around say noon eastern time. As always, you can find it on my Twitch channel. Come by for crappy lo-fi and occasionally interesting space history conversations. In the meantime, I want to answer the backlog of posts on the thread... Glad to hear it! I have played with the 2.5x a bit for testing and I have to say that it does really feel a lot better. The rescale cfg isn't really 'supported', it is more a side project by Jso. I never really modeled the skylab parts with the intention of letting them be rescaled, but if you got it working yeah go ahead! The correct thing to do is fork the github, make the commit, and then submit a pull request which lets us review the changes and make the merge. I'm not sure what you mean by the H-1 engines not having enough thrust? I can take off with a Saturn 1B just fine... the deltaV is a bit suspect but it was on the real one too (the Apollo fuel tanks were basically just fumes when it launched to save weight). Thanks! I'll take a look at those. As others have said, I usually just stage them separately a second or two before liftoff so the rocket has a chance to settle. I don't really know anything about launch clamps so I don't know how to fix it. I like it a lot too! That one even has accurate doors which is a nice touch. I wonder if there are two separate hatch colliders. Yup! It occurred to me that the venus flyby would only take 1 (well, now 2) new parts. I view the endgame of BDB in sort of 3 distinct parts - LEO, Moon, Interplanetary. LEO being stations like Skylab/Spacelab (there are still new parts I can add for S-IVB derived stations, such as a S-II > S-IVB interstage adapter that is filled with stuff), Moon being AAP-based longer term moon sorties and even primitive bases (things like LEM Shelter), and Interplanetary being stuff like this. There are more complex designs I'd like to take on at some point, but for now I thought it would be fun to include just the most simple one in this update. Future ones would have things like active radiators that could prevent boiloff of LH2 like in Ares... well, just in general, the Ares interplanetary vehicle (not the MEM - @TiktaalikDreaming is already making a nice new one!) is on my 'todo' list. But, for now, I need to finish this, finish the Saturn 1 revamp, put the last touches on Atlas, take care of all the issues people have logged on Github, and get this release out because it is going to be big. Indeed. Now I'm wondering if it would be worth it to have mesh switching for the ejectable panels to make them also capable of being the full-nose type SLA...
  8. lol, uh, @silentvelcro can Lonesome Robotics has shuttle or soyuz?
  9. will try to respond to other posts later, but right now I just want to say that, now that I am able to stream again, I'd like to try and have a short (2-3 hour) dev stream tonight starting around 7 PM Eastern. on mobile so i can't grab the link but the Twitch ID is CobaltWolfy.
  10. I thought I had uploaded the Saturn Multibody files over a week ago... apparently I didn't. They're up on Github now.
  11. I only stayed 4 places, but then when I graduated this past June I moved home for 4 months, then to a temporary living situation at a place my company provided, and now into a studio by myself.
  12. Hrmm, it could be that I haven't re-exported certain parts since then. Rest assured that the S-IVB got some touchups and will have new models in the upcoming release.
  13. Another move, another apartment! However, hopefully this one will be my home for more than a year... I am still unpacking, but taking a quick break right now to respond to some posts... Makes sense, but to my knowledge the Multibody's orange IS foam. But considering how small the extra texture to create the Multibody was... this gives me an idea... Uhm, not sure what you mean? The 1.0 release was over a year ago. These days it's just occasional updates that add new or revamped parts, general polish, etc. Alright, so that's not a 'bug' per say. It's a setting in the material, for rim lighting, which is Unity/KSP's name for an approximation of fresnel reflections - incidentally, many games (Fallout 4 especially comes to mind) add intense rim lighting to character models which is why they look so strange in the dark. I originally made it too intense on the Saturn parts, but thought I had fixed it. Additionally, some parts might not have it set in their material yet. However, @notJebKerman that image in your screenshot contains a broken normal map for the service module. When did you last download BDB? I know I have accidentally uploaded them to the GitHub several times (long story, basically I need to convert them externally before exporting the parts in game and sometimes I forget) but I thought right now the files would be fine. If it helps at all, this is the level of rim lighting that things should have when I'm not messing up (see the bottom right of the module):
  14. Ok so apparently the album didn't actually embed. So, see link / click the image. https://imgur.com/a/OGgKk
  15. Me and @Beale should have a race to making flyby crafts. I'd have to find something more complex/interesting than the single-new-part design I was working on the other day, but we'd wind up with whatever I find AND a TMK.
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